969 research outputs found

    Köyhyyttä Helsingissä : Toimeentulotuen saajat ja käyttö 2008-2010

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää toimeentulotuen käyttöä Helsingissä vuosina 2008–2010: ketkä saivat toimeentulotukea, millaisiin menoihin toimeentulotukea tarvittiin ja kuinka pitkäksi aikaa? Lisäksi tarkasteltiin syksyllä 2008 alkaneen talouskriisin vaikutuksia toimeentulotuen tarpeeseen. Pääasiallisena tutkimusaineistona oli Helsingin kaupungin sosiaaliviraston rekisteritiedoista koostettu TotuHelsinki-aineisto. Tulosten mukaan toimeentulotukeen turvautuivat eniten yksin elävät, ja he olivat tavallisimmin työttömiä tai lomautettuja. Maahanmuuttajat saivat kantaväestöä suhteellisesti useammin toimeentulotukea. Toimeentulotuki oli usealle – myös nuorille – pitkäaikainen tukimuoto. Noin 60 prosenttia toimeentulotuesta maksettiin suoraan asiakkaan tilille käyttökohdetta erittelemättä. Eritellyistä käyttökohteista toimeentulotukea maksettiin eniten asumiskustannuksiin sekä erilaisiin terveydenhuoltomenoihin. Vuoden 2008 syksyllä alkaneen talouskriisin vaikutukset näkyivät toimeentulotukimenoissa ja toimeentulotuen asiakasmäärissä erityisesti vuoden 2009 alkupuoliskolla ja kesäaikana.15,00 euro

    Early weaning increases aggression and stereotypic behaviour in cats

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    Behaviour problems are common in companion felines, and problematic behaviour may be a sign of chronic stress. In laboratory animals, early weaning increases the risk for aggression, anxiety, and stereotypic behaviour. However, very few studies have focused on early weaning in one of the world's most popular pets, the domestic cat, although weaning soon after the critical period of socialisation is common practice. To study the effects of early weaning (< 12 weeks) on behaviour, a large data set (N = 5726, 40 breeds) was collected from home-living domestic cats through a questionnaire survey. The results show that weaning before 8 weeks of age increases the risk for aggression, but not fearful behaviour. Moreover, cats weaned after 14 weeks of age have a lower probability for aggression towards strangers than early weaned cats and a lower probability for stereotypic behaviour (excessive grooming) than cats weaned at 12 weeks. The effect of weaning age on stereotypic behaviour is partially explained by the effects on aggression. These findings indicate that early weaning has a detrimental effect on behaviour, and suggest delayed weaning as a simple and inexpensive approach to significantly improve the welfare of millions of domestic cats

    Waist‑height ratio and waist are the best estimators of visceral fat in type 1 diabetes

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    Visceral fat is associated with cardiovascular and kidney disease. However, the relationship between body composition and anthropometric measures in type 1 diabetes is unknown. Using z-statistics, we ranked the ability of body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-hip ratio (WHR), waist-height ratio (WHtR) and a body shape index (ABSI) to capture measures of body composition from 603 Dual-energy-X-Ray-Absorptiometry scans of adults with type 1 diabetes. Albuminuria was defined as urinary albumin excretion rate of at least 30 mg/24 h. Women with albuminuria had higher visceral fat mass % (VFM%) (0.9 vs. 0.5%, p = 0.0017) and lower appendicular lean mass % (AppLM%) (25.4 vs 26.4%, p = 0.03) than those without. Men with albuminuria had higher VFM% (1.5 vs. 1.0%, p = 0.0013) and lower AppLM% (30.0 vs 32.3, p < 0.0001) than those without. In men, WHtR estimated VFM% best (z-statistics = 21.1), followed by WC (z = 19.6), BMI (z = 15.1), WHR (z = 14.6) and ABSI (z = 10.1). In women, the ranking was WC (z = 28.9), WHtR (z = 27.3), BMI (z = 20.5), WHR (z = 12.7) and ABSI (z = 10.5). Overall, the ranking was independent of albuminuria. Adults with type 1 diabetes and albuminuria have greater VFM% and lower AppLM% than those without. WHtR and WC best estimate the VFM% in this population, independently of albuminuria and sex.Peer reviewe

    Associations of dietary macronutrient and fibre intake with glycaemia in individuals with Type 1 diabetes

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    Aims To study the association between dietary intake and glycaemia in Type 1 diabetes. Methods Data on energy and nutrient intakes, and the mean and coefficient of variation of self-monitored blood glucose measurements were obtained from records completed by 1000 adults with Type 1 diabetes. Associations between these measures of glycaemia and dietary intake were investigated using generalized linear regression, with and without macronutrient substitution. Results In the first set of analyses, fibre intake was associated with lower mean self-monitored blood glucose values (beta = -0.428, 95% CI -0.624 to -0.231; PPeer reviewe

    Periodontitis in early and chronic rheumatoid arthritis : a prospective follow-up study in Finnish population

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    Objectives To investigate the association between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and periodontitis with special emphasis on the role of antirheumatic drugs in periodontal health. Design Prospective follow-up study. Patients with early untreated RA and chronic active RA were examined at baseline and 16months later. Controls were examined once. Settings and participants The study was conducted in Finland from September 2005 to May 2014 at the Helsinki University Hospital. Overall, 124 participants were recruited for dental and medical examinations: 53 were patients with early disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) na1ve RA (ERA), 28 were patients with chronic RA (CRA) with insufficient response to conventional DMARDs. After baseline examination, patients with ERA started treatment with synthetic DMARDs and patients with CRA with biological DMARDs. Controls were 43 age-matched, gender-matched and community-matched participants. Outcome measures Degree of periodontitis (defined according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Periodontology). Prevalence of periodontal bacteria (analysed from plaque samples), clinical rheumatological status by Disease Activity Score, 28-joint count (DAS28), function by Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and treatment response by European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) criteria. Results Moderate periodontitis was present in 67.3% of patients with ERA, 64.3% of patients with CRA and 39.5% of control participants (p=0.001). Further, patients with RA had significantly more periodontal findings compared with controls, recorded with common periodontal indexes. In the re-examination, patients with RA still showed poor periodontal health in spite of treatment with DMARDs after baseline examination. The prevalence of Porphyromonas gingivalis was higher in patients with ERA with periodontal probing depth 4mm compared with patients with CRA and controls. Antirheumatic medication did not seem to affect the results. Conclusions Moderate periodontitis was more frequent in patients with RA than in controls. Patients with ERA and CRA exhibited poorer periodontal health parameters when compared with controls. There was no association between antirheumatic treatment and periodontal parameters.Peer reviewe

    Modelling mixed-phase clouds with the large-eddy model UCLALES-SALSA

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    The large-eddy model UCLALES-SALSA, with an exceptionally detailed aerosol description for both aerosol number and chemical composition, has been extended for ice and mixed-phase clouds. Comparison to a previous mixed-phase cloud model intercomparison study confirmed the accuracy of newly implemented ice microphysics. A further simulation with a heterogeneous ice nucleation scheme, in which ice-nucleating particles (INPs) are also a prognostic variable, captured the typical layered structure of Arctic mid-altitude mixed-phase cloud: a liquid layer near cloud top and ice within and below the liquid layer. In addition, the simulation showed a realistic freezing rate of droplets within the vertical cloud structure. The represented detailed sectional ice microphysics with prognostic aerosols is crucially important in reproducing mixed-phase clouds

    Weight Loss Trajectories in Healthy Weight Coaching : Cohort Study

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    Background: As global obesity prevalence continues to increase, there is a need for accessible and affordable weight management interventions, such as web-based programs. Objective: This paper aims to assess the outcomes of healthy weight coaching (HWC), a web-based obesity management program integrated into standard Finnish clinical care. Methods: HWC is an ongoing, structured digital 12-month program based on acceptance and commitment therapy. It includes weekly training sessions focused on lifestyle, general health, and psychological factors. Participants received remote one-on-one support from a personal coach. In this real-life, single-arm, prospective cohort study, we examined the total weight loss, weight loss profiles, and variables associated with weight loss success and program retention in 1189 adults (963 women) with a BMI >25 kg/m(2) among participants of the program between October 2016 and March 2019. Absolute (kg) and relative (%) weight loss from the baseline were the primary outcomes. We also examined the weight loss profiles, clustered based on the dynamic time-warping distance, and the possible variables associated with greater weight loss success and program retention. We compared different groups using the Mann-Whitney test or Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous variables and the chi-squared test for categorical variables. We analyzed changes in medication using the McNemar test. Results: Among those having reached the 12-month time point (n=173), the mean weight loss was 4.6% (SE 0.5%), with 43% (n=75) achieving clinically relevant weight loss (>= 5%). Baseline BMI >= 40 kg/m(2) was associated with a greater weight loss than a lower BMI (mean 6.6%, SE 0.9%, vs mean 3.2%, SE 0.6%; P=.02). In addition, more frequent weight reporting was associated with greater weight loss. No significant differences in weight loss were observed according to sex, age, baseline disease, or medication use. The total dropout rate was 29.1%. Dropouts were slightly younger than continuers (47.2, SE 0.6 years vs 49.2, SE 0.4 years; P=.01) and reported their weight less frequently (3.0, SE 0.1 entries per month vs 3.3, SE 0.1 entries per month; P Conclusions: A comprehensive web-based program such as HWC is a potential addition to the repertoire of obesity management in a clinical setting. Heavier patients lost more weight, but weight loss success was otherwise independent of baseline characteristics.Peer reviewe