261 research outputs found
Malaysian Traffic Sign Dataset for Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Systems
Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition (TSDR) plays a crucial role in driver assistance systems, and provides drivers with safety and precaution information. It is part of the computer vision which requires a dataset for training and testing the detection and recognition techniques. In this paper, a dataset for Malaysian TS (MTSD) is proposed in order to eliminate the gap in the previously created datasets. The MTSD includes a variety of TS scenes to be used in TS detection and images contain only TS to assist in the recognition of TS
Automatic Face and Hijab Segmentation Using Convolutional Network
Taking pictures and Selfies are now very common and frequent between people. People are also interested in enhancing pictures using different image processing techniques and sharing them on social media. Accurate image segmentation plays an important role in portrait editing, face beautification, human identification, hairstyle identification, airport Surveillance system and many other computer vision problems. One specific functionality of interest is automatic face and veil segmentation as this allows processing each separately. Manual segmentation can be difficult and annoying especially on smartphones small screen. In this paper, the proposed model uses fully convolutional network (FCN) to make semantic segmentation into skin, veil and background. The proposed model achieved an outperforming result on the dataset which consists of 250 images with global accuracy 92% and mean accuracy 92.69
Vers la formalisation de propriétés ergonomiques de systèmes interactifs
National audienceLes applications interactives sont aujourd'hui présentes dans plusieurs domaines et leur utilisation au sein de systèmes critiques est de plus en plus fréquente. Leur puissance ne cesse d'augmenter ainsi que leur complexité ce qui accroît le risque que des fautes soient introduites pendant les différentes étapes de leur développement. Leur correction devient ainsi un enjeu important et leur développement requiert une validation rigoureuse. Outre le besoin de correction fonctionnelle, les exigences attendues d'une application interactive s'expriment en termes d'utilisabilité, définie au moyen de propriétés ergonomiques. La vérification de ces dernières n'est pas une tâche facile, leur définition étant souvent trop informelle ou bien difficilement exprimable en des termes exploitables par des ingénieurs de développement ou de validation. Dans cet article, nous présentons la formalisation de certaines propriétés ergonomiques qui pourront ultérieurement être validées automatiquement. Pour cela, nous nous basons sur une notation courante dans le domaine de l'interaction homme-machine, les arbres des tâches, déjà utilisée dans le cadre de nos travaux antérieurs pour la génération automatique de tests. Nous identifions les insuffisances du modèle sousjacent à cette génération en vue de la prise en compte de propriétés ergonomiques et nous exhibons une extension de ce dernier permettant d'envisager le test de certaines d'entre elles
Calandrage d'un Mélange Polymérique Elastoviscoplastique
Une des solutions qui participe à la protection de l'environnement est, désormais, le recyclage de matériaux. Il est ici envisagé le mélange de polymères ayant différentes propriétés mécaniques avec comme résultat un polymère au comportement élastoviscoplastique. Comme première étape, nous élaborons un modèle rhéologique caractérisant, à la fois, des propriétés élastoviscoplastiques. Ainsi modélisé ce nouveau matériau; issu d'un mélange de plusieurs polymères viscoélastiques d'une part et pseudo plastiques d'autre part, est utilisé dans le processus de calandrage
Vulnerability analysis of satellite-based synchronized smart grids monitoring systems
The large-scale deployment of wide-area monitoring systems could play a strategic role in supporting the evolution of traditional power systems toward smarter and self-healing grids. The correct operation of these synchronized monitoring systems requires a common and accurate timing reference usually provided by a satellite-based global positioning system. Although these satellites signals provide timing accuracy that easily exceeds the needs of the power industry, they are extremely vulnerable to radio frequency interference. Consequently, a comprehensive analysis aimed at identifying their potential vulnerabilities is of paramount importance for correct and safe wide-area monitoring system operation. Armed with such a vision, this article presents and discusses the results of an experimental analysis aimed at characterizing the vulnerability of global positioning system based wide-area monitoring systems to external interferences. The article outlines the potential strategies that could be adopted to protect global positioning system receivers from external cyber-attacks and proposes decentralized defense strategies based on self-organizing sensor networks aimed at assuring correct time synchronization in the presence of external attacks
Mutational landscape of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas in a South Asian population
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer type globally and contributes significantly to burden of disease in South Asia. In Pakistan, HNSCC is anmong the most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and females. The increasing regional burden of HNSCC along with a unique set of risk factors merited a deeper investigation of the disease at the genomic level. Whole exome sequencing of HNSCC samples and matched normal genomic DNA (n=7) was performed. Significant somatic single nucleotide variants (SNVs) were identified and pathway analysis performed to determine frequently affected signaling pathways. We identified significant, novel recurrent mutations in ASNS (asparagine synthetase) that may affect substrate binding, and variants in driver genes including TP53, PIK3CA, FGFR2, ARID2, MLL3, MYC and ALK. Using the IntOGen platform, we identified MAP kinase, cell cycle, actin cytoskeleton regulation, PI3K-Akt signaling and other pathways in cancer as affected in the samples. This data is the first of its kind from the Pakistani population. The results of this study can guide a better mechanistic understanding of HNSCC in the population, ultimately contributing new, rational therapeutic targets for the treatment of the disease
The smart steganography system using AES & SPK algorithms
In this paper a new steganography approach proposed based on LSB technique by using Alpha channel on JPG cover images and Bit-slicing decomposition and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on the secrete image. For this method first the secrete image decomposed to bit streams and the data encrypted using AES algorithm. On the cover side, an alpha channel is attached to the cover image and the data embedded into LSBs of RGBA channels. The method was implemented and tested by using MATLAB® (R2011a)
Ostéome ostéoide intra-articulaire du genou simulant un tableau d’arthrite du genou
L'ostéome ostéoïde est une tumeur bénigne ostéoblastique relativement rare, constituée d'une petite lésion de tissu charnu et vascularisé, appelé nidus, cernée d'une ostéocondensation réactionnelle. Il représente 2 à 3% de l'ensemble des tumeurs osseuses et 10 à 20 % des tumeurs osseuses bénignes et survient généralement entre 10 et 25 ans (extrêmes : 5-53 ans), avec une nette prédominance masculine. La localisation intra-articulaire est rare représentant environ 10 à 13% descas. La clinique et les images radiologiques, souvent atypiques, rendent son diagnostic ardu. Le risque de traitement inadéquat est important. Jusqu'à 40% d'arthroscopies inappropriées ont été rapportés. Le cas rapporté illustre cette situation.Key words: Ostéome, genou, arthrit
Uncovering four domains of energy management in palm oil production: a sustainable bioenergy production trend
This study aims to identify current and future research trends in sustainable bioenergy production. The systematic review is conducted using a social network analysis method. The data were collected from the Web of Science and Scopus database (2010–2021). Out of the 1747 articles reviewed, 100 were found to be relevant for thematic analysis. The results uncovered four domains of palm oil biodiesel production for sustainable energy management: (1) renewable energy, (2) biodiesel, (3) bioenergy, and (4) life cycle assessment. This study has proposed a sustainable bioenergy production framework based on the four main domains. The framework sheds light on the future of sustainable bioenergy production. The findings indicate the potential growth of the research topic, including sustainable bioenergy, palm oil biodiesel, energy management, and carbon emissions reduction. Future research must incorporate the energy management framework to design a sustainable energy management ecosystem strategy. In addition, the industry must comply with the international sustainability standard and sustainable development goals to manage the energy supply chain and consistency of palm oil biodiesel production
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