37 research outputs found

    Imam al-Qudduri's Answers to the Violators' Inference About the Verses of the Wife's Residence Through the Book of Abstraction

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    This research demonstrates Imam al-Qudduri's answers to the violators' inferences about the verses of the wife's residence through the book of abstraction, the impact of housing on women, the family, and society, and how to address it. In terms of the legal provisions entailed by it, the right to housing that God Almighty legislated as a cover for the spouses, and stability for the Muslim family, the researcher used the comparative analysis method by presenting the opinions of the jurists (may God have mercy on them), and their evidence, to reach the most correct opinion. The most prominent findings of this study are: Imam al-Qudduri (may God have mercy on him) attained a high scholarly status until he became the Head of the School of Thought (madhab) in Iraq, and al-Dhahabi said, about him, that he was called the Hanafi Sheikh. The essential prerequisites of housing for a woman to stabilize their marriage and to create an atmosphere of love that is suitable for the continuation of this marriage. An explanation of the legal rulings that spouses must follow when exercising this right in order for one of them to not outnumber the other through the rights granted to them. Keywords: housing, alimony, deceased, hail, divorced woma

    Use Google Sketch up As an Illustration in Industrial Drawing

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     عندما يتعلق الأمر برسم الأشكال ثلاثية الأبعاد فإننا لا نحصل على أسهل من برنامج كوكل سكتش أب Google sketch up, فإن الأهم في الرسم ثلاثي الأبعاد و خاصة في ميدان المعمار هو مدى سهولة استخدام البرنامج والقدرة على تحويل الفكرة إلى واقع افتراضي، و برنامج Google sketch up  يوفر خدمة سهلة الاستعمال و غير متطلبة لجهاز حاسوب قوي، و كلنا نعلم أن الأوتوكاد من أقوى برامج الرسم ثلاثي الأبعاد (إن لم نقل الأقوى) ولكن صعوبة استخدامه و الوقت اللازم لتعلمه أدى بمعظم المهندسين إلى اللجوء إلى البرنامج الأسهل, إن برنامج الأوتوكاد لا غنى عنه ولكن برامج Google sketch up أعطى حلول أسرع  وخيارات كثيرة بالإخراج النهائي. تطرق البحث إلى مشكلة استخدام برنامج الأوتوكاد ومعاناة مدرسي الرسم في فهمه واستخدامه, في المقابل تعرض إلى مميزات برنامج كوكل سكتش أب ومقارنته ببرنامج الأوتوكاد, وعرض نتائج استبيان أجراه الباحثين على عينة من مدرسي الرسم الهندسي في المدارس المهينة, والذي تبين أن اغلب مدرسي الرسم يعانون من صعوبة برنامج الأوتوكاد, وبالتالي فان هذا البرنامج لا يؤدي الغرض المتوقع منه, لذا أصبح من الضروري إيجاد بديل على الأقل لاستخدامه كوسيلة عرض المجسمات من قبل مدرس الرسم الهندسي وهذا البديل هو برنامج كوكل سكتش أبGoogle sketch up. When it comes to drawing 3D shapes, we do not get any easier than the Google Sketch Up program. The most important part of 3D drawing, especially in the field of architecture, is the ease of using the program, the ability to turn the idea into virtual reality, the Google sketch program Up, provides a user-friendly service that is not required for a powerful computer, and we all know that AutoCAD is one of the most powerful 3D drawing programs (if not the most powerful) but the difficulty of using it and the time it takes to learn has led most engineers to resort to the easiest program. indispensable but Google sketch programs gave up solutions faster and many choices in final directing. The study examined the problem of the use of the AutoCAD program and the suffering of the drawing teachers in understanding and using it. In contrast, it showed the advantages of the program, and compared it to the AutoCAD program, and presented a questionnaire by the researcher on a sample of the teachers of the engineering drawing in the degrading schools. program AutoCAD, and therefore, this program does not result in the expected purpose of it, so it became necessary to find an alternative at least to use it as a display of sculptures by engineering drawing teacher, and this alternative is a program Cockle  Google sketch up

    Self-advocacy among university students

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    The current research aims to know: Self-advocacy among university students. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the two researchers chose the research sample from the students of the University of Babylon, according to the simple random method, five colleges, two humanities and three scientific colleges, and applied the Thomson equation to extract the sample size, and the result was that the research sample reached (378) male and female students were distributed according to the method of random stratification with a proportional distribution. The self-advocacy measurement tool and Harris definition (Harris, 2009) and its self-advocacy measurement tool, which consists of (48) items distributed over five domains, were applied to the research sample. On the research sample, and after conducting the statistical analysis and extracting the validity and reliability values of the scale, the research reached the following results: University students have self-advocacy. In light of this, the researchers reached a set of proposals and recommendations

    Spontaneous coronary artery dissection and fibromuscular dysplasia: insights into recent developments

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    Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), an uncommon cause of acute coronary syndrome, continues to be a poorly understood disease predominantly affecting females. It is characterized by an abrupt separation in the coronary arterial wall due to intramural bleeding. Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is a non-atherosclerotic arteriopathy manifesting in medium and small-sized arteries. It is a concomitant disease found among SCAD patients. In some studies, FMD prevalence in SCAD patients ranges between 25%–86%, which can be explained through varying screening techniques or modalities. The potential association has been elucidated in some studies; notably, not only has a genetic link been recently delineated between SCAD and FMD, but there is data to suggest that FMD not only can predispose to SCAD but can also be a potential predictor of its recurrence. However, a clear-cut correlation between the two has still not been established due to conflicting reports in the literature. To further dive into its pathology, it is crucial to highlight the importance of systematic screening in SCAD in order to identify associated risk factors and to be used as a method of FMD detection in such patients. Together, the two pathologies pose unique challenges in understanding its pathophysiology, diagnosis and management, as there is no clear evidence of a definitive treatment plan for patients with SCAD and FMD. A potentially beneficial modality of management is physical exercise, which is currently understudied in the long-term approach to treatment for patients with concomitant SCAD and FMD. Limited research in this field brings disadvantages to the understanding of the association between these two diseases, in order to give rise to better management recommendations. This mini-review aims to highlight the recent developments in the association between SCAD and FMD, its potential genetic association and some insights in screening, diagnosis, and management

    Prediction of Sediment Accumulation Model for Trunk Sewer Using Multiple Linear Regression and Neural Network Techniques

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    Sewer sediment deposition is an important aspect as it relates to several operational and environmental problems. It concerns municipalities as it affects the sewer system and contributes to sewer failure which has a catastrophic effect if happened in trunks or interceptors. Sewer rehabilitation is a costly process and complex in terms of choosing the method of rehabilitation and individual sewers to be rehabilitated.  For such a complex process, inspection techniques assist in the decision-making process; though, it may add to the total expenditure of the project as it requires special tools and trained personnel. For developing countries, Inspection could prohibit the rehabilitation proceeds. In this study, the researchers proposed an alternative method for sewer sediment accumulation calculation using predictive models harnessing multiple linear regression model (MLRM) and artificial neural network (ANN). AL-Thawra trunk sewer in Baghdad city is selected as a case study area; data from a survey done on this trunk is used in the modeling process. Results showed that MLRM is acceptable, with an adjusted coefficient of determination (adj. R2) in order of 89.55%. ANN model found to be practical with R2 of 82.3% and fit the data better throughout its range. Sensitivity analysis showed that the flow is the most influential parameter on the depth of sediment deposition

    Post-gender and its Performance in Theatrical Text

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    تتكوّن الرّؤية الاستدماجيّة لفضاء ما بعد الجّندر، ضمن واحدة من أهم الذّوات الأساس المغادرة للأشكال النّسقيّة، إذْ تتمظهر الكثير من الذّوات الآخرويّة في نفس الجّسد، لذا هو دائماً ما يذهب إلى تكريس بنية مفاهيميّة داخل حيوز النّفس المختلفة بين حالة وثانية، الأمر الَّذي جعلها تأخذ بياناً إشهاريّاً لعدة مراحل، بالتّالي، يأخذ ما بعد الجّندر البعد الأساس المستكمل للفضاءات و/ أو الأماكن المقطوعة في البدن وهذه الحالة متّبعة في أغلب الحالات وعلى مرِّ العصور، لذا تتضح تلك الأفعال لتعيد تمتين الأفكار والأشكال داخل استراتيجيّة أنموذجيّة لفاعليّة التّحوّل، وهي الحالة المرجوّة في فضاء ما بعد الحداثة الإشكالي في كلِّ التّعامدات المتّبعة.The alligation vision of the spacebeyond post-gender is considered as one of the most important basic things leave the streotypeshapes, as many of other things will appear at the same body, so it is always go to focus onacquaintanle structure inside different soul’s level between one case and another, The things that made it tokes aproclaim daigrammatic for many structure to spaces and cutting places in the bode. This case is followed for an ages, so these actions will be clear to reclaim the ideas and shapes insidespacial strategic to the changing, and that’s what we want in the space of beyond modernity

    Confirm Content Validity and Sender Authenticity for Text Messages by Using QR Code

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    في ظل ثورة المعلومات التي يشهدها عالمنا الحديث,اصبحت المراسلات الالكترونية ضرورية ومن المهم حفظ هذه المعلومات المرسلة. لذلك عرضنا هذه التقنية لضمان سلامة محتوى الرسائل وأصالة المرسل عبر شبكات الاتصالات عن طريق تحويل رمز الرسالة إلى أرقام، كل واحد من رموز الرسالة (الحروف والأرقام والرموز) سوف تحول إلى ثلاثة أرقام، الرقم الأول يمثل أسكي كود الرمز، والرقم الثاني يمثل تردد هذا الرمز في الرسالة (عدد المرات التي يظهر فيها هذا الرمز في الرسالة)، والرقم الثالث يمثل العدد الإجمالي لمواقع تكرارات هذا الرمز (يحسب موقع الرمز من الرمز الأول في الرسالة إلى هذا الرمز نفسه وتحسب الفراغات أيضا). وسيتم تحويل التوقيع الرقمي للمرسل إلى أرقام مثل رموز الرسالة كما أوضحناها سابقا، هذه الأرقام للتوقيع الرقمي سوف تجمع معا لإنتاج ثلاثة أرقام فقط، وهذا الرقام الثلاثة تجمع مع أرقام رموز الرسالة ، بعدها تم تحويل هذه الأرقام إلى كيو ار كود، يوضع كيو ار كود مع الرسالة ترسال إلى المستلم. المستلم يقوم بأجراء خطوات المرسل (تكوين كيو ار كود من الرسالة المستلمة) ويتم مقارنة الكيو ار كود ما إذا كان مطابق أم لا. وسيضمن المستلم أن المحتوى آمن، ويؤكد صحة المرسل.In light of the information revolution taking place in the modern world, therefore it becomes necessary and important to save this electronic messages. So we offered this technique to ensure the safety of the content of the messages and authenticity of the sender through  networks communication by converting the message's symbols to numbers , each one of this symbols (letters, numbers, symbols) will converted into three digits, the first digit represents the ASCII code of the symbol , the second digit represents the frequency of this symbol in the message (the number of times this symbol is appear in the message), and the third digit represents the total number of the locations of the symbol (calculates the symbol location from the first symbol in the message to this symbol itself and blanks also calculated too) .The digital signature of the sender will converted to numbers like the symbols of message we explained it before, and this numbers of the digital signature will gathering together to produce three numbers only, this number will gathering with each numbers of the message's symbols, the final  numbers will converted to QR Code , the QR Code will placed with the message and sent to the recipient. The recipient returns the steps of the sender (produce QR Code from the received message) and compared it the received QR Codes, if it is match or not. The recipient will ensure that the content is secure, and confirms the authenticity of the sender

    Measuring cost by using throughput accounting to rationalize administrative decisions

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    Purpose: The study aims at analyzing the performance of selected companies by using throughput accounting. It is an attempt to measure cost and find out how applying throughput accounting rationalizes adiminstrative decisions. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodology used in this study is based on Throughput Accounting (TA) as a principle-based and simplified management accounting approaches. The General Company for Electrical Industries in Iraq was chosen to apply the practical aspect of the research due to the multiplicity of the products provided by the company. Findings: Following modern production methods leads to committing the economic units to the need to improve methods of calculating costs in order to comply with the new production environment, as traditional cost systems have fallen short of providing the necessary information and appropriate standards, as well as the degree of accuracy that must be provided for the purpose of carrying out the management of the economic unit with its various activities and managing its resources effectively. Practical Implications: The importance of this research comes from the role played by throughput accounting in addressing the negative effects resulting from mismanagement of all resources in the restricted activities. Originality/Value: The research concluded that the use of throughput accounting in cost measurement leads to improving operational performance and assisting the administration in making decisions that maximize the value of the economic unit.peer-reviewe

    Effect of Supplementation of Withania somnifera L. Roots on Some Blood Physiological Parameters of Japanese Quail Hens Reared Under High Environmental Temperature

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    An experiment was conducted to assess the antistress efficacy of Withania somnifera roots ethanolic on some blood physiological traits of Japanese quail hens reared under high environmental temperature (27-37-27ºC). Three hundred Japanese quail hens of six weeks old were randomly distributed into five treatments T0 untreated group (control), T1, T2 quails supplemented orally with 50, 100 mg/kg/day root ethanolic extract(WSRE) respectively,T3, T4 received 1,2 g/kg diet root powder(WSRP) respectively. Results revealed significant increase in Hb and PCV % in quails supplemented with T4 at 10 and 15weeks of age, and in T3 and T4 groups at 12 weeks of age in comparison with T0 and WSRE groups. At 10 and 15 weeks old, T2 resulted in significant increasing in Heterophil/Lymphocyte ratio in comparison withT0and other treatments. At 15 weeks of age,T1and T2 significantly increased Heterophil% in comparison with T0 and WSRP groups, while, quails in T4 showed significant reduction in Heterophil% and significant increasing in Lymphocyte% compared with T1, also results showed that supplementing quails with T4 significantly increased serum iron .Thyroid hormones didn’t affected significantly due to treatments while T3 significantly increased TSH

    Validate the Content and Authenticity of the Sender for Text Messages Using QR Code

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    في ظل ثورة المعلومات التي يشهدها عالمنا الحديث, اصبحت المراسلات الالكترونية ضرورية ومن المهم حفظ هذه المعلومات المرسلة. لذلك عرضنا هذه التقنية لضمان سلامة محتوى الرسائل وأصالة المرسل عبر شبكات الاتصالات عن طريق تحويل رمز الرسالة إلى أرقام، كل واحد من رموز الرسالة (الحروف والأرقام والرموز) سوف تحول إلى ثلاثة أرقام، الرقم الأول يمثل أسكي كود الرمز، والرقم الثاني يمثل تردد هذا الرمز في الرسالة (عدد المرات التي يظهر فيها هذا الرمز في الرسالة)، والرقم الثالث يمثل العدد الإجمالي لمواقع تكرارات هذا الرمز (يحسب موقع الرمز من الرمز الأول في الرسالة إلى هذا الرمز نفسه وتحسب الفراغات أيضا). وسيتم تحويل التوقيع الرقمي للمرسل إلى أرقام مثل رموز الرسالة كما أوضحناها سابقا، هذه الأرقام للتوقيع الرقمي سوف تجمع معا لإنتاج ثلاثة أرقام فقط، وهذا الرقام الثلاثة تجمع مع أرقام رموز الرسالة ، بعدها تم تحويل هذه الأرقام إلى كيو ار كود، يوضع كيو ار كود مع الرسالة ترسال إلى المستلم. المستلم يقوم بأجراء خطوات المرسل (تكوين كيو ار كود من الرسالة المستلمة) ويتم مقارنة الكيو ار كود ما إذا كان مطابق أم لا. وسيضمن المستلم أن المحتوى آمن، ويؤكد صحة المرسل.In light of the information revolution taking place in the modern world, therefore it becomes necessary and important to save this electronic messages. So we offered this technique to ensure the safety of the content of the messages and authenticity of the sender through  networks communication by converting the message's symbols to numbers , each one of this symbols (letters, numbers, symbols) will converted into three digits, the first digit represents the ASCII code of the symbol, the second digit represents the frequency of this symbol in the message (the number of times this symbol is appear in the message), and the third digit represents the total number of the locations of the symbol (calculates the symbol location from the first symbol in the message to this symbol itself and blanks also calculated too) .The digital signature of the sender will converted to numbers like the symbols of message we explained it before, and this numbers of the digital signature will gathering together to produce three numbers only, this number will gathering with each numbers of the message's symbols, the final  numbers will converted to QR Code, the QR Code will placed with the message and sent to the recipient. The recipient returns the steps of the sender (produce QR Code from the received message) and compared it the received QR Codes, if it is match or not. The recipient will ensure that the content is secure, and confirms the authenticity of the sender