70 research outputs found

    Physicochemical Analysis of Pomegranate Sours Produced by Traditional Method in Türkiye and The Investigation of Antioxidant Properties

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    In this study, the physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of the commercially produced 15 pomegranate sour samples and one control sample were determined and their compliance with the TS 12720 (traditional sour pomegranate concentrate standard) was evaluated. Antioxidant activity values of pomegranate sours extracts were determined using 6 different methods. The samples had strong antioxidant capacity, except for N10 and N15. In addition, glucose, fructose, sucrose, HMF and acidity measurements of the same samples did not show compatibility with TS 12720. The pH values of the samples of N7, N8, N10, N11, N14 and N15 were not in accordance with the standard values (2.4-4.0) The titratable acidity values measured in samples of N1, N3, N4, N6, N10, N13, N15 were below the value ( gt;6.0% (m/m)) in the standard. While the brix values of the samples were measured between 59.20-75.70, the brix values of the N12, N13 and N14 samples were determined below the standard brix value ( gt;68%). The highest HMF value of the samples were determined as 8117.66. According to TSE 12720, the HMF content should be not exceed 50 mg/kg. However, the HMF values of the samples were detected above the maximum limit value except for N8 and N16

    Substance P-expressing neurons in the superficial dorsal horn of the mouse spinal cord: insights into their functions and their roles in synaptic circuits

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    The tachykinin peptide substance P (SP) is expressed by many interneurons and some projection neurons in the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cord. We have recently shown that SP-expressing excitatory interneurons in lamina II correspond largely to a morphological class known as radial cells. However, little is known about their function, or their synaptic connectivity. Here we use a modification of the Brainbow technique to define the excitatory synaptic input to SP radial cells. We show that around half of their excitatory synapses (identified by expression of Homer) are from boutons with VGLUT2, which are likely to originate mainly from local interneurons. The remaining synapses presumably include primary afferents, which generally have very low levels of VGLUT2. Our results also suggest that the SP cells are preferentially innervated by a population of excitatory interneurons defined by expression of green fluorescent protein under control of the gene for gastrin-releasing peptide, and that they receive sparser input from other types of excitatory interneuron. We show that around 40% of lamina I projection neurons express Tac1, the gene encoding substance P. Finally, we show that silencing Tac1-expressing cells in the dorsal horn results in a significant reduction in reflex responses to cold and radiant heat, but does not affect withdrawal to von Frey hairs, or chloroquine-evoked itch

    Efficiency and Core Loss Map Estimation with Machine Learning Based Multivariate Polynomial Regression Model

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    Efficiency mapping has an important place in examining the maximum efficiency distribution as well as the energy consumption of designed electric motors at maximum torque and speed. Performing analysis at all operating points with FEM analysis in the motor design process requires high processing costs and time. In this article, a machine learning-based multivariate polynomial regression estimation model was developed to overcome these costly processes from FEM analysis. With the proposed method, the operating points of the motors in different conditions during the design process can be predicted in advance with high accuracy. In the study, two different models are developed for efficiency map and core loss estimation of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor design. The developed models use few parameters and predict with high accuracy. Estimation models shorten the design process and offer a less complex model. Obtained results are validated by comparison with FEM analysis

    Eleştirel Düşünme: Ölçme Araçlarının İncelenmesi ve Bir Güvenirlik Çalışması

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    Bu çalışmada eleştirel düşünmenin farklı tanımlamaları yapılmış ve öğretimine ilişkin çeşitli yaklaşımlar tanıtılmıştır. Bunlara ek olarak, eleştirel düşünmenin ölçümüne ilişkin olarak bazı ölçme araçları açıklanmış, bu araçların birbirleri ile benzerlik ve farklılıkları üzerinde durulmuştur. Bununla birlikte, ülkemizde bu konuda yaygın biçimde kullanılan "Watson- Glaser Eleştirel Akıl Yürütme Gücü Ölçeği" yeniden incelenmiş ve Adana ili merkez ilçelerinden alt, orta ve üst sosyo- ekonomik düzeyden ortaöğretim 9. sınıf öğrencilerinin oluşturduğu bir örneklemden 2002-2003 eğitim-öğretim yılında elde edilen güvenirlik değerleri sunulmuştur.In this study, various definitions of critical thinking and the teaching approaches of critical thinking are represented. In addition, measurement instruments related to critical thinking skills are introduced. Some measurement instruments are represented in terms of similarities and differences. -Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal- is used frequently in Turkey is revised and Reliability values of -Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal- obtained from sample consisted of 9. grade students from low, middle and high socio-economic status in Adana Central Districts, in 2002-2003 educational year is examined

    Öğretmenlerin"Öğrenci Kontrolü (Learner Control)" Stratejisi'ni Kullanma Düzeylerinin, Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi

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    Öğrenme pasif bir alma süreci değil, aktif bir anlam oluşturma sürecidir ve öğrenmeyi gerçekleştiren öğrenen bireyin kendisidir. Bu süreçte öğrenen bireyin etkili ve sorumlu olması onun öğrenmesine olumlu yönde etki yapar. Çünkü insanlar sorumlu ve etkili oldukları öğrenme durumlarına karşı daha ilgili olmaktadırlar. Bu araştırmada C. Reigeluth tarafından 1980'li yılların başlarında geliştirilen Öğretimi Ayrıntılama Kuramı'nın (The Elaboration Theory of Instruction) temel öğelerinden biri olan "Öğrenci Kontrolü" stratejisinin resmi veya özel ilköğretim okullarında görev yapmaları, sınıf ve branş öğretmeni olup-olmamaları ile kıdemlerine göre kullanma düzeylerinin belirlenerek karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma betimsel (descriptive) modelde olup, çalışma evrenini Adana ili Merkez ilçelerindeki resmi ve özel okullar, örneklemini ise bu okullardan "tesadüfi küme örnekleme" yöntemiyle seçilen ve bu ilköğretim okullarında görev yapan öğretmenler oluşturmuştur. Verilerin toplanmasında temel teknik olarak anket seçilmiş, gönüllü öğretmenlere yönelik yapılan görüşmeler ise bu tekniğe yardımcı olarak kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler frekans, yüzde, aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma ve bağımsız gruplar t-testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi istatistiksel teknikleriyle çözümlenmiştir.The learning isn't a passive process, but it's an active meaning forming process and the learning is constructed by learner him or herself. Being effective and responsible, bring positive effect into the learning process. Learners are more interested in learning situations when they feel responsible and effective. The purpose of this research was to determine and to compare the using levels of -Learner Control Strategy- by teachers at private and public primary schools and also according to their task conditions and their seniorities. The -Learner Control Strategy- is one of the main strategy components of The Elaboration Theory of Instruction which was developed by C.Reigeluth at the begining of 1980. This research was the descriptive model, and the population for this research was all of the private and public schools in the centre of Adana. The sample was -randomly (cluster)- selected teachers who have been working from these private and public primary schools. Data mainly are collected by questionnaire designed by the researhers for this research and supported by means of volunteer teachers' interviews. The collected data were analyzed by freqencies, mean, percentages, standart deviations, independent groups t-tests and one way anova

    Sığ suda yan yana silindirler arasına akışa dik yerleştirilen plakaların akış özelliklerine etkisi

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    Bu çalışmada yan yana iki silindir arasına akış doğrultusuna dik yönde yerleştirilen plakaların silindirler arkasındaki akış bölgesine etkisi deneysel olarak Parçacık Görüntülü Hız Ölçümü (PIV) yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Akrilik malzemeden üretilen dairesel silindirlerin çapı D=40 mm’dir. Deneyler süresince hw=20 mm derinliğindeki sığ su akışında akış görüntüleri hl=10 mm yükseklikten alınmıştır. Suyun akış hızı U∞ =125 mm/sn ve silindirlerin çapına bağlı Reynolds sayısı ReD=5000’dir. Yükseklikleri 2 mm artımla H=2 mm ile 10mm arasında değişen beş farklı plaka daimi olmayan akışı kontrol etmek için kullanılmıştır. Bütün durumlarda açıklık oranı G/D=1.25 olarak sabit tutulmuştur. Deneysel olarak elde edilen verilerin bilgisayarda işlenmesiyle, boyutsuz Türbülans Kinetik Enerji değerleri ve ortalama hız vektörleri elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, plaka kullanımı akış kontrolündeki etkinliğini net bir şekilde ortaya koymaktadır. H=6 mm plaka yüksekliğinden sonra TKE değerlerinde dikkate değer bir azalma gözlenmektedir. Akış kontrolünün sağlandığı en etkili plaka yüksekliği ise H=10 mm olarak görülmektedir

    Control of flow structure in the wake region of circular cylinder with meshy wire in deep water

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    In this study the aim is decreasing the effect and the intensity of the temporary loads resulted from vortex shedding that have an impact on the cylinder (chimneys, high buildings etc.) located in deep water and the object or objects in the wake region and definition of the optimum values (wire thickness and porosity β) With different thickness and different porosity ratios the effect of meshy wire that surrounded a circular cylinder of D=50 mm diameter was observed at Re_D=5000. The porosity ratios were four different values between a range of β=0.5-0.8 with an interval of 0.1. The thicknesses of wire were 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm. The flow structure in the wake region of circular cylinder was tried to be controlled by meshy wire that surrounded the cylinder. Experiments were carried out by using particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. Comparing with bare cylinder results, turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) and Reynolds shear stress values increase with wire thicknesses of b=1 mm, 2 mm for all porosity ratios and decrease with b=3 mm, 4 mm. With porosity ratio of β=0.6 and wire thickness of b=4 mm TKE and Reynolds shear stress results show that meshy wire controls the flow in the wake region of the cylinder. Frequency value results also define that best flow control is obtained with β=0.6 and b=4 mm.</span