3,312 research outputs found

    The effect of the environment on the Faber Jackson relation

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    We investigate the effect of the environment on the Faber Jackson (FJ) relation, using a sample of 384 nearby elliptical galaxies and estimating objectively their environment on the typical scale of galaxy clusters. We show that the intrinsic scatter of the FJ is significantly reduced when ellipticals in high density environments are compared to ellipticals in low density ones. This result, which holds on a limited range of overdensities, is likely to provide an important observational link between scaling relations and formation mechanisms in galaxies.Comment: accepted by Ap

    The T2K experiment

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    The T2K experiment is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. Its main goal is to measure the last unknown lepton sector mixing angle theta(13) by observing nu(e) appearance in a nu(mu) beam. It also aims to make a precision measurement of the known oscillation parameters, Delta m(23)(2) and sin(2)2 theta(23), via nu(mu) disappearance studies. Other goals of the experiment include various neutrino cross-section measurements and sterile neutrino searches. The experiment uses an intense proton beam generated by the J-PARC accelerator in Tokai, Japan, and is composed of a neutrino beamline, a near detector complex (ND280), and a far detector (Super-Kamiokande) located 295 km away from J-PARC. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the instrumentation aspect of the T2K experiment and a summary of the vital information for each subsystem. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Photon Structure and Quantum Fluctuation

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    Photon structure derives from quantum fluctuation in quantum field theory to fermion and anti-fermion, and has been an experimentally established feature of electrodynamics since the discovery of the positron. In hadronic physics, the observation of factorisable photon structure is similarly a fundamental test of the quantum field theory Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). An overview of measurements of hadronic photon structure in e+e- and ep interactions is presented, and comparison made with theoretical expectation, drawing on the essential features of photon fluctuation into quark and anti-quark in QCD.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, to appear in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

    The performance of thin NaI(Tl) scintillator plate for dark matter search

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    A thin (0.05cm) and wide area (5cmX5cm) NaI(Tl) scintillator was developed. The performance of the thin NaI(Tl) plate, energy resolution, single photoelectron energy and position sensitivity were tested. An excellent energy resolution of 20% (FWHM) at 60keV was obtained. The single photoelectron energy was calculated to be approximately 0.42 0.02keV. Position information in the 5cmx5cm area of the detector was also obtained by analyzing the ratio of the number of photons collected at opposite ends of the detector. The position resolution was obtained to be 1cm (FWHM) in the 5cmx5cm area.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted to Journal of Physical Society of Japa

    Development of a dose distribution shifter to fit inside the collimator of a Boron Neutron Capture Therapy irradiation system to treat superficial tumours

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    The Kansai BNCT Medical Center has a cyclotron based epithermal neutron source for clinical Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. The system accelerates a proton to an energy of 30 MeV which strikes a beryllium target producing fast neutrons which are moderated down to epithermal neutrons for BNCT use. While clinical studies in the past have shown BNCT to be highly effective for malignant melanoma of the skin, to apply BNCT for superficial lesions using this system it is necessary to shift the thermal neutron distribution so that the maximum dose occurs near the surface. A dose distribution shifter was designed to fit inside the collimator to further moderate the neutrons to increase the surface dose and reduce the dose to the underlying normal tissue. Pure polyethylene was selected, and a Monte Carlo simulation was performed to determine the optimum thickness of the polyethylene slab. Compared with the original neutron beam, the shifter increased the thermal neutron flux at the skin by approximately 4 times. The measured and simulated central axis depth distribution and off axis distribution of the thermal neutron flux were found to be in good agreement. Compared with a 2 cm thick water equivalent bolus, a 26% increase in the thermal neutron flux at the surface was obtained, which would reduce the treatment time by approximately 29%. The DDS is a safe, simple and an effective tool for the treatment of superficial tumours for BNCT if an initially fast neutron beam requires moderation to maximise the thermal neutron flux at the tissue surface

    Optical photometric GTC/OSIRIS observations of the young massive association Cygnus OB2

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    In order to fully understand the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds, the star formation process and the evolution of circumstellar disks, these phenomena must be studied in different Galactic environments with a range of stellar contents and positions in the Galaxy. The young massive association Cygnus OB2, in the Cygnus-X region, is an unique target to study how star formation and the evolution of circumstellar disks proceed in the presence of a large number of massive stars. We present a catalog obtained with recent optical observations in r,i,z filters with OSIRIS, mounted on the 10.4m10.4\,m GTC telescope, which is the deepest optical catalog of Cyg OB2 to date. The catalog consist of 64157 sources down to M=0.15 solar masses at the adopted distance and age of Cyg OB2. A total of 38300 sources have good photometry in all three bands. We combined the optical catalog with existing X-ray data of this region, in order to define the cluster locus in the optical diagrams. The cluster locus in the r-i vs. i-z diagram is compatible with an extinction of the optically selected cluster members in the 2.64<AV<5.57 range. We derive an extinction map of the region, finding a median value of AV=4.33 in the center of the association, decreasing toward the north-west. In the color-magnitude diagrams, the shape of the distribution of main sequence stars is compatible with the presence of an obscuring cloud in the foreground at about 850+/-25 pc from the Sun.Comment: Accepted for publication ApJS 201

    Transformations between WISE, 2MASS, SDSS and BVRI photometric systems: I. Transformation equations for dwarfs

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    We present colour transformations for the conversion of the W1 and W2 magnitudes of WISE photometric system to the Johnson-Cousins' BVRI, SDSS (gri), and 2MASS (JHK_s) photometric systems, for dwarfs. The W3 and W4 magnitudes were not considered due to their insufficient signal to noise ratio (S/N). The coordinates of 825 dwarfs along with their BVRI, gri, and JHK_s data, taken from Bilir et al. (2008) were matched with the coordinates of stars in the preliminary data release of WISE (Wright et al., 2010) and a homogeneous dwarf sample with high S/N ratio have been obtained using the following constraints: 1) the data were dereddened, 2) giants were identified and excluded from the sample, 3) sample stars were selected according to data quality, 4) transformations were derived for sub samples of different metallicity range, and 5) transformations are two colour dependent. These colour transformations, coupled with known absolute magnitudes at shorter wavelenghts, can be used in space density evaluation for the Galactic (thin and thick) discs, at distances larger than the ones evaluated with JHK_s photometry.Comment: 16 pages, including 5 figures and 7 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Scale Dependence of Halo Bispectrum from Non-Gaussian Initial Conditions in Cosmological N-body Simulations

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    We study the halo bispectrum from non-Gaussian initial conditions. Based on a set of large NN-body simulations starting from initial density fields with local type non-Gaussianity, we find that the halo bispectrum exhibits a strong dependence on the shape and scale of Fourier space triangles near squeezed configurations at large scales. The amplitude of the halo bispectrum roughly scales as fnl2f_nl^2. The resultant scaling on the triangular shape is consistent with that predicted by Jeong & Komatsu based on perturbation theory. We systematically investigate this dependence with varying redshifts and halo mass thresholds. It is shown that the fnlf_nl dependence of the halo bispectrum is stronger for more massive haloes at higher redshifts. This feature can be a useful discriminator of inflation scenarios in future deep and wide galaxy redshift surveys.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures; revised argument in section 6, added appendix C, JCAP accepted versio

    Multiple hadron production in e+e- annihilation induced by heavy primary quarks. New analysis

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    In this paper we present an analysis of the multiple hadron production induced by primary heavy quarks in e+e- annihilation with the account of most complete and corrected experimental data. In the framework of perturbative QCD, new theoretical bounds on the asymptotically constant differences of the multiplicities in processes with light and heavy quarks are given.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Particles & Nucle