84 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk memperbaharui kosa kata masyarakat suku Sasak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan korpus data leksikon perkawinan adat masyarakat Kabupaten Lombok Utara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam mencapai tujuan penelitian metode penentuan subjek penelitian, 2) metode pengumpulan data, dan 3) metode analisis data. Metode penentuan subjek penelitian menggunakan purposive sampling, yakni memilih informan sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan teknik rekam baik audio maupun video. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode padan dan metode agih, dan metode penyajian analisis data menggunakan metode formal dan informal. Leksikon adat perkawinan masyarakat Sasak Kabupaten Lombok Utara, mempunyai morfologis form: leksikon bentuk kata atau kelompok kata, leksikon bentuk kata benda, leksikon bentuk simbol adat, dan leksikon bentuk status sosial.Kata kunci: morfologi, leksikon adat perkawianan

    Essays on political economy

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    This thesis consists of three self-contained essays which address three different issues with respect to the roles of democratic and non-democratic institutions in the economy. The first essay titled, 'Democratisation, systems of government and public spending' investigates whether changes from non-democratic government systems to democracy bring about a significant effect on the size of public spending relative to a country's economy. Based on unbalanced panel data for 177 countries over the period 1960-2008, the results provide evidence that the effect of democratisation on public spending size is not robustly significant and depends on the specifics of government systems that prevail before and after a political change. Further, the results provide evidence that only democratisation that originates from a military dictatorship and ends up with a parliamentary democracy has a robust and significant effect on public spending size. The second essay titled 'Electoral budget cycles under non-democratic regimes' investigates the relationship between elections and central government budget balance in countries that are considered to be non-democratic. Using a sample consisting of unbalanced panel data from 29 countries between 1960 and 2006, the essay provides evidence that electoral budget cycles do exist under non-democratic regimes. The relationship between elections and central government budget balance is significant and robust to a number of variations in control variables, estimation models, sample selection criteria and designations of election year dummy. The essay also provides evidence that the persistence of the relationship is driven by countries that are less distant from democracy (that is, shallow autocracies). The third essay titled 'Food prices and political survival' investigates the relationship between food prices and the occurrence of national leader exits, particularly in food importing countries. Using international food price and domestic consumption data to construct a country-specific food price index for 77 economies between 1961 and 2009, the essay provides evidence that food prices have a robust significant effect on political survival. The effect does not change with changes in the log of real GDP per capita, real GDP per capita growth rate and the state of democracy. However, once the joint-effect between food prices and the state of democracy is controlled, the effect of food prices on political survival is significant only under democracy and not under non-democracy

    Problematika Keterwakilan Perempuan Di Dprd Kota Banjarmasin

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    Akhmad Rudini Akbar, 2014. Problematic of Women Representation on Banjarmasin Parliament. Thesis, Program Study of Citizenship and Pancasila Education, Department of Education Social Sciences, Teacher and Education Science Faculty, University of Lambung Mangkurat. Counselor (I) Fatimah (II) Harpani Matnuh. Women Representation in parliament has been the focus of a lot of people since it is especially found on the election results that the percentage of women\u27s representation in parliament does not reach the threshold of women representation. This study aims to see the women representation in Banjarmasin Parliament from the legislative election results. In addition, it also aims to know the problematic or the problems that occur in the women representation and the factors that affect the women representation in Banjarmasin Parliament.The method used in this study is qualitative data collection techniques by using the observation so that the researcher can see the problems of women representation in Banjarmasin Parliament, the interview is given to find out the problems directly from the informants as a source of data, and documentation is used to facilitate the researcher in collecting data both written documents or images as a data source.The research results show that the women representation is seen from the amount of Parliament members from among the women do not achieve the results of legislative elections but it nearly approaches the percentage of women representation. The problematic lead more to the limitation of women and the factors that influence it such as the difficulty of finding human resources who are courageous on the politic field and competent on it become a significant factor.In short, based on the results of this study, it is suggested that the women in Banjarmasin Parliament members should work optimally in order to further maximize their real work for the society, especially regarding to the issues of women\u27s active role in efforts to increase the number women representation in the future and to strive for increasing the number of women representation to achieve the gender balance so that it can simplify the delivery of the interests and rights of women to go down to the community such as socializing or making events for instance seminars on increasing the women\u27s representation

    The Role of Investment-Based Islamic Crowdfunding for Halal MSMEs: Evidence from Indonesia

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    Investment-based crowdfunding can be used as an alternative financing tool for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia. Since the population in Indonesia is dominated by Muslim, Islamic financial technology companies that provide crowdfunding services are continue to emerge and develop. The development of these services also encourages the progress of the halal industry because both have integrated relationships. However, not all funding campaigns for crowdfunding services are successful. This study aims to analyze the development of Islamic crowdfunding business in Indonesia and factors affecting the success of funding campaigns in these services using multiple linear regression methods. Primary data obtained through interviews and literature review while secondary data is collected from 39 funding campaigns in 4 Islamic crowdfunding online services. It was found that the regulation of Islamic financial technology did not yet exist though in practice it was already widely found. On the other hand, crowdfunding models in Indonesia still need improvement in its scheme. By using a quantitative approach, it was found that funding target, campaign duration, payback periods and rate of return have a positive effect on campaign success, while a minimum amount of investment has a negative effect which means the minimum amount of investment available in the crowdfunding service is appropriate. After conducting research with a qualitative and quantitative approach, SWOT analysis was conducted at the end of the study to find out the challenges and opportunities for the halal industry in utilizing such Islamic crowdfunding service

    The Determinants of the Value of Mahr in Muslim Societies: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Surveys

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    This paper aims to analyze the factors that determine the value of mahr in Muslim societies. The analysis is based on an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression with pooled cross-section data from the last three waves of the Indonesian Family Life Surveys (IFLS). The main finding is that socioeconomic status in the forms of groom’s ownership of assets and education level matters most for the value of mahr. This finding holds for regression with full sample as well as subsamples, i.e. couples whose groom is Javanese, couples whose groom is non-Javanese, couples whose bride is Javanese and couples whose bride is non-Javanese. Socioeconomic status in the form of bride’s education level also matters for the value of mahr with some exceptions. The other finding is that perceived probability of divorce as represented by differences in the socioeconomic status of a marrying couple do not have a significant effect on the value of mahr. The effect of physical appearances in the form of bride’s height is at best not robust and subject to the sample or subsample included. These findings can be useful as a reference to make marriage decisions in the future or to evaluate the ongoing practices for possible reforms

    Penerapan Algoritma Maze Mapping Untuk Menyelesaikan Maze pada Line Tracer

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    ABSTRACT Maze was a complex road network. In the robotics there were two types of maze that commonly used, namely the wall maze and line maze. Wall maze was generally known as the labyrinth, namely a road network that formed over the halls with the walls without a roof. In the line maze, a road network was formed by using the line. If the line was coloured white then the background was coloured black or vice versa. Problems that arose in the line maze was a way to get the shortest path from the line maze. In this final project, the problems in the line maze solved by maze mapping algorithm. This algorithm consists of two modes, namely search mode and return mode. In search mode, the robot traveled from the start position to finish with a rule that will put the robot to turn left when found intersection. Unique codes was generated when robot met with the intersection. In the return mode, the robot had been running from start to finish with the shortest way. The shortest path was obtained from a unique code that had been converted. Based on the experimental conversion program that had been done, it needed a powerful formulation to obtain the desired results. In testing the entire system, obtained an error of 10% from 10 attempts in a row. This error caused the battery condition was weakening. Keyword : robot, maze, mapping, PID, line senso


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    The rapid development of information technology and also make progress in the field of the economy, especially the payment system that ultimately led to innovations in the field of payment instruments such as electronic money (e-money) and credit cards. Electronic money is a payment instrument issued on the basis of the value of money paid in advance by the holder to the issuer. Credit card is a payment instrument to use a card that can be used to make payments on the obligations arising from an economic activity and transactions, as for the issues to be examined in this study include: that of a comparative analysis of the number of transactions using electronic money (e-money ) and use a credit card bank Soes case study period (2010 to 2015). This research use quantitative research methods, namely the systematic scientific study of the parts and phenomena and relationships. The data used in this research is secondary and primary data. Data were collected using literature study, comparative research method used is research that compares two or more symptoms. The analysis showed that the 5% significance level was concluded that the two cards E-money and credit cards have differences in terms of number of transactions and so with a significance level of 5% was concluded that the two cards E-money and credit cards have differences in terms of the number of volume use.  Abstrak Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan informasi juga menciptakan kemajuan di bidang perekonomian khususnya sistem pembayaran yang akhirnya memunculkan inovasi dalam bidang instrumen pembayaran berupa uang elektronik (e-money) dan kartu kredit. Uang elektronik adalah alat pembayaran yang diterbitkan atas dasar nilai uang yang disetor terlebih dahulu oleh pemegang kepada penerbit. Kartu kredit adalah alat pembayaran dengan menggunakan kartu yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pembayaran atas kewajiban yang timbul dari suatu kegiatan ekonomi dan transaksi, adapun permasalahan yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini antara lain: yaitu tentang analisa perbandingan jumlah transaksi dengan menggunakan uang elektronik (e-money) dan menggunakan kartu kredit studi kasus bank BUMN (periode 2010 sampai dengan 2015). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode penelitian kuantitatif , yaitu penelitian ilmiah yang sistematis terhadap bagian-bagian dan fenomena serta hubungan-hubungannya. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah data sekunder dan primer. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka, metode yang digunakan penelitian komparatif yaitu penelitian yang membandingkan dua gejala atau lebih. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tingkat signifikansi 5% didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa ke dua kartu E-money dan kartu kredit memiliki perbedaan di segi jumlah transaksi dan Jadi dengan tingkat signifikansi 5% didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa ke dua kartu E-money dan kartu kredit memiliki perbedaan di segi jumlah volume penggunaanya. Kata Kunci : E-Money, Kartu Kredit, Kartu Beredar, Value, Transaksi, Perbandinga


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan sitasi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa masih sangat kurang dilakukan, oleh karena itu kegiatan ini lakukan untuk membantu mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam melakukan sitasi tulisan artikel dosen untuk meningkatkan jumlah sitasi tulisan yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah metode bimbingan dan praktik dalam bimbingan. Hasil bimbingan menunjukan bahwa bimbingan yang dilaksanakan dapat memberi dampak positif terutama dalam meningkatkan kecakapan untuk menghasilkan sitasi yang tepat dan relevan dengan tulisan ilmiah yang dibuat mahasiswa yang sesuai dengan penyusunan karya ilmiah yang baik dan benar. Kegiatan bimbingan ini juga dilakukan untuk meningkatkan jumlah sitasi terhadap tulisan artikel dosen dalam jurnal ilmiah sebagai penunjang kenaikan akreditasi.Abstract: The citation activities carried out by the students are still very poor, therefore this activity is carried out to help students to improve their ability to citation of lecturers' article writings to increase the number of citations made by students as for the methods used in this training are guidance and practice methods in guidance. The results of the guidance show that the guidance carried out have a positive impact, especially in improving the ability to produce appropriate citations and relevant to scientific writings made by students in accordance with the preparation of good and correct scientific papers. This guidance activity is also carried out to increase the number of citations for lecturer article writings in scientific journals as a support for increasing accreditation

    Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pada Ade Jaya Ponsel Dengan Menggunakan Visual Basic

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    Information systems are important in the business world because the performance can facilitate the sale of goods.Ade Jaya Mobile store is one store that sells various types of mobile phones, accessories, SIM Card, pulse, and serve mobile phone service in data processing goods still use manual checks it can complicate extant stocks or goods that have been sold .Making sales information system is expected to facilitate the transaction process and get the goods quickly, precisely, and accurately. The sales information systems using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 applications. in large capacity data storage, DBMS used was Microsoft Office Access 2007

    Desain Keyboard Dengan Output Suara Sebagai Alat Bantu Pengenalan Huruf Braille

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    Nowadays, many shortcomings in learning system of introducting Braille for blind people still occurs. One of them, is the need of a role of normal teacher to introduce the motives and alphabets of Braille in learning session. He/She obligates to show the precise motives and alphabets of Braille being touched by the patience. This, absolutely, helps and supports the patient to learn the Braille, since they are unable to do it independently. To overcome this problem, a new system which can replace the role of teacher has been made, that is by attaching the Braille to the keyboard, so that when users push the button microcontroller will read data voice in SD Card through the communication of SPI. The Microcontroller will process data voice from SD Card using PWM-DAC together with a filter to produce a voice signal. The use of PWM-DAC is very important since the voice data saved in SD Card is still in a digital format. SD Card is used to keep voice databases in *.WAV format. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) with 8KHz, 8bit and mono, as a sampling frequency, is used to transform a digital voice to the analogue signal. Keyword : Braille, keyboard, microcontroller, SD Card, SPI, PWMDA
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