508 research outputs found


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    This study take into discussion the problem of underlay the decisions, which are particularly complex and actual, based of an important volume of information, which need an important quantity of work. From our investigations, we conclusion that some inconvenient can be evitable by use also of others concepts, which apply to this kind of information. In this direction, the Study follow up to end the manner which base the decisions, we allot a especial attention to analyze the Concept of Efficiency Pareto, which finally has two fundamental elements: final benefit and opportunity cost, use also in the process for take decisions. So we explain the ample analyze of Concept of Efficiency Pareto, where the main accent is on quantitative aspects evaluation of elements, which characterize them. By amplification is thoroughness the analyze of process for take decisions. So is underlined the closed link between different economical concepts and their great usefulness in practice.Pareto efficiency, benefit, policy, decision

    Implementasi Program Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Rumah Tangga Di Kabupaten Bandung

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    The embodiment of maintaining and improving health status is the declaration of a clean and healthy lifestyle policy which is then shortened to PHBS. According to the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 2269/MENKES/PER/XI/2011, PHBS is a set of attitudes carried out based on an understanding of learning outcomes to create independent individuals, families, and communities in the health sector and act actively in creating a healthy society. The main problem in this study is that the percentage of household PHBS program implementation in the Pameungpeuk Health Center working area only reached 24%, quite far from the 2014 Ministry of Health Strategic Plan target, which is 70% of households that have practiced PHBS. as well as the factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation of the PHBS program in household arrangements at the Pameungeuk Health Center. The method used is descriptive qualitative with interview, observation, and documentation studies. While checking the validity of the data using data source triangulation techniques. The author found that the implementation of the household PHBS program at the Pameungpeuk Health Center was carried out through the following processes (i) the logic of the policy, (ii) the environment in which the policy was operationalized, and (iii) the ability of the policy implementer. The results showed that the implementation of the household PHBS program in the work area of the Pameungpeuk Health Center was still not optimal and several obstacles were found in its implementation, namely the lack of human resources, incomplete facilities and infrastructure, lack of training for health promotion officers, and low community support in assisting implementation. this program

    The alternative of green open space management in Jakarta City, Indonesia

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    At the present time, the application of policy management of urban green open space of Jakarta have many weakness that caused by overlapping management. There are three institutions of management of urban green open space, those are Park Service (Dinas Pertamanan),, Forest Service (Dinas Kehutanan),, and Agricultural Service (Dinas Pertanian), which are all of them are under the scope of local government of DKI Jakarta. The management consists of several basic activities, including planning and controlling, organizing, human resources, coordination and financing. The prominent indicator associated with the managing urban green open space that related to the aspect of "market failure", it is commonly indicated by public goods, asymmetry of information, externality and aspect of “government failure”. It is also indicated by problems lingered around regulation of law, bureaucracy and bureaucrat agent. The core of the main problems in the policy of management formulation of urban green open space in Jakarta is the lack of managements" of urban green open space of DKI Jakarta. This was indicated by variety of critics coming from the members of society in DKI Jakarta about the function of it, where it will result the impact of environment.In the relation to that problem, there are two questions raised: a. What caused the management of the urban green open space in DKI Jakarta unsuccessful? b. What kind of factors that hampered the management of the urban green open space? As the follow up of the questions above is giving the alternatives to solve that hampered, then, the question is, How is the policy alternative to solve the lack of management of the urban green open space in DKI JakartaThe objective of study is getting the policy to manage the urban green open space in DKI Jakarta. The reflecting of the objective above was explained in the set of policy such as in the regulation and the institutional

    Economics as a conceptual resource for the study of public management

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    Four related bodies of knowledge inform the study and practice of public management. Broadest in scope is knowledge about the political processes that place demands, provide opportunities, and impose constraints on public managers. Next broadest in scope is policy analysis, which provides the conceptual foundations and craft skills for determining what government should do and how it should be done. Organizational design, a subset of policy analysis, gives insight into how the public sector can be organized to facilitate the effective delivery of goods and services. Narrowest in scope, but most directly relevant to the practice of management, is knowledge about how to carry out executive functions skillfully within existing organizational designs. We take the latter two bodies of knowledge, organizational design and executive function, as the core of the craft and science of public management. In this essay we consider what the discipline of economics offers for research on the core of public management

    Implementation of Progressive Islamic Policy in Regional Leaders of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra Period 2015 – 2020

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    This research wants to find out the Implementation of Progressive Islamic Policy in the North Sumatra Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders for the 2015 – 2020 period, the supporting factors and obstacles encountered. Using the theory of policy implementation by George C. Edwards III, Merilee S. Grindle and David L. Weimer and Aidan R. Vining, to find out how intense implementation is in the North Sumatra PWM environment. At the same time solving the main problems in this study that are proposed in the problem formulation. Using historical methods with a qualitative approach. The results of the study answer the formulation of the problem, namely PWM North Sumatra has implemented Progressive Islamic movements in various fields (education, health, social, da'wah, humanity and nationality). The PWM program is in accordance with the policy of the central leadership implemented by the Muhammadiyah leadership of North Sumatra. PWM in implementing Progressive Islam faces various challenges both internal and external. Internally there are still many cadres who have not implemented the concept of Progressive Islam and other challenges. While externally there is a misunderstanding of the community towards PWM in terms of the purification of worship. And these challenges continue to be faced with preaching, education and providing good understanding to the community


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    Integrated Referral Service System (IRSS) program is a service system to assist the poor in their needs through poverty reduction and social protection programs. One of them is the government makes a program or policy to be able to serve various social services in reducing poverty. It was found that the implementation of the Integrated Referral Service System program policy in its implementation involved legal rules and other regional regulations. This study aims to determine and describe the extent of policy implementation in the Integrated Referral Service System program at the Bandung City Social Service. This research report discusses the implementation of policies regarding the Integrated Referral Service System program, the obstacles faced and the efforts made by the Bandung City Social Service through the Puskesos assistant for Integrated Referral Service System implementation or facilitators in the Maleber village. The research method used in this method is a qualitative research method. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. This research is a comparison in policy implementation is the theory of David L. Weimer and Aidan R. Vining (2014) namely Policy Logic, Environment in which Policy is Operated, and Implementor Capability. There were four informants in this study, namely the Head of Protection and Social Security, Head of the Service and Referral Section, Integrated Referral Service System of Implementing Facilitators and people who use Integrated Referral Service System. The conclusions drawn in this study are based on indicators that the Policy Implementation regarding the Integrated Referral Service System program in Bandung City through the Social Health Center in Maleber Village from 2019 to 2020 experienced a fairly high increase. Due to the large number of poor and underprivileged people who need assistance in the form of complaints about social problems, especially the impact of the covid 19. Poverty Reduction at the Bandung City Social Service is quite optimal, it's just that there are some obstacles regarding infrastructure and understanding in carrying out various complaints and services to the public. Integrated Referral Service System Health Center Scores. &nbsp

    espida Bibliography

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    This is the bibliography pulled together during research for the espida Project

    The Economics of Subsidies in Ontario’s Automotive Industry

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    We compare the choice between granting subsidies to the automotive industry and using the funds instead to implement a permanent reduction in the sales tax on capital goods, one of Ontario’s most distortionary taxes. Our results depend critically upon how workers respond to the withdrawal of subsidies. Either workers agree to reduce their wages to offset the lost subsidies or they refuse to adjust. Our cost-benefit analysis shows the best outcome for the economy is to eliminate the subsidies, have workers adjust, and reduce the deadweight loss of taxation. The second-best outcome is to subsidize, maintain high wage levels in the industry, but forgo the benefits of tax reform. The worst outcome would be to withdraw subsidies, have workers refuse to adjust, and then experience lost employment and production. In contrast, the best outcome for the affected workers is to maintain high wages through subsidies. Therefore workers have an incentive to act strategically, by refusing to adjust their wages. For this reason, the government’s openness to subsidies likely contributes to an environment in which subsidies become inevitable.subsidies, Ontario, automotive sector

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi Kebijakan Transparansi Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Di Kota Gorontalo

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    The study aims to examine and analyze the factors that affect the implementation of the transparency policy in run the government in Gorontalo city. The method used in the study is qualitative descriptive. The results of the study indicate the factors that affect the success of the implementation process of transparency policy is communication, which has run effectively and is supported by sufficient human recourses and financial resources, and Transparency Commission organizational structure that is not complicated and the responsively of the government, and the positive acceptance from the community. However, the behavior of the apparatus who does not understand the transparency policy is one of the factors that can slow down the transparency policy process. The recommendations of the study are (1) that it needs a commitment of all the elements of transparency policy, the policy agent, policy executor, and policy target to responsible to the related city government rule, (2) that City Government Rule Number 3 Year 2002 that is the legal aegis of the implementation of transparency policy that still needs policy derivation to operate the related city government rule , (3) Considering that Gorontalo city has become an icon in Good Governance especially in transparency in running the government in Gorontalo city, it is expected consistency and consequence in implementing the transparency policy that is City Government Rule Number 3 Year 2002