17 research outputs found

    physical activity in heart failure patients

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    This study aimed that we were classification of physical activity in patients with heart failure categorized as New York Heart Association (NYHA) class I or II. We were a survey using a researcher- administered questionnaire, SF-8, the Specific Activity Scale (SAS), and the Scale to Measure Self-Care Behavior of Patients with Heart Disease. We included 70 patients who were treated in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Hospital A. Regarding patient characteristics and clinical information after the cluster analysis, there were significant differences in the NYHA class (p = 0.001), BNP level (p = 0.012), self-management of medication adherence (p = 0.000), and exercise habits (p = 0.005). We summarized characteristics of each group as follows : Group A showed high tolerance to physical activity and near-perfect self-management; Group B showed moderate tolerance to physical activity but was not willing to commit to daily exercise and self-management; and Group C showed low tolerance to physical activity and often requested others to handle medication management. We needed that tolerance to physical activity and proposals for tailored instruction according to patient conditions, and needed that instructions tailored to the characteristics of heart failure patients in groups A–C

    Falls among Hospitalized Patients in an Acute Care Hospital : Analyses of Incident Reports

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    Falls cause injuries such as fractures, skin lacerations, bleeding, and head injury, and could result in more severe medical conditions in hospitalized patients. We retrospectively investigated the incidence and characteristics of falls among hospitalized patients in an acute care hospital from incident reports by hospital staff between January and June 2013. There were 154 falls in 135 patients, 2 of which resulted in fracture. The average age of patients who fell was 63.9 (range 0 to 91) years. Many falls occurred at the bedside (68.2%). Approximately half of all falls were related to elimination (46.6%). The most common time of discovery of falls was 2 : 00-2 : 59 AM (14/154 ; 9.1%), followed by early in the morning when patients would actively move. Fall rates in our hospital were 1.39 falls per 1,000 patient days. The department of respiratory medicine and rheumatology had the highest fall rate (3.08 falls per 1,000 patient days), followed by the departments of neurosurgery and neurology (2.98 falls per 1,000 patient days). This study revealed the characteristics of falls in an acute care hospital, and suggests that their notification in the hospital might help reduce the incidence of falls in hospitalized patients

    A novel role of serum cytochrome c as a tumor marker in patients with operable cancer.

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    PURPOSE: This study aimed to evaluate serum cytochrome c (cyto-c) levels as a novel role of tumor marker in patients with operable malignant tumors. METHODS: Serum cyto-c levels and lactate dehydrogenase (LD) activity were measured in a total of 257 cases (232 malignant and 25 benign). To identify the relationship between serum cyto-c and current tumor markers, six variables, such as gender, age, invasion, lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis, and LD, were analyzed by uni- and multivariate regression analysis methods. The test performance of serum cyto-c for the prediction of malignant behavior was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. RESULTS: The serum cyto-c level was significantly higher in patients with malignant tumors than patients with benign tumors (20.6 vs. 15.5 ng/mL; P = 0.017, Mann-Whitney U test). No difference in the levels among subtypes of cancer was found, indicating that the change in serum cyto-c levels reflect cancer individually and not specific subtypes of cancer. The survival in patients with serum cyto-c levels over 40 ng/mL was poor (Kaplan-Meier test, P < 0.0001, Hazard ratio 16.76, 95% confidential interval 4.45-63.04). Multiple linear regression analyses disclosed the close association of serum cyto-c levels with invasion (P = 0.0004), metastasis (P = 0.0262) except for regional lymph node metastasis, and activity of serum LD (P < 0.0001), all of which are well known to represent malignant behavior. Conversely, the measurement of serum cyto-c was verified to have excellent diagnostic accuracy of 0.802 and 0.781 for the detection of invasion and metastasis (the area under curves of the constructed ROCs). CONCLUSION: Serum cyto-c is a potent tumor marker as a predictor for malignant potential in cancers


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    【Introduction】Congenital hemophilia is a category of hemorrhagic disease caused by a genetic defect in the production of coagulation factors. It is treated by administering regular coagulation factor injections on an ongoing basis. Hemophilia is a hereditary illness, often causing social and psychological problems as a result of the disease. To analyze the objective effects of hemophilia, we conducted a retrospective analysis in Tokushima University Hospital. 【Result】All 23 cases were men between the ages of20and72. Hemophilia A was present in17cases, and hemophilia B was present in six. Nineteen out of 23 cases were severe, and the others were intermediate. Medical assessments were conducted at pediatrics in seven cases and hematology in 16 cases. Adoption of the self-injection technique was not realized in five cases. Seventeen cases were complicated by hemophilic arthropathy, seven with human immunodeficiency virus(HIV), and 12 with hepatitis C virus. Eight participants were unemployed, and17were unmarried. 【Discussion】 Many adult hemophilia patients still visit pediatrics in our hospital. Hemophilia in the period of growth between adolescence and young adulthood is often accompanied by life-altering events such as entering higher education, marriage, and work experience. Therefore, collaboration among professionals of multiple occupations, such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical social workers, and clinical psychologists, is essential. Furthermore, there are many cases of HIV and hepatitis C virus infections complicating hemophilia study due to the stigma surrounding HIV-tainted blood. 【Conclusion】It is imperative that we establish a long-term, sustainable, and multi-disciplinary transitional care and medical support system for patients and their families


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    【Introduction】The survival rate in patients with HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has been improved dramatically due to the advances in anti-HIV drug therapy, while aging-associated complications become a critical issue. The incidence of sudden occurrence of AIDS without prior detection of HIV infection, so called “Ikinari AIDS”, still remains high. 【Objective】We retrospectively analyzed the incidence and clinical characteristics of HIV/AIDS patients in both Tokushima University Hospital and Tokushima Prefectural Central Hospital. 【Results】Eighty four patients (74 males and 10 females) with a median age of 39 years old (range 16 - 85) were enrolled. Thirty-four patients (40.5%) were diagnosed with “Ikinari AIDS” from 2001 to 2020. All 4 patients were diagnosed with “Ikinari AIDS” after 2020. AIDS-defining illnesses were diagnosed as follows ; pneumocystis pneumonia in 21 cases, CMV infection in 8 cases and candidiasis in 6 cases. All patients over 60 years old were suffered from AIDS. Other complications included syphilis in 17 cases, hepatitis B infection in 12 and herpes zoster in 7. 【Discussion/Conclusion】In Tokushima, the incidence rate of “Ikinari AIDS” appeared to be higher than that of national average. COVID - 19 pandemic hampered the public health care services of awareness-raising activity for HIV infection and telephone consultations about HIV, which may become more lease asymptomatic HIV patients without diagnosis. For early diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, it is becoming more important to share information to make early screening of HIV infection among medical staffs, such as medical doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and MSWs

    Aberrant overexpression of membrane-associated mucin contributes to tumor progression in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma cells.

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    Aberrant overexpression of membrane-associated mucin (MUC1) is implicated in the pathogenesis of cancer, particularly of adenocarcinomas. Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL), an aggressive neoplasm etiologically associated with human T-lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1), exhibits invasive tropism into various organs, resulting in disease progression and resistance to treatment. In the present study, we showed that MUC1 is overexpressed exclusively in cells of ATL among hematological malignancies. Furthermore, increased expression of MUC1 correlated with a poor prognosis, suggesting MUC1 to be a prognostic marker in ATL. Various functional analyses with knockdown experiments using a specific siRNA for MUC1 revealed that MUC1 is involved in cell growth, cell aggregation, and resistance to apoptosis. Although it has been shown that the anti-adhesive properties of MUC1 facilitate migration and metastasis of tumor cells, our findings indicated that MUC1 contributes to cell-cell adhesion. Mucins thus seem to play a role in the pathogenesis and/or progression of ATL

    野菜漬物中の無機成分の変化(B. 生活科学)

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    キュウリ, ナス, キャベツを用いて塩漬け及び糠漬けを行い, 漬け込み後経日的にpHの変化並びに無機成分の挙動を調べた。1.塩漬け, 糠漬けのいずれの場合も, 漬け材料, 糠床及び漬け汁ともに経日的にpHは低下した。2.塩漬けのキュウリ, ナス及びキャベツ中のNa含量は経日的に増加したが, キュウリ, キャベツ中のMg, Ca, K含量は減少するのに対し, ナス中では増加することが認められた。3.糠漬けのキュウリ, ナス及びキャベツ中のNa及びMg含量は増加し, Ca含量は減少した。また, ナス中のK含量は漸増したが, キュウリ, キャベツ中では減少する傾向が認められた。These studies were carried out to know the changes in mineral contents in cucumber, egg plant and cabbage as affected by soaking treatment. The vegetables were pickled using 5% or 2% salt and soaked in rice bran mash. The results obtained were as follows; 1. After soaking treatment, the pH values of vegetables, rice bran mash and eluted solution from vegetables were decreased during the soaking. 2. Sodium content in cucumber, egg plant and cabbage in salting was increased rapidly, and although magnesium, calcium and potassium contents in cucumber and cabbage were decreased, these elements contents in egg plant were contrary increased during the period of salting. 3. On the other hand, sodium, magnesium contents in cucumber, egg plant and cabbage soaked in rice bran mash were increased remarkably, but calcium content in them was decreased. In addition, potassium content in egg plant was increased sightly, but it was decreased in cucumber and cabbage during the soaking

    数種の調味料添加がキャベツ中の無機成分含有量に及ぼす影響(B. 生活科学)

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    キャベツの生食調理における数種の調味料添加が, 放水量並びに材料中無機成分含有量に及ぼす影響について調査したが, その結果の概要は次のとおりである。1.食塩及び醤油の単独添加の場合, 塩分濃度が高くなるに伴って放水量が増加し, また, キャベツ中のFe, Ca, Mg, K含量が減少したが, Na含量は増加した。これに対して, 食酢添加では放水量は負の関係を示し, かつキャベツ中のMg及びK含量は減少した。2.二杯酢, 三杯酢及び甘酢などの和風調味酢においては, 食酢量及び塩分量が変わらない場合には砂糖が加わることによって, 放水量はやや増加し, キャベツ中Mg, Ca, K含量は減少した。また, Na含量は増加したが, 砂糖添加によって, その程度は抑制された。3.中華風ドレッシング及びフレンチドレッシングにおいては, 食用油が添加されることによって放水量は, 顕著に減少され, これと同時にキャベツ中のFe, Mg, Ca, K含量の減少並びにNa含量の増加が抑制された。The effects of salt, soy, vinegar, Japanese cooking vinegar (sauce of soy and vinegar, sauce of soy, sugar and vinegar, sauce of salt, sugar and vinegar), Chinese dressing and French dressing treatments on changes in discharged water from cabbage and mineral contents in cabbage were investigated. The obtained results were as follows; 1. Discharged water was increased, and iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium contents were decreased, and furthermore, natrium content was increased in salt and soy treatments. However, on the contrary, discharged water was markedly decreased, and moreover, magnesium and potassium contents were decreased in vinegar treatment. 2. When Japanese cooking vinegar was used with cabbage, discharged water was slightly increased, and magnesium, calcium and potassium contents were decreased, but increment of natrium content was controlled by sugar addition in the case of identical concentration of salt and vinegar. 3. In using Chinese dressing and French dressing, discharged water was markedly decreased, and moreover, diminution of iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium contents and increment of natrium content were disturbed by addition of edible oil

    もやしの無機成分に関する研究(B. 生活科学)

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    種々の原料種子を用いてもやしを製造し, その無機成分含有量について調べたところ, 次のような結果を得た。1) 原料種子に多く含まれる無機成分はもやしにも多く含まれた。各無機成分は概して子葉部総量の方が伸長部総量よりも多かったが, 伸長部の生育が盛んになると伸長部総量が増加した。2) ブラックマッペもやしは生育に伴って伸長部生鮮重量が増加したが, 子葉部生鮮重量は減少した。また, 生育に伴い各無機成分の子葉部総量が減少し, 伸長部総量が増加した。3) ブラックマッペもやしの製造にCaCl_2溶液を用いたが, このCaCl_2処理によって胚軸部の硬さが増し, 子葉部・伸長部の総Ca量および子葉部生鮮重量が増加した。一方, 伸長部生鮮重量は減少した。These studies were carried out to determine mineral contents (iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium) in 8 different seed sprouts. The obtained results were as follows : 1) Mineral contents which were high in raw seeds were also high in their own seed sprouts. In generally, the total amount of mineral contents in cotyledon was higher than that of hypocotyl and young root. But the latter period, these contents were increased with the development of hypocotyl and young root. 2) While fresh weight of hypocotyl and young root was increased, that of cotyledon was decreased with the growth of black gram sprouts. The total amount of mineral contents in cotyledon was decreased, and on the contrary, that of hypocotyl and young root was increased with the growth of black gram sprouts. 3) Black gram sprouts were cultivated by using CaCl_2 solution. By CaCl_2 treatment, hardness of hypocotyl was enhanced and furthermore the total amount of calcium in both cotyledon and hypocotyl+young root and fresh weight of cotyledon were increased. However, fresh weight of hypocotyl and young root was decreased

    2,3 の緑色野菜の調理による色の変化(B. 生活科学)

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    This study was subjected to examine the physical and chemical changes in green vegetables cooking under different environment. The higher the temperature of oil in which sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum L. var. angulosum MILLER) were fried was, the faster their weight was lost, their texture was softened and the value of chroma and hue-angle of them were decreased. Seeds in fried sweet peppers were browned when they were fried short time. From these results, the better treatment to keep good green color was low temperature frying. String peas (Pisum sativum L.) boiled in water and in seasoning solution were soaked in the same solution at 6℃, 20℃, 40℃, 80℃. Color value a^* of boiled string peas decreased during soaking at 80℃. The amount of NaCl was increased faster at 80℃. The lower the temperature of solution was, the higher the stability on color, hardness and content of chlorophyll and ascorbic acid was. From these results, it was found that the low temperature soaking was better treatment to keep good qualities of boiled string peas