14 research outputs found


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    This study investigated determinant factors for the evaluation of library website credibility by the undergraduate students in Kwara State University, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted and a sample of 378students were selected across the faculties that make up of Kwara State University by using multi-stage sampling technique (Stratified and Simple Random Sampling Technique). A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect data from 378 respondents, out of which 358 copies of the questionnaire were returned and completely filled. Frequency counts and percentages were used to analyze the data collected for the five research questions while T-test was used to test the null hypothesis of the study. The study found that the author and the information on the library websites is accurate and credible; and the accessibility speed of the library website is low. Majority of the respondents also claimed that the information on Kwara State University library website is current; and the respondents rarely use the library website while poor internet network; epileptic power supply; lack of consistency in the layout of the website; and lack of online help are some of the challenges that undergraduate students encountered while using library website. The result also showed that there is a significant difference in the use of library website between male and female undergraduate students. The study recommends that good internet facilities, generator or solar inverter should be provided for effective use of library website

    Anthrax outbreak: exploring its biological agents and public health implications

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    The (re)emergence of several infectious zoonoses underlines the need for the re-evaluation of the transmission patterns and key players responsible for effective inter-species transfer of diseases. Anthrax is caused by Bacillus anthracis, a zoonotic rod-shaped, Gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium that is highly fatal to both human and animal populations. B. anthracis is widespread across several regions of the world, including Africa, Asia, southern Europe, North and South America, and Australia, and it has a remarkably high attendant impact on the sustainability and profitability of livestock. The current trend in the global distribution of anthrax necessitates an urgent contextual understanding of the key drivers of the spread of B. anthracis in different parts of the world toward the end goal of an anthrax-free world. The understanding of the drivers is integral for the development of control and preventive measures, and also the development of agents such as therapeutics and vaccines against B. anthracis. This review presents a holistic description of the transmission pattern and epidemiology of B. anthracis, and updates on the diagnostic techniques and approaches available for the detection of B. anthracis. In addition, this review highlights plausible prevention and control strategies for the bacterium. This review further underscores the need for participatory epidemiology, hygiene, and safety protocols, the establishment of comprehensive surveillance systems, and global collaborative efforts toward vaccine development as critical steps in controlling anthrax

    The behavior response of the Nigerian youths toward mobile advertising: An examination of the influence of values, attitudes and culture

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    Mobile phone has become an integral tool for marketing and advertising. For advertisers to use it successfully to advertise they need to understand the behavior response of consumers toward it. Sequel to the above, the objective of this study is to examine the direct impact of mobile advertising value and attitude on the behavior response of Nigerian youths to mobile advertising. Equally, the study will also ascertain the moderating effects of culture on the relationships of value, attitude, and behavior response of Nigerian youth to mobile advertising. The study is an explanatory research and adopted the quantitative approach of data collection and analysis. Primary data from 296 Nigerian youths in selected tertiary institutions were analyzed using Smart PLS 3. Findings showed that both mobile advertising value and attitude toward mobile advertising have significant impacts on the behavior response of Nigerian youths to mobile advertising. Regarding, the moderating effect, culture moderated between attitude and behavior response, however it did not moderate between mobile advertising value and behavior response toward mobile advertising. A managerial implication from this is that advertisers should send valuable mobile advertising messages which are rich in cultural elements. That will help in eliciting favorable responses from the consumers toward it which can eventually translate to increment in product purchase thereby leading to adequate return on investment

    Assessing the on-campus students’ satisfaction with online learning mode during Covid-19

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    COVID-19 pandemic has interfered with teaching and learning landscape in higher learning institutions. The spread of COVID-19 has forced governments of many countries to shut-down schools and put into effect remote learning or distance learning. The purpose of this study is to answer a specific question: are the on-campus students in Malaysia higher learning institutions satisfied with online learning mode? The study also investigates the effect of variables such as students’ gender, level of study and specialization on satisfaction with online learning mode. A quantitative research method using survey design was adopted in this study. The study population is the total number of on-campus students from 14 selected universities in Malaysia. Cochran’s formula was used to determine the sample size. A total of 412 questionnaires were distributed via online google form to all the respondents. The findings revealed that a significant number of the students were dissatisfied with online learning. More than 70% of on-campus students experienced boredom, loneliness and thus, dissatisfied with online learning approach provided by the university during the peak of the pandemic. The findings showed that more than 60% of the on-campus students were not satisfied with online learning mode due to family related issues and interrupted internet connections. Online learning remains the most viable method of teaching and learning during in COVID-19 pandemic. However, this mode of learning is plagued with numerous challenges. Consequently, students from conventional education system in Malaysia have difficulties adjusting and are less satisfied with online learning

    Świadomość ergonomii a kondycja pracowników: Badania wyjaśniające

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    The study examined the effects of ergonomics on employee performance by ascertaining the level of ergonomics awareness in Nigerian organizations, identifying the factors hindering the use of ergonomic, and the best practices and methods adopted by various organizations across industries. Despite a knowledge of importance to a growing number of researchers in Nigeria, there is still a dearth in knowledge of ergonomics design and its implementation in Nigeria. This can be observed in the low level of its adoption. The study adopted an exploratory approach through the review of literature. It was seen that several factors have hindered the efficient implementation of ergonomics in Nigeria which ranges from awareness, insufficient relevant studies, personnel considerations, resources constraints, technological changes, communication and integration disconnection between employees and equipment designers. Also, some best practices and methods adopted by various organizations across industries were identified to include, but not limited to: integration of human element into work design, ergonomics maturity levels (reactive, preventive, proactive and advanced) and quality of workspace (office design, furniture and spatial arrangements, lightings and heating arrangements, noise level). It is, however, recommended that researchers in the field of ergonomics and practitioners in the industry should intensify efforts in carrying out relevant study, organizing conferences and seminars as well as media publicity on why ergonomics should be part of our daily activities. It is also recommended that organizations should orientate and train employees on ergonomics so that they will be aware of the benefits derivable from it and be able to fit into the organization’s designs. Lastly, they should integrate employee/human element into ergonomics design process by getting detailed anthropomorphic data, which may bridge the communication disconnect between employees and ergonomic designers.W niniejszym artykule zbadano wpływ ergonomii w miejscu pracy na kondycję pracowników poprzez ustalenie poziomu świadomości ergonomii w nigeryjskich organizacjach, identyfikując czynniki utrudniające wykorzystanie ergonomii, a także najlepsze praktyki i metody przyjmowane przez różne organizacje w przemysłach. Mimo rosnącej liczy naukowców w Nigerii, nadal daje się zauważyć lukę w wiedzy dotyczącej projektowania ergonomicznego i jego zastosowania w Nigerii. Można to zaobserwować także w niskim poziomie przyswajania takich rozwiązań. W badaniach wykorzystano podejście wyjaśniające poprzez przegląd literatury. Zauważono, że kilka czynników utrudnia wydajne zastosowanie ergonomii w Nigerii, począwszy od świadomości, niewystarczających badań na ten temat, kwestii personalnych, ograniczeń zasobowych aż po zmiany technologiczne oraz brak komunikacji i integracji pomiędzy pracownikami a projektantami wyposażenia. Zidentyfikowano także najlepsze praktyki i metody przyjmowane przez różne organizacje w przemysłach, aby uwzględnić (nie ograniczając się do tego zakresu): integrację elementu ludzkiego z aranżacją miejsca pracy, poziomy dojrzałości ergonomii (reaktywna, zapobiegawcza, proaktywna, zaawansowana) oraz jakość przestrzeni pracy (układ biura, umeblowanie, aranżacja przestrzeni, oświetlenie i ogrzewanie, poziom hałasu). Mimo wszystko stwierdzono, że badacze ergonomii, jak też praktycy z sektorów przemysłowych powinni zintensyfikować wysiłki na rzecz prowadzenia badań, organizowania konferencji i seminariów, jak również publikacji medialnych na temat, dlaczego ergonomia powinna być częścią naszych codziennych czynności. Zarekomendowano także, aby organizacje prowadziły szkolenia pracowników w zakresie ergonomii w celu uświadomienia im korzyści z niej płynących oraz umożliwienia dostosowania się do rozwiązań wdrażanych w organizacjach. Wreszcie, organizacje powinny integrować pracowników / element ludzki z procesem projektowania ergonomicznego poprzez gromadzenie i dostarczanie dokładnych danych antropomorficznych, które pomogą zbudować pomost pomiędzy pracownikami a projektantami ergonomii

    Bioactivity and modulatory functions of Napoleona vogelii on oxidative stress-induced micronuclei and apoptotic biomarkers in mice

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    Napoleona vogelii is used in traditional medicine for the management of pain, inflammatory conditions and cancer. This study was conducted to investigate the modulatory mechanisms of methanol stem bark extract of N. vogelii on induction of micronuclei, apoptotic biomarkers and in vivo antioxidant enzymes in mice. Forty male albino mice were randomly divided into eight groups (n = 5) and were administered distilled water (DW, 5 mL/kg) as negative control, 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg of the extract respectively for 28 days before the injection of cyclophosphamide (CP, 40 mg/kg) i.p. on the 28th day. The remaining groups were administered 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg of the extract only for 28 days. Twenty four hours after injection of CP or administration of the last dose of extract, animals were euthanized by cervical dislocation and blood samples collected for determination of in vivo antioxidants, the spleen harvested for immunohistochemical expression of NFκB, Bcl-2, Bax and p53. Bone marrow smears were also made for the micronucleus assay. Treatment with the extract resulted in a significant (p < 0.0001) reduction in frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCEs) compared to CP exposed control conferring protection of 75.09, 94.74 and 96.84% at 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg respectively. In extract and CP exposed animals, there were significant (p < 0.05) increases in GSH, GST and SOD with a corresponding significant (p < 0.05) reduction in MDA. In addition, the extract significantly downregulated cytoplasmic levels of NFκB and Bcl-2 and upregulated Bax and p53. These findings demonstrate that N. vogelli may serve as an interesting lead for chemo-preventive drug development

    Texting and Making Calls Whilst Driving: Can Hand-Free Car Kits and Smartphones Speaker Tones Come to the Rescue of Ghanaian Drivers?

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    The safety of road users is paramount to every nation. As such, stringent measures are put in place to protect them. Such measures are multi-faceted which include legislation, policing, and technology. In spite of these, accidents still occur and are rampant on most developing economies' roads, including Ghana. The purpose of this paper is to explore why Ghanaian drivers, despite the Road Traffic Regulations, 2012 L.I. 2180 Act continue to drive whilst holding their phones and texting/making/receiving calls. The study will also find out why such drivers are not using the Hands-Free Car Kit/Speaker Tones features in their phones that can let them make/receive calls without holding their phones. Again, the study investigated drivers' attitude towards making/receiving calls and texting/reading text messages whilst driving through the lens of the theory of planed behaviour. With a survey data of 284 drivers from Accra, Ghana, and analyzed through partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), the results indicate that subjective norm and perceived behavioral control influence the actual behavioral intention towards texting and making phone calls whilst driving. Also, actual behavioral intention and perceived behavioral control influence behavior towards driving whilst texting and making calls. However, attitude towards behavior does not influence actual behavioral intention. The findings have provided insights into this phenomenon through scientific analysis which is lacking in the literature especially from a developing economy context. Other implications are also discussed

    Recent advances on therapeutic potentials of gold and silver nanobiomaterials for human viral diseases

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    Viral diseases are prominent among the widely spread infections threatening human well-being. Real-life clinical successes of the few available therapeutics are challenged by pathogenic resistance and suboptimal delivery to target sites. Nanotechnology has aided the design of functionalised and non-functionalised Au and Ag nanobiomaterials through physical, chemical and biological (green synthesis) methods with improved antiviral efficacy and delivery. In this review, innovative designs as well as interesting antiviral activities of the nanotechnology-inclined biomaterials of Au and Ag, reported in the last 5 years were critically overviewed against several viral diseases affecting man. These include influenza, respiratory syncytial, adenovirus, severe acute respiratory syndromes (SARS), rotavirus, norovirus, measles, chikungunya, HIV, herpes simplex virus, dengue, polio, enterovirus and rift valley fever virus. Notably identified among the nanotechnologically designed promising antiviral agents include AuNP-M2e peptide vaccine, AgNP of cinnamon bark extract and AgNP of oseltamivir for influenza, PVP coated AgNP for RSV, PVP-AgNPs for SARS-CoV-2, AuNRs of a peptide pregnancy-induced hypertension and AuNP nanocarriers of antigen for MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV respectively. Others are AgNPs of collagen and Bacillus subtilis for rotavirus, AgNPs labelled Ag30–SiO2 for murine norovirus in water, AuNPs of Allium sativum and AgNPs of ribavirin for measles, AgNPs of Citrus limetta and Andrographis Paniculata for Chikungunya, AuNPs of efavirenz and stavudine, and AgNPs-curcumin for HIV, NPAuG3-S8 for HSV, AgNPs of Moringa oleifera and Bruguiera cylindrica for dengue while AgNPs of polyethyleneimine and siRNA analogues displayed potency against enterovirus. The highlighted candidates are recommended for further translational studies towards antiviral therapeutic designs

    Activities of plasma indoleamine-2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO) enzyme in Nigerian patients with lung diseases: basis for tryptophan supplementation or IDO inhibitor use

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    Abstract Background Clinical trial of IDO inhibitor or uses of micro-nutrient supplements during management of diseases is commonly done without having adequate basis for the practise. Tryptophan (Trp) is an essential amino acid needed for T-lymphocyte function, and indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) is a potent immunoregulatory molecule that catalyses the rate-limiting step of Trp degradation in the kynurenine (Kyn) pathway. Materials and methods Human IDO in the plasma samples was measured using ELISA in patients with non-infectious (asthma) and infectious diseases (pulmonary tuberculosis and COVID-19) compared with corresponding un-infected controls. Results Mean IDO activity in COVID-19 patients was significantly higher compared with corresponding control (p = 0.001) while mean IDO activity in pulmonary tuberculosis patients was non-significantly higher compared with corresponding control (p = 0.520), and mean IDO activity in asthma patients was non-significantly lower compared with corresponding control (p = 0.102). Conclusion Our data suggest that IDO activity as an innate immune factor is increased in infectious lung diseases (COVID-19 and pulmonary tuberculosis) but reduced in non-infectious disease (asthma) and that use of tryptophan supplementation or IDO inhibitor may not be necessary in all lung diseases