1,003 research outputs found

    Cerebral fungal infection with mycotic aneurysm of basilar artery and subarachnoid haemorrhage

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    A 28-year-old Pakistani man was admitted with unresolved severe headaches for the past four weeks. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and MR angiography showed an enhancing mass in the sphenoid sinus, bilateral cerebellar infarcts and aneurysmal dilatation of the basilar artery. The differential diagnosis included fungal infection versus neoplastic lesion. The scrappings taken through the endoscope from the sphenoid sinus were initially negative for fungal infection. However, the second biopsy, done after putting him on antifungal, itraconazole 200 mg twice daily, revealed the presence of a fungal infection (aspergillosis). MR imaging revealed extension of the fungal infection from the sphenoid sinus into the clivus, and then intracranially. Imaging also revealed aneurysmal dilatation of the basilar artery and infarctions in the cerebellum and subarachnoid haemorrhage. Despite aggressive antifungal treatment, the Patient died after 29 days. This case report describes the probable mechanism of fungal mycotic aneurysmal vascular dilatation and growth. It also points to the need for a rapid diagnosis of potential cases and an aggressive treatment approach of confirmed cases of fungal infections of the central nervous system

    DDFT calibration and investigation of an anisotropic phase-field crystal model

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    The anisotropic phase-field crystal model recently proposed and used by Prieler et al. [J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 464110 (2009)] is derived from microscopic density functional theory for anisotropic particles with fixed orientation. Further its morphology diagram is explored. In particular we investigated the influence of anisotropy and undercooling on the process of nucleation and microstructure formation from atomic to the microscale. To that end numerical simulations were performed varying those dimensionless parameters which represent anisotropy and undercooling in our anisotropic phase-field crystal (APFC) model. The results from these numerical simulations are summarized in terms of a morphology diagram of the stable state phase. These stable phases are also investigated with respect to their kinetics and characteristic morphological features.Comment: It contain 13 pages and total of 7 figure

    Searching for exclusive leptoquarks with the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio composite model at the LHC and HL-LHC

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    We present a detailed study concerning a new physics scenario involving four fermion operators of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type characterized by a strong-coupling ultraviolet fixed point where composite particles are formed as bound states of elementary fermions at the scale Λ = O(TeV). After implementing the model in the Universal FeynRules Output format, we focus on the phenomenology of the scalar leptoquarks at the LHC and the High-Luminosity option. Leptoquark particles have undergone extensive scrutiny in the literature and experimental searches, primarily relying on pair production and, more recently, incorporating single, t-channel, and lepton-induced processes. This study marks, for the first time, the examination of these production modes at varying jet multiplicities. Novel mechanisms emerge, enhancing the total production cross-section, especially for leptoquarks couplings to higher fermion generations. A global strategy is devised to capture all final state particles produced in association with leptoquarks or originating from their decay, which we termed “exclusive”, in an analogy to the nomenclature used in nuclear reactions. The assessment of the significance in current and future LHC runs, focusing on the case of leptoquark coupling to a muon - c quark pair, reveals superior sensitivity compared to ongoing searches. Given this heightened discovery potential, we advocate the incorporation of exclusive leptoquark searches in future investigations at the LHC

    Searching for exclusive leptoquarks with the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio composite model at the LHC and HL-LHC

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    We present a detailed study concerning a new physics scenario involving four fermion operators of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type characterized by a strong-coupling ultraviolet fixed point where composite particles are formed as bound states of elementary fermions at the scale . After implementing the model in the Universal FeynRules Output format, we focus on the phenomenology of the scalar leptoquarks at the LHC and the High-Luminosity option. Leptoquark particles have undergone extensive scrutiny in the literature and experimental searches, primarily relying on pair production and, more recently, incorporating single, Drell-Yan t-channel, and lepton-induced processes. This study marks, for the first time, the examination of these production modes at varying jet multiplicities. Novel mechanisms emerge, enhancing the total production cross section. A global strategy is devised to capture all final state particles produced in association with leptoquarks or originating from their decay, which we termed “exclusive”, in an analogy to the nomenclature used in nuclear reactions. The assessment of the significance in current and future LHC runs, focusing on the case of a leptoquark coupling to a muon–c quark pair, reveals greater sensitivity compared to ongoing searches. Given this heightened discovery potential, we advocate the incorporation of exclusive leptoquark searches in future investigations at the LH

    Understanding the context of balanced scorecard implementation: a hospital-based case study in pakistan

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    Background: As a response to a changing operating environment, healthcare administrators are implementing modern management tools in their organizations. The balanced scorecard (BSC) is considered a viable tool in high-income countries to improve hospital performance. The BSC has not been applied to hospital settings in low-income countries nor has the context for implementation been examined. This study explored contextual perspectives in relation to BSC implementation in a Pakistani hospital. Methods: Four clinical units of this hospital were involved in the BSC implementation based on their willingness to participate. Implementation included sensitization of units towards the BSC, developing specialty specific BSCs and reporting of performance based on the BSC during administrative meetings. Pettigrew and Whipp\u27s context (why), process (how) and content (what) framework of strategic change was used to guide data collection and analysis. Data collection methods included quantitative tools (a validated culture assessment questionnaire) and qualitative approaches including key informant interviews and participant observation.Results: Method triangulation provided common and contrasting results between the four units. A participatory culture, supportive leadership, financial and non-financial incentives, the presentation of clear direction by integrating support for the BSC in policies, resources, and routine activities emerged as desirable attributes for BSC implementation. The two units that lagged behind were more involved in direct inpatient care and carried a considerable clinical workload. Role clarification and consensus about the purpose and benefits of the BSC were noted as key strategies for overcoming implementation challenges in two clinical units that were relatively ahead in BSC implementation. It was noted that, rather than seeking to replace existing information systems, initiatives such as the BSC could be readily adopted if they are built on existing infrastructures and data networks. Conclusion: Variable levels of the BSC implementation were observed in this study. Those intending to apply the BSC in other hospital settings need to ensure a participatory culture, clear institutional mandate, appropriate leadership support, proper reward and recognition system, and sensitization to BSC benefits

    Family structure and posttraumatic stress reactions: a longitudinal study using multilevel analyses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is limited research on the relevance of family structures to the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress following disasters. We longitudinally studied the effects of marital and parental statuses on posttraumatic stress reactions after the 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami and whether persons in the same households had more shared stress reactions than others.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>The study included a tourist population of 641 Norwegian adult citizens, many of them from families with children. We measured posttraumatic stress symptoms with the Impact of Event Scale-Revised at 6 months and 2 years post-disaster. Analyses included multilevel methods with mixed effects models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results showed that neither marital nor parental status was significantly related to posttraumatic stress. At both assessments, adults living in the same household reported levels of posttraumatic stress that were more similar to one another than adults who were not living together. Between households, disaster experiences were closely related to the variance in posttraumatic stress symptom levels at both assessments. Within households, however, disaster experiences were less related to the variance in symptom level at 2 years than at 6 months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that adult household members may influence one another's posttraumatic stress reactions as well as their interpretations of the disaster experiences over time. Our findings suggest that multilevel methods may provide important information about family processes after disasters.</p

    Chamuangone-enriched rice bran oil ameliorates neurodegeneration in haloperidol-induced Parkinsonian rat model via modulation of neuro-inflammatory mediators and suppression of oxidative stress markers

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    A natural bioactive compound chamuangone extracted from Thai salad Garcinia cowa leaves exhibited robust medicinal properties, targeting central oxidative stress pathways, and having neuroprotective potential. Chamuangone-enriched rice bran oil (CERBO), with 1.97 mg/mL chamuangone, was obtained through green extraction. The study was designed to evaluate the anti-Parkinson’s activity of CERBO in the haloperidol-induced Parkinsonian rat model. Animals were categorized into six groups as control, disease control and treatment groups. Parkinson’s disease (PD)-like symptoms were induced by administration of haloperidol 1 mg/kg, intraperitoneally; CERBO treatment groups received 2.5, 5, and 7.5 mg/kg orally before the administration of haloperidol for 21 days. Neurobehavioral, biochemical, neurochemical, and histopathological studies along with gene expression analysis were performed at the completion of the study. CERBO markedly recover the motor and non-motor PD-like symptoms in treatment groups dose-dependently. The levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, reduced glutathione, and glutathione peroxidase, increased, while malondialdehyde levels decreased dose-dependently in CERBO-treated groups. CERBO dose-dependent elevations were observed in neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline). PD-associated specific biomarker (α-synuclein) decreased dose-dependently with downregulation in messenger RNA expression of neuro-inflammatory mediators (interleukin α, interleukin 1β, and tumor necrosis factor-α). Histopathological studies revealed recovery in neuronal loss, formation of Lewy’s bodies, and neurofibrillary tangles in the treatment groups. It was concluded from the data that CERBO possessed good anti-Parkinson’s activity and could be a novel, safe, and effective remedy for the treatment of PD.peer-reviewe