12 research outputs found

    New Flexible Models and Design Construction Algorithms for Mixtures and Binary Dependent Variables

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    This thesis discusses new mixture(-amount) models, choice models and the optimal design of experiments. Two chapters of the thesis relate to the so-called mixture, which is a product or service whose ingredients’ proportions sum to one. The thesis begins by introducing mixture models in the choice context and develops new optimal design construction algorithms for choice experiments involving mixtures. Building further, varying the total amount of a mixture, and not only its ingredient proportions, might also affect the response. The models that exist for mixture-amount data date back to the 1980s and have several drawbacks, which limit their usefulness for these data. Therefore, the next chapter in this thesis develops new flexible models for mixture-amount data, which are based on so-called Gaussian processes. The last chapter builds on the aforementioned model and, using revealed preference data on green vehicle purchases in France, presents a new choice model that accounts for latent environmental consciousness, where environmental consciousness is allowed to have a flexible heterogeneous impact on the vehicle choice across the population

    Bayesian D-Optimal Choice Designs for Mixtures

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    __Abstract__ Consumer products and services can often be described as mixtures of ingredients. Examples are the mixture of ingredients in a cocktail and the mixture of different components of waiting time (e.g., in-vehicle and out-of-vehicle travel time) in a transportation setting. Choice experiments may help to determine how the respondents' choice of a product or service is affected by the combination of ingredients. In such studies, individuals are confronted with sets of hypothetical products or services and they are asked to choose the most preferred product or service from each set. However, there are no studies on the optimal design of choice experiments involving mixtures. We propose a method for generating an optimal design for such choice experiments. To this end, we first introduce mixture models in the choice context and next present an algorithm to construct optimal experimental designs, assuming the multinomial logit model is used to analyze the choice data. To overcome the problem that the optimal designs depend on the unknown parameter values, we adopt a Bayesian D-optimal design approach. We also consider locally D-optimal designs and compare the performance of the resulting designs to those produced by a utility-neutral (UN) approach in which designs are based on the assumption that individuals are indifferent between all choice alternatives. We demonstrate that our designs are quite different and in general perform better than the UN designs

    Bayesian D-Optimal Choice Designs for Mixtures

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    __Abstract__ \n \nConsumer products and services can often be described as mixtures of ingredients. Examples are the mixture of ingredients in a cocktail and the mixture of different components of waiting time (e.g., in-vehicle and out-of-vehicle travel time) in a transportation setting. Choice experiments may help to determine how the respondents\' choice of a product or service is affected by the combination of ingredients. In such studies, individuals are confronted with sets of hypothetical products or services and they are asked to choose the most preferred product or service from each set. \n \nHowever, there are no studies on the optimal design of choice experiments involving mixtures. We propose a method for generating an optimal design for such choice experiments. To this end, we first introduce mixture models in the choice context and next present an algorithm to construct optimal experimental designs, assuming the multinomial logit model is used to analyze the choice data. To overcome the problem that the optimal designs depend on the unknown parameter values, we adopt a Bayesian D-optimal design approach. We also consider locally D-optimal designs and compare the performance of the resulting designs to those produced by a utility-neutral (UN) approach in which designs are based on the assumption that individuals are indifferent between all choice alternatives. We demonstrate that our designs are quite different and in general perform better than the UN designs

    Architectural Excursion as a Tool: Modernist Vilnius Case

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    The paper is focused on the impact of the public architectural excursions in the discourse of marginal modernist heritage of Soviet residential districts. It is argued that architectural public tours are one of the most acceptable tools for both professional experts (creating a platform for knowledge of status quo at a scale of 1:1 – the real basis for further research and for the start of the rethought modernisation) and wider audience, especially residents of the districts (re-appreciating the local identity, increasing the added value of the districts, provoking to take the initiative to improve the habitat)

    Bayesian D-optimal choice designs for mixtures

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    © 2016 Royal Statistical Society Consumer products and services can often be described as mixtures of ingredients. Examples are the mixture of ingredients in a cocktail and the mixture of different components of travel time (e.g. in-vehicle and out-of-vehicle travel time) in a transportation setting. Choice experiments may help to determine how the respondent's choice of a product or service is affected by the combination of ingredients. In such experiments, individuals are confronted with sets of hypothetical products or services and they are asked to choose the most preferred product or service from each set. However, there are no studies on the optimal design of choice experiments involving mixtures. We propose a method for generating optimal designs for such choice experiments and demonstrate the large increase in statistical efficiency that can be obtained by using an optimal design.status: publishe

    Flexible Mixture-Amount Models for Business and Industry Using Gaussian Processes

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    Many products and services can be described as mixtures of ingredients whose proportions sum to one. Specialized models have been developed for linking the mixture proportions to outcome variables, such as preference, quality and liking. In many scenarios, only the mixture proportions matter for the outcome variable. In such cases, mixture models suffice. In other scenarios, the total amount of the mixture matters as well. In these cases, one needs mixture- amount models. As an example, consider advertisers who have to decide on the advertising media mix (e.g. 30% of the expenditures on TV advertising, 10% on radio and 60% on online advertising) as well as on the total budget of the entire campaign. To model mixture-amount data, the current strategy is to express the response in terms of the mixture proportions and specify mixture parameters as parametric functions of the amount. However, specifying the functional form for these parameters may not be straightforward, and using a flexible functional form usually comes at the cost of a large number of parameters. In this paper, we present a new modeling approach which is flexible but parsimonious in the number of parameters. The model is based on so-called Gaussian processes and avoids the necessity to a-priori specify the shape of the dependence of the mixture parameters on the amount. We show that our model encompasses two commonly used model specifications as extreme cases. Finally, we demonstrate the model’s added value when compared to standard models for mixture-amount data. We consider two applications. The first one deals with the reaction of mice to mixtures of hormones applied in different amounts. The second one concerns the recognition of advertising campaigns. The mixture here is the particular media mix (TV and magazine advertising) used for a campaign. As the total amount variable, we consider the total advertising campaign exposure

    Flexible Mixture-Amount Models Using Multivariate Gaussian Processes

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    Many products and services can be described as mixtures of components whose proportions sum to one. Specialized models have been developed for relating the mixture component proportions to response variables, such as the preference, quality, and liking of products. If only the mixture component proportions affect the response variable, mixture models suffice to analyze the data. In case the total amount of the mixture also affects the response variable, mixture-amount models are needed. The current strategy for mixture-amount models is to express the response in terms of the mixture component proportions and subsequently specify the corresponding parameters as parametric functions of the amount. Specifying the functional form for these parameters may not be straightforward, and using a flexible functional form usually comes at the cost of a large number of parameters. In this article, we present a new modeling approach that is flexible, but parsimonious in the number of parameters. This new approach uses multivariate Gaussian processes and avoids the necessity to a priori specify the nature of the dependence of the mixture model parameters on the amount of the mixture. We show that this model encompasses two commonly used model specifications as extreme cases. We consider two applications and demonstrate that the new model outperforms standard models for mixture-amount data

    Flexible Mixture-Amount Models Using Multivariate Gaussian Processes

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    Many products and services can be described as mixtures of components whose proportions sum to one. Specialized models have been developed for relating the mixture component proportions to response variables, such as the preference, quality, and liking of products. If only the mixture component proportions affect the response variable, mixture models suffice to analyze the data. In case the total amount of the mixture also affects the response variable, mixture-amount models are needed. The current strategy for mixture-amount models is to express the response in terms of the mixture component proportions and subsequently specify the corresponding parameters as parametric functions of the amount. Specifying the functional form for these parameters may not be straightforward, and using a flexible functional form usually comes at the cost of a large number of parameters. In this article, we present a new modeling approach that is flexible, but parsimonious in the number of parameters. This new approach uses multivariate Gaussian processes and avoids the necessity to a priori specify the nature of the dependence of the mixture model parameters on the amount of the mixture. We show that this model encompasses two commonly used model specifications as extreme cases. We consider two applications and demonstrate that the new model outperforms standard models for mixture-amount data