11 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Strategi Bisnis dan Pelaporan Keuangan Pada CV ADA NADA

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    Dalam mengembangkan organisasi sangat diperlukan adanya suatu strategi. Salah satu strategi yang dikembangkan adalah terkait pencatatan ke pelaporan keuangan dan perencanaan bisnis suatu perusahaan. Laporan keuangan yang transparan akan sangat bermanfaat, terutama jika dikaitkan dengan pengambilan keputusan untuk pengembangan organisasi. Selain itu, laporan keuangan juga menjadi dasar dalam penghitungan dan pelaporan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) organisasi. Pelatihan pelaporan keuangan dan perencanaan strategi akan sangat membantu organisasi, baik untuk pengambilan keputusan maupun perencanaan strategis perusahaan. Pelatihan strategis bisnis dan pelaporan keuangan dilakukan untuk membantu CV ADA NADA Prambon dalam mencapai kinerja bisnis yang lebih bai

    The Factors Associated with the Triage Implementation in Emergency Department

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    Introduction: Triage is defi ned as a process to sort patients based on the severity and emergency situation. In fact, Emergency Department (ED) in several hospitals in Indonesia do not implement it, so not all patients come to Emergency Department due to a true emergency case but there are also a false emergency. Implementing triage is important in order to decrease false emergency case and also increase ED service quality. The research goal was to analyze factors associated with the triage implementation in Emergency Department in Hospitals (type A and B). Methode: The research design was a cross sectional with corrrelative analysis. The research population was emergency department nurses and patients. Samples were taken by total sampling for the nurses (54 respondents) and accidental sampling for patients (54 respondents). The research instruments were questionnaire and direct observation. The research datas were analized using multivariat logistic regression by backward LR. Result: The result showed that the dominant factors correlated with the implementation of the triage was the performance factor (p value. 0,002), the patient factor (p value = 0.011), and the staffing factor (p value. 0.017). Discussion: The hospital management can increase the work motivation,then optimize the nurses by giving a job description clearly and improve nursing service quality through Triage Offi cer Course

    Pemikiran Ekonomi Syariah Menurut Muhammad Abdul Mannan dan Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr

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    This article discusses Islamic economic thinking according to Muhammad Abdul Mannan and Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr. The purpose of writing this article is to find out the similarities and differences in the economic thought of Muhammad Abdul Mannan and Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr. This research is library research and is qualitative. The data were obtained through books, journal articles, and the internet, especially those discussing Islamic economics and the works of Muhammad Abdul Mannan and Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr. The data collected were analyzed comparatively. The study results conclude that Mannan and as-Sadr have the same thoughts in terms of income distribution to ensure the welfare of all elements of society in a country. The economic problem does not lie in production or the scarcity of resources, but rather due to unequal and unfair distribution due to the financial system that allows the exploitation of the strong against the weak. According to Abdul Mannan, the difference between Baqir and Mannan's thoughts is that production can combine the traditional economy and the market. At the same time, Baqir As Sadr only supports government planning and does not consider market forces. M. A. Mannan allowed private ownership, while Baqir Ash-Sadr limited private ownership to use rights only

    Pendampingan Perencanaan Cash Flow dan Cash Control CV. Ada Nada

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    ABSTRACT To prevent losses and be able to reach maximum profits, construction service organizations have a distinct need to plan costs through effective cash flow planning and control. This support helps spread awareness of the significance of cash flow planning and management in the construction service industry. consequently CV. Ada Nada is a company that offers construction services. She believes that good money management is essential. Due to limitations from several factors, the mentoring program's results this time are still far from ideal. The achievement of results is significantly impacted by factors related to education and human resources in addition to the quick program implementation period. Human resources may slow down production since, while having strata 1 and strata 2 education, they lack an accounting background and must learn it from scratch

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Teks Anekdot dengan Pendekatan Komunikatif Berbasis Tugas untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbahasa Peserta Didik SMK Kelas X

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan deskripsi tentang (1) proses pengembangan modul teks anekdot dengan pendekatan komunikatif berbasis tugas, (2) kualitas modul teks anekdot dengan pendekatan komunikatif berbasis tugas untuk peserta didik SMK kelas X yang diukur berdasarkan kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Researchs and Development/R&D). Berkaitan dengan tujuan (1) hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses pengembangan menghasilkan draf 1 dan 2 yang memiliki nilai kelayakan sangat layak yang diukur dari empat indikator utama yakni, kelayakan isi dengan persentase, kelayakan bahasa, kelayakan penyajian, dan kelayakan kegrafikaan buku. Kelayakan isi dengan persentase 87,5%, kelayakan bahasa dengan persentase 91,25%, kelayakan penyajian 88,75%, dan kelayakan kegrafikaan 83,75%. (2) Uji coba produk menghasilkan kepraktisan modul berdasarkan respon guru yang mendapatkan persentase 82,50% dengan interpretasi nilai sangat positif, dan hasil respon peserta didik mendapatkan prosesntase 81,61% dengan interpretasi nilai sangat positif, keefektifan modul meliputi dua indikator yakni, keterlaksanaan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) memperoleh persentase 72,12% dengan interpretasi terlaksana secara keseluruhan. Hasil belajar peserta didik pada masa uji coba I belum mencapai ketuntasan 100%. Uji coba I mendapatkan rata-rata nilai kelas 82 dengan ketuntasan 78,57% berkategori belum mencapai ketuntasan. Pada uji coba II memeroleh hasil ketuntasan secara keseluruhan dengan nilai rata-rata kelas 97 dengan nilai ketuntasan 100%

    Development of Incubator Analyzer Based on Computer with Temperature and Humidity Parameters

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    By opening and closing an infant incubator window during calibration, it can cause temperature leaks, such as a decrease in the incubator temperature. The purpose of this study is to develop an incubator analyzer, in which the data can be recorded to a computer for temperature and humidity parameters based on Bluetooth communication. Whereas for a non-computer displayed, the information is shown on a 20x4 LCD with SD Card storage. The contribution of this study is to calibrate baby incubators without a decrease in temperature, and also, the system can monitor the data collection at a maximum distance of 10 meters. In order to avoid decreasing in temperature, the module is displayed on the Personal Computer and storage on the SD Card. Incubator Analyzer is designed to simplify and facilitate calibration with temperature parameters at 5 points using a DS18B20 sensor, mat temperature using a K type thermocouple and humidity using a DHT22 sensor. In the temperature setting of 34 C and 36 C, the average error result is -4.87% for DS18B20, -7.39% error for mattress temperature, and -24.80% for humidity sensor. Data generated from comparisons using the INCU II test conclude that the measurement results between modules and standard devices have significant differences in values. The results of this study can be implemented on baby incubators to increase the appropriateness of the device


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    The new campus of ITB-Indonesia, which is located at Jatinangor, requires good facilities and infrastructures to supporting all of campus activities. Those can not be separated from procurement and maintenance activities. Technology for procurement and maintenance of facilities and infrastructures –based computer (information system)– has been known as Building Information Modeling (BIM). Nowadays, that technology is more affordable with some of free software that easy to use and tailored to user needs. BIM has some disadvantages and it requires other technologies to complete it, namely Geographic Information System (GIS). BIM and GIS require surveying data to visualized landscape and buildings on Jatinangor ITB campus. This paper presents the on-going of an internal service program conducted by the researcher, academic staff and students for the university. The program including 3D surveying to support the data requirements for 3D modeling of buildings in CityGML and Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) data model. The entire 3D surveying will produce point clouds that can be used to make 3D model. The 3D modeling is divided into low and high levels of detail modeling. The low levels model is stored in 3D CityGML database, and the high levels model including interiors is stored in BIM Server. 3D model can be used to visualized the building and site of Jatinangor ITB campus. For facility management of campus, an geo-information system is developed that can be used for planning, constructing, and maintaining Jatinangor ITB’s facilities and infrastructures. The system uses openMAINT, an open source solution for the Property & Facility Management