1,320 research outputs found

    Package Tour Recommendation System using Decision Tree Algorithm

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    The global market size of online travel agencies was 470 billion US dollars. Basically, travel agencies are companies that are selling travel related services like tourist activities, accommodation, transportation services etc. to the public. Package tour is also a service provided by travel agencies to their customers. Package tour for a particular destination is best option for an individual or a group of people who wants to hassle free trip. But list of travel agencies is increasing day by day and choosing a best travel agency for a particular trip is really a difficult job. Machine Learning algorithm can solve this problem with the help of Recommendation System. In this paper I am going to design a Package Tour Recommendation System using Decision Tree Algorithm that receive tourist request for package tour, analyse it and recommend top three travel agencies. Decision Tree algorithm is one of the most popular and effective machine learning algorithms for recommendation system. In today’s world Recommendation system enters in almost every field like entertainment, social media, e-commerce, advertisement industry etc.  &nbsp

    Moisture dependent thermal properties of ground flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum)

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    The thermal properties of flours have been extensively used as engineering parameter in the design of processes and equipment to handle, transport, storage purpose and for protection of quality of technological process by processing to final products. The thermal properties of ground flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) were investigated as a function of moisture content in the range of 4.82%-29.32% dry basis (d.b.) at six moisture levels, using a KD2 Pro Thermal Properties Analyzer. As the moisture content of ground flaxseed increased from 4.82 to 29.32 (% d.b.), the thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal diffusivity increased from 0.122 to 0.184 W m-1 K-1, 2.94 to 5.64 kJ kg-1 K-1, and 6.42×10-8 to 8.11×10-8 m2/s, respectively. Ground flaxseed moisture content effect was statistically significant (p<0.05) on all properties and baseline data were generated for the development of necessary handling and processing equipment

    Feministyczne górnictwo: krok w kierunku zrównoważonego górnictwa w Indiach

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    Economic growth and development with least harm to the environment is one of the biggest challenges for the human. Mining which is considered to be the most inherently unsustainable industry, is at the same time, plays key role in the development process in India and across Globe. It occupy primary position in the supply chain, contributing to the foreign direct investment, exports, government taxes, GDP (National Income) and provide huge labour employment. This paper studies industrial elimination of women, prolong industrial patriarchy, impetuous production, rising demand pressure has added to the quadrupling problems of land degradation, disposal of over burden/waste discharge, deforestation, pollution(air, water, and noise), and damage to forest flora and fauna, occupational health hazards and extreme global environmental damage in a rapid, continuous manner. These continuous and multi-layered problems are giving us reason to re-visioning steps, where we went wrong. Theoretical foundation of eco-feminism traces that negligence and suppression of women in general and in the mining industry, is one of the probable cause that hit environment fiercely. With this in mind, this paper suggests theory of eco-feminism into male centric mining industry as a perspective which is more likely to lead to industrial sustainability, making it more responsible and may provide pro-environmental solutions to the industry. This feminist concept extending it from individualistic level into mining organisations proposes as one of the alternative to combine ecology and commerce to envision sustainability.Wzrost gospodarczy i rozwój przy jak najmniejszej szkodliwości dla środowiska to jedno z największych wyzwań dla człowieka. Górnictwo, które jest uważane za najbardziej z natury niezrównoważony przemysł, odgrywa jednocześnie kluczową rolę w procesie rozwoju w Indiach i na całym świecie. Zajmuje podstawową pozycję w łańcuchu dostaw, przyczyniając się do bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych, eksportu, podatków rządowych, wzrostu  PKB (Dochodu Narodowego) i zapewnia ogromne zatrudnienie. Ten artykuł bada przemysłową eliminację kobiet, przedłużanie patriarchatu przemysłowego, gwałtowną produkcję, rosnącą presję popytową, która przyczyniła się do problemów degradacji gruntów, usuwania nadmiernego obciążenia / odprowadzania odpadów, wylesiania, zanieczyszczenia (powietrza, wody i hałasu) oraz szkód flory i fauny leśnej, zagrożeń dla zdrowia w miejscu pracy i ekstremalnych globalnych szkód środowiskowych w szybki i ciągły sposób. Te ciągłe i wielowarstwowe problemy dają nam powód do rewizji działań, w których popełniliśmy błędy. Teoretyczne podstawy ekofeminizmu dowodzą, że zaniedbania i represje wobec kobiet w ogólności i w górnictwie są jedną z prawdopodobnych przyczyn działań, które mocno uderzają w środowisko. Mając to na uwadze, niniejszy artykuł przedstawia teorię eko-feminizmu w przemyśle wydobywczym zorientowanym na mężczyzn jako perspektywę, która z większym prawdopodobieństwem doprowadzi do zrównoważonego rozwoju przemysłu, czyniąc go bardziej odpowiedzialnym i może zapewnić prośrodowiskowe rozwiązania. Ta feministyczna koncepcja, rozszerzająca ją z poziomu indywidualistycznego na organizacje górnicze, proponuje jako jedną z alternatyw połączenie ekologii i handlu w celu osiągnięcia zrównoważonego rozwoju

    Zagier's weight 3/23/2 mock modular form

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    Mock modular forms have their origins in Ramanujan's pioneering work on mock theta functions. In a 1975 paper, Zagier proved certain transformation properties of the generating function of the Hurwitz class numbers H(n)H(n) for the discriminant (n)(-n). In the modern framework, these results show that the generating function of H(n)H(n) is a mock modular form of weight 3/2 with the theta function being the shadow. In this expository paper, we provide a detailed proof of Zagier's result.Comment: 24 page

    Comparative evaluation of caudal tramadol and fentanyl when mixed with bupivacaine in paediatric age group

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    Background: A caudal block is commonly performed block for postoperative analgesia pediatric surgeries. Duration can be enhanced by addition drugs like fentanyl, tramadol, clonidine midazolam etc to local anesthetics helps in decreasing the requirement of postoperative analgesics. This study was conducted to assess the analgesic efficacy of tramadol or fentanyl when mixed with bupivacaine in pediatric patients for surgeries below the umbilicus.Methods: Fifty children of ASA I and ASA status, between 2 to 12 years of age, of both sexes underwent elective surgeries below umbilicus were selected and randomly divided into groups of 25 each. One Group, T (n = 25) received 0.75 ml/kg of 0.25% bupivacaine with tramadol 1mg/ kg and other Group F (n = 25) received 0.75 ml/kg of 0.25% bupivacaine with Inj fentanyl 1μg/kg. Assessment of analgesia and any side effects after caudal injection to the first administration of analgesia were recorded for both the groups in next 24 hours following objective pain scores. Duration of analgesia and requirement of additional rescue analgesics was noted.Results: The Mean duration of analgesia recorded longer in Group T (18.26±6.1 hours) as compared to Group F (10.0+/- 2.68 hrs.) and no significant haemodynamic changes or adverse effect noted between 2 groups.Conclusions: Addition of tramadol, 1mg/kg to bupivacaine 0.25% for caudal anesthesia in children undergoing surgeries below umbilicus, enhances and prolongs postoperative analgesia compared to caudal fentanyl 1μg/kg and bupivacaine 0.25% alone

    Age- and Sex-Specific Burden of Morbidity and Disability in India: A Current Scenario

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    India is the second most populous country in the world with a population of 1.3 billion; any change in its morbidity and disability pattern is bound to bring change at the Asia level, which is a matter of concern for the developing countries. Disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) provide summary measures of health across characteristics. The assessments of epidemiological patterns and health system performance of any place and time period display its progress towards the goal of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The main aim of this study is to assess the age and sex pattern of the burden of diseases (mortality and morbidity) and disability in India. The information on disease and deaths was extracted from the 71st round of the National Sample Surveys (NSS) conducted in 2014 (NSS 2014) and the Causes of Deaths Study conducted in the 2010–2013 (RGI 2010–2013) and disability from Census of India 2011 (ORG 2011)

    Hypergroup Deformations of Semigroups

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    We view the well-known example of the dual of a countable compact hypergroup, motivated by the orbit space of p-adic integers by Dunkl and Ramirez (1975), as hypergroup deformation of the max semigroup structure on the linearly ordered set Z+\mathbb{Z}_+ of the non-negative integers along the diagonal. This works as motivation for us to study hypergroups or semi convolution spaces arising from "max" semigroups or general commutative semigroups via hypergroup deformation on idempotents.Comment: 28 pages, 1 Table, This version is a truncated version with fourth section deleted from version 3, which is being developed into a separate paper. The title and abstract have been changed accordingl

    Comparison of central venous oxygen saturation and serum lactate clearance as predictors of outcome in septic shock patients: a prospective control trial

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    Background: Sepsis is the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in ICU. Early recognition and intervention ensures speedy recovery and early discharge. It’s possible only if good predicting parameters indicating optimum resuscitation are available. Lactate level reduction and ScvO2 level in the jugular vein can be utilized as predictors.Methods: In this prospective study after applying exclusion inclusion criteria, 99 patients were selected and randomized into 2 groups. In one group reduction in lactate levels and in other ScVo2 levels were used as a predictor of resuscitation. Therapeutic interventions, Hospital stay, ICU Stay and 28-day mortality were compared in both groups. Statistical analysis was carried out by SPSS software.Results: On comparison of demographic profile, morbidity, SOFA score and hemodynamic parameters, there was insignificant difference (P >0.05). No significant difference in the number of vasopressors, Average Hospital or ICU Stay (Group A is 10.68±21.46 while Group B is 9.49±17.22) and 28-day mortality rate (in Gp A 60% vs group B 57.1) was observed. Mean crystalloids administered in group A was 4.93±1.11 liters, significantly more than group B i. e. 4.19±1.17 liters. (P<0.05) which was statistically significant.Conclusions: Although both parameters of resuscitation are used widely and sometimes simultaneously, in this study lactate and ScvO2 both used and compared in a similar set of patients, appeared to be equivocal in term of 28-day mortality, except the volume of crystalloids required was more in ScvO2 Group