248 research outputs found

    Cognitive absorption and the behavioral intention to use business intelligence: Determinants and influence of cognitive absorption

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    Introduction: In the last decade Business intelligence became increasingly important for organizations to adopt in order to compete in highly changing industries. The main purpose of the business intelligence system is to enable users to make and execute decisions better and faster. However, the success of business intelligence is not guaranteed. Users are defined as one of the main sources of the potential issues, since they are the ones who should incorporate the new system into their work environment. Users interact with the system via business intelligence application, and for that reason, it is important to investigate users' behavioral intentions towards the application. In order to investigate users intentions, several theoretical constructs have been developed, mostly from the technology acceptance research. The main one being explored in this study is cognitive absorption. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test the theory presented in Agarwal and Karahanna (2000) in the new setting. The authors’ theory proved the influence of the cognitive absorption in the context of the World Wide Web. We will use their theory in order to investigate the determinants and the influence of the cognitive absorption in the business intelligence context. Method: This study is explanatory in nature. We used survey methodology - questionnaire for the hypotheses testing. We tested seven hypotheses based on the theoretical model adapted from the literature. Several statistical analyses have been conducted for measurement and hypotheses testing, and they have been performed in SPSS and SmartPLS software packages. Conclusion: The results of the analysis identified playfulness as the significant determinant of the cognitive absorption with the business intelligence application. Furthermore, cognitive absorption proved to have the significant direct as well as indirect influence on the behavioral intention to use the business intelligence application

    On the Future of Passenger Mobility and its Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Cities: Scenarios for Different Types of Policies

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    Many cities have set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Mobility is a major target sector as it is still widely fossil fuel-dependent and largely car-oriented. In this paper, a new methodological approach for modelling the impact of different policies on mobility, energy demand and resulting flow and embedded greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles is derived up to 2050. Finally, this approach is applied to the case of the City of Vienna. Three scenarios are developed with different policy targets focusing on battery electric vehicles and public transport. Each scenario was calculated with an average mix of electricity and a mix of renewable energy sources to be reached by 2030. The major conclusions are: (i) The impact of policies is of tremendous importance; (ii) Travel activity must be reduced and (iii) Public transport must be supported (iv) The electricity mix has to be switched to renewable energy sources


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    Development of Internet and especially Web2.0 technologies introduced numerous opportunities for tourism industry. Due to new web-based platforms where customers can buy, evaluate and comment the products and/or services, Internet has become an important source of data that can be used in academic research. Therefore, the researchers of this paper aimed to determine the most important attributes that affect hotel choice based on the comments on one of the world’s most popular online travel platforms-Trip Advisor. In the scope of the research are reviews and comments on hotels found in touristic center of Belek in one of the most popular mass tourism destinations – Antalya. As a result of the content analysis, there are three groups of attributes which matter for mass tourists in terms of their hotel choice: attributes regarding destination, service and hotel, with attributes under the service category representing the most dominant ones in terms of hotel choice. The results of this research may be useful to hotel investors and potential hotel guests as well contribute to the overall knowledge about online travel behavior and preferences

    Analytical and morphometric study of nutrient foramina of femur and its clinical implications

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    Background: The femur is supplied princially by the diaphyseal nutrient artery which enters the bone throught the nutrient foramen. This supply is essential during the growing period, the early phases of ossification, and in different surgical procedures. The aim of present study was to examine the morphology and topography of the femur nutrient foramen to provide detalied data on such features.Methods: This was a cross-sectional-descriptive study in which we observed 50 femurs. We analysed the number and location of nutrient foramina, the length of the bone, the position of the nutrient foramen regarding to values of FI, correlation between number of nutrient foramen and length of femur, correlation between position of nutrient foramen and side of extremity to which femur belongs.Results: The double foramina were common in right (57.1%) and left (42.1%) femur, mostly located in medial lip of aspera line in right (64.3%) and on the lateral lip in left femur (68.4%), with statistically significant correlation, χ = 4.85; p = 0.03, p 0.05). There is positive correlation between length of right and left femur and number of foramina.Conclusions: The study provides data of the nutrient foramina on femur, which is helpful for clinicians to help preserve bone vascularization during surgery

    FrÄn fiende till partner: Hur EU har hjÀlpt transformera Kroatiens bild i tidningen Oslobodjenje

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    Uppsatsen har undersökt hur EU:s fredsfrĂ€mjande arbete pĂ„ vĂ€stra Balkan har bidragit till att den fientliga bilden av Kroatien som skapades under kriget i början av 90-talet omvandlats till en mer positivt laddad bild; och hur denna representeras i det lokala medieflödet i Bosnien och Hercegovina. Teorin som anvĂ€nts som grund för studien, och som skildrar EU:s fredsfrĂ€mjande arbete i regionen Ă€r ”Just Peace Theory”, vilket Ă€r en fredsteori som innebĂ€r försöket att integrera fred med rĂ€ttvisa för att pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt kunna upprĂ€tta en hĂ„llbar fred. Detta har analyserats genom en ”mixed method” innehĂ„llsanalys av tidningsartiklar frĂ„n en av Bosnien och Hercegovinas mest populĂ€ra dagstidningar, Oslobodjenje. Analysen av tidningen gjordes pĂ„ dess originalsprĂ„k och involverade en frekvensanalys av artiklarnas rubriker, bylines och av rubrikerna och bylines tillsammans; samt en kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys av ett antal utvalda artiklar som berör relationen mellan EU, Kroatien och Bosnien och Hercegovina. Genom att göra detta fick man svar pĂ„ hur tidningen skildrade Kroatien och relationen mellan Kroatien och BiH. Resultaten av undersökningen visade att EU:s fredsfrĂ€mjande anstrĂ€ngningar i regionen bidragit till en stĂ€rkt relation mellan lĂ€nderna och till att fiendebilden frĂ„n kriget transformerats och skildras med en positiv underton i bosnisk media

    Frauenemanzipation durch Migration?

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    Die lange Zeit vernachlĂ€ssigte Tatsache, dass Frauen auch alleine – nicht nur ,passiv‘ ihren MĂ€nnern folgend – migrieren, fordert eine umfangreichere Auseinandersetzung mit den VerĂ€nderungen, die sich fĂŒr Frauen nach der Migration ergeben. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht insbesondere auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Frauenemanzipation und Migration wie folgt ein: ZunĂ€chst erfasst sie – durch die Ableitung von emanzipationsrelevanten ,Kategorien‘ aus verschiedenen Theorien – den Begriff Frauenemanzipation. Diese Kategorien – Ausbildung/Erziehung, Körperkontrolle, ökonomische Partizipation/Ressourcenkontrolle sowie soziale Partizipation – stellen den analytischen Rahmen der Untersuchung der Erfahrungen von bosnisch-herzegowinischen Frauen ĂŒber die VerĂ€nderung nach ihrer Flucht in den 1990er Jahren nach Wien dar. Der Vergleich der Erfahrungen vor und nach der Migration ermöglichte die Entwicklung von vier ,Typen von Emanzipationserfahrungen‘, welche durch die Merkmale ,berufliche StatusverĂ€nderung‘ (VerĂ€nderung in Beruf/BerufstĂ€tigkeit sowie Ausbildung) und ,partnerschaftlich-gesellschaftlichen WahrnehmungsverĂ€nderung‘ (VerĂ€nderungen in Wahrnehmung ĂŒber partnerschaftliche Arbeitsteilung, Ressourcenkontrolle, soziale Partizipation sowie Selbstwahrnehmung in der Gesellschaft) bestimmt sind. Die entwickelten Typen der Emanzipationserfahrungen bosnisch-herzegowinischer Frauen sind ,Migrationsemanzipation‘, ,Berufsemanzipation‘, ,emanzipierter Statuserhalt‘ sowie ,Berufsdegradierung‘ und unterscheiden sich vor allem entlang der (positiven bzw. negativen) VerĂ€nderungen im beruflichem Status, in der partnerschaftlichen Arbeitsteilung und Ressourcenkontrolle sowie in der gesellschaftlichen Selbstwahrnehmung. Mit der Typologie konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Flucht bosnisch-herzegowinischer Frauen nach Wien, Erfahrungen von beruflicher Weiterentwicklung, beruflichem Statuserhalt aber auch der beruflichen Degradierung hervorgebracht hat. Damit verbunden und auch von der Sozialisation (urban bzw. rural) der einzelnen Frauen abhĂ€ngig, leitet sich die ,verbesserte‘ bzw. ,verschlechterte‘ Selbstwahrnehmung in der neuen Gesellschaft ab. Schließlich konnte auch gezeigt werden, dass die Emanzipationserfahrungen bosnisch-herzegowinsichen Frauen nicht durch die NationalitĂ€t der Frauen bestimmt sind, sondern anderen sozio-kulurellen Faktoren sowie individuellen Erfahrungen eine wesentlichere Bedeutung zukommt.The fact that women do migrate – without being just passive followers of their husbands, fathers or other male relatives – has been long neglected. That is why the issue of migration and its effects on women has to be examined extensively. This paper is doing that by focusing on the relation between women‘s emancipation and migration. In the first place it defines ,categories‘ of emancipation – ,body-control‘, ,education‘, ,economical participation and control of resources‘ as well as ,social participation‘ – which represent the analytical framework of the empirical analysis. This analysis deals with the changes in the mentioned categories bosnian-herzegovinian women experienced after their migration to Vienna during the 1990s. With the comparison of the experiences before and after their migration four ,types of emancipation-experiences‘ – on the basis of the features ,changes in employment status‘ and ,changes in the self-perception of partnership and society‘ – could be defined. These are ,migrations-emancipation‘, ,employment-emancipation‘, ,emancipated status-hold‘ and ,employment-degradation‘. The differences among the defined types go especially alongside (positive or negative) changes in the employment status, the perception of the division of work in partnership, control of resources and the position in society. With the typology it was possible to show, that the migration of bosnian-herzegovinian women let them experience either an employment-status improvement, an employment-status hold or a degradation in employment. Their self-perception of their place in society is related to this too, whereby the changes in it also depend on the former socialization (urban or rural) of the interviewed women from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The final result was that the emancipation-experiences of bosnian and herzegovinian women are not determined by their nationality. Instead they are determined by other sociocultural factors as well as by individual experiences

    Climate Change and the Future Health of Children in Low-Income Countries

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    As paediatricians, working globally, we have a professional and moral responsibility to guarantee the health of those who are children today, but also of the children born in the years to come. The climate crisis, perhaps the biggest threat to human survival in the foreseeable future, will disproportionately affect the health of children, and particularly of those born in resource constrained settings. We urgently need to start taking the necessary steps to adequately predict and thus prevent its impact on the health of children
