14 research outputs found
Effect on Compton Scattering Spectra by Hermite–Gaussian Light
In this study, we measured the Compton scattering spectra of Al, Ag and Au metals changing the harmonic order of X-rays from an undulator. The width of the Compton scattered X-ray spectrum changed depending on the harmonic order of X-rays. This indicates that Compton scattering spectra shape reflects a momentum perpendicular to the traveling direction in Hermite–Gaussian (HG) light
Resonant and nonresonant x-ray emission spectroscopy of poly(pyridine-2,5-diyl)
Conjugated polymers have been the subject of much interest owing to their unique electronic properties which can be technically exploited e.g., as doping induced electrical conductors and light emitting diodes [ I]. Detailed experimental studies of the uppermost 7t-orbital levels at the valence band edges of these polymers are important to gain an understanding of their properties. Such studies have been carried out by many techniques including photoelectron spectroscopy using photon excitation in both the x-ray and ultraviolet wavelength regimes....Report Number: LBNL-41658, UC-411</p
Spectroscopic Study of CNx Films Grown by Magnetron Sputter Deposition
The electronic structure of carbon nitride films has been studied using soft X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. Resonant N K-emission spectra show a strong dependence on excitation photon energies and the substrate temperatures, while C K-emission band appears insensitive to the different excitation photon energies and the substrate temperatures. Two nitrogen sites are assigned to N bonded to sp3-hybridized C and to N bonded to sp2-hybridized C
Electronic structure of carbon nitride thin films studied by X-ray spectroscopy techniques
Magnetron-sputtered carbon nitride thin films with different structures and compositions were analyzed by X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS and UPS), near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS), as well as X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES). In all techniques, the carbon spectra are broad and featureless with little variation depending on growth conditions. The nitrogen spectra, on the other hand, show more distinct features, providing a powerful tool for structural characterization. By comparing the experimental spectra with calculations on different model systems, we are able to identify three major bonding structures of the nitrogen N1: nitrile (C =N) bonds; N2: Pyridine-like N, i.e., N bonded to two C atoms; and N3: graphite-like N, i.e., N bonded to three C atoms as if substituted in a graphitic network, however, possibly positioned in a pentagon and/or with sp3 carbon neighbors. The presence of N2 and N3 are best detected by XPS, while N1 is better detected by NEXAFS. The calculated XES spectra also give good indications how valence band spectra should be interpreted. Films grown at the higher temperatures (≥ 350°C) show a pronounced angular dependence of the incoming photon beam in NEXAFS measurements, which suggests a textured microstructure with standing graphitic basal planes, while amorphous films grown at low temperatures show isotropic properties. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Nitrogen bonding structure in carbon nitride thin films studied by soft x-ray spectroscopy
Soft x-ray absorption (SXAS) and emission (SXES) spectroscopies were applied to study the nitrogen bonding structure in magnetron sputtered CNx thin films. By comparing with calculated spectra of N in different model systems, N in three main bonding environments can be identified: (i) CN bonds, with a sharp SXAS peak at 399.5 eV, (ii) pyridine-like N (i.e., N bonded to two C atoms), with an x-ray absorption resonance at ∼398.5 eV, and (iii) N substituted in graphite, possibly with one sp3 carbon as a neighbor (SXAS energy ∼401 eV). These bondings are present in all CNx films analyzed; however, as shown earlier, the relative intensities between the peaks may vary with the growth conditions. Differences in the coordination of the nearest or second nearest C neighbors only cause slight changes in the peak positions and spectrum shape. © 2001 American Institute of Physics
Ultrahigh Energy Resolution RIXS Beamline at Next Generation 3 GeV Synchrotron Facility in Tohoku
次世代放射光施設で建設中の RIXS ビームラインの光学設計について発表する。14th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentatio
Design for nano-ARPES beamline at 3-GeV next-generation synchrotron radiation facility
次世代放射光施設で QST が第 1 期に整備される 3 本の共用ビームラインのうち、BL06U では軟 X 線ナノ光電子分光ビームラインとして、ナノ集光ビームを用いたスピン分解角度分解光電子分光(ARPES)を実現することを計画している。次世代放射光施設利用研究検討委員会ビームラインワーキンググループによって纏められた要求仕様に基づいて現在設計を進めているビームライン光学系について報告する。14th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentatio