3,575 research outputs found

    Biology helps you to win a game

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    We present a game of interacting agents which mimics the complex dynamics found in many natural and social systems. These agents modify their strategies periodically, depending on their performances using genetic crossover mechanisms, inspired by biology. We study the performances of the agents under different conditions, and how they adapt themselves. In addition the dynamics of the game is investigated.Comment: 4 pages including 6 figures. Uses REVTeX4. Submitted for Conference Proceedings of the "Unconventional Applications of Statistical Physics", Kolkat

    Faster all-pairs shortest paths via circuit complexity

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    We present a new randomized method for computing the min-plus product (a.k.a., tropical product) of two n×nn \times n matrices, yielding a faster algorithm for solving the all-pairs shortest path problem (APSP) in dense nn-node directed graphs with arbitrary edge weights. On the real RAM, where additions and comparisons of reals are unit cost (but all other operations have typical logarithmic cost), the algorithm runs in time n32Ω(log⁥n)1/2\frac{n^3}{2^{\Omega(\log n)^{1/2}}} and is correct with high probability. On the word RAM, the algorithm runs in n3/2Ω(log⁥n)1/2+n2+o(1)log⁥Mn^3/2^{\Omega(\log n)^{1/2}} + n^{2+o(1)}\log M time for edge weights in ([0,M]∩Z)âˆȘ{∞}([0,M] \cap {\mathbb Z})\cup\{\infty\}. Prior algorithms used either n3/(log⁥cn)n^3/(\log^c n) time for various c≀2c \leq 2, or O(MαnÎČ)O(M^{\alpha}n^{\beta}) time for various α>0\alpha > 0 and ÎČ>2\beta > 2. The new algorithm applies a tool from circuit complexity, namely the Razborov-Smolensky polynomials for approximately representing AC0[p]{\sf AC}^0[p] circuits, to efficiently reduce a matrix product over the (min⁥,+)(\min,+) algebra to a relatively small number of rectangular matrix products over F2{\mathbb F}_2, each of which are computable using a particularly efficient method due to Coppersmith. We also give a deterministic version of the algorithm running in n3/2log⁥Ύnn^3/2^{\log^{\delta} n} time for some ÎŽ>0\delta > 0, which utilizes the Yao-Beigel-Tarui translation of AC0[m]{\sf AC}^0[m] circuits into "nice" depth-two circuits.Comment: 24 pages. Updated version now has slightly faster running time. To appear in ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), 201

    Accounting for Human Capital

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    Synthesizing Imperative Programs from Examples Guided by Static Analysis

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    We present a novel algorithm that synthesizes imperative programs for introductory programming courses. Given a set of input-output examples and a partial program, our algorithm generates a complete program that is consistent with every example. Our key idea is to combine enumerative program synthesis and static analysis, which aggressively prunes out a large search space while guaranteeing to find, if any, a correct solution. We have implemented our algorithm in a tool, called SIMPL, and evaluated it on 30 problems used in introductory programming courses. The results show that SIMPL is able to solve the benchmark problems in 6.6 seconds on average.Comment: The paper is accepted in Static Analysis Symposium (SAS) '17. The submission version is somewhat different from the version in arxiv. The final version will be uploaded after the camera-ready version is read

    One Dimensional Kondo Lattice Model Studied by the Density Matrix Renormalization Group Method

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    Recent developments of the theoretical investigations on the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model by using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method are discussed in this review. Short summaries are given for the zero-temperature DMRG, the finite-temperature DMRG, and also its application to dynamic quantities. Away from half-filling, the paramagnetic metallic state is shown to be a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid with the large Fermi surface. For the large Fermi surface its size is determined by the sum of the densities of the conduction electrons and the localized spins. The correlation exponent K_rho of this metallic phase is smaller than 1/2. At half-filling the ground state is insulating. Excitation gaps are different depending on channels, the spin gap, the charge gap and the quasiparticle gap. Temperature dependence of the spin and charge susceptibilities and specific heat are discussed. Particularly interesting is the temperature dependence of various excitation spectra, which show unusual properties of the Kondo insulators.Comment: 18 pages, 23 Postscript figures, REVTe

    Dictionary matching in a stream

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    We consider the problem of dictionary matching in a stream. Given a set of strings, known as a dictionary, and a stream of characters arriving one at a time, the task is to report each time some string in our dictionary occurs in the stream. We present a randomised algorithm which takes O(log log(k + m)) time per arriving character and uses O(k log m) words of space, where k is the number of strings in the dictionary and m is the length of the longest string in the dictionary

    Normal extinction and reinstatement of morphine-induced conditioned place preference in the GluA1-KO mouse line

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    Extinction and reinstatement of morphine-induced conditioned place preference were studied in glutamate α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid-receptor GluA1 subunit-deficient mice (global GluA1-KO mice). In line with previous findings, both acquisition and expression of conditioned place preference to morphine (20 mg/kg, subcutaneously) were fully functional in GluA1 KO mice compared with wild-type littermate controls (GluA1-WT), thus enabling the study of extinction. With a 10-session extinction paradigm, the GluA1 KO mice showed complete extinction similar to that of the GluA1-WT mice. Morphine-induced reinstatement (10 mg/kg, subcutaneously) was detected in both mouse lines. GluA1 KO mice moved more during all the phases of the experiment, including the place conditioning trials, extinction sessions, and place preference tests. The results suggest that the GluA1 subunit may be dispensable or prone to compensation at the neural circuitries delineating extinction and reinstatement. The GluA1 KO mice show altered long-term between-session habituation, which extends longer than previously anticipated.Peer reviewe

    Back Reflector with Diffractive Gratings for Light-Trapping in Thin-Film III-V Solar Cells

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    We report on the development of light-Trapping architectures applied to thin-film solar cells. In particular, we focus on enhancing the absorption at 1-eV spectral range for dilute nitride and quantum dot materials and report on the influence of planar back reflectors on the photovoltaic properties. Moreover, we discuss the properties of polymer diffraction gratings with enhanced light-Trapping capability pointing to advantageous properties of pyramidal gratings. In order to understand the suitability of these polymer grating architectures for space applications, we have performed an electron irradiation study (1 MeV) revealing the absence of reflectance changes up to doses of 1×1015 e-/cm

    Thin-film InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cell with planar and pyramidal back reflectors

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    Quantum dot solar cells are promising for next-generation photovoltaics owing to their potential for improved device efficiency related to bandgap tailoring and quantum confinement of charge carriers. Yet implementing effective photon management to increase the absorptivity of the quantum dots is instrumental. To this end, the performance of thin-film InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cells with planar and structured back reflectors is reported. The experimental thin-film solar cells with planar reflectors exhibited a bandgap-voltage offset of 0.3 V with an open circuit voltage of 0.884 V, which is one of the highest values reported for quantum dot solar cells grown by molecular beam epitaxy to our knowledge. Using measured external quantum efficiency and current-voltage characteristics, we parametrize a simulation model that was used to design an advanced reflector with diffractive pyramidal gratings revealing a 12-fold increase of the photocurrent generation in the quantum dot layers

    Population Characteristics, Morphometry, and Growth of Harvested Gray Wolves and Coyotes in Alaska

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    Few concurrent studies exist of sympatric gray wolf (Canis lupus) and coyote (C. latrans) harvest at far northern latitudes. Moreover, no studies explicitly examine effects of concurrent harvest on phenotypes of wolves and coyotes. We documented changes in sex and age characteristics and morphology of gray wolves and coyotes harvested by hunters near Ptarmigan Lake, east-central Alaska, USA, between 1998 and 2001. We hypothesized that the harvest would result in larger, heavier canids, reduce densities, and increase young to adult ratios in both wolves and coyotes. We generated von Bertalanffy growth curves indicating that wolves and coyotes of both sexes increased in length or weight until 2 or 3 years old. No significant changes in either mean length or weight or length to weight ratios occurred during the 3-year study, except that coyote mean length was longer over the last winter of study. Catch-per-unit effort (CPUE) for wolves ranged from 0.061 to 0.112 killed/day and for coyotes from 0.552 to 0.11 killed/day over the study. CPUE indicated that coyotes but not wolves declined in abundance. Changes in male to female and young to adult ratios did not differ significantly for either canid. We posit that coyote populations were disproportionately affected by the conflation of the severe Arctic environment and sustained harvest. Our findings will be beneficial for managing sympatric canid populations and for understanding demographic responses to density-dependent processes in wolves and coyotes, especially at far northern latitudes.Il existe peu d’études concomitantes sur la rĂ©colte du loup gris (Canis lupus) et du coyote (C. latrans) sympatriques dans les hautes latitudes nordiques. Par ailleurs, aucune Ă©tude n’examine explicitement les effets de la rĂ©colte concomitante sur les phĂ©notypes des loups et des coyotes. Nous avons documentĂ© les changements sur le plan de la morphologie et des caractĂ©ristiques du sexe et de l’ñge des loups gris et des coyotes rĂ©coltĂ©s par les chasseurs Ă  proximitĂ© du lac Ptarmigan, dans le centre-est de l’Alaska, aux États-Unis, de 1998 Ă  2001. Nous avons formulĂ© l’hypothĂšse voulant que la rĂ©colte donnerait lieu Ă  des canidĂ©s plus gros et plus lourds, rĂ©duirait les densitĂ©s et augmenterait les rapports entre jeunes et adultes, tant chez les loups que chez les coyotes. Nous avons produit des courbes de croissance de von Bertalanffy selon lesquelles la longueur ou le poids des loups et des coyotes des deux sexes augmentait jusqu’à l’ñge de deux ou trois ans. Sur le plan de la longueur ou du poids moyen, ou des rapports moyens entre la longueur et le poids, aucun changement important n’a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© pendant l’étude de trois ans, sauf que la longueur moyenne du coyote Ă©tait plus grande au cours du dernier hiver de l’étude. Pour le loup, la capture par unitĂ© d’effort (CPUE) variait de 0,061 Ă  0,112 bĂȘte tuĂ©e/jour, tandis que pour le coyote, elle variait de 0,552 Ă  0,11 bĂȘte tuĂ©e/jour dans le courant de l’étude. Selon la CPUE, l’abondance des coyotes a chutĂ©, mais pas celle des loups. Pour l’un ou l’autre des canidĂ©s, les variations en matiĂšre de rapports entre les mĂąles et les femelles, et entre les jeunes et les adultes n’étaient pas considĂ©rables. Nous postulons que les populations de coyotes ont Ă©tĂ© touchĂ©es de maniĂšre disproportionnĂ©e Ă  la fois par l’environnement arctique rigoureux et par une rĂ©colte soutenue. Nos constatations joueront un rĂŽle dans la gestion des populations de canidĂ©s sympatriques et dans la comprĂ©hension des rĂ©ponses dĂ©mographiques aux processus dĂ©pendant de la densitĂ© chez les loups et les coyotes, surtout dans les hautes latitudes nordiques
