7 research outputs found

    Smoke radiative properties of under-ventilated fires

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    International audienceYe

    Airborne Release Fraction of Dissolved Materials During the Combustion of Liquids Representative of Nuclear Waste Treatment Process

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    International audienceExperimental results are reported on the airborne release, under fire conditions, of hazardous materials dissolved in mixture of organic solvents (tributylphosphate TBP and hydrogenated tetrapropylene HTP) representatives of the nuclear fuel recycling process. Cerium and ruthenium have been considered respectively as stable and volatile fission products and which could be eventually released as airborne particles during thermal degradation of contaminated and inflammable liquids. Airborne release fractions (ARF) and their experimental uncertainties have been determined. Considering fire involving contaminated organic solvents, higher ARF are reported for ruthenium Ru(+III) (0.99 +/-1.20 %) in comparison with cerium (0.22 +/-0.31 % and 0.20 +/-0.28 % for Ce(+III) and Ce(+IV), respectively). This discrepancy is partially due to the volatility of ruthenium formed under these conditions. Considering configurations involving an aqueous nitric acid phase placed below contaminated solvents, boiling of this phase enhances the release of contaminant materials, 1.78 +/-1.06 % and 1.01 +/-1.31 % for Ce(+III) and Ce(+IV), respectively and 12.41 +/-29.45 % for Ru(+III). Analysis of size distribution, morphology and chemical composition of released particles and droplets emitted during HTP/TBP bubble collapse are reported, highlighting the contribution of bubble bursting at the solvent surface to airborne release

    Airborne Release Fraction of Dissolved Materials During the Combustion of Liquids Representative of Nuclear Waste Treatment Process

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    International audienceExperimental results are reported on the airborne release, under fire conditions, of hazardous materials dissolved in mixture of organic solvents (tributylphosphate TBP and hydrogenated tetrapropylene HTP) representatives of the nuclear fuel recycling process. Cerium and ruthenium have been considered respectively as stable and volatile fission products and which could be eventually released as airborne particles during thermal degradation of contaminated and inflammable liquids. Airborne release fractions (ARF) and their experimental uncertainties have been determined. Considering fire involving contaminated organic solvents, higher ARF are reported for ruthenium Ru(+III) (0.99 +/-1.20 %) in comparison with cerium (0.22 +/-0.31 % and 0.20 +/-0.28 % for Ce(+III) and Ce(+IV), respectively). This discrepancy is partially due to the volatility of ruthenium formed under these conditions. Considering configurations involving an aqueous nitric acid phase placed below contaminated solvents, boiling of this phase enhances the release of contaminant materials, 1.78 +/-1.06 % and 1.01 +/-1.31 % for Ce(+III) and Ce(+IV), respectively and 12.41 +/-29.45 % for Ru(+III). Analysis of size distribution, morphology and chemical composition of released particles and droplets emitted during HTP/TBP bubble collapse are reported, highlighting the contribution of bubble bursting at the solvent surface to airborne release

    Airborne Release Fraction of Dissolved Materials During the Combustion of Liquids Representatives of Nuclear Waste Treatment Process

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    Experimental results are reported on the airborne release, under fire conditions, of hazardous materials dissolved in a mixture of organic solvents [tributylphosphate (TBP) and hydrogenated tetrapropylene (HTP)] representative of the nuclear fuel recycling process. Cerium and ruthenium have been considered, respectively, as stable and volatile fission products that eventually could be released as airborne particles during thermal degradation of contaminated and inflammable liquids. Airborne release fractions (ARFs) and their experimental uncertainties have been determined. Considering fire involving contaminated organic solvents, higher ARFs are reported for ruthenium Ru(+III) (0.99 ± 1.20%) in comparison with cerium [0.22 ± 0.31% and 0.20 ± 0.28% for Ce(+III) and Ce(+IV), respectively]. This discrepancy is partially due to the volatility of ruthenium formed under these conditions. Considering configurations involving an aqueous nitric acid phase placed below contaminated solvents, boiling of this phase enhances the release of contaminant materials: 1.78 ± 1.06% and 1.01 ± 1.31% for Ce(+III) and Ce(+IV), respectively, and 12.41 ± 29.45% for Ru(+III). Analysis of the size distribution, morphology, and chemical composition of the released particles and droplets emitted during HTP/TBP bubble collapse are reported, highlighting the contribution of bubble bursting at the solvent surface to airborne release.</p

    Papiers du maréchal de Bellecombe et de sa famille, 1777-1854. I Correspondance.

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    Bellecombe, Maréchal de, gouverneur général de Saint-Domingue. Papiers, correspondanceContient : Agoult, Comte Jean-Antoine d', aide-major général. Lettre(s) ; Angosse, Jean-Paul d'Angosse dit le Marquis d'. Lettre(s) ; Artau. Lettre(s) ; Assaut, Chevalier d'. Lettre(s) ; Baradat, médecin à Haïti. Certificat ; Beccard. Lettre(s) ; Bedene, inspecteur des chasses du comte d'Artois. Lettre(s) ; Bertron, F.. Lettre(s) ; Beuret. Lettre(s) ; Bion. Lettre(s) ; Brion. Lettre(s) ; Blanchardon et Bellet, négociants. Note(s) ; Blondeau. Lettre(s) ; Bongars, Marquis de, intendant de Saint-Domingue. Lettre(s) ; Bonhomme. Lettre(s) ; Bonnaffés. Lettre(s) ; Borie. Lettre(s) ; Bouguereau, capitaine de port à Port-au-Prince. Lettre(s) ; Bourdon. Lettre(s) ; Broudeau, de. Lettre(s) ; Cairon. Lettre(s) ; Casamajor, de, commandant à Port de Paix, Saint-Domingue. Lettre(s) ; Castries, Charles-Eugène-Gabriel de La Croix, Marquis de, maréchal de France. Billet ; Caussade. Lettre(s) ; Chanson. Lettre(s) ; Charet de Fromentaux. Lettre(s) ; Hochet de La Terrie. Lettre(s) ; Chauvet. Lettre(s) ; Cheureau. Lettre(s) ; Clermont, Mme de, née Montalembert. Lettre(s) ; Cloupit, Louis. Lettre(s) ; Collas, major de bataillon. Lettre(s) ; Comptone, J.. Lettre(s) ; Cournoyer. Lettre(s) ; Couronat. Lettre(s) ; Coustard. Lettre(s) ; Crémont. Lettre(s) ; Croix. Lettre(s) ; Dailleboust. Lettre(s) ; Dalleman, Comte, colonel du Régiment de Saintonge. Lettre(s) ; Dangeard de Virazel. Lettre(s) ; Degrèse, F.. Lettre(s) ; Delafitte, Chevalier. Lettre(s) ; Delamardelle, Guillaume-Pierre-Antoine, procureur général au Conseil Supérieur de Port-au-Prince. Lettre(s) ; Panon des Bassayns, Henry-Paulin Panon dit . Lettre(s) ; Desjardins, G.. Lettre(s) ; Des Touches, Chevalier. Lettre(s) ; Devaudore, Chevalier. Lettre(s) ; Dierx, J.. Lettre(s) ; Dioré, Chevalier Étienne-Jean. Lettre(s) ; Dubourg de Moulveau. Lettre(s) ; Dudillot, négociant. Lettre(s) ; Dufaur. Lettre(s) ; Du Gravier, Comte. Lettre(s) ; Du Grès, Chevalier. Lettre(s) ; Duhard. Lettre(s) ; Duhart-Tremaïs. Lettre(s) ; Du Périer. Lettre(s) ; Du Platon, Bertrand. Lettre(s) ; Du Plessis. Lettre(s) ; Duran. Lettre(s) ; Durège de Beaulieu. Lettre(s) ; Durieux, procureur du Roi. Lettre(s) ; Feger Gramont. Lettre(s) ; Foache, Stanislas. Lettre(s) ; Fontanille de Bragerac. Lettre(s) ; Frignet, arpenteur du Roi à Saint-Domingue. Lettre(s) ; Frontin. Lettre(s) ; Fumel, Comte de. Lettre(s) ; Gafrignac. Lettre(s) ; Galaup, Chevalier de. Lettre(s) ; Gaube. Lettre(s) ; Graube. Lettre(s) ; Gérard, négociant à Lorient. Lettre(s) ; Gérard, négociant à Lorient. Relevé de comptes ; Gérard, négociant à Lorient. Lettre(s) de ses successeurs ; Gorman, Comte de. Lettre(s) ; Gounou des Changes, J.. Lettre(s) ; Gradir, David. Lettre(s) ; Greslau. Lettre(s) ; Grimouville, Vicomte de. Lettre(s) ; Gripière de Laval, Marquis de. Lettre(s) ; Hardy. Lettre(s) ; Hiriard, Cécile. Lettre(s) ; Julien, Louis. Lettre(s) ; Kerenscoff. Lettre(s) ; Le Deist de Kerivalant. Lettre(s) ; Labasset. Lettre(s) ; Lafforre ainé. Lettre(s) ; Dioré, Chevalier Étienne-Jean. Pièce le concernant ; La Gracinière, capitaine au Régiment de l'Isle de France. Lettre(s) ; Lamothe Duthiers. Lettre(s) ; La Rivière, de. Lettre(s) ; Laroujayrie. Reçu signé ; Lattes ainé, J.. Lettre(s) ; Laumur, M. de. Lettre(s) ; Launay, Denis. Lettre(s) ; Launay, de, bijoutier. Lettre(s) ; Laval, Vicomte de. Lettre(s) ; Le Brasseur. Lettre(s) ; Le Forestier. Lettre(s) ; Léger. Lettre(s) ; Le Guen, L.. Lettre(s) ; Leroux. Lettre(s) ; Le Royer. Lettre(s) ; Lesaniquer. Lettre(s) ; Le Vacher. Reconnaissance de rente ; Loppinos. Lettre(s) ; Loustau. Lettre(s) ; Marin cadet. Lettre(s) ; Martrou. Lettre(s) ; Mélin, secrétaire du Roi. Lettre(s) ; Michel. Lettre(s) ; Mistral. Lettre(s) ; Montalembert. Lettre(s) ; Montbrun, P.. Lettre(s) ; Panon-Montbrun, Henri-Charles. Lettre(s) ; Morel. Lettre(s) ; Nolivos. Lettre(s) ; Pécalbert. Lettre(s) ; Peyrelongue de Bony. Lettre(s) ; Peyrelongue de Bony (Mme). Lettre(s) ; Piller, Comte de. Lettre(s) ; Pitot. Lettre(s) ; Planthion, B.. Lettre(s) ; Poissonnier. Lettre(s) ; Poly d'Aurbigny. Lettre(s) ; Raffin de Lamartielle. Lettre(s) ; Rivière, F.. Lettre(s) ; Roberjot. Lettre(s) ; Romainville, de. Lettre(s) ; Ronseray, de. Lettre(s) ; Rostaing, Marquis de. Lettre(s) ; Roudil. Lettre(s) ; Saint-Martin, Chevalier de. Lettre(s) ; Saint-Paul, de. Lettre(s) ; Saint-Paul de Doumic. Lettre(s) ; Saint-Sauveur, Raymond de. Lettre(s) ; Saint-Victor, Chevalier de. Lettre(s) ; Seilhac, Comte de. Lettre(s) ; Sentout. Lettre(s) ; Shindane. Lettre(s) ; Souillac, Vicomte de. Lettre(s) ; Testas, Pierre. Lettre(s) ; Trémaire. Lettre(s) ; Soutine. Lettre(s) ; Tonnay, Chevalier de. Lettre(s) ; Villas, M. de. Lettre(s) ; Villiers, M. de. Lettre(s) ; Virieux. Lettre(s) ; Vogüe, Monseigneur Jacques-Joseph-François de. Lettre(s)Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document original