5,556 research outputs found

    Spillovers, Foreign Investment, and Export Behavior

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    Case studies of export behavior suggest that firms who penetrate foreign markets reduce entry costs for other potential exporters, either through learning by doing or through establishing buyer- supplier linkages. We pursue the idea that spillovers associated with one firm's export activity reduce the cost of foreign market access for other firms. We identify two potential sources of spillovers: export activity in general and the specific activities of multinational enterprises. We use a simple model of export behavior to derive a logit specification for the probability a firm exports. Using panel data on Mexican manufacturing plants, we find evidence consistent with spillovers from the export activity of multinational enterprises but not with general export activity.

    Notes on the Propagation of the Large-Mouthed Bass Aplites salmoides (Rafinesque) in Iowa

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    The new artificial lakes of Iowa are particularly adapted for the large-mouthed bass (Aplites salmoides-Rafinesque), because the lakes are fed intermittently with run-off producing turbid conditions periodically, because large areas in the upper reaches of the lakes have suitable spawning areas, because crappie and bluegill do well in the same type environment, in turn becoming bass prey, because the warm waters of these areas have a proper amount of nitrogenous material necessary to stimulate growth of zoo-planton forms listed on the young bass bill-of-fare, and because the manmade lakes have sufficient depth to carry fish through severe winter months. There are, of course, other reasons conducive to typical large-mouthed black bass environment

    A Preliminary Report on a Check-List of Iowa Teleosts

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    In 1927, George E. Potter and David T. Jones recorded in volumes, thirty-four proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, a compilation and revision of the fish records published for Iowa. In this article all of the available published records for Iowa fish were brought together, and species lists, with locality records and bibliography were recorded together with the tracing of any synonymy through all the sources; some interpretations were made. The Potter and Jones list presented one hundred and twenty-seven recognized species with a hypothetical list including twenty-one species and sub-species. This list has been of appreciable benefit to students of Ichthyology. However, from this point it seems desirable to here record the 1936 list of Iowa fishes as shown in the writer\u27s report in May of the above year, with the subsequent additions to date as a basis for the monograph to be published upon the completion of the state-wide survey now in progress

    Marine Mollusca from Expedition Fiord, Western Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories, Canada

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    Marine molluscs, including bivalves, gastropods and scaphopods, were recovered by dredging at depths of 3-82 m in Expedition Fiord, Axel Heiberg Island, Canada. Cluster analysis, based on presence/absence data at 27 stations, defined two mollusc associations within the fiord. A Portlandia-Thyasira association, characterized by the abundance of Portlandia arctica and Thyasira gouldi, inhabits silty clay substrates at depths of 32-82 m throughout the fiord. An Astarte association, characterized by the abundance of Astarte borealis and Astarte warhami, inhabits sandy mud substrates at depths of 3-32 m in the middle and outer fiord. The absence of this mollusc association at the fiord head suggests that the suspension-feeding molluscs that constitute this association, such as Astarte, Hiatella, Mya and Trichotropis, are intolerant of the lowered salinities and high suspended-sediment concentrations created by the discharge of Expedition River into the fiord-head environment. The Expedition Fiord molluscan fauna is compared to the molluscan fauna recorded in Jørgen Brønlund Fjord, Greenland. In the latter fiord, shallow-water (5-19 m) molluscan faunas are characterized by the abundance of Portlandia arctica and Hiatella arctica, while deep-water (22-48 m) faunas are characterized by the abundance of Thyasira dunbari. Molluscs recovered live in both of these fiords are distributed widely in high-latitude fiord and continental shelf environments.On a recueilli des mollusques marins - comprenant des bivalves, des gastéropodes et des scaphopodes - par dragages effectués à des profondeurs allant de 3 à 82 m dans le fjord Expedition, situé dans l'île Axel Heiberg au Canada. Des analyses typologiques, établies sur les données de présence ou d'absence à 27 stations, ont permis de définir deux associations de mollusques à l'intérieur du fjord. Une association Portlandia-Thyasira, caractérisée par l'abondance de Portlandia arctica et de Thyasira gouldi, habite les substratums d'argile limoneuse à des profondeurs allant de 32 à 82 m dans le fjord tout entier. Une association Astarte, caractérisée par l'abondance de Astarte borealis et de Astarte warhami, habite les substratums de vase sableuse à des profondeurs allant de 3 à 32 m dans le milieu ou en aval du fjord. L'absence de cette association de mollusques à l'extrémité amont du fjord suggère que les mollusques se nourrissant d'éléments en suspension qui forment cette association, comme Astarte, Hiatella, Mya et Trichotropis, ne tolèrent pas les faibles salinités et les fortes concentrations de sédiments en suspension que crée le déversement de la rivière Expedition dans l'extrémité amont du fjord. On compare la faune des mollusques du fjord Expedition à celle enregistrée dans le fjord Jørgen Brønlund du Groenland. Dans ce fjord, les faunes de mollusques en eau peu profonde (de 5 à 19 m) sont caractérisées par l'abondance de Portlandia arctica et de Hiatella arctica, tandis que les faunes situées en eau profonde (de 22 à 48 m) sont caractérisées par l'abondance de Thyasira dunbari. Les mollusques recueillis vivants dans ces deux fjords sont largement répandus dans les fjords et les plates-formes continentales des latitudes élevées

    Macrobenthos Communities of Cambridge, McBeth and Itirbilung Fiords, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada

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    Thirty-eight marine invertebrates, including molluscs, echinoderms, polychaetes and several minor taxa, have been added to the previously described benthic macrofauna inhabiting Cambridge, McBeth and Itirbilung fiords in northeastern Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. The fiords lie fully within the marine arctic zone and organisms exhibiting panarctic distributions constitute the majority of species collected from them. Macrobenthic associations recorded in the fiords are comparable, both with respect to species composition and habitat, to benthic invertebrate associations occurring on the Baffin Island continental shelf and in east Greenland fiords, reflecting the broad environmental tolerances of the organisms constituting the benthic associations. Deposit-feeding organisms dominate the fiord macrobenthos, notably nuculanid bivalves, ophiuroid echinoderms and elasipod holothurians. The foraging and locomotory activities of these organisms may influence benthic community structure by reducing the abundance of sessile and/or tubiculous benthos.Key words: marine benthos, eastern Baffin Island, fiords, continental shelf, zoogeography, ecologyTrente-huit invertébrés marins, y compris des mollusques, des échinodermes, des polychètes et divers taxons mineurs ont été ajoutés à la macrofaune benthique décrite précédemment habitant les fjords Cambridge, McBeth et Itirbilung dans le nord-est de la terre de Baffin située dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest au Canada. Les fjords sont situés entièrement dans la zone arctique marine et des organismes affichant une distribution panboréale constituent la majorité des espèces recueillies dans ces fjords. Les associations macrobenthiques relevées dans les fjords sont comparables, sur le plan de la composition comme sur celui de l'habitat, aux associations d'invertébrés benthiques que l'on trouve sur le plateau continental de la terre de Baffin et dans les fjords du Groenland oriental, ce qui reflète la grande tolérance environnementale des organismes formant les associations benthiques. Les organismes qui se nourrissent sur le fond dominent le macrobenthos des fjords, en particulier les nucules, les ophiurides et les holothuries élasipodes. Les activités de pâturage et de locomotion de ces organismes peuvent influencer la structure de la communauté benthique en réduisant l'abondance du benthos sessile et/ou tubicole.Mots clés: benthos marin, terre de Baffin orientale, fjords, plateau continental, Zoogéographie, écologi

    An Application of GIS Techniques to Assess the Risk of Disturbance of Archaeological Sites by Mass Movement and Marine Flooding in Auyuittuq National Park Reserve, Nunavut

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    Coastal regions within Auyuittuq National Park Reserve (ANPR) are sensitive to mass movement processes and threatened by flooding in response to sea level rise. These processes pose a risk to culturally significant archaeological sites within ANPR. Sites at risk of disturbance need to be identified and protected to conserve valuable archaeological resources. Since the costs of identifying and monitoring sites at risk in remote areas are substantial, modern technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be used to create a more rapid and cost-effective means to monitor coastal environments and manage coastal resources. This study examines the application of GIS technology to assess the risk of disturbance of 44 coastal archaeological sites by mass movement and marine flooding within ANPR. Data on surficial materials and slope angles are combined in an overlay analysis to assess terrain sensitivity to mass movement. The output from this analysis is a coarse regional assessment of mass movement potential as it relates to the strength of materials on slopes. The overall risk of disturbance for archaeological sites within ANPR is assessed by combining the risk of mass movement and the risk of marine flooding. Twenty-eight sites within ANPR are identified as being at considerable risk to disturbance: these sites are located largely on glaciomarine sediments at moderate or high slope angles and are at substantial risk to flooding (less than two metres above sea level).Application des techniques SIG dans l’évaluation du risque de perturbation des sites archéologiques par les mouvements de masse et les inondations marines dans la réserve du parc national de Auyuittuq, Nunavut. Les côtes de la réserve du parc national de Auyuittuq sont sensibles aux mouvements de masse et sont affectées par la montée du niveau marin. Ceci constitue un risque pour les sites archéologiques de grande valeur culturelle. De tels sites doivent être identifiés et protégés afin de préserver les ressources archéologiques. Parce que les coûts d’identification et de suivi des sites à risque dans les régions éloignées sont substantiels, les technologies modernes peu coûteuses dont les Systèmes d’Information Géographique (SIG) peuvent être utilisées pour le suivi des environnements côtiers et la gestion des ressources côtières. Cette étude porte sur l’application d’un SIG pour évaluer le risque de perturbation par les mouvements de masse et les inondations de 44 sites archéologiques côtiers dans la réserve du parc national de Auyuittuq. Les données concernant les matériaux de surface et l’angle des pentes sont combinées dans une analyse d’évaluation de la sensibilité du terrain aux mouvements de masse. Le résultat de cette analyse consiste en une estimation régionale d’ensemble du potentiel de mouvement de masse en fonction de la résistance du matériel sur les pentes. Le risque global de perturbation des sites archéologiques de la réserve a été évalué à partir de la combinaison des risques de mouvements de masse et d’inondation marine. Vingt-huit sites présentent un risque considérable de perturbation puisqu’ils occupent des sédiments glaciomarins à pente modérée à élevée, à moins de deux mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer

    Using Cognitive Assessment Testing to Evaluate and Improve a University Program in Communication Studies

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    This article attempts to demonstrate how cognitive assessment may be used to empower both faculty and students by offering pedagogical and administrative strategies that enhance student learning in the U.S. The faculty limited its cognitive test, the Pre-Communication Assessment Measure to the four competencies--critical thinking, interpersonal, decision-making and theoretical competencies--common to two of five required courses. The components of the cognitive test are: critical thinking competence, interpersonal competence, decision-making competence and theoretical competence
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