7,756 research outputs found

    Thermal effects on bipartite and multipartite correlations in fiber coupled cavity arrays

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    We investigate the thermal influence of fibers on the dynamics of bipartite and multipartite correlations in fiber coupled cavity arrays where each cavity is resonantly coupled to a two-level atom. The atom-cavity systems connected by fibers can be considered as polaritonic qubits. We first derive a master equation to describe the evolution of the atom-cavity systems. The bipartite (multipartite) correlations is measured by concurrence and discord (spin squeezing). Then, we solve the master equation numerically and study the thermal effects on the concurrence, discord, and spin squeezing of qubits. On the one hand, at zero temperature, there are steady-state bipartite and multipartite correlations. One the other hand, the thermal fluctuations of a fiber may blockade the generation of entanglement of two qubits connected directly by the fiber while the discord can be generated and stored for a long time. This thermal-induced blockade effects of bipartite correlations may be useful for quantum information processing. The bipartite correlations of a longer chain of qubits is more robust than a shorter one in the presence of thermal fluctuations

    Drought Resistance Analysis of the North Sulawesi Local Rice Based on the Root Characters Nio Song Ai, Ludong Daniel Peter Mantilen

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    Rice is one of the important staple foods in Indonesia with carbohydrate as its major component. Rice germplasm is so diverse in Indonesia including in North Sulawesi Province, which has 4 local rice cultivars, i.e Superwin, Ombong, Temo and Burungan. Regarding with the food security program in this province as well as in Indonesia, a study was conducted to evaluate root characters (the number of adventitious roots, maximum root length, root dry mass, root:shoot ratio, the number of hardpan penetrated roots) as response to drought in these North-Sulawesi local rice cultivars grown in the soil mixture at the vegetative phase. The drought treatment consisted of three different intensities (watering until 100% field capacity/DA, watering until 50% field capacity/½TA and no watering/TA) for 2 weeks in the glasshouse experiment using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pots with 125 mm height and 60 mm diameter. In general, the drought treatment decreased the number of adventitious roots, root dry mass, and root:shoot ratio The roots of Temo and Burungan were able to penetrate the hardpan (mixture of paraffin and vaseline that was equal to 12 bar hardness) under drought, but the capacities were low. Based on the root characters, Temo and Burungan had higher drought resistance than the other cultivars. The results of this research enriched the information of drought resistant rice selection that was easy, cheap and fast in the plant breeding program in North Sulawesi


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    Ekosistem riparian terletak di tepian sungai yang terkena banjir. Ekosistem riparian memiliki fungsi ekologis sebagai penyanggah bagi ekosistem teresterial dan akuatik. Pencemar yang masuk ke Sungai Ranoyapo, Minahasa Selatan dapat menurunkan kualitas air Sungai Ranoyapo. Pentingnya fungsi vegetasi riparian dalam mempertahankan kualitas air Sungai Ranoyapo membutuhkan penelitian tentang vegetasi riparian. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis jenis-jenis vegetasi riparian Sungai Ranoyapo, Minahasa Selatan. Hasil penelitian akan sangat bermanfaat sebagai data base dalam penelitian selanjutnya yang terkait dengan DAS Ranoyapo dan kualitas sungai Ranoyapo. Penelitian dilakukan di bagian hulu dan tengah pada Mei-Oktober 2013. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu survei dan analisis data secara deskriptif. Pola penggunaan lahan di sepanjang Sungai Ranoyapo dari hulu hingga tengah bervariasi namun umumnya pertanian tanaman pangan dan perkebunan. Jenis-jenis tanaman di zona riparia misalnya padi (Oryza sativa), jagung (Zea mays), kelapa (Cocos nucifera), ubi (Manihot utilissima), coklat (Theobroma cacao) dan cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum). Vegetasi riparian alami termasuk anggota dari berbagai suku antara lain suku Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Campanulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Malvaceae, Acanthaceae, Amaranthaceae, Commelinaceae, Mimosaceae, Fabaceae, Dryopteridaceae, dan Urticaceae. Jenis vegetasi riparian alami tumbuhan bawah antara lain Wedelia trilobata, Digitaria, Eupatorium odoratum, Ageratum conyzoides dan Mikania micrantha. Tumbuhan berupa pohon yaitu Ficus sp., Macaranga sp., dan Terminalia catappa.Kata Kunci: Vegetasi riparian, zona riparia, Sungai Ranoyap

    Generalized Wenzel equation for contact angle of droplets on spherical rough solid substrates

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    Applying Gibbs’ concept of dividing surface and dividing line, the wetting of spherical droplets on spherical rough solid substrates was studied by methods of thermodynamics. Considering the influences of line tension, a generalized Wenzel’s equation for contact angle between droplets and spherical rough solid substrates is derived. Under some assumptions, this generalized Wenzel’s equation reduces to Rusanov’s equation


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    Bawang merah (Allium cepa L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang dipakai sebagai bumbu penyedap makanan serta bahan obat tradisional. Penggunaan Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) merupakan salah satu teknik yang efektif untuk meningkatkan produksi bawang merah karena dapat meningkatkan kesuburan tanahdan mengendalikan hama penyakit tanaman serta ramah lingkungan karena tidak adanya penggunaan senyawa kimia yang dapat merusak lingkungan,. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi dampak penyiraman PGPR terhadap tinggi, lebar tanaman dan jumlah daun tanaman bawang merah. Tahapan penelitian meliputi eksplorasi yaitu pengambilan akar bambu, pembuatan media cair yang merupakan media tumbuh bakteri, pembuatan biang bakteri atau sumber bakteri, pembuatan PGPR, penanaman bawang merah, penyiraman bawang merah dengan cairan PGPR, dan pengamatan tinggi, lebar dan jumalh daun bawang merah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penyiraman PGPR tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap tinggi, lebar dan jumlah daun tanaman bawang
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