91 research outputs found

    Management of technical skills of highly qualified female athletes specializing in athletic jumps

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    Significant improvement of efficiency in managing technical mastery of female athletes-jumpers depend on the operational response to the emerging new technologies, their approbation and implementation in practice. The article introduces new opportunities for the use of simulators in the process of technical training of highly qualified female jumpers. The authors demonstrate the principal possibility of the applied use of the "facilitating-the-leadership" simulator for improvement of motor actions of female athletes. Obtained results show evident prospects of further expanding of the use of technology and simulators in the system of present-day preparation of highly skilled female athletes

    Innovative entrepreneurship in education: A new look in the students training content and existing problems

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.This article is aimed at scientific and methodological justification of students’ training content to innovative entrepreneurship. The leading method in the study of this problem is the analysis of students’ innovative entrepreneurship learning experience in Russian universities, which reveals the predominance of the traditional approach in the content of students’ training, as well as unwillingness of the teaching staff and students to innovate. The article identified the necessary competences in the field of innovative entrepreneurship (professional, business, functional, social and communicative), as well as entrepreneurial qualities (integrity, credibility, intelligence, presence of imagination, ability to make decision, ability to organize control, to provide justification of decisions); the methodology of students’ gradual of entrepreneurial competences is developed; factors blocking the effectiveness of the students’ entrepreneurial competences’ formation are revealed

    The managerial mechanism of future competitive technical specialists vocational training: The Russian experience

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the paper is reasoned by the search for adequate mechanisms to manage vocational training of future competitive technical specialists. Modern economies demand the training of technical specialists’ new generation ready to project and engineering, production and technological, organizational and management, science and research, service and operational professional activities, as well as the fulfillment of skilled work using modern equipment for the developed technological process. One of the variants of the organization of vocational training of future competitive technical specialists is based on the integration of educational curricula of different levels (primary, secondary and high). The purpose of the paper is to develop a managerial mechanism for future competitive technical specialists’ training based on the integration of educational curricula at different levels (primary, secondary and high). The leading method is the method of action research, allowing obtain new knowledge on the managerial mechanism for vocational training of specialists, capable of a certain type of practical activities, self-organization and competitiveness on the labor market through the integration of primary, secondary and high levels of educational curricula. The article defines the essence of integrated educational curricula of primary, secondary and high levels of vocational training; it justifies the organization of control and assessment procedures of students’ vocational training through the integration of educational curricula at different levels; proposes an algorithm of students’ selection to study on integrated educational curricula. Paper Submissions can be useful for research and teaching staff of technical specialists’ vocational training system, experts of training and retraining centers in the training content’s selection and structuring of research universities’ scientific and pedagogical staff development

    Optimization of routine immunohistochemical diagnostics of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a large oncomorphology department

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    То determine the panel of immunohistochemical (IHC) markers, suitable for morphological confirmation of Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL). Materials and Methods: Verification of the 300 cases was based on histological and IHC analysis using antibodies to CD30, CD15, PAX-5, CD45, CD20, CD3, fascin, BLA-36. Results: 'Molecular portrait* of Reed-Stemberg cells in cases of 'classic' HL varied: the frequency of positivity to CD30 was 98%, C015 - 74%, PAX5 - 96%, CD45 - 3%, the CD20 -13%, fascin - 96%, BLA-36 - 78%. The most common histological types of HL was nodular sclerosis (NS). Less commonly diagnosed mixed-ceilularity HL - 90 (30%), the classic lymphocyte predominant -10 (3.3%) and lymphocyte depleted - 5 (1.7%). Nodular lymphocyte predominant variant was diagnosed in 5 (1.7%) cases. Conclusion: IHC method allows reliable verification of Hodgkin's lymphoma and its variant. We can recommend assessment of CD30, PAX5, CD15, fascin as first-line diagnostic markers of HL, and antibodies BLA36, CD20, CD45 as auxiliary markers.Цель: Определить панель иммуногистохимических (ИГХ) маркеров для диагностики лимфомы Ходжкина (ЛХ). Материалы и методы: Проводился гистологический и ИГХ анализ 300 случаев ЛХ с антителами к СОЗО, CD15, PAX-5, CD45, CD20, CD3, фасцину, BLA-36. Результаты: «Молекулярный портрет» клеток Рид-Штернберга в случаях «классической» ЛХ варьировал: частота позитивности на CD30 составила 98%, CD15 - 74%, РАХ5 - 96%, ОЛА - 3%, CD20 -13%, фасцин - 96%, BLA-36 - 78%. Самым частым гистологическим вариантом лимфомы Ходжкина оказался нодулярный склероз (NS). Реже диагностировался смешанно-клеточный вариант - 90 (30%), классический вариант богатый лимфоцитами -10 (3,3%) и вариант с подавлением лимфоидной ткани - 5 (1,7%). В 5 (1,7%) случаях выявлен нодулярный вариант с преобладанием лимфоидной ткани. Вывод: ИГХ метод позволяет верифицировать диагноз ЛХ и уточнить её вариант. Вначале можно рекомендовать определение CD30, РАХ5, CD15, фасцина, на втором этапе-антитела к BLA36, CD20, ОЛА

    Morphological changes of the gastric mucosa in patients with duodenogasric reflux: relationship with acidity and helicobacter pylori

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    Purpose: to reveal the peculiarities of the duodenogastric reflux (DGR) impact on acidity and morphological features of the gastric mucosa in patients with "primary" reflux gastritis, as well as in cases of reflux gastritis in combination with H. pylori. Methods: 66 patients with chronic reflux gastritis were examined, 15 people formed a control group. All patients had gastric endoscopy with determination of the gastric acidity and concentration of bile acids. Biopsy material for histological examination was obtained from 55 patients, in 12 cases of suspected intestinal metaplasia additional histochemical (PAS and alcian blue) and immunohistochemical (cytokeratin 20, Villin, carcinoembriogenic antigen, MUC2, CD45) assays were performed. Results: the level of acidity in patients with DGR was higher (pH = 3.55 ± 2.3) compared to the control group (pH = 6.85 ± 1.34). Cases of DGR differed from the control group regarding the mononuclear infiltration (p=0,001), foveolar hyperplasia (p=0,001) in both antral and fundic parts of the stomach, mucosal edema (p=0,022) and atrophy (p=0,02) at the level of the antrum, and intestinal metaplasia (p=0,022) at the level of the body. In the presence of H. pylori infection, in addition to the abovementioned signs, infiltration by cells of acute inflammation (p = 0.005) was detected, which indicates an increase in the damaging effect of H. pylori infection in DGR. Conclusion: DGR may lead to "oxidation" of gastric contents. The effect of DGR leads to intestinal metaplasia of the body and atrophy of the antral part of stomach, chronic inflammation and foveolar hyperplasia. The presence of H. pylori boosts the morphological changes in the gastric mucosa caused by DGR.Цель: выявить характер воздействия дуоденогастрального рефлюкса (ДГР) на морфологические показатели слизистой оболочки желудка при «первичном» рефлюкс-гастрите, в том числе, в сочетании с H.pylori, исследовать связь ДГР с уровнем кислотности. Материалы и методы: обследовано 66 пациентов с рефлюкс-гастритом, 15 человек составили группу контроля. Всем пациентам проведена эзофагогастродуоденоскопия с определением кислотности и концентрации желчных кислот в желудочном содержимом. 55 пациентам проведено гистологическое обследование биопсийного материала слизистой оболочки желудка, при наличии признаков кишечной метаплазии 12 пациентам проведено дополнительное гистохимическое (окраска Шифф-йодной кислотой и альциановым синим) и иммуногистохимическое (определение экспрессии цитокератина 20, виллина, MUC2, ракового эмбрионального антигена, CD45) исследование. результаты: Уровень кислотности у пациентов с ДГР был выше (рН=3,55±2,3) по сравнению с группой контроля (рН=6,85±1,34). Из морфологических признаков при дГр значимо отличались от группы контроля мононуклеарная инфильтрация (р=0,001), фовеолярная гиперплазия (р=0,001) в обоих отделах желудка, отек (р=0,022) и атрофия (р=0,02) антрального отдела, кишечная метаплазия (р=0,022) на уровне тела желудка. При наличии инфекции H. pylori, помимо уже выявленных признаков, выявляется инфильтрация клетками острого воспаления (р=0,005), что свидетельствует об усилении повреждающего действия инфекции H. pylori при ДГР. Выводы: Воздействие ДГР приводит к «окислению» желудочного содержимого. Воздействие ДГР приводит к кишечной метаплазии тела и атрофии антрального отдела желудка на фоне хронического воспаления и фовеолярной гиперплазии. Присутствие H. pylori усиливает вызванные ДГР морфологические изменения слизистой оболочки желудка

    Исследование терапевтической эффективности тровентола у больных бронхиальной астмой и хронической обструктивной болезнью легких профессионального генеза

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    Respiratory pathology takes 15 to 35 % of occupational diseases and a half of them falls to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical efficiency and safety of troventol in workers of rubber industry and other hazardous fields and in agriculture workers suffering from asthma or COPD. The study involved 33 workers of hazardous industries of Moscow and 35 agriculture workers. Methods used included questionnaire, physical examination, spirometry, bronchodilating test, methacholine challenge test, peak flowmetry, measurements of NO in the exhaled air (NOexh) and total IgE level before and after treatment with troventol under the continuing hazardous exposure condition. The daily dose of troventol depended on the severity of the disease and ranged 80 to 240 μg. The therapy with troventol has resulted in improvement of cough from 1.6 to 1.2 score (р ≤ 0.05) and dyspnea from 1.12 to 0.8 (р ≤ 0.04). Asthma attacks ceased in 39.7 % of the workers. Number of the workers having normal Tiffeneau index increased from 36.4 to 48.5 %. Bronchial hyperreactivity reduced. NOexh became normal in 24% of the patients. The drug was generally well tolerated.Среди профессиональных заболеваний патология легких составляет от 15 до 35%, причем на долю хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) и бронхиальной астмы (БА) приходится половина случаев. Целью исследования явилась оценка клинической эффективности и безопасности тровентола у работников каучукового и других вредных производств и сельского хозяйства, страдающих БА и ХОБЛ. Нами было обследовано 33 рабочих вредных производств Москвы и 35 работников сельского хозяйства. Использовали анкетный скрининг, врачебный осмотр, спирометрию с бронходилатационным тестом, бронхопровокационный тест с метахолином, пикфлоуметрию, определяли оксид азота выдыхаемого воздуха (NOexh) и общий IgE крови до и после лечения тровентолом в условиях продолжения контакта с неблагоприятными факторами. Суточная доза тровентола зависела от тяжести заболевания и составила от 80 до 240 мкг. На фоне терапии тровентолом интенсивность кашля уменьшилась в среднем с 1,6 до 1,2 балла (р ≤ 0,05), одышки — с 1,12 до 0,8 балла (р ≤ 0,04), приступы удушья прекратились у 39,7 % рабочих. Число рабочих с нормальным индексом Тиффно увеличилось с 36,4 до 48,5 %, отмечено уменьшение гиперреактивности бронхов в тесте с метахолином. У 24 % пациентов нормализовался NOexh. Переносимость препарата в целом была хорошей

    Evaluating the effectiveness of energy efficiency programs. Problems of energy saving in heating

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    In order to ensure long-term stability of the economy and the population of all types of energy required science-based and accepted by society and government institutes a longterm energy policy. Planning for energy conservation and energy efficiency must be built into the general policies of the country, the region, municipality, since the process is the most energy-saving priority energy policy. In this connection the development of energy efficiency programs and energy efficiency at all levels of government