Package Tour Recommendation System using Decision Tree Algorithm


The global market size of online travel agencies was 470 billion US dollars. Basically, travel agencies are companies that are selling travel related services like tourist activities, accommodation, transportation services etc. to the public. Package tour is also a service provided by travel agencies to their customers. Package tour for a particular destination is best option for an individual or a group of people who wants to hassle free trip. But list of travel agencies is increasing day by day and choosing a best travel agency for a particular trip is really a difficult job. Machine Learning algorithm can solve this problem with the help of Recommendation System. In this paper I am going to design a Package Tour Recommendation System using Decision Tree Algorithm that receive tourist request for package tour, analyse it and recommend top three travel agencies. Decision Tree algorithm is one of the most popular and effective machine learning algorithms for recommendation system. In today’s world Recommendation system enters in almost every field like entertainment, social media, e-commerce, advertisement industry etc.  &nbsp

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