26 research outputs found

    Steroids Make You Bigger? Fat Chance Says Myc

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    In flies, ecdysone integrates growth with developmental transitions by antagonizing insulin signaling, which links growth with nutritional status. Work in Developmental Cell (Delanoue et. al, 2010) finds that ecdysone represses the transcription factor Myc in the larval fat body to inhibit systemic growth, revealing a mechanism for such coordination

    Ero1L, a thiol oxidase, is required for Notch signaling through cysteine bridge formation of the Lin12-Notch repeats in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Notch-mediated cell–cell communication regulates numerous developmental processes and cell fate decisions. Through a mosaic genetic screen in Drosophila melanogaster, we identified a role in Notch signaling for a conserved thiol oxidase, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) oxidoreductin 1–like (Ero1L). Although Ero1L is reported to play a widespread role in protein folding in yeast, in flies Ero1L mutant clones show specific defects in lateral inhibition and inductive signaling, two characteristic processes regulated by Notch signaling. Ero1L mutant cells accumulate high levels of Notch protein in the ER and induce the unfolded protein response, suggesting that Notch is misfolded and fails to be exported from the ER. Biochemical assays demonstrate that Ero1L is required for formation of disulfide bonds of three Lin12-Notch repeats (LNRs) present in the extracellular domain of Notch. These LNRs are unique to the Notch family of proteins. Therefore, we have uncovered an unexpected requirement for Ero1L in the maturation of the Notch receptor

    Huntingtin-interacting protein 14, a palmitoyl transferase required for exocytosis and targeting of CSP to synaptic vesicles

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    Posttranslational modification through palmitoylation regulates protein localization and function. In this study, we identify a role for the Drosophila melanogaster palmitoyl transferase Huntingtin-interacting protein 14 (HIP14) in neurotransmitter release. hip14 mutants show exocytic defects at low frequency stimulation and a nearly complete loss of synaptic transmission at higher temperature. Interestingly, two exocytic components known to be palmitoylated, cysteine string protein (CSP) and SNAP25, are severely mislocalized at hip14 mutant synapses. Complementary DNA rescue and localization experiments indicate that HIP14 is required solely in the nervous system and is essential for presynaptic function. Biochemical studies indicate that HIP14 palmitoylates CSP and that CSP is not palmitoylated in hip14 mutants. Furthermore, the hip14 exocytic defects can be suppressed by targeting CSP to synaptic vesicles using a chimeric protein approach. Our data indicate that HIP14 controls neurotransmitter release by regulating the trafficking of CSP to synapses

    The potential of using circulating tumour cells and their gene expression to predict docetaxel response in metastatic prostate cancer

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    BackgroundDocetaxel improves overall survival (OS) in castration-resistant prostate cancer (PCa) (CRPC) and metastatic hormone-sensitive PCa (mHSPC). However, not all patients respond due to inherent and/or acquired resistance. There remains an unmet clinical need for a robust predictive test to stratify patients for treatment. Liquid biopsy of circulating tumour cell (CTCs) is minimally invasive, can provide real-time information of the heterogeneous tumour and therefore may be a potentially ideal docetaxel response prediction biomarker.ObjectiveIn this study we investigate the potential of using CTCs and their gene expression to predict post-docetaxel tumour response, OS and progression free survival (PFS).MethodsPeripheral blood was sampled from 18 mCRPC and 43 mHSPC patients, pre-docetaxel treatment, for CTC investigation. CTCs were isolated using the epitope independent Parsortix® system and gene expression was determined by multiplex RT-qPCR. We evaluated CTC measurements for post-docetaxel outcome prediction using receiver operating characteristics and Kaplan Meier analysis.ResultsDetection of CTCs pre-docetaxel was associated with poor patient outcome post-docetaxel treatment. Combining total-CTC number with PSA and ALP predicted lack of partial response (PR) with an AUC of 0.90, p= 0.037 in mCRPC. A significantly shorter median OS was seen in mCRPC patients with positive CTC-score (12.80 vs. 37.33 months, HR= 5.08, p= 0.0005), ≥3 total-CTCs/7.5mL (12.80 vs. 37.33 months, HR= 3.84, p= 0.0053), ≥1 epithelial-CTCs/7.5mL (14.30 vs. 37.33 months, HR= 3.89, p= 0.0041) or epithelial to mesenchymal transitioning (EMTing)-CTCs/7.5mL (11.32 vs. 32.37 months, HR= 6.73, p= 0.0001). Significantly shorter PFS was observed in patients with ≥2 epithelial-CTCs/7.5mL (7.52 vs. 18.83 months, HR= 3.93, p= 0.0058). mHSPC patients with ≥5 CTCs/7.5mL had significantly shorter median OS (24.57 vs undefined months, HR= 4.14, p= 0.0097). In mHSPC patients, expression of KLK2, KLK4, ADAMTS1, ZEB1 and SNAI1 was significantly associated with shorter OS and/or PFS. Importantly, combining CTC measurements with clinical biomarkers increased sensitivity and specificity for prediction of patient outcome.ConclusionWhile it is clear that CTC numbers and gene expression were prognostic for PCa post-docetaxel treatment, and CTC subtype analysis may have additional value, their potential predictive value for docetaxel chemotherapy response needs to be further investigated in large patient cohorts

    A Notch updated

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    Cell–cell signaling mediated by the Notch receptor is iteratively involved in numerous developmental contexts, and its dysregulation has been associated with inherited genetic disorders and cancers. The core components of the signaling pathway have been identified for some time, but the study of the modulation of the pathway in different cellular contexts has revealed many layers of regulation. These include complex sugar modifications in the extracellular domain as well as transit of Notch through defined cellular compartments, including specific endosomes

    Diet-induced glial insulin resistance impairs the clearance of neuronal debris in Drosophila brain.

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    Obesity significantly increases the risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders, yet the precise mechanisms underlying this connection remain unclear. Defects in glial phagocytic function are a key feature of neurodegenerative disorders, as delayed clearance of neuronal debris can result in inflammation, neuronal death, and poor nervous system recovery. Mounting evidence indicates that glial function can affect feeding behavior, weight, and systemic metabolism, suggesting that diet may play a role in regulating glial function. While it is appreciated that glial cells are insulin sensitive, whether obesogenic diets can induce glial insulin resistance and thereby impair glial phagocytic function remains unknown. Here, using a Drosophila model, we show that a chronic obesogenic diet induces glial insulin resistance and impairs the clearance of neuronal debris. Specifically, obesogenic diet exposure down-regulates the basal and injury-induced expression of the glia-associated phagocytic receptor, Draper. Constitutive activation of systemic insulin release from Drosophila insulin-producing cells (IPCs) mimics the effect of diet-induced obesity on glial Draper expression. In contrast, genetically attenuating systemic insulin release from the IPCs rescues diet-induced glial insulin resistance and Draper expression. Significantly, we show that genetically stimulating phosphoinositide 3-kinase (Pi3k), a downstream effector of insulin receptor (IR) signaling, rescues high-sugar diet (HSD)-induced glial defects. Hence, we establish that obesogenic diets impair glial phagocytic function and delays the clearance of neuronal debris

    Porcine cholecyst–derived scaffold promotes full-thickness wound healing in rabbit

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    Graft-assisted healing is an important strategy for treating full-thickness skin wounds. This study evaluated the properties of porcine cholecyst–derived scaffold and its use for treating full-thickness skin wound in rabbit. The physical properties of cholecyst-derived scaffold were congenial for skin-graft application. Compared to a commercially available skin-graft substitute made of porcine small intestinal submucosa, the cholecyst-derived scaffold was rich in natural biomolecules like elastin and glycosaminoglycans. When used as a xenograft, it promoted healing with excess cell proliferation at early phases and acceptable collagen deposition in the later remodelling phases