62 research outputs found

    Copper and Stone

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    This thesis project is prefaced with a personal history that looks at experiences and relationships as an inspiration for creative writing. The remaining sections include original poetry that responds to family history, personal experience, and recurrent themes of war, loss, nature, and relationships. Selected literature and poetry prompts are noted from diverse styles and writers - Thoreau, Milosz, Williams, Jarrell - among others

    Die Beurteilung des rezenten und prähistorischen Menschen nach der Zahnform

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    Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung I. Allgemeines II Die Gestalt der menschlichen Molaren in phylogenetischer Beziehung A. Kronenrunzlung der Molaren B. Die Molarenhöcker C. Die Molarengröße D. Die Molarenwurzeln und die Pulpahöhlengröße III. Die Prämolaren, Eckzähne und Schneidezähne IV. Schlußfolgerungen Nachtrag während der Korrektu

    Neurosciences in Speech Therapy. Possibility or reality?

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    Although the field of Neurosciences has not had an exploration that is neither so recent nor so old particularly in the educational context there are still some spaces to be occupied by certain disciplines that integrated with them would lead to innovative and revolutionary solution strategies to the problems that demand a necessarily holistic response The objective of this paper is to make an assessment of the possibility of applying neuroscience to speech therapy as a pedagogical science based on a bibliographic review on the subject The result obtained favored the expansion of knowledge about the state of the art in which it was ventured and also made it possible to hypothesize about the improvement of the comprehensive speech therapy process for severe language disorders with the application of neuroscience

    Cell fusions in mammals

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    Cell fusions are important to fertilization, placentation, development of skeletal muscle and bone, calcium homeostasis and the immune defense system. Additionally, cell fusions participate in tissue repair and may be important to cancer development and progression. A large number of factors appear to regulate cell fusions, including receptors and ligands, membrane domain organizing proteins, proteases, signaling molecules and fusogenic proteins forming alpha-helical bundles that bring membranes close together. The syncytin family of proteins represent true fusogens and the founding member, syncytin-1, has been documented to be involved in fusions between placental trophoblasts, between cancer cells and between cancer cells and host cells. We review the literature with emphasis on the syncytin family and propose that syncytins may represent universal fusogens in primates and rodents, which work together with a number of other proteins to regulate the cell fusion machinery

    La ejecución de los arcos del puente de concreto armado sobre el Río Bueno

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    La ejecución de los arcos del puente de concreto armado sobre el Río Bueno

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