3,145 research outputs found

    A Penrose polynomial for embedded graphs

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    We extend the Penrose polynomial, originally defined only for plane graphs, to graphs embedded in arbitrary surfaces. Considering this Penrose polynomial of embedded graphs leads to new identities and relations for the Penrose polynomial which can not be realized within the class of plane graphs. In particular, by exploiting connections with the transition polynomial and the ribbon group action, we find a deletion-contraction-type relation for the Penrose polynomial. We relate the Penrose polynomial of an orientable checkerboard colourable graph to the circuit partition polynomial of its medial graph and use this to find new combinatorial interpretations of the Penrose polynomial. We also show that the Penrose polynomial of a plane graph G can be expressed as a sum of chromatic polynomials of twisted duals of G. This allows us to obtain a new reformulation of the Four Colour Theorem

    Minimum and maximum against k lies

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    A neat 1972 result of Pohl asserts that [3n/2]-2 comparisons are sufficient, and also necessary in the worst case, for finding both the minimum and the maximum of an n-element totally ordered set. The set is accessed via an oracle for pairwise comparisons. More recently, the problem has been studied in the context of the Renyi-Ulam liar games, where the oracle may give up to k false answers. For large k, an upper bound due to Aigner shows that (k+O(\sqrt{k}))n comparisons suffice. We improve on this by providing an algorithm with at most (k+1+C)n+O(k^3) comparisons for some constant C. The known lower bounds are of the form (k+1+c_k)n-D, for some constant D, where c_0=0.5, c_1=23/32=0.71875, and c_k=\Omega(2^{-5k/4}) as k goes to infinity.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Shot noise in the chaotic-to-regular crossover regime

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    We investigate the shot noise for phase-coherent quantum transport in the chaotic-to-regular crossover regime. Employing the Modular Recursive Green's Function Method for both ballistic and disordered two-dimensional cavities we find the Fano factor and the transmission eigenvalue distribution for regular systems to be surprisingly similar to those for chaotic systems. We argue that in the case of regular dynamics in the cavity, diffraction at the lead openings is the dominant source of shot noise. We also explore the onset of the crossover from quantum to classical transport and develop a quasi-classical transport model for shot noise suppression which agrees with the numerical quantum data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Spectral Orbits and Peak-to-Average Power Ratio of Boolean Functions with respect to the {I,H,N}^n Transform

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    We enumerate the inequivalent self-dual additive codes over GF(4) of blocklength n, thereby extending the sequence A090899 in The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences from n = 9 to n = 12. These codes have a well-known interpretation as quantum codes. They can also be represented by graphs, where a simple graph operation generates the orbits of equivalent codes. We highlight the regularity and structure of some graphs that correspond to codes with high distance. The codes can also be interpreted as quadratic Boolean functions, where inequivalence takes on a spectral meaning. In this context we define PAR_IHN, peak-to-average power ratio with respect to the {I,H,N}^n transform set. We prove that PAR_IHN of a Boolean function is equivalent to the the size of the maximum independent set over the associated orbit of graphs. Finally we propose a construction technique to generate Boolean functions with low PAR_IHN and algebraic degree higher than 2.Comment: Presented at Sequences and Their Applications, SETA'04, Seoul, South Korea, October 2004. 17 pages, 10 figure

    Imaging geometry through dynamics: the observable representation

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    For many stochastic processes there is an underlying coordinate space, VV, with the process moving from point to point in VV or on variables (such as spin configurations) defined with respect to VV. There is a matrix of transition probabilities (whether between points in VV or between variables defined on VV) and we focus on its ``slow'' eigenvectors, those with eigenvalues closest to that of the stationary eigenvector. These eigenvectors are the ``observables,'' and they can be used to recover geometrical features of VV

    German Everyday Culture and Technology

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    The project focuses on developing lessons for beginning German classes that combine knowledge and understanding of German-speaking cultures with a focus on daily life, especially that affect students at the High School and College level. This approach reflects the current ACTFL standards for foreign language learning (preparing for the 21st century) and the South Carolina State Standards for Foreign Language. Since technology plays a vital role in student learning, Ms. Patinella will display Power Point presentations, as well as overheads to review documents. Ms. Patinella is able to show DVDs and you tube clips only once approved by the technology individual at her school. This academic year the school is transitioning to incorporate more technology into student learning so that students will have competence in technology

    A Multi-media Approach to Building Listening and Speaking Skills in the Context of Cultural Competency

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    Students at Spartanburg High School recently received Apple MacBooks for use in the classroom. The goal of this project was to come up with short supplementary materials using this new technology to build German listening and speaking skills, as well as cultural competency. The hope was that incorporating technology would hold the interest of the students and provide new opportunities for instruction for the teacher. It was also hoped that the activities created would bring German culture to life for the students. The activities are divided into 4 sections: Nachrichten, Lieder, Jojo sucht das Glück, and Films & Märchen. Each folder contains an information page explaining the contents

    A note on the Cops & Robber game on graphs embedded in non-orientable surfaces

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    The Cops and Robber game is played on undirected finite graphs. A number of cops and one robber are positioned on vertices and take turns in sliding along edges. The cops win if they can catch the robber. The minimum number of cops needed to win on a graph is called its cop number. It is known that the cop number of a graph embedded on a surface XX of genus gg is at most 3g/2+33g/2 + 3, if XX is orientable (Schroeder 2004), and at most 2g+12g+1, otherwise (Nowakowski & Schroeder 1997). We improve the bounds for non-orientable surfaces by reduction to the orientable case using covering spaces. As corollaries, using Schroeder's results, we obtain the following: the maximum cop number of graphs embeddable in the projective plane is 3; the cop number of graphs embeddable in the Klein Bottle is at most 4, and an upper bound is 3g/2+3/23g/2 + 3/2 for all other gg.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    The Cop Number of the One-Cop-Moves Game on Planar Graphs

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    Cops and robbers is a vertex-pursuit game played on graphs. In the classical cops-and-robbers game, a set of cops and a robber occupy the vertices of the graph and move alternately along the graph's edges with perfect information about each other's positions. If a cop eventually occupies the same vertex as the robber, then the cops win; the robber wins if she can indefinitely evade capture. Aigner and Frommer established that in every connected planar graph, three cops are sufficient to capture a single robber. In this paper, we consider a recently studied variant of the cops-and-robbers game, alternately called the one-active-cop game, one-cop-moves game or the lazy-cops-and-robbers game, where at most one cop can move during any round. We show that Aigner and Frommer's result does not generalise to this game variant by constructing a connected planar graph on which a robber can indefinitely evade three cops in the one-cop-moves game. This answers a question recently raised by Sullivan, Townsend and Werzanski.Comment: 32 page
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