26 research outputs found


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    Teacher is one of important sources in education but he or she is still undermanaged or even mismanaged. That’s why teacher management should be organized from selection process, teacher recruit, the development of teacher’s ability as educator, and teacher’s motivation to have nigh commitment in his/her job. In reality, teacher’s profession has displace ment from many factors sich as bad teacher’s talent, and etc. To over come those problems, it is hoped from teacher trainer education organization to be more active to educate him or her so that he or she becomes professional teacher.

    Konsep Mutu dalam Perspektif Konsumen Pendidikan

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    Achievement of quality can make a difference between something else so thatthrough the quality obtained can give a different feel between success and failure . Something tosay if the quality of the final product is in conformity standards or not . Source of quality ineducation , among others : the means building a good , reputable teachers , high moral values ,the test results are satisfactory , specialized or vocational , encouragement of parents , businessand local communication , abundant resources , application of cutting-edge technology , goodleadership and effective , attention to students and school children , adequate curriculum , or acombination of these factors

    Road Map Integrasi Revolusi Mental dan Capacity Building dalam Sistem Pendidikan Nasional

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    This article aims to describe how the Road Map integrassi mental revolution and Capacity Building in the national education system is applied . that in order to realize the national education system quality and competitiveness as well as looking to the demands and expectations , it is necessary each of us as children of the nation to open up horizons by mapping the concept of thinking and open the eyes of the heart (road map


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    The existence of Teachers at schools is important inimplementing the values of inclusive diversity in today's modern worldand plays a vital role in educating the values of social politeness, toleranceand mutual respect for generation z in this milineal era. The teacher hasan important role in multicultural education because he is one of thetargets of the education strategy in the literature on understandinghumanist, dialogical-persuasive, contextual, substantive and sociallyactive. Paradigm about the urgency of teachers to teach and implement thevalues of diversity in schools, teachers have an important role in fosteringstudents' social care attitudes, among others; (a) A teacher should havesufficient insight that multicultural Islamic education is essentiallyeducation that places multiculturalism as one of the visions of educationwith the main characters who are inclusive, egalitarian and humanist, butstill firm in spiritual and divine values based on al Qur'an and Sunnah;(b) Teachers should have sensitivity to discrimination and social, economicand political key justice that is happening; (c) The teacher must directlyapply the anti-discriminatory, social, political and economic attitudes inthe classroom; (d) The teacher does not discriminate between the students'children, officials and students of pedicab drivers, all are treated equally

    Menggagas Paradigma Baru Sistem Pendidikan Menuju Pendidikan Transformatif Dan Kompetitif

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    The purpose of writing a paper is as repositioning the search thread and solutions to various terms of the Indonesian education system so that a dynamic, transformative and competitive advantage. Education is an important institution for the process of preparing and improving the quality of human resources in Indonesia are qualified. Without preparing the future generations to live in an era of globalization (MEA, AEC, AFTA, etc.) with a variety of competitive advantage to have, our nation will be immersed in a world that is increasingly global pecaturan; Systemic solutions, ie solutions with changing social systems related to the education system. The education system in Indonesia today, applied in the context of the economic system of capitalism (school of neoliberalism), a principled among others minimize the role and responsibilities of the state in public affairs, including education financing; When the National Education Standards should be applied completely and correctly fit the concept. It must be through advocacy strategies sharp and thorough stakeholder commitment

    Esensi Penerapan Kurikulum yang Komunikatif dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Asing

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    This article is intended to elaborate about the phenomena of implementing a curriculum in teaching  a language that takes a look at the communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages. It is intended as an introduction to the communicative approach for teachers and teachers-in-training who want to provide opportunities in the classroom for their students to engage in real-life communication in the target language. Questions to be dealt with include what the communicative approach is, where it came from, and how teachers' and students' roles differ from the roles they play in other teaching approaches. Examples of exercises that can be used with a communicative approach are described, and sources of appropriate materials are provided.Communicative Approach in Improving English Speaking Skills Toward Student Motivation


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    Evaluation of Education is as a subsystem of implementing management of education that  positionedas an educational institution having  a centralistic position and becoming a media that accommodates the public assessment of the  outcomes (output and  outcome) achieved. Through the  optimization of education evaluation evaluation has a positive impact on the cultivation of the values  of public trust  as one  of the factors  that  contribute to the success of management of an educational institution because without buliding and  actualizing trust  well,   the  public only as a spectator who has apathy character of the effort of quality development both ranging from input quality, process and output. Ideally  the  implications of optimizing the  implementation of the  evaluation mechanism of education can  be an instrument of the process of comparing the existing  situation with certain criteria to the problems associated with academic in an educational institution because the evaluation of education is actually not only assessing the learning outcomes of students in a certain level of education, regarding the assessment of various aspects affecting the student’s learning process, such as evaluation of teachers, curriculum, methods, means of infrastructure, environment and so on. In general the scope of evaluation in the field of education in schools includes three main components namely: Evalua- tion of teaching programs, Evaluation of teaching implementation process, and Evaluation of learning outcomes. .

    Investigating Students’ Difficulties in Mastering English Listening Skills

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    This research aimed to find out the difficulties of students in mastering English listening skills at one of non-goverment MTs Bengkulu Tengah. This his study employed descriptive qualitative research method. The research subjects in this study are students at VII A Class of MTs Panca Mukti Bengkulu Tengah as the primary data source with the total subjects are 35 Students. The instruments used to collect the data in this research were observation, interview and documentation. The Semi Structured Interview consists of 12 questions. The researcher observed the class, after that, the researcher choosed fifteen students who had most difficulties in listening to be interviewed.  The results of this study showed that the difficulties that the students faced in listening were related into four categories namely students’ difficulties related to the listening material, students’ difficulties related to the speaker, students’ difficulties related to the listener, students’ difficulties related to the physical environment. Besides, the factors which cause students’ difficulties in listening were lack of vocabulary, having hearing problems, unfocussed, the speaker spoke too fast

    Rural Students’ Barriers in Learning English during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Rural Students Barriers in Learning English during the COVID-19 Pandemic Research paper: this research describes the obstacles that students who reside in rural areas experience and how they overcome those obstacles. Ten students from the English Education Investigation Program were the subjects of this study. The author employed a qualitative technique and a case study design. The writer utilized an online questionnaire, interviews, and documents to collect data. The data findings revealed that practically all students faced social, institutional, dispositional, and epistemological difficulties. The data also indicated that students face nine obstacles, such as an unsupportive learning environment, a network difficulty, time management, a significant assignment, a cost, students' challenges in learning English, a learning style issue, and students lack of desire. They overcome such hurdles in various ways, depending on the individual. This study's findings will impact the teaching and learning processes. The professor is required to assist pupils in overcoming obstacles. The study also recommended that students pay more attention to the online learning experience. The study also contributes to the realm of language, and future researchers should pay close attention to this phenomenon.Keywords: Rural Students, Barriers, Online Learning, Covid-19 Pandemi


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    This research is focused on speaking activities in two versions of English Textbooks published by the Government/Kemendikbud and published by Private Publications/Erlangga based on the 2013 Curriculum syllabus, and this research is also to find out which books meet the good category to help student learning activities. This research is very important for the academic world to make it easier for a student and teacher to choose a good textbook to meet their speaking needs. The method used in this research is Content Analysis. The researcher used two analysis matrixes in collecting data. The first analysis matrix will show the suitability of the speaking activities in the two versions of the textbook with the 2013 curriculum syllabus. The second analysis matrix will show the percentage scores of the two versions of the English textbook based on the guidelines evaluation. As for the results of data analysis, the first matrix shows that speaking activities in the two versions of the English textbook are in accordance with the 2013 curriculum syllabus, and the second matrix also shows that the two versions of the English textbook are in the "good" and “fair” category, which is the textbook published by the Government/Kemendikbud has an average percentage of 93%(good) and textbooks published by Private Publications/Erlangga have an average percentage of 73% (fair). In conclusion, both versions of English textbooks published by the government/Kemendikbud and published by private publishers/Erlangga are good and fair categories for students in carrying out the teaching and learning process