108 research outputs found

    1 歳児と保育者のふれあい遊びにおける共感的相互作用の事例研究

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    This study aimed to clarify sympathetic interaction in playing with physical contact(fureai asobi) between one-year-olds and childcare workers. Specific cases were used to investigate which types of games with oneyear-olds stimulated empathetic interaction. The childcare workers communicated their enjoyment of the play to many children, helped them to actively participate, and, to aid active participation, immediately read the children’s moods, enjoyed the games, and were actively engaged. We conclude that this interaction led to sympathetic interaction

    表現遊びの作品作成過程における学びの要因 : 保育者を目指す大学生の集団活動を通して

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the cognitive framework of the creative processes of expression play( hyogen-asobi). The subjects of this study were 100 students of expression classes held at a childcare worker training course. In the process of creating works of expression play, five factors were selected consisting of degree of completion, creativity, strain, resistance, and enjoyment. The research revealed that in the creative processes of expression play, students felt both positive and negative factors. The students became aware of the importance of cooperation in regards to their own body expressions and the value of expression play for children

    幼児の身体表現の指導に関する保育者の意識について : 身体表現の指導に関する困難さについてのアンケートの検討を通して

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze questionnaires about body expression education of kindergarten teachers. It is revealed that the teachers find difficulty in theaching process. As a result, 114 items were submitted. The problems on a method of support, on teachers themselves, on the ways of preparing environment, and on the changes of children were pointed out


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    Bodily expression play is play, accompanied by body movements, that happens amid interactions with others. It becomes a site for the deepening of mutual communication, as the children seek to understand the intentions of others while expressing themselves through exchanges of body movements, words, facial expressions, and eye contact. This study aims to explain the characteristics of 3-year-olds and 5-year-olds in terms of their development of bodily expression play through sympathetic interaction. By having children play with a scarf, I observedsympathetic interactions, in which fun is shared, to further expand their relationships. When prompted by one-on-one imitation, response, and synchronization, the 3-year-olds started and developed their play with a nearby partner by sharing in the fun. It became a game of lining up scarves in different colors. I observed them playing by experimenting with the scarves, jumping over them, wearing them, throwing them up in the air, and catching them with their heads and hands. In contrast, 5-year-olds developed their play by varying imitation and synchronization. They found the appropriate sense of distance for and continued their play by cooperating with a partner while assessing the surrounding situation. I observed them expressing themselves by moving the scarves around and wearing them around their waists, heads, and shoulders. Based on my observations, it is suggested that this kind of interaction, which involves the sharing of pleasant emotions in a comfortable relationship, leads to the development of play

    身体表現遊びにおける保育者と幼児の相互作用を高める指導 ―保育者の「言葉がけ」に着目して―

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    本研究の目的は,身体表現遊びにおける保育者と幼児の相互作用を高めるためには,保育者のどのような「言葉がけ」が 有効性を発揮するかを検討することである。この目的を達成するため,まず,幼児教育における表現力の育成に関する先行 研究を精査して課題を抽出し,次に,幼稚園において幼児の身体表現遊びの観察を行い,そのデータから抽出されたエピソ ードを分析した。その結果,保育者と幼児の相互作用を高めるのに有効な保育者の「言葉がけ」を指導上の行為概念として 抽出し分類することができた。幼児が身体表現遊びを楽しむ過程で保育者と幼児の相互作用を高めるには,保育者による「肯 定」「反復」「質問」「同調」「言語化」「誘導」「提案」の7種類の言葉がけが重要な役割を果たしていることが明らかになっ た。これらの言葉がけは,保育者が身体表現遊びの指導を構想するうえで具体的示唆を与えるものと期待される

    Proteome-wide analysis of protein abundance and turnover remodelling during oncogenic transformation of human breast epithelial cells

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    Background: Viral oncogenes and mutated proto-oncogenes are potent drivers of cancer malignancy. Downstream of the oncogenic trigger are alterations in protein properties that give rise to cellular transformation and the acquisition of malignant cellular phenotypes. Developments in mass spectrometry enable large-scale, multidimensional characterisation of proteomes. Such techniques could provide an unprecedented, unbiased view of how oncogene activation remodels a human cell proteome. Methods: Using quantitative MS-based proteomics and cellular assays, we analysed how transformation induced by activating v-Src kinase remodels the proteome and cellular phenotypes of breast epithelial (MCF10A) cells. SILAC MS was used to comprehensively characterise the MCF10A proteome and to measure v-Src-induced changes in protein abundance across seven time-points (1-72 hrs). We used pulse-SILAC MS (Boisvert et al., 2012), to compare protein synthesis and turnover in control and transformed cells. Follow-on experiments employed a combination of cellular and functional assays to characterise the roles of selected Src-responsive proteins. Results: Src-induced transformation changed the expression and/or turnover levels of ~3% of proteins, affecting ~1.5% of the total protein molecules in the cell. Transformation increased the average rate of proteome turnover and disrupted protein homeostasis. We identify distinct classes of protein kinetics in response to Src activation. We demonstrate that members of the polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) are important regulators of invasion and migration in MCF10A cells. Many Src-regulated proteins are present in low abundance and some are regulated post-transcriptionally. The signature of Src-responsive proteins is highly predictive of poor patient survival across multiple cancer types. Open access to search and interactively explore all these proteomic data is provided via the EPD database (www.peptracker.com/epd). Conclusions: We present the first comprehensive analysis measuring how protein expression and protein turnover is affected by cell transformation, providing a detailed picture at the protein level of the consequences of activation of an oncogene

    運動会における表現遊びの実践 ―身体表現遊び「あした 天気にな~れ」の構成内容の検討―

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    It is the most important for little children that using their whole bodies,they imitate something and express freely their selves with various kinds of rhythm. We continue to create works of body expression and introduce those to teachers in a nursery school or a kindergarten. So we should know how they put the work into practice and consider what factors give little children good effects through enjoying body expression. We give a concrete example for discussion. We created a work,“Wish fine day tomorrow”,for which we got the idea from daily children lives. Little 62 children,four years old,could be enjoying our work in the athletic festival of their kindergarten. We could see,by cooperation of the kindergarten,how they performed it as their own expressions and what influences they could have in their daily lives after their experiences. Then,we consider teaching materials of body expression and how to teach them


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    Toward continuous quantification of lava extrusion rate: Results from the multidisciplinary analysis of the 2 January 2010 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Reunion

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    International audienceThe dynamics of the 2–12 January 2010 effusive eruption at Piton de la Fournaise volcano were examined through seismic and infrasound records, time-lapse photography, SO2 flux measurements, deformation data, and direct observations. Digital elevation models were constructed for four periods of the eruption, thus providing an assessment of the temporal evolution of the morphology, the volume and the extrusion rate of the lava flow. These data were compared to the continuous recording of the seismic and infrasonic waves, and a linear relationship was found between the seismic energy of the tremor and the lava extrusion rate. This relationship is supported by data from three other summit eruptions of Piton de la Fournaise and gives total volume and average lava extrusion rate in good agreement with previous studies. We can therefore provide an estimate of the lava extrusion rate for the January 2010 eruption with a very high temporal resolution. We found an average lava extrusion rate of 2.4 m3s−1 with a peak of 106.6 m3s−1 during the initial lava fountaining phase. We use the inferred average lava extrusion rate during the lava fountaining phase (30.23 m3s−1) to estimate the value of the initial overpressure in the magma reservoir, which we found to range from 3.7×106 Pa to 5.9×106 Pa. Finally, based on the estimated initial overpressure, the volume of magma expelled during the lava fountaining phase and geodetic data, we inferred the volume of the magma reservoir using a simple Mogi model, between 0.25 km3 and 0.54 km3, which is in good agreement with previous studies

    対話的な手法によるふれあい遊びの実践 ―幼稚園2 歳児クラスの表現遊びを通して―

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    This study sought to implement imaginary play for a class of 2-year-olds in preschool. A teacher was asked to describe her views on guidance and her specific considerations while looking at video recordings on the implementation of that play. This study also sought to examine the considerations made by and guidance provided by that teacher during implementation of interactive play through dialogue. Taking into account the level of development of 2-year-olds, Teacher A emphasized the association between creation of a play environment in which young children feel at ease and a feeling of normalcy. Teacher A also implemented play as a way to foster a sense of ease by starting with simple movements. Moreover, Teacher A also took into account the process of play in order to encourage children to fully engage in free play. Individual connections with children were taken into account, and even when the teacher held a child’ s hand the teacher provided assistance in her estimate so that the child would naturally hold other child’s hand and thus maintain their relationship. Such steps were found to create a comfortable environment. Play was found to develop through dialogue. The teacher would frequently look at a child and modify her behavior, talking to the child so that the child gradually grew accustomed to the interaction. The teacher also predicted the child’s actions and talked to the child at the appropriate time