11 research outputs found

    Burdur ilinde karayollarının yakınından toplanan bazı karayosunu örneklerinde ağır metal seviyelerinin belirlenmesi

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    The main sources of atmospheric heavy metals deposition are agricultural activities, fossil fuels, central heating stations and the exhaust gases of motor vehicles. In this study, the total of 29 mosses samples were collected from contaminated points near the Isparta-Antalya, Burdur-Denizli, Burdur-Afyonkarahisar, Burdur-Fethiye (Muğla) and Burdur-Antalya highways (2-20m) and uncontaminated areas in 2012. Samples were analyzed by flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) later microwave digestion methods. The highest accumulation levels detected as µg.g−1 Fe (1419.02)>Zn (158.44)>Mn (362.77)>Ni (109.53)>Cr (60.51)>Pb (30.38)>Cd (35.866)>Cu (25.17) for mosses. Element levels are differ depending on moss species and the location of collecting localities.Atmosferik Ağır metal birikiminin ana kaynakları, tarımsal faaliyetler, fosil yakıtlar, merkezi ısıtma istasyonları ve bölgedeki motorlu taşıtların egzoz gazlarıdır. Bu çalışmada, 2012 yılında Isparta-Antalya, Burdur-Denizli, Burdur-Afyonkarahisar, Burdur-Fethiye (Muğla) ve Burdur-Antalya karayollarının yakınından (2-20m) kirlenmiş bölgeden ve bu yollara uzak noktalardan temiz bölgeden 29 karayosunu örneği toplanmıştır. Örnekler mikrodalga çözünürleştirme sonrasında alev ve grafit fırın atomik absorpsiyon spektrometresi (AAS) metodu ile analiz edilmiştir. Karayosunları için en yüksek birikim seviyeleri µg.g−1 olarak şu şekilde tespit edildi; Fe (1419.02)>Mn (362.77)>Zn (158.44)>Ni (109.53)>Cr (60.51)>Pb (30.38)>Cd(35.866)>Cu (25.17). Element seviyesi, karayosunu türlerine ve toplanma lokalitelerinin durumuna bağlı olarak farklıdır

    Travmatik kanalikül kesisi tamiri sonuçlarımız

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    Amaç: Travmatik kanalikül kesisi tamiri yapılan olguların klinik özelliklerini, uygulanan cerrahi yöntemlerini değerlendirmek.Gereç ve Yöntem: Ankara Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Göz Kliniği’ne perioküler travma nedeniyle başvuran ve kanalikül kesisi nedeniyle opere edilen 23 olgunun kayıtları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Hastaların klinik özellikleri, uygulanan cerrahi yöntemleri ve cerrahilerin başarısı değerlendirildi. Takiplerde, nazolakrimal kanal lavajında geçişin olması anatomik başarı; epifora şikayetinin olmaması fonksiyonel başarı olarak kabul edildi.Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 35.9 ± 21.8 idi. Olguların 15’inde %65.2 ’de alt kanalikül; 4’ünde %17.4 üst kanalikül; 4’ünde %17.4 her iki kanalikülde kesi tespit edildi. Tek kanalikül hasarı olan 19 olguda mini-Monoka stent entübasyonu yapıldı. Bikanaliküler kesisi olan 4 olguda ise bikanaliküler anüler silikon entübasyon yapıldı. Hastaların silikon tüplerinin ortalama kalış süresi 5.28 ± 4.75 ay 1-24 ay idi. Hastalar silikon tüpleri alındıktan sonra ortalama 3.04 ± 8.8 ay takip edildi ve olguların 21’inde %91.3 fonksiyonel; 22’sinde %95.6 anatomik başarı izlendi. Sonuç: Glob ve kapak travmalarına eşlik edebilecek kanalikül kesilerinin erken tespiti ve onarılması anatomik ve fonksiyonel başarının elde edilmesinde önemlidi

    Determination of Activity Concentrations of Natural and Artificial Radionuclides in Diospyros kaki L. Samples Grown in Rize Province and Annual Effective Dose Values

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    Dünyanın pek çok bölgesinde, meyve örneklerindeki radyonüklitlerin radyasyon aktivitelerinin belirlenmesi ve bu aktivitelerden maruz kalınan yıllık etkin doz değerlerinin hesaplanması ile ilgili araştırmalar yapılmaktadır. Ancak, Cennet Hurması (Diospyros kaki L.) meyvesindeki radyonüklitlerin radyasyon aktivite düzeyleri hakkında yeterli miktarda veriye rastlanmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada Rize ilinde yetişen Cennet hurması örneklerinde doğal (238U{}^{238}U, 232Th{}^{232}Th, 40K{}^{40}K) ve yapay (137Cs{}^{137}Cs) radyonüklitlerin aktivite konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesi ve bu meyvenin tüketiminden yöre halkının maruz kalabilecekleri yıllık etkin doz değerlerinin hesaplanması amaçlanmıştır. Örneklerin analizi için yüksek saflıkta germanyum dedektörü (HPGe) ve gama spektrometre sistemi kullanılmış olup, örneklerdeki 238U, 232Th{}^{232}Th, 137Cs{}^{137}Cs ve 40K{}^{40}K radyonüklitleri için ortalama aktivite konsantrasyonları sırasıyla 5.01±0.48 Bq kg1kg^{-1} , 5.87±0.93 Bq kg1kg^{-1} , 21.25±0.74 Bq kg1kg^{-1} ve 1438.69±22.14 Bqkg1kg^{-1} olarak bulunmuştur. Aynı radyonüklitler için ortalama yıllık etkin doz değerleri sırasıyla 0.632 µSv y1y^{-1} , 3.787 µSv y1y^{-1} , 0.774 µSv y1y^{-1} ve 24.976 µSv y1y^{-1} olarak elde edilmiştir. Toplam yıllık etkin doz değerleri 18.215 µSv y1y^{-1} ile 45.990 µSv y1y^{-1} aralığında hesaplanmıştır. Bu değerler, Birleşmiş Milletler Atomik Radyasyonun Etkileri Bilimsel Komitesi (UNSCEAR) tarafından belirtilen, insanların doğal radyoaktif kaynaklardan gıda yoluyla maruz kaldıkları yıllık ortalama radyasyon dozu olan 0.29 mSv değerinden oldukça düşük olup halk sağlığı açısından herhangi bir risk teşkil etmemektedir.In many regions of the world, researches are carried out to determine the radiation activities of radionuclides in fruit samples and to calculate the annual effective dose values exposed from these activities. However, there is not enough data about the radiation activity levels of radionuclides in the Diospyros kaki L. fruit. In this study it was aimed to determine the activity concentrations of natural (238U{}^{238}U, 232Th{}^{232}Th, 40K{}^{40}K) and artificial (137Cs{}^{137}Cs) radionuclides in the Diospyros kaki L. samples grown in Rize province and to calculate the annual effective dose values that the local people are exposed from the consumption of this fruit. The high purity germanium detector (HPGe) and gamma spectrometry system were used for the analysis of the samples, and the average activity concentrations for the 238U{}^{238}U, 232Th{}^{232}Th, 137Cs{}^{137}Cs and 40K{}^{40}Kradionuclides in the samples were found as 5.01±0.48 Bq kg1kg^{-1} , 5.87±0.93 Bq kg1kg^{-1} , 21.25±0.74 Bq kg-1 and 1438.69±22.14 Bq kg1kg^{-1} , respectively. The mean annual effective dose values for the same radionuclides were obtained as 0.632 µSv y1y^{-1} , 3.787 µSv y1y^{-1} , 0.774 µSvy1y^{-1} and 24.976 µSv y1y^{-1} , respectively. The total annual effective dose values were calculated between 18.215 µSv y1y^{-1} and 45.990 µSv y1y^{-1} . These values are considerably lower than the annual average radiation dose of 0.29 mSv, which is specified by the United Nation Scientific Committe on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), to which people are exposed from natural radioactive sources in foodstuff, and poses no risk to public health

    Investigate of atmospheric arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury levels in moss species found around Zilkale, by EDXRF Spectrometry

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    International Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS) -- APR 21-23, 2016 -- Antalya, TURKEYWOS: 000376001000124Zilkale is a castle located in Firtma Valley and it is one of the most important historical structures in Camlihemsin district of Rize Province in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. the castle surrounded by very high mountains that poke up into the clouds, and it rains here all year round. Tourism businesses or industrial plants are not so much there yet. in recent years, Zilkale region has begun the attract tourist, people on treaking holidays in the Kackar. But many domestic and foreign tourists come to this region by own car or tour buses. the aim of this study is to investigate the atmospheric concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury levels in five different moss species collected around Zilkale by using Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Spectrometry. the average concentrations of heavy metals in moss samples ranged from 0.79-4.63 ppm for arsenic, 54.47-143.39 ppm for chromium, 39.97-81.03 ppm for lead. the values of cadmium and mercury were found below the detection limit. This study has shown that Hypnum cupressiforme, Abietinella abietina, Rhytidium rugosum, Plagiomnium undulate, and Thuidium tamariscinum samples collected around Zilkale were used to assess the potential contamination of atmospheric As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg contamination in the region and made important contributions toward the understanding of atmospheric As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg baseline data can be used for identification of changes in the levels of these heavy metals in the studied area

    The Metaphorical Perceptions of Preparatory Program Students for “English” and “Learning English”

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    The aim of this study is to determine the metaphorical perceptions of English Preparatory Program (EPP) students towards “English” and “Learning English”. In the study group, there are 107 university students (60 female and 47 male) attending EPP in 2017-2018 academic year at Hacettepe University School of Foreign Languages. The data were collected through an open-ended questionnaire, which is expressed as "English/ learning English is like … because…”. According to the findings, participants produced 102 valid metaphors for “English” and 96 for “learning English”. Metaphors were integrated into 8 conceptual categories for “English” and 10 conceptual categories for “learning English”. According to the results, metaphorical perceptions of EPP students towards English are generally positive and students are aware that learning English is an inevitable necessity. The positive metaphorical perceptions of students both enrich the language and facilitate learning

    The Metaphorical Perceptions of Preparatory Program Students for “English” and “Learning English”

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    The aim of this study is to determine the metaphorical perceptions of English Preparatory Program (EPP) students towards “English” and “Learning English”. In the study group, there are 107 university students (60 female and 47 male) attending EPP in 2017-2018 academic year at Hacettepe University School of Foreign Languages. The data were collected through an open-ended questionnaire, which is expressed as "English/ learning English is like … because…”. According to the findings, participants produced 102 valid metaphors for “English” and 96 for “learning English”. Metaphors were integrated into 8 conceptual categories for “English” and 10 conceptual categories for “learning English”. According to the results, metaphorical perceptions of EPP students towards English are generally positive and students are aware that learning English is an inevitable necessity. The positive metaphorical perceptions of students both enrich the language and facilitate learning

    Determination of Heavy Metal Levels in Some Moss Samples Collected from Near the Highways in Burdur Province

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    The main sources of atmospheric heavy metals deposition are agricultural activities, fossil fuels, central heating stations and the exhaust gases of motor vehicles. In this study, the total of 29 mosses samples were collected from contaminated points near the Isparta-Antalya, Burdur-Denizli, Burdur-Afyonkarahisar, Burdur-Fethiye (Muğla) and Burdur-Antalya highways (2-20m) and uncontaminated areas in 2012. Samples were analyzed by flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) later microwave digestion methods. The highest accumulation levels detected as µg.g−1 Fe (1419.02)>Zn (158.44)>Mn (362.77)>Ni (109.53)>Cr (60.51)>Pb (30.38)>Cd (35.866)>Cu (25.17) for mosses. Element levels are differ depending on moss species and the location of collecting localities.Atmosferik Ağır metal birikiminin ana kaynakları, tarımsal faaliyetler, fosil yakıtlar, merkezi ısıtma istasyonları ve bölgedeki motorlu taşıtların egzoz gazlarıdır. Bu çalışmada, 2012 yılında Isparta-Antalya, Burdur-Denizli, Burdur-Afyonkarahisar, Burdur-Fethiye (Muğla) ve Burdur-Antalya karayollarının yakınından (2-20m) kirlenmiş bölgeden ve bu yollara uzak noktalardan temiz bölgeden 29 karayosunu örneği toplanmıştır. Örnekler mikrodalga çözünürleştirme sonrasında alev ve grafit fırın atomik absorpsiyon spektrometresi (AAS) metodu ile analiz edilmiştir. Karayosunları için en yüksek birikim seviyeleri µg.g−1 olarak şu şekilde tespit edildi; Fe (1419.02)>Mn (362.77)>Zn (158.44)>Ni (109.53)>Cr (60.51)>Pb (30.38)>Cd(35.866)>Cu (25.17). Element seviyesi, karayosunu türlerine ve toplanma lokalitelerinin durumuna bağlı olarak farklıdır

    Annual effective dose and concentration levels of gross alpha and beta in Turkish market tea

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    Gorur, Filiz Korkmaz/0000-0003-0241-2052; Dizman, Serdar/0000-0002-6511-9526WOS: 000314276300001Background: Tea is one of the most popular beverages all over the world which is prepared from the leaves of a shrub camellia sinensis. Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey which account for around 100% of all tea production in Turkey was among the areas contaminated by Chernobyl accident. Materials and Methods: A comprehensive study was planned and carried out to determine the level of gross alpha and beta radioactivity and annual effective dose equivalent in different Turkish market tea using LSC. Results: the average measurements for digestion and infusion are 5.0 mBql(-1) and 1.8 mBql(-1) for gross alpha, 80.7 mBql(-1) and 9.0 mBql(-1) for gross beta in tea samples. Contributions of the infusion tea samples to total annual effective dose equivalent from U-238, U-234, Th-230, Ra-226, Po-210, Th-232, Th-238, Pb-210 and Ra-228 are 0.103, 0.112, 0.480, 0.640, 2.742, 0.525, 0.164, 7.740 and 7.740 mu Svy(-1) for adults. Conclusion: the obtained results showed that natural activity concentrations of alpha- and beta-emitting radionuclides and annual effective dose equivalent in tea samples did not exceed WHO recommended levels. Iran. J. Radiat. Res., 2012; 10(2): 67-7