12 research outputs found

    Tingkat Kesamaan Plankton pada Ekosistem Mangrove Pulo Sarok Kecamatan Singkil, Kabupaten Aceh Singkil

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    This study aimsto determine the degree of similarity of plankton in the waters of the mangrove ecosystem Gampong Pulo Sarok District of Singkil, Aceh Singkil. This research was conducted in January 2016. The method used is purposive sampling with mementukan 3 stations by mangrove species at each location. Sampling plankton based at a different time in the morning, afternoon and evening using plankton planktonet No. 25. Data were analyzed by using the similarity index formula to get the value of similarity at each station. In supporting parameters measured were temperature, salinity, brightness, depth, pH, and DO. The results showed that the plankton found in every station in the waters of the mangrove ecosystem Gampong Pulo Sarok District of Singkil, Aceh Singkil as many as 36 species. Level Parallelism (IS) in pulo Sarok was ranged from 66.66% to 94,74%.In which is meant the degree of similarity of plankton in the high category. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesamaan plankton pada perairan ekosistem mangrove Gampong Pulo Sarok Kecamatan Singkil, Kabupaten Aceh Singkil.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2016.Metode yang digunakan adalah purposivesampling yaitu dengan mementukan 3 stasiun berdasarkan jenis mangrove pada tiap lokasi. Pengambilan sampel plankton berdasarkan waktu yang berbeda yaitu pagi, siang dan sore dengan menggunakan planktonet no 25.Data plankton dianalisadenganmenggunakanrumusindekskesamaanuntuk mendapatkan nilai kesamaan pada setiap stasiun.Pada parameter pendukung yang diamati adalah suhu, salinitas, kecerahan, kedalaman, pH, dan DO. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa plankton yang ditemukan pada setiap stasiun di perairan ekosistem mangrove Gampong Pulo Sarok Kecamatan Singkil, Kabupaten Aceh Singkil sebanyak 36 spesies. Tingkat Kesamaan (IS) menunjukkan tingkat kesamaan berkisar antara 66,66%-94,74%. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah tingkat kesamaan plankton pada ekosistem mangrove Pulo Sarok Kecamatan Singkil, Kabupaten Aceh Singkil plankton dalam kategori tinggi

    Perubahan Lafal Baku Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Akibat Dialek Daerah

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    Dialek daerah sangat berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia, dimana masalah ini sangat baik untuk diteliti lebih dalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberi informasi perubahan lafal baku yang terpengaruh dialek daerah dan kunci penyelesaian, penelitian ini menggunakan metode reviu literatur sistematik, hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan masih ada masyarakat yang masih terpengaruh dialek daerah dalam berbahasa Indonesia, masalah ini harus segera ditangani agar tidak terjadi secara turun-temurun dan penyelesaian untuk masalah ini adalah dengan meningkatkan keefektifan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di setiap daerah Indonesia

    Mobility and Associated CO2 Emissions During and After COVID-19: A Case Study in Indonesia

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    Changes in transportation trends can occur during and after COVID-19, such as travel distance, trip, and choice of transportation mode. The positive benefits from these changes in transportation trends should be maintained, to reduce disaster risk of environmental hazards from the CO2 emissions. Research on changes in mobility, trips, and CO2 emissions during and after COVID-19 in Indonesia is still very limited; whereas, changes in these transportation variables can be an inspiration for determining sustainable transportation policies in the future. This study aims to compare amid COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 transportation variables—travel distances, trips, and associated CO2 emissions. This research was conducted by giving questionnaires to 400 participants in Aceh Besar District. The questionnaire contains questions regarding the distance traveled, trips, fuel spent, and socio-economic characteristics. The CO2 emissions were calculated using IPCC (2006). The travel distance, trips, and transportation-related CO2 emissions during and after COVID-19 were compared respectively based on statistics. The results showed that there were significant differences in travel distances, trips, and transportation-related CO2 emissions between COVID-19 and the post-COVID-19 situation in the District of Aceh Besar. This article also presents several recommendations based on the data analysis results linked to literature studies about the sustainability of transportation as a result of COVID-19 situation; those are: providing quality public transportation, considering teleworking, providing solutions for workers who do not have access to online work, and paying attention to increasing use of private cars and car sharing post COVID-19

    Meningkatkan Kesehatan Masyarakat Terutama Ibu Dengan Cara Sosialisasi Melalui Pengarahan Pencegahan Stunting Pasca Pandemi

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    Stunting adalah jenis gagal tumbuh (stunting growth) akibat akumulasi nutrisi yang sangat kurang dalam kurun waktu yang lama, mulai dari konsepsi hingga usia 2 tahun. Stunting merupakan masalah lantaran dikaitkan pada peningkatan akibat penyakit dan kematian, memperlambat sistem pertumbuhan motorik, sehingga mengganggu system perkembangan mental pada pasien. Berdasarkan data yang ada, masalah stunting masih relatif tinggi di Kantor desa Muara Takus. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat Muara Takus masih kurang memprioritaskan makanan bergizi, masih sedikitnya implementasi acuan hidup sehat dan penerapannya di kehidupan, juga masih minimnya pengetahuan tentang stunting. Jalan keluar yang bisa kita tawarkan untuk masalah ini adalah dengan menerapkan konseling stunting dengan menggunakan beberapa metode, termasuk konseling community center, konseling kelompok wanita muslim, dan konseling kunjungan rumah. Melalui pelaksanaan penyuluhan stunting dengan berbagai metode, masyarakat di desa Muara Takus kec XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar di beri pembekalan tentang pengertian stunting, pemicu terjadinya stunting, ancaman stunting kurun waktu lama dan bagaimana mengatasi efek stunting. Meminimalkan kerjadian stunting di umur balita

    Towards an effective control programme of soil-transmitted helminth infections among Orang Asli in rural Malaysia. Part 1: prevalence and associated key factors.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Despite the continuous efforts to improve the quality of life of Orang Asli (Aborigines) communities, these communities are still plagued with a wide range of health problems including parasitic infections. The first part of this study aimed at determining the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections and identifying their associated factors among rural Orang Asli children. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 484 Orang Asli children aged ≤ 15 years (235 females and 249 males) belonging to 215 households from 13 villages in Lipis district, Pahang, Malaysia. Faecal samples were collected and examined by using formalin-ether sedimentation, Kato Katz and Harada Mori techniques. Demographic, socioeconomic, environmental and behavioural information were collected by using a pre-tested questionnaire. RESULTS: Overall, 78.1% of the children were found to be infected with one or more STH species. The prevalence of trichuriasis, ascariasis and hookworm infections were 71.7%, 37.4% and 17.6%, respectively. Almost all, three quarters and one fifth of trichuriasis, ascariasis and hookworm infections, respectively, were of moderate-to-heavy intensities. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that age of ≥ 6 years (school-age), using unsafe water supply as a source for drinking water, absence of a toilet in the house, large family size (≥ 7 members), not washing hands before eating, and not washing hands after defecation were the key factors significantly associated with STH among these children. CONCLUSION: This study reveals an alarmingly high prevalence of STH among Orang Asli children and clearly brings out an urgent need to implement school-based de-worming programmes and other control measures like providing a proper sanitation, as well as a treated drinking water supply and proper health education regarding good personal hygiene practices. Such an integrated control program will help significantly in reducing the prevalence and intensity of STH in Orang Asli communities

    Towards an effective control programme of soil-transmitted helminth infections among Orang Asli in rural Malaysia. Part 2: Knowledge, attitude, and practices

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the first part of this study, we investigated the prevalence and associated key factors of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections among Orang Asli children in rural Malaysia; an alarming high prevalence and five key factors significantly associated with infections were reported. Part 2 of this study aims to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) on STH infections among Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was carried out among 215 households from 13 villages in Lipis district, Pahang, Malaysia. Demographic and socioeconomic information of the participants and their KAP on STH were collected by using a pre-tested questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, 61.4% of the participants had prior knowledge about intestinal helminths with a lack of knowledge on the transmission (28.8%), signs and symptoms (29.3%) as well as the prevention (16.3%). Half of the respondents considered STH as harmful, while their practices to prevent infections were still inadequate. Significant associations between the KAP and age, gender, educational and employment status, family size, and household monthly income were reported. Moreover, significantly lower prevalence of STH infections was reported among children of respondents who wear shoes/slippers when outside the house (72.8%; 95% CI= 62.6, 80.5 vs 87.0%; 95% CI= 81.4, 91.1), wash their hands before eating (32.4%; 95% CI= 24.3, 42.2 vs 51.4%; 95% CI= 44.7, 60.1), and wash their hands after defecation (47.8%; 95% CI= 35.7, 57.1 vs 69.2%; 95% CI= 63.7, 78.7) as compared to their counterparts. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that the educational level of the respondents was the most important factor significantly associated with the KAP on STH among this population.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study reveals inadequate knowledge, attitude and practices on STH infections among Orang Asli in rural Malaysia. Hence, there is a great need for a proper health education programme and community mobilisation to enhance prevention and instil better knowledge on STH transmission and prevention. This is crucial for an effective and sustainable STH control programme to save the lives and future of the most vulnerable children in rural Malaysia.</p

    A decade of amphibian studies (Animalia, Amphibia) at Sekayu lowland forest, Hulu Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia

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    Amphibians of Sekayu lowland forest have been studied more than a decade, with discoveries of new records of species showing no sign of abating between the years 2003 to 2020, indicating the remarkably rich diversity of anurans in this forest. Despite ceaseless anthropogenic activities in this area, this study successfully recorded 52 species of amphibians from 32 genera in the lowland forest of Sekayu. The species composition consisted of a single species from the family Ichthyophiidae and 51 species of anurans of 31 genera and six families. The number of species recorded has steadily increased especially during more recent surveys from 2015 to 2020. This study augments the total number of amphibian species recorded from Hulu Terengganu by ten additional species, increasing the total to 70 species for the district