566 research outputs found

    Design of Comminution Circuit for Optimum Performance of the Gravity Separation Unit at Itakpe Iron Ore Processing Plant, Nigeria

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    Designing an efficient and economic mineral processing plant begins with the choice of the best and most economic comminution circuit based on ore properties and concentrate end-user’s specifications. This is because crushing and grinding for preparation of suitable feed for the downstream processes are cost intensive. The Itakpe iron ore processing plant presently produces a taiing material containing up to 22% iron minerals mostly fines produced inevitably during comminution. This article analyzed the existing circuit and ore properties, and presents specific comminution tests that were undertaken in order to recommend an alternate and more effective circuit. Sieve analyses of the various products of the existing circuit were carried out. The results show that fines exist in the circuit as a result of the brittleness of some portions of the ore which leads to crumbling and sloughing of the material during crushing and handling. It is revealed that mechanical stacking and reclamation also contributes to the generation of fines in the circuit. One possibility to a solution is to screen the product of secondary crusher ahead of grinding with a +2mm coarse screen between the reclaimer and the primary autogenous mills to prevent further production of fines during crushing unless the downstream recovery process is entirely designed for flotation. This option however still allows much fine material to the concentration lines. It is therefore recommended that materials less than 2mm be screened off the products of primary and secondary crushers and treated separately in gravity or magnetic unit without grinding. A +2mm screen is also recommended for installation as control for the product of primary autogenous mills which should be treated for concentration in the gravity unit. If flotation is to be employed, a regrind mill will be installed on either or both of the concentration lines or to a blend of the two. Keywords: sloughing, crumbling, user’s specifications, hardness, dropping impact, iron-rich, brittlenes

    Design of Comminution Circuit for Optimum Performance of the Gravity Separation Unit at Itakpe Iron Ore Processing Plant, Nigeria

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    Designing an efficient and economic mineral processing plant begins with the choice of the best and most economic comminution circuit based on ore properties and concentrate end-user’s specifications. This is because crushing and grinding for preparation of suitable feed for the downstream processes are cost intensive. The Itakpe iron ore processing plant presently produces a taiing material containing up to 22% iron minerals mostly fines produced inevitably during comminution. This article analyzed the existing circuit and ore properties, and presents specific comminution tests that were undertaken in order to recommend an alternate and more effective circuit. Sieve analyses of the various products of the existing circuit were carried out. The results show that fines exist in the circuit as a result of the brittleness of some portions of the ore which leads to crumbling and sloughing of the material during crushing and handling. It is revealed that mechanical stacking and reclamation also contributes to the generation of fines in the circuit. One possibility to a solution is to screen the product of secondary crusher ahead of grinding with a +2mm coarse screen between the reclaimer and the primary autogenous mills to prevent further production of fines during crushing unless the downstream recovery process is entirely designed for flotation. This option however still allows much fine material to the concentration lines. It is therefore recommended that materials less than 2mm be screened off the products of primary and secondary crushers and treated separately in gravity or magnetic unit without grinding. A +2mm screen is also recommended for installation as control for the product of primary autogenous mills which should be treated for concentration in the gravity unit. If flotation is to be employed, a regrind mill will be installed on either or both of the concentration lines or to a blend of the two. Keywords: sloughing, crumbling, user’s specifications, hardness, dropping impact, iron-rich, brittlenes

    Effects of rock phosphate amended with poultry manure on soil available p and yield of maize and cowpea

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    The effect of rock phosphate (Sokoto and Ogun rock phosphates) amended with poultry manure on soil available phosphate (P) and yield of maize and cowpea grown sequentially was evaluated for four cropping seasons. The results obtained showed superiority of single super phosphate (SSP) application over either Sokoto or Ogun rock phosphates. However, complementary application of the Sokoto and Ogun rock phosphates with poultry manure increased maize plant height by 12 and 6, and 19 and 8%, respectively. Also, percent phosphorus contents in maize and cowpea leaf tissues increased respectively by 33 and 22, and 22 and 25% in 2000, and by 25 and 6, and 16 and 18%, respectively in 2001. Maize grain yield was increased by 33 and 26, and 18 and 25%, respectively, while that of cowpea was increased by 25 and 32, and 49 and 38% in 2000 and 2001, respectively when compared with application of rock phosphate alone. Single super phosphate treated soil had the highest residual P values in all the three sampling periods. The effectiveness of rock phosphate as a P sources for crop production was remarkably enhanced by solubilizing effect of poultry manure. Its low rate (2 t ha-1) in combination with rock phosphate gave almost similar effects like higher rates (3 and 4 t ha -1) of applications.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (5), pp. 444-448, 200


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    This paper examines the impact of stock market regulations and reforms on frequent wealth–loss often experienced by investors in Nigeria Stock Exchange Markets right from March, 2008 in Nigeria. Secondary data on two selected banks-listed on the Nigeria Stock exchange market in Nigeria before April, 2003 using random selection method, viz: First Bank of Nigeria and Union Bank of Nigeria. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical method of time series and Simple Percentage Method (SPM). The study revealed that share values are attractive and considerably stable in term of return to investment of shareholders during the preshare crisis period due to the effectiveness of the enabling stock market regulations than in the post share crisis period when value of shares went into spiralling declension. Stock market regulations and reforms is now under serious challenges as the percentage of indigenous investors has reduced drastically from 19% to less than 14% in the Nigeria Stock Exchange markets. Thus the study recommends more proactive regulations and reforms, potent enough to bring back confidence to investors in this post share crisis periods in Nigeria

    Environmental Effects of Processing Marine Clay in Olotu, Ondo State, Nigeria

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    In this work, analysis of the released gas from calcined marine clay and lime shell was investigated. Study of the emitted gas/air from the calcined clay and shell showed that average concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2: 20.09PPM and 8.12PPM) are below the maximum standard natural concentration 600PPM of carbon dioxide in fresh air and the recommended World Health Organization Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of 500PPM. Average carbon monoxide (CO) concentration (0.004PPM, 0.010PPM) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentration (0.002PPM are below the Nigeria Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and World Health Organization (WHO) maximum limit of 10PPM-20PPM (for carbon monoxide) and 0.01PPM- 0.5PPM (for sulfur dioxide) for an 8-hourly time. It was established that the average concentration of C0, C02, and S02 is so low and so pose no threat to the environment based on the review of the existing regulation, standards and codes (WHO and NAAQSO). Keywords: Ambient, Testo 350XL- Analyzer, PPM- Part Per Million, calcinin

    Adherence to prescribed drug therapy among adult patients of General Out-Patient Department of a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria

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    Objective: The widespread problems of adherence to medication denied substantial number of patients the maximum benefits of medical treatment, resulting in poor health outcomes, lower quality of life and increased health care costs. The objective of this study was to determine the extent of drug adherence among patients seen in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria.Methods: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional survey carried out among 381 patients attending the General Out-Patient Department (GOPD) of a Teaching Hospital in Nigeria. Interviewer administered questionnaire was used as the research tool and case notes of the patients were used to obtain information on drug adherence.Results: About half of the patients 194 (50.9%) adhered fully with doctor's prescription on the use of drugs for diseases they presented to the  hospital. More than three quarters (78.0%) of patients aged 56 years and above adhered fully with prescription compared with 11.1% in the age group 15-25 years. The older patients had better adherence to medication than the younger patients with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.001). Many of the patients with no formal education (69.0%) adhered fully with prescription compared with 28.6% with post secondary education p = 0.001.Conclusion: Health education intervention and active role of health care providers in patients'-provider  communication towards addressing the determinants of non-adherence will play a major role in improving adherence to medication.Key words: Drug, adherence, Teaching, Hospital, Nigeri

    Physical development pattern and crime incidences in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

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    The paper inquired if the nature and physical development characteristics of the neighbourhoods constitute crime exposure factors in Ilorin. The study identified common crimes experienced and their spatial distribution in the neighbourhoods of Ilorin. It further characterized the nature and physical development conditions of the neighbourhoods of the study area. In carrying out the study 960 households spread across 35 aggregated neighbourhoods of the study area were sampled for their crime victimization experiences using a designed crime victimization survey questionnaire administered through a systematic random sampling procedure, in a survey conducted in October, 2015. In addition, extensive but discreet physical observations and rating of the physical development characteristics of the neighbourhoods were conducted as part of the survey. In analyzing the data obtained, the study employed Jenks' natural breaks classification method to classify the neighbourhoods of the study area into four crime densities; and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation technique to establish the relationship between the quality of neighbourhood physical development and exposure to crime. The study confirmed the common crimes experienced by residents of the study area; established a spatial classification of criminality in the study area; as well established a (r) value of -0.633 between the nature of neighbourhood physical development and exposure to crime using correlation analysis. The study recommends the design and implementation of periodic urban renewal programmes to minimize exposure to crime in poorly developed neighbourhoods of the study area.Keywords: crime pattern, neighbourhood, physical development patter

    Organisational Culture and Human Capital Development in First Bank Nigeria Plc

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    The study investigated the effect of organizational culture on human capital development. The study adopted the survey method and Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Multivariate Regression Model was used to analyse the hypotheses. The instrument used in data collection was a structured questionnaire and statistical techniques of Pearson product correlation coefficient to determine the impact on human capital development in First Bank. The finding of this study shows that organizational culture will positively but insignificantly influence human capital development practice in terms of staffing, career development and compensation. The study recommends that it is important for practicing managers to take cultural factors into account in formulating human capital development policy across the country. There should an alternative management science that is based on Nigerian values. Companies should also share information to safe guard the current best practices in order to keep up to date and deal with human capital development.Key Words: Culture, Human Capital, Organisation, Banking Industr

    Prescription Pattern at a Secondary Health Care Facility in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    Background/Objectives: Expenditures due to irrational use of drugs have been a strain on the meagre health budgets of several developing countries and inappropriate prescribing has been identified in many health facilities in developing countries. This study examines the prescription pattern in a secondary health facility. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional survey was used in this study. Three hundred and three randomly selected prescriptions issued to patients attending out-patients' clinics in the facility over a period of three months were examined. Data obtained was analyzed using EPI-INFO 2000 computer software. Results: Mean number of drugs per prescription in the health facility is 3.99\ub11.55. At least 4 drugs were prescribed in 61.6% of the prescriptions. Generic prescribing was generally low. Out of a total of 1219 drugs prescribed 511 (41.9%) were prescribed in generic names. Analgesics, antimalarials, antibiotics and antihypertensives accounted for 19.7%, 10.2%, 13.0% and 4.9% of the drugs prescribed respectively. Only 124 (40.9%) of the prescriptions had all drugs prescribed available in the health facility. Conclusion: This study found practice of polypharmacy prevalent as found in other studies in developing countries among prescribers and prescription in generic names is low. Regular orientation and re-orientation of prescribers on rational drug prescription and prescription in generic names in conformity with national drug policies is necessary.Introduction/Objectifs: Les d\ue9penses dues \ue0 l'utilisation irrationnelles des m\ue9dicaments ont \ue9t\ue9 une rude \ue9preuve sur des maigres budgets de la sant\ue9 de plusieurs pays en voie de d\ue9veloppement et de prescription inappropri\ue9e a \ue9t\ue9 identifi\ue9 dans de nombreux \ue9tablissements de sant\ue9 dans les pays en voie de d\ue9veloppement. Cette \ue9tude fait un examen de la tendance de la prescription dans un centre des soins secondaire. M\ue9thodes: Une \ue9tude descriptive d'un groupe repr\ue9sentant a \ue9t\ue9 utilis\ue9 dans cette \ue9tude. Trois cents trois ordonnances d\ue9livr\ue9es aux patients choisis au hasard, aux patients fr\ue9quentant le clinique des patients externes du centre hospitalier pendant une p\ue9riode de trois mois sont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9tudi\ue9s. Des donn\ue9es obtenues ont \ue9t\ue9 analys\ue9es \ue0 l'aide de EPI INFO 200 logiciels informatiques. R\ue9sultats: Nombre moyen de m\ue9dicaments par prescription dans le centre de la sant\ue9 est 3,99 +- 1,55. Au moins, 4 m\ue9dicaments sont prescrits dans 61,6% des ordonnances. Prescrivant des g\ue9n\ue9riques a \ue9t\ue9 g\ue9n\ue9ralement faible sur un total de 1219 m\ue9dicaments prescrits 511 soit 41,9% ont \ue9t\ue9 prescrits dans noms g\ue9n\ue9riques. Analg\ue9siques, le antipaludiques, les antibiotiques et les antihypertensions sont repr\ue9sent\ue9s 19,7% 10,2% et 4,9% des m\ue9dicaments prescrits respectivement. Seulement 124 (40,9%) des prescriptions de m\ue9dicaments prescrits sont tous disponibles dans les \ue9tablissement de la sant\ue9. Conclusion: A travers cette \ue9tude, nous remarquons que la pratique de la fr\ue9quence de la poly pharmacie comme trouv\ue9es dans d'autres \ue9tudes dans les pays en voie de d\ue9veloppement entre les prescripteurs et la prescription des noms g\ue9n\ue9riques est faible. Orientation r\ue9guli\ue8res et de r\ue9orientation des prescripteurs sur la rationnelle de la prescription des m\ue9dicaments et de prescription de noms g\ue9n\ue9riques en conformit\ue9 avec les politiques en mati\ue8re de drogue est n\ue9cessaire


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    Poverty is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today. This is because it is a major cause of ill-health by forcing people to live in dirty environments and a barrier to accessing health care, especially in the developing world. As a result of these, it was predicted that the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic will pose a devastating impact on households living beneath the economic, social, health and educational services thresholds. This impact will stem from the direct and indirect effects of the illness and the transmission control policies of governments. Consequently, this study assessed the COVID-19 preventive strategies adopted as well as the statistical relationship between the pre and post-lockdown household income poverty in Minna, Nigeria. The study similarly developed a predictive model for the nexus between poverty headcount ratio and the incidence of COVID-19 in Nigeria. Both the primary and secondary sources of data were employed for this study and the data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics (t-Test and regression techniques). The outcome showed that there exists a statistically significant difference between the pre-lockdown poverty rate and the post-lockdown poverty rate in Minna. The study also revealed that for each unit increase in poverty headcount ratio, the incidences of COVID-19 cases and its fatalities decreases by -42.5625 and -0.56077 units respectively. The study, therefore, recommended the domestication of the existing social intervention programmes of the Federal Government, by States Governments in order to enhance the standard of living of more households. It was also recommended that all stakeholders most partake in enlightenment and sensitization programmes on the need to adopt preventive measures to guard against the transmission of the virus
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