2,405 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION Multi-Body System Analysis (Mechanical System Simulation), Finite Element Analysis(FEA), and Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis are typical methods of computational human motion analysis. The purpose of this study is to create a impact model using fluid-strueture interaction technique in FEA, and analyze the impact process of kicking in football. METHODS Six university football players were chosen as the subjects. The experiment of ball-kicking was photographed using the high-speed camera (FASTCAM-ultima), which earl take 4,500 frames per second with 256 X 256 pixels, which was recorded on a VTR. Nine markers for digitizing were attached to the kicking leg of the subjects. The coordinate values were input in the computer by a video-position-analyzer. The ball model of this study is created using Euterian technology. The inside of the ball is defined by a air model which is called Gammer Law. The foot model of that is used Lagrangian technology. This study used explicit time integration codes (MSC/DYTRAN) of FEA. In this type of analysis, fluid forees from the Eulerian mesh load the foot model as the material in the Eulerian mesh flows around the foot. At the same time, the resulting deformation of the foot model influences subsequent fluid forces from the Eulerian mesh. RESULTS An example of a contour plot of pressure on the deformed shape is shown in Figure 1. The stress wave is propagated from the contact surface to the tibia, talus, and toe of the foot. At half impact, high intensity compressive stress is observed in the instep and a high intensity tensile stress is observed in the tibia. The first half of the horizontal velocity of the simulation data is similar to that of the experiment data, but the second half is not very similar to the experiment data. The contact time of the ball and foot of experiment data was 9 msec., that of all solid model was 5 msec., and that of fluid-structure interaction model was 8 msec.. CONCLUSION It is considered that the fluid-structure interaction model of this study will give better approximation to experiment data than the all solid model in kicking simulation using FEA. ....

    Development of High-Speed Fluorescent X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography

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    A high-speed fluorescent x-ray CT (FXCT) system using monochromatic synchrotron x rays was developed to detect very low concentration of medium-Z elements for biomedical use. The system is equipped two types of high purity germanium detectors, and fast electronics and software. Preliminary images of a 10mm diameter plastic phantom containing channels field with iodine solutions of different concentrations showed a minimum detection level of 0.002 mg I/ml at an in-plane spatial resolution of 100µm. Furthermore, the acquisition time was reduced about 1/2 comparing to previous system. The results indicate that FXCT is a highly sensitive imaging modality capable of detecting very low concentration of iodine, and that the method has potential in biomedical applications

    A diffuse scattering model of ultracold neutrons on wavy surfaces

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    Metal tubes plated with nickel-phosphorus are used in many fundamental physics experiments using ultracold neutrons (UCN) because of their ease of fabrication. These tubes are usually polished to a average roughness of 25-150 nm. However, there is no scattering model that accurately describes UCN scattering on such a rough guide surface with a mean-square roughness larger than 5 nm. We therefore developed a scattering model for UCN in which scattering from random surface waviness with a size larger than the UCN wavelength is described by a microfacet Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function model (mf-BRDF model), and scattering from smaller structures by the Lambert's cosine law (Lambert model). For the surface waviness, we used the statistical distribution of surface slope measured by an atomic force microscope on a sample piece of guide tube as input of the model. This model was used to describe UCN transmission experiments conducted at the pulsed UCN source at J-PARC. In these experiments, a UCN beam collimated to a divergence angle smaller than ±6\pm 6^{\circ} was directed into a guide tube with a mean-square roughness of 6.4 nm to 17 nm at an oblique angle, and the UCN transport performance and its time-of-flight distribution were measured while changing the angle of incidence. The mf-BRDF model combined with the Lambert model with scattering probability pL=0.039±0.003p_{L} = 0.039\pm0.003 reproduced the experimental results well. We have thus established a procedure to evaluate the characteristics of UCN guide tubes with a surface roughness of approximately 10 nm.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Plasma analysis of Inductively Coupled Impulse Sputtering of Cu, Ti and Ni

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    Inductively coupled impulse sputtering (ICIS) is a new development in the field of highly ionised pulsed PVD processes. For ICIS the plasma is generated by an internal inductive coil, replacing the need for a magnetron. To understand the plasma properties, measurements of the current and voltage waveforms at the cathode were conducted. The IEDFs were measured by energy resolved MS and plasma chemistry was analysed by OES and then compared to a model. The target was operated in pulsed DC mode and the coil was energised by pulsed RF power, with a duty cycle of 7.5 %. At a constant pressure (14 Pa) the set peak RF power was varied from 1000-4000 W. The DC voltage to the target was kept constant at 1900 V. OES measurements have shown a monotonic increase in intensity with increasing power. Excitation and ionisation processes were single step for ICIS of Ti and Ni and multi-step for Cu. The latter exhibited an unexpectedly steep rise in ionisation efficiency with power. The IEDFs measured by MS show the material- and time- dependant plasma potential in the range of 10-30 eV, ideal for increased surface mobility without inducing lattice defects. A lower intensity peak, of high energetic ions, is visible at 170 eV during the pulse