7 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui 1) Hubungan kecepatan reaksi terhadap ketepatan pukulan forehand drive, 2) Hubungan kelentukan pergelangan tangan terhadap ketepatan pukulan forehand drive, 3) Hubungan kecepatan reaksi dan kelentukan pergelangan tangan terhadap ketepatan pukulan forehand drive, pada mahasiswa perkuliahan teori dan praktek tenis meja Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Pengambilan data penelitian dilaksanakan 14 Desember 2021-14 Februari 2022 yang bertempat diHall A kampus B Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan studikorelasi. Penelitian ini bersifat korelasional yaitu untuk mengetahui seberapa besar hubungan variabel satu dengan yang lainnya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Jakarta yang mengambil mata kuliah teori dan praktrik tenis meja yang berjumlah 30 orang, dan sampelnya berjumlah 15 orang dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Adapun instrumen tes kecepatan reaksi menggunakan tes ruler drop tes. Untuk tes kelentukan pergelangan tangan menggunakan tes goniometer dan untuk tes ketepatan pukulan forehand drive menggunakan tes ketepatan pukulan forehand drive dengan sasaran. Teknik analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah menggunakan uji t. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa 1) Semakin cepat kecepatan reaksi maka semakin baik ketepatan pukulan forehand drive. 2) Semakin baik kelentukan pergelangan tangan maka semakin baik pula ketepatan pukulan forehand drive. 3) semakin baik kecepatan reaksi dan kelentukan pergelangan tangan maka semakin baik pula ketepatan pukulan forehand drive. Kata Kunci: Kecepatan Reaksi, Kelentukan Pergelangan Tangan, Ketepatan Pukulan Forehand drive THE RELATIONSHIP OF REACTION SPEED AND WRIST FLEXIBILITY TO THE FOREHAND DRIVE ACCURACY IN TABLE TENNIS ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to find out 1). The relationship of reaction speed to the accuracy of forehand drive strokes, 2) The relationship of wrist flexibility to the accuracy of forehand drive strokes, 3) The relationship of reaction speed and wrist flexibility to the accuracy of forehand drive strokes, in students of theoretical and practical table tennis lectures at the State University of Jakarta. The research data collection was carried out on 14 December 2021–14 February 2022, which took place in Hall A campus B, State University of Jakarta, Rawamangun, East Jakarta. The research method used is a quantitative research method with a correlation study. This research is correlational, which is to find out how big the relationship between one variabel is with another. The population in this study were students of the State University of Jakarta who took the theory and practice of table tennis, totaling 30 people, and the sample was 15 people using purposive sampling technique. The reaction speed test instrument used the ruler drop test. To test the flexibility of the wrist using the goniometer test and to test the accuracy of the forehand drive stroke using the forehand drive accuracy test with the target. The statistical analysis technique used is the t test. The results of data analysis show that 1) if reaction speed is better, the accuracy of forehand drive stroke also more better. 2) if wirst flexibility is better, the accuracy of forehand drive stroke also more better. 3) if reaction speed and wirst flexibility are better, the accuracy of forehand drive stroke also more better. Keywords: Reaction Speed, Wrist Flexibility, Forehand drive Stroke Accurac


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    Pertumbuhan penduduk dan urbanisasi di Indonesia sangatlah tinggi, khususnya daerah perkotaan. Hal ini menyebabkan kesempatan bekerja dan peluang berusaha di kota tidak mampu menampung pelaku-pelaku urbanisasi. Keterbatasan keterampilan yang dimiliki para pelaku urbanisasi pun turut menambah masalah perekonomian dan sosial. Salah satu masalah tersebut adalah terjadinya pengangguran. Banyaknya pengangguran ini akan memicu maraknya pengemis atau peminta-minta. Permasalahan ini semakin kompleks dengan adanya sekelompok orang (baca: mafia) yang menggerakan para pengemis secara masif untuk mencari keuntungan secara praktis. Akibatnya, pekerjaan pengemis tersebut bukan lagi karena keterpaksaan secara ekonomi melainkan menjadi sebuah profesi. Dalam menanggulangi hal ini, pemerintah telah melakukan pelarangan pengemis dan gelandangan yang diatur dalam Pasal 504 dan Pasal 505 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP). Kata pengemis atau peminta-minta itu sendiri disebutkan sebagai sa’il oleh al-Qur’an, penyebutannya selalu dibarengi oleh kalimat pemberian harta, baik sedekah atau zakat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwasanya al-Qur’an ingin mengentaskan realitas sai’il yang ada di masyarakat dengan memberi hak mereka untuk mendapatkan zakat ataupun sedekah. Dalam artikel ini, penulis akan membahas makna sa’il dalam al-Qur’an dan bagaimana solusi penanggulangannya dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitik untuk menjabarkan data-data yang telah terkumpul.Kata Kunci: larangan mengemis, Pengemis (sa’il), solusi

    K-anonymity: a note on the trade-off between data utility and data security

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    Researchers often use data from multiple datasets to conduct credible econometric and statistical analysis. The most reliable way to link entries across such datasets is to exploit unique identifiers if those are available. Such linkage however may result in privacy violations revealing sensitive information about some individuals in a sample. Thus, a data curator with concerns for individual privacy may choose to remove certain individual information from the private dataset they plan on releasing to researchers. The extent of individual information the data curator keeps in the private dataset can still allow a researcher to link the datasets, most likely with some errors, and usually results in a researcher having several feasible combined datasets. One conceptual framework a data curator may rely on is k-anonymity, k ³ 2 , which gained wide popularity in computer science and statistical community. To ensure k-anonymity, the data curator releases only the amount of identifying information in the private dataset that guarantees that every entry in it can be linked to at least k different entries in the publicly available datasets the researcher will use. In this paper, we look at the data combination task and the estimation task from both perspectives – from the perspective of the researcher estimating the model and from the perspective of a data curator who restricts identifying information in the private dataset to make sure that k-anonymity holds. We illustrate how to construct identifiers in practice and use them to combine some entries across two datasets. We also provide an empirical illustration on how a data curator can ensure k-anonymity and consequences it has on the estimation procedure. Naturally, the utility of the combined data gets smaller as k increases, which is also evident from our empirical illustratio

    Efficient Semiparametric Estimation of Average Treatment Effects Under Covariate Adaptive Randomization

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    Experiments that use covariate adaptive randomization (CAR) are commonplace in applied economics and other fields. In such experiments, the experimenter first stratifies the sample according to observed baseline covariates and then assigns treatment randomly within these strata so as to achieve balance according to pre-specified stratum-specific target assignment proportions. In this paper, we compute the semiparametric efficiency bound for estimating the average treatment effect (ATE) in such experiments with binary treatments allowing for the class of CAR procedures considered in Bugni, Canay, and Shaikh (2018, 2019). This is a broad class of procedures and is motivated by those used in practice. The stratum-specific target proportions play the role of the propensity score conditional on all baseline covariates (and not just the strata) in these experiments. Thus, the efficiency bound is a special case of the bound in Hahn (1998), but conditional on all baseline covariates. Additionally, this efficiency bound is shown to be achievable under the same conditions as those used to derive the bound by using a cross-fitted Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator to form nonparametric regression adjustments

    On the Performance of the Neyman Allocation with Small Pilots

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    The Neyman Allocation and its conditional counterpart are used in many papers on experiment design, which typically assume that researchers have access to large pilot studies. This may not be realistic. To understand the properties of the Neyman Allocation with small pilots, we study its behavior in a novel asymptotic framework for two-wave experiments in which the pilot size is assumed to be fixed while the main wave sample size grows. Our analysis shows that the Neyman Allocation can lead to estimates of the ATE with higher asymptotic variance than with (non-adaptive) balanced randomization, particularly when the population is relatively homoskedastic. We also provide a series of empirical examples showing that the Neyman Allocation may perform poorly for values of homoskedasticity that are relevant for researchers. Our results suggest caution when employing experiment design methods involving the Neyman Allocation estimated from a small pilot study