13 research outputs found

    Pemeliharaan Mesin Hydraulic Shear Menggunakan Pendekatan Reliability Centered Maintenance dan Manajemen Suku Cadang

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    Production equipment that has a high operating time becomes a vital aspect in supporting the operational system, and its maintenance becomes a critical point that must be planned. This research discusses maintenance policies that focus on machine reliability and parts availability to produce proper maintenance actions, optimal maintenance scheduling and good spare-parts management. The research was conducted on a developing manufacturing company engaged the field of agricultural aids in the city of Bekasi. This study focused on hydraulic shear machines because they have the largest downtime value of 8,344.8 minutes. This problem has a negative impact on the company because it can reduce the yield. Based on these conditions, the study was conducted using the Reliability Centered Maintenance method to update the maintenance patterns and Poisson Process to determine the number of component requirements needed for the next one year. The data obtained in the form of historical damage to the machine, component cost, labor cost and production cost. This research produces an optimal preventive replacement time interval that is every 154 hours for the oil seal component, 242 hours for the shear blade component, and 324 hours for the oil hydraulic hose (1/2") component. While the number of critical components required for the next 1 year is 37 units for oil seal component, 10 units for shear blade components, and 7 units for oil hydraulic hose (1/2") component

    Solar Assisted Heat Pump System for High Quality Drying Applications: A Critical Review

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    Solar assisted heat pump (SAHP) system integrates a solar thermal energy source with a heat pump. This technique is a very fundamental concept, especially for drying applications. By combining a solar thermal energy source such as solar thermal collectors and a heat pump dryer will assist in reducing the operation cost of drying and producing products with high quality. Many review papers in the literature evaluated the R&D aspects of solar-assisted heat pump dryers (SAHPD). This critical review paper studies some of the researches conducted in this field to understand and provides an update on recent developments in SAHPD. Also, a detailed explanation of principles and operation for SAHPD and its applications are presented. The used types of solar thermal collectors, as well as various heat pump dryers, are all discussed in this article. Finally, it is concluded that there is a clear lack of research in the techno-economic and environmental evaluation, while most of SAHPD studies focused on the performance study of the system

    Parameter estimation of the cure fraction based on BCH model using left-censored data with covariates.

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    Medical investigations nowadays allow the incorporation of cure individuals in the analysis, especially for chronic diseases such as cancer. Therefore, survival models that incorporate the cured patients in the analysis are called cure rate models. In this paper, we propose an analytical approach for parametric estimation of the cure fraction in cancer clinical trials based on the bounded cumulative hazard (BCH) model with covariates involved in the data set. The analysis is constructed by means of the exponential distribution in the case of left censoring and within the framework of the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. The analysis provided the analytical solution and a simulation study for the cure rate parameter

    Investigation for optimal performance of a photovoltaic (PV) powered clinic

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    One of the applications of photovoltaic (PV) generators today is PV-hybrid power system for electricity supply for remote residences. In these systems, one or more PV array(s) are combined with one conventional source of power (diesel and/or wind) for making a more reliable electricity supply. Batteries are used in these systems for supplying electricity during the nights as well as cloudy days. In hybrid systems one or more diesel generators are used to ensure that the batteries are not undercharged. This paper focuses on a 2.5 kWp PV-hybrid power system to supply a health clinic located in remote area with no access to national grid. The objective of this paper is to present a simple but accurate design and sizing process for a complete self-contained PV-hybrid power system

    BENEFITSEGMENTATION: Case of a National Bank's Customers in Indonesia

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    Fierce competition in Indonesian banking industry had forced banks to get closer to their customers in order to maintain their customer base. However, considering the banks limited resources and the market competition, raised question on which customers they should focus to serve. Benefit segmentation as one of the concept of market segmentation, provides a clear picture of which segment or type of customers the bank should focus. Undertaken in a national bank, this research was aimed to identify benefits desired by the customer in financial service; segments for the bank based on those benefits; and to identify whether there is a relationship between customers' demographics and their desired benefits. Factor analysis with principal component method was used to extract 29 banking attributes to a set of factors that capable to capture the main features of the responses. Cluster analysis was then applied to the dataset to identify whether a bundle of benefit might be sought by a specific customer segment. The last, chi-square test was applied to identify whether there is any correlation between the cluster and the demographic variables. Five factors (main benefits) sought by the customers were found, namely:  safety-convenience; relational; bank's features; cost; and promotional incentives. Based on those factors, the customers could be classified into four segments, service-oriented (38.41%), rate sensitive (16.85%), incentive seekers (13.30%), and safety-convenience (31.44%). A significant correlation between demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, income, monthly spending, occupation, and number of children) and desired customer benefits were found. Therefore, those demographic characteristics could be used to develop the customers' profiles

    Pengaruh motivasi siswa terhadap prestasi belajar pada bidang studi aqidah akhlak : studi kasus kelas II Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri(MTSN)1 Pela Mampang Prapatan Jakarta Selatan

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    PENGARUH MOTIVASI SISWA TERHADAP PRESTASI BELAJAR PADA BIDANG STUDI AQIDAH AKHLAK (Studi Kasus Kelas II di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 1 Pela Mampang Prapatan Jakarta Selatan). Dalam penulisan skripsi ini penulis memilih � PENGARUH MOTIVASI SISWA TERHADAP PRESTASI BELAJAR PADA BIDANG STUDI AQIDAH AKHLAK (Studi Kasus Kelas II di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 1 Pela Mampang Prapatan Jakarta Selatan)� dikarenakan motivasi siswa dalam bidang studi Aqidah Akhlak menentukan hasil belajar. Maka tidak sedikit siswa yang kurang mempunyai motivasi dalam prestasi belajarnya tidak bagus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi siswa terhadap presatasi belajar pada bidang studi Aqidah Akhlak. Tempat penelitian yang dipilih adalah MTsN 1. Motivasi siswa dalam belajar mulai ada peralihan dari Sekolah Dasar (SD) ke Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama, khususnya bagi kelas II SLTP/MTs, untuk itu pendidik disekolah sebaiknya mengetahui dan menyadari bahwa siswa kelas II merupakan individu yang menarik untuk diperhatikan, sebab pada masa ini siswa sudah mulai mendapat pengaruh dari luar (eksternal) terhadap menurunnya motivasi dalam belajar. Akibatnya pada masa ini banyak diantara siswa menurun dalam prestasi belajarnya. Melihat besarnya pengaruh motivasi siswa terhadap prestasi belajar dan didorong rasa tanggung jawabdari orang tua, pendidik, serta peran aktif masyasrakat mengarahkan secara afektif kepada hal.-hal yang memberikan semangat (motivasi) untuk terus belajar, agar tidak ada penurunan hasil belajar dan memiliki prestasi yang baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, disimpulkan bahwa para siswa dan siswi kelas II MTsN 1 mempunyai pengaruh yang sisgnifikan antara motivasi belajar siswa terhadap prestasi belajar pada bidang studi Aqidah Akhlak

    An new algorithm-based rough set for selecting clustering attribute in categorical data

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    Several algorithms strategies based on Rough Set Theory (RST) have been used for the selection of attributes and grouping objects that show similar features. On the other hand, most of these clustering techniques cannot deal tackle partitioning. In addition, these processes are computationally complexity and low purity. In this study, the researcher looked at the limitations of the two rough set based techniques used, Information-Theoretic Dependency Roughness (ITDR) and Maximum Indiscernible Attribute (MIA). They also proposed a novel method for selecting clustering attributes, Maximum mean Attribute (MMA). They compared the performance of MMA, ITDR and MIA technique, using UCI and benchmark datasets. Their results validated the performance of the MMA with regards to its purity and computational complexity