198 research outputs found

    Re-qualifying Delivered Devices and Inventory for New Product Specifications, a Case Study

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    The paper examines an e-Commerce system for re-qualifying delivered products and inventory for new product specifications, and proposes a streamline supply chain model with a mass-customization and a customer-direct capability. The paper also introduces benefits and foundation for a strategy for producing generic renewable designs. The empirical research was carried out by means of a case study in a Finnish SME that manufactures laser diodes for international markets. To provide a background, the product customization in a semiconductors industry, system analysis and architecture are addressed. The analysis and conclusions are based on the authors’ experimental findings from this area. The study shows that a mass-customization is beneficial in the semiconductors industry as long as the laser diode designs are properly parameterized and structured in the database

    Staattisen analyysin ja mittareiden kÀyttö refaktoroinnin vaikutuksien analysoinnissa ohjelmistojen sisÀisen laadun perspektiivistÀ

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    Refaktorointi on keskeinen menetelmĂ€ ohjelmistojen laadun, erityisesti yllĂ€pidettĂ€vyyden, kohentamiseksi ja sĂ€ilyttĂ€miseksi. Refaktoroinnin vaikutuksista ohjelmistojen sisĂ€iseen laatuun on kuitenkin tehty tutkimuksia, jotka viittaavat ettei refaktorointioperaatioiden vaikutus laatuun ole vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ positiivinen, vaan jopa pĂ€invastainen. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkielmassa perehdytÀÀn ohjelmistojen laatuun, mittareihin ja refaktorointiin ja tarkastellaan syitĂ€ sille, miksi tietyissĂ€ tutkimuksissa staattisessa analyysissĂ€ kĂ€ytettyjen mittarien lukemat implikoivat ohjelmiston laadun heikkenevĂ€n refaktoroinnin seurauksena. Tutkielmassa todetaan, ettĂ€ staattisen analyysin suorittaminen refaktoroinneille on hyvin hankalaa, sillĂ€ on erittĂ€in vaikeaa saada refaktoroinneista kunnollista edustavaa otantaa. TĂ€mĂ€ johtuu pÀÀasiassa siitĂ€, ettĂ€ ohjelmistokehittĂ€jĂ€t refaktoroivat sekĂ€ kĂ€yttĂ€vĂ€t versionhallintajĂ€rjestelmiĂ€ keskenÀÀn hyvin erilaisilla tavoilla. KĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ tĂ€mĂ€ tarkoittaa sitĂ€, ettĂ€ kommitointiviestit eivĂ€t vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ oikeasti vastaa itse kommitoinnin sisĂ€ltöÀ. Monesti kommitointi saattaa olla merkittynĂ€ refaktoroinniksi, mutta sisĂ€ltÀÀkin oikeasti refaktorointia sekĂ€ uuden toiminnallisuuden lisÀÀmistĂ€. Toisaalta taas joukosta löytyy myös refaktorointeja, joita ei ole kommitointiviesteissĂ€ merkitty sellaisiksi. TĂ€mĂ€ vÀÀristÀÀ huomattavasti sellaisia otantoja, jotka perustuvat refaktorointien suodattamiseen kommitointiviestien perusteella. Tutkielmassa todetaan myös, ettĂ€ yleisesti kirjallisuudessa kĂ€ytetyt mittarit eivĂ€t vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ ole kovin hyvin ymmĂ€rrettyjĂ€, sillĂ€ useat mittarit mittaavat hyvin samankaltaisia ulottuvuuksia. Mittareiden valinta ja ymmĂ€rrys on ensisijaisen tĂ€rkeÀÀ, mikĂ€li halutaan myös saada mittaustuloksia, joiden implikaatiot ymmĂ€rretÀÀn. Myös mittareiden ja tutkimuksessa pohjana kĂ€ytetyn SQuaRE -laatustandardin laatupiirteiden vĂ€linen suhde on epĂ€selvĂ€. Kvalitatiiviset haastattelu- ja kysely tutkimukset kuitenkin implikoivat, ettĂ€ refaktorointia pidetÀÀn ohjelmiston laadun kannalta hyvin merkittĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ työkaluna. OhjelmistokehittĂ€jĂ€t ja -arkkitehdit kokevat, ettĂ€ ohjelmiston yllĂ€pito ja jatkokehitys helpottuvat, kun ohjelmiston lĂ€hdekoodia refaktoroidaan sÀÀnnöllisesti. ACM Computing Classification System (CCS): Software and its engineering → Maintaining software Software and its engineering → Software evolution Software and its engineering → Software version contro

    Improving efficiency of the sample design in the Finnish horticultural survey

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    Kuntien ja hyvinvointialueiden lapsibudjetointi ja toteumatietojen seuranta sekÀ raportointi : Selvityshenkilöiden raportti

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    Valtiovarainministeriö asetti kevÀÀllÀ 2022 selvityshenkilöt selvittÀmÀÀn kuntien ja tulevien hyvinvointialueiden lapsibudjetointia sekÀ toteumatietojen seurantaa ja raportointia. SelvityksessÀ tuli molempien asiakokonaisuuksien osalta tarkastella nykytilaa ja sen mahdollisia kehittÀmistarpeita sekÀ tuottaa toteutusmallivaihtoehtoja huomioiden sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon uudistuksen vaikutukset toimintaympÀristöön. Lapsibudjetoinnilla tarkoitetaan tÀssÀ selvityksessÀ kunnan ja hyvinvointialueen talousarvion ja tilinpÀÀtöksen tarkastelemista lapsen oikeuksien nÀkökulmasta. Lapsibudjetoinnin ja lapsivaikutusten arvioinnin yhteisellÀ analyysilla voidaan arvioida, onko resursointi riittÀvÀÀ suhteessa tarpeisiin ja kohdistuvatko varat sellaisiin toimiin, jotka vÀhentÀvÀt myöhempien, kalliimpien palveluiden tarvetta. Kokonaiskuvan avulla saadaan tietoa, miten rahankÀyttö edistÀÀ lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointia sekÀ heidÀn oikeuksiensa toteutumista. Toteumatiedoilla viitataan talouden ja toiminnan, kuten kustannus-, palvelukÀyttö-, asiakasmÀÀrÀ- ja vaikuttavuustietojen, kerÀÀmiseen ja raportointiin. Selvityshenkilöt kuvaavat raportissa laajaan selvitysaineistoon perustuen johtopÀÀtöksensÀ lapsibudjetoinnin kÀytÀnnön toteuttamisesta kunnissa ja hyvinvointialueilla. Selvitys sisÀltÀÀ kansallisen lapsibudjetoinnin viitekehyksen. Selvityshenkilöt tiivistÀvÀt kÀsityksensÀ kuntien ja hyvinvointialueiden talouden ja toteumatietojen seurannan sekÀ lapsibudjetoinnin kehittÀmistoimista kymmeneen kÀrkitoimenpiteeseen

    Induced abortions of women living with HIV in Finland 1987-2019 : a national register study

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    BackgroundRecent data on the rate and risk factors of induced abortion among women living with HIV (WLWH) are limited. Our aim was to use Finnish national health register data to 1) determine the nationwide rate of induced abortions of WLWH in Finland during 1987-2019, 2) compare the rates of induced abortions before and after HIV diagnosis over different time periods, 3) determine the factors associated with terminating a pregnancy after HIV diagnosis, and 4) estimate the prevalence of undiagnosed HIV at induced abortions to see whether routine testing should be implemented.MethodsA retrospective nationwide register study of all WLWH in Finland 1987-2019 (n = 1017). Data from several registers were combined to identify all induced abortions and deliveries of WLWH before and after HIV diagnosis. Factors associated with terminating a pregnancy were assessed with predictive multivariable logistic regression models. The prevalence of undiagnosed HIV at induced abortion was estimated by comparing the induced abortions among WLWH before HIV diagnosis to the number of induced abortions in Finland.ResultsRate of induced abortions among WLWH decreased from 42.8 to 14.7 abortions/1000 follow-up years from 1987-1997 to 2009-2019, more prominently in abortions after HIV diagnosis. After 1997 being diagnosed with HIV was not associated with an increased risk of terminating a pregnancy. Factors associated with induced abortion in pregnancies that began after HIV diagnosis 1998-2019 were being foreign-born (OR 3.09, 95% CI 1.55-6.19), younger age (OR 0.95 per year, 95% CI 0.90-1.00), previous induced abortions (OR 3.36, 95% CI 1.80-6.28), and previous deliveries (OR 2.13, 95% CI 1.08-4.21). Estimated prevalence of undiagnosed HIV at induced abortion was 0.008-0.029%.ConclusionsRate of induced abortions among WLWH has decreased. Family planning should be discussed at every follow-up appointment. Routine testing of HIV at all induced abortions is not cost-effective in Finland due to low prevalence.Peer reviewe

    Ultrasound-Navigated MANTAℱ deployment after Removal of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Cannula

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    The case provided suggests that ultrasound-navigated MANTAℱ works well closing percutaneously the peripheral arterial ECMO cannulation site. Ultrasound use during ECMO decannulation can further diminish the possible device related technical failures (toggle or collagen protrusion through the vessel wall, toggle stacking into calcifications, or delivery failure of the collagen pad) leading to bleeding and vascular complications. Further studies are needed on this topic.Peer reviewe

    A Subspace Method for Dynamical Estimation of Evoked Potentials

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    It is a challenge in evoked potential (EP) analysis to incorporate prior physiological knowledge for estimation. In this paper, we address the problem of single-channel trial-to-trial EP characteristics estimation. Prior information about phase-locked properties of the EPs is assesed by means of estimated signal subspace and eigenvalue decomposition. Then for those situations that dynamic fluctuations from stimulus-to-stimulus could be expected, prior information can be exploited by means of state-space modeling and recursive Bayesian mean square estimation methods (Kalman filtering and smoothing). We demonstrate that a few dominant eigenvectors of the data correlation matrix are able to model trend-like changes of some component of the EPs, and that Kalman smoother algorithm is to be preferred in terms of better tracking capabilities and mean square error reduction. We also demonstrate the effect of strong artifacts, particularly eye blinks, on the quality of the signal subspace and EP estimates by means of independent component analysis applied as a prepossessing step on the multichannel measurements
