15 research outputs found

    Considering time-interaction terms using parametric survival models for interval-censoring data

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    Background: Many of the variables which are investigated in survival research are time-invariant, i.e. their values do not change over time. But their effects, may yet vary over time. Thus, the change in behavior that occurs over time needs to be included in the analysis. This can be done by adding time-interaction terms to the model. Method: In this research, a parametric survival model, which is capable of evaluating the effects of time-dependent variables, was applied for interval-censored data such that the time to invariant variables interaction terms were considered as time-dependent variables. Results: Using a practical example, the results of the study show that this model can alter the interpretations regarding the effects of exploratory variables. Conclusion: when dealing with fixed variables whose effects change over time, the researcher can incorporate their interaction effect with time, and treat them as time-dependent variables and obtain appropriate inferences

    Investigating the Effect of Adhan on Anxiety and Pain Level in Patients after Cesarean Operation by Spinal Anesthesia: A Prospective Clinical Trial Study

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: Severe pain and post-surgical anxiety cause unpleasant psychological and physical complications. Today, the common method used for relieving pain and anxiety is the use of medication. However, due to the side effects associated with anesthetics, there is a greater desire for a non-drug method including music therapy. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of Adhan on anxiety and pain in patients undergoing caesarean section by spinal anesthesia.Methods: In a clinical trial study, 64 women, who were candidates for caesarean section in Mahdieh hospital in Tehran from 2016 to 2017, were selected for the purpose of the study by random sampling method and assigned to two groups of 32, one as the experimental and the other as the control group. Adhan was played for one group but not for the control group. Data were collected using a questionnaire and pain visual analogue. The collected data were analyzed using independent samples t-test. In this study, the value (P<0.05) was considered statistically significant. In this study, all the ethical considerations have been observed and no conflict of interest was reported by the authors.Results: One hour after operation, the mean score related to anxiety was found to be significantly lower in the experimental group than the control group (P<0.001). Pain mean score in the baseline time was not significantly different (P=0.20), but 15 minutes (P<0.001), 30 minutes (P=0.006) and 60 minutes (P=0.04) after the operation it was significantly lower in the experimental group than the control group.Conclusion: In the present study, the tone of Adhan could efficiently decrease anxiety and pain.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Naeiji Z, Lorestani Kh, Baghestani AR. Investigating the Effect of Adhan on Anxiety and Pain Level in Patients after Cesarean Operation by Spinal Anesthesia: A Prospective Clinical Trial Study. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(2):7-19.  https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i2.2347

    A Cure Rate Model with Discrete Frailty on Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients after Diagnosis

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    Introduction: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is an uncommon cancer of lymphocytes, characterized by cancerous Reed-Sternberg cells in an inflammatory background. HL is an exceptionally curable disease with combination chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or combined modality treatment. This analysis aimed to identify significant prognostic factors on the cure rate. Materials and Methods: The medical records of 110 patients hospitalized from 2007 up to 2014 with 18 months follow-up was retrospectively reviewed in Taleghani hospital of Tehran, Iran. The survival time was set as the time interval between diagnosis and a patient's death from HL. Also, if the cure rate was present in survival, data encompasses zero frailty. Thus, using hyper-Poisson (hP) distribution as discrete frailty, the unobserved heterogeneity and random effects were accounted for. Results: The estimated cure fraction was 81.2%, which was obtained after 2717 days (7.4 years). In noncured cases, the mean survival time was 1535 days (4.2 years). Also, the five and ten-year survival rates were 0.91 and 0.80, respectively. After diagnosis, results revealed that patients with age  45, hemoglobin  12, WBC  15000, and BMI  30 were associated with poor outcome by using simple analysis. More importantly, there is no significant difference between males and females in the cure of HL patients. Conclusion: As expected, the study indicated that a high proportion of HL patients got cured. A cure rate model with discrete frailty utilization provided a suitable way to account for heterogeneity among HL patients. &nbsp

    Under-estimation and Over-estimation in Gastric Cancer Incidence Registry in Khorasan Provinces, Iran

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    Gastric cancer is a disease which the cells forming the inner lining of the stomach start to divide uncontrollably, forming a mass called a tumor. Patients with gastric cancer from low facility provinces like North and South Khorasans may diagnose and registered in full featured provinces like Razavi-Khorasan; this causes misclassification error. The presence of this error makes the registry systems inaccurate and unreliable for estimating the burden of cancer and policy making. Two approaches are recommended for reducing the effects of misclassification; the first is using a small validation sample and the second is a Bayesian analysis which provides subjective prior information for the subset of the parameters to correct the statistics. Data for this study extracted from Iranian annual of national cancer registration report in 2008. The age standardized rate due to gastric cancer [ICD-10; C16] were expressed as rate per/100,000 population for male and female of North, South and Razavi Khorasans. To correct the misclassification effect, a Bayesian approach was used with Poisson count regression and beta prior. The reported expected coverage of cancer incidence for Razavi-Khorasan was 155.5% and exceeds than what expected, whereas the North and South Khorasans have just observed respectively 34.8% and 41.4% of their expected coverage. The results of the Bayesian analysis indicated that there was about 34% misclassification in gastric cancer incidence registry from North and South Khorasans in Razavi-Khorasan. In planning for resource allocation, authorities should consider that, low incidence of gastric cancer in North and South Khorasans, may be the effect of misclassification and it is needed to allocate them more health facilities and improve their address registration accuracy using National ID, electric bill, etc.

    Educational Climate Measurement Tools in Medical Sciences Universities: A Review Article

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    Introduction: Educational climate is one of the most important factors affecting achievement and satisfaction of students and determining their behavior. Measuring educational climate is necessary for reforming and idealizing educational environment. The purpose of this study was to introduce educational climate measurement tools and their subscales and application in medical sciences universities. Methods: In this review study, the data was collected by searching of online databases, such as Google Scholar, Science Direct, SID, Iran Medex, Magiran, ProQuest, Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science. Key words such as educational climate, educational environment, educational climate measurement tools, educational environment measurement tools, medical education, and medical Sciences universities were used separately and in combination to obtain the relevant researches without time limitation. After analysis and duplicates removal, common educational climate measurement tools in medical sciences universities were introduced and classified in terms of subscales and applications. Results: Twenty-five most common educational climate measurement tools in medical sciences universities along with subscales were introduced and classified in three groups in terms of application: diagnosis, comparison, and evaluation. Conclusion: Some of the most common educational climate measurement tools in medical sciences universities are somewhat similar in their full or abbreviated names. In addition, some of these tools are designed for specific disciplines and not applicable to all medical fields. Therefore, when choosing a tool, researchers should take a number of points into account such as the name, similarities and specialty of that tool

    بررسی تأثیر نوای اذان در میزان اضطراب و درد بیماران بعد از عمل سزارین با روش بیهوشی اسپاینال: مطالعۀ کارآزمایی بالینی شاهددار

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: إن الألم الشديد والقلق الذي يحصل بعد العملية القيصرة يؤدي الى آثار نفسية وجسمية سلبية، فالطريقة الشائعة لتسكين الألم والقلق هي استخدام الأدوية، لكن نظرًا للأعراض الجانبية لأدوية التخدير، فقد اصحبت اليوم الرغبة في استخدام طرق غير دوائية مثل العلاج بالموسيقى أكبر. تمت هذه الدراسة بغرض تقييم مدى تأثير صوت الأذان على مستوى القلق والألم لدى المرضى بعد الولادة القيصرية بطريقة التخدير النخاعي. منهجية البحث: في هذه الدراسة التي تمت بطريقة تجربة سريرية، تم اختيار 64 امرأة مسلمة متطوعة لإجراء عملية قيصرية في مستشفى المهدية في طهران عام 18-2017 بطريقة أخذ العينات العشوائية، وتم تقسيمهن إلى مجموعتين من 32 حالة وشاهد. تم تشغيل صوت الأذان لإحدى المجموعتين بينما لم تسمع المجموعة الثانية صوت الأذان. كانت اداة جمع البيانات، استمارة والتناظر البصري للألم، ومن ثم تم تحليل المعطيات وتجزئتها باستخدام اختبار t المعتمد والاختبارات غير المعيارية. كما كانت القيمت الإحتمالية P ذات دلالة احصائية (05/0P<). تمت مراعاة جميع الموارد الأخلاقية في هذا البحث واضافة الى هذا فإن مؤلفي البحث لم يشيروا الى اي تضارب في المصالح. الكشوفات: كان متوسط درجة القلق بعد ساعة واحدة من العملية في المجموعة التجريبية أقل بكثير من المجموعة الضابطة (001/0P<). لم تختلف متوسط درجة الألم في الوقت الأساسي بشكل كبير بين المجموعتين (20/0P=) لكن بعد 15 دقیقة (001/0P<)، 30 دقیقة (006/0P=) و 60 دقیقة (04/0P=) من اجراء العملية كان متوسط درجة الألم في المجموعة التجريبية أقل بكثير من المجموعة الضابطة. الاستنتاج: تشير النتائج الى ان صوت الأذان كان مؤثرا في تقليل مستوى القلق والألم لدى المرضى.   يتم استناد المقالة على الترتيب التالي: Naeiji Z, Lorestani Kh, Baghestani AR. Investigating the Effect of Adhan on Anxiety and Pain Level in Patients after Cesarean Operation by Spinal Anesthesia: A Prospective Clinical Trial Study. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(2):7-19. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i2.23471  Background and Objective: Severe pain and post-surgical anxiety cause unpleasant psychological and physical complications. Today, the common method used for relieving pain and anxiety is the use of medication. However, due to the side effects associated with anesthetics, there is a greater desire for a non-drug method including music therapy. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of Adhan on anxiety and pain in patients undergoing caesarean section by spinal anesthesia. Methods: In a clinical trial study, 64 women, who were candidates for caesarean section in Mahdieh hospital in Tehran from 2016 to 2017, were selected for the purpose of the study by random sampling method and assigned to two groups of 32, one as the experimental and the other as the control group. Adhan was played for one group but not for the control group. Data were collected using a questionnaire and pain visual analogue. The collected data were analyzed using independent samples t-test. In this study, the value (P<0.05) was considered statistically significant. In this study, all the ethical considerations have been observed and no conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Results: One hour after operation, the mean score related to anxiety was found to be significantly lower in the experimental group than the control group (P<0.001). Pain mean score in the baseline time was not significantly different (P=0.20), but 15 minutes (P<0.001), 30 minutes (P=0.006) and 60 minutes (P=0.04) after the operation it was significantly lower in the experimental group than the control group. Conclusion: In the present study, the tone of Adhan could efficiently decrease anxiety and pain.   Please cite this article as: Naeiji Z, Lorestani Kh, Baghestani AR. Investigating the Effect of Adhan on Anxiety and Pain Level in Patients after Cesarean Operation by Spinal Anesthesia: A Prospective Clinical Trial Study. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(2):7-19.  https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i2.23471د. استناد مقاله به این صورت است: Naeiji Z, Lorestani Kh, Baghestani AR. Investigating the Effect of Adhan on Anxiety and Pain Level in Patients after Cesarean Operation by Spinal Anesthesia: A Prospective Clinical Trial Study. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(2):7-19. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i2.2347

    Relationship of Coping Strategies with Quality of Life in Women Living with Husband on Hemodialysis

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    Introduction: Women living with husband on hemodialysis face multiple challenges which impact their quality of lives and coping styles. This study was performed to investigate the relationship of coping strategies with quality of life in women living with husband on hemodialysis. Methods: This was a correlational study. The convenience sample consisted of 212 women living with husband on hemodialysis who had come to hospitals of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2016. Data were collected using the brief COPE and World Health organization (WHO) quality of life. Pearson’s correlation coefficient and ANOVA by SPSS software (version 21) were conducted for data analysis. Results: Psychological health of women was found the lowest among the other sub-scales of quality of life. Quality of life had a positive significant correlation with problem-oriented coping strategies (r = 0.71, P = 0.001) and a negative relationship with emotion focused coping strategies (r = -0.53, P = 0.04). The results showed that religious (3.74 ± 0.57) and substance use (1.99 ± 0.7) as two coping strategies were the highest and lowest strategies used by women living with husband on hemodialysis. Conclusions: Coping strategies are influential in quality of life in women living with husband on hemodialysis. Psychology support programs are needed to help to frequent use of problem-focused coping and reduce emotion-focused coping strategies to improve overall quality of life

    Detection of cut-off point for rapid automized naming test in good readers and dyslexics

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    Background and Aim: Rapid automized naming test is an appropriate tool to diagnose learning disability even before teaching reading. This study aimed to detect the cut-off point of this test for good readers and dyslexics.Methods: The test has 4 parts including: objects, colors, numbers and letters. 5 items are repeated on cards randomly for 10 times. Children were asked to name items rapidly. We studied 18 dyslexic students and 18 age-matched good readers between 7 and 8 years of age at second and third grades of elementary school; they were recruited by non-randomize sampling into 2 groups: children with developmental dyslexia from learning disabilities centers with mean age of 100 months, and normal children with mean age of 107 months from general schools in Tehran. Good readers selected from the same class of dyslexics.Results: The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.849 for letter naming, 0.892 for color naming, 0.971 for number naming, 0.887 for picture naming, and 0.965 totally. The overall sensitivity and specificity was 1 and was 0.79, respectively. The highest sensitivity and specificity were related to number naming (1 and 0.90, respectively).Conclusion: Findings showed that the rapid automized naming test could diagnose good readers from dyslexics appropriately

    Achievement of and Failure to Achieve Orgasm in Sexual Relationship: Exploring Iranian Women’s Experiences

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    Abstract Introduction: Female orgasm is a subjective phenomenon that has been wrongly introduced to people and therapists in the halo of exaggeration and perfectionism made by sexual films. This study was conducted to explore the Iranian women's experience of achievement of or failure to achieve orgasm and its consequences in sexual relationship. Method: This qualitative study was conducted using content analysis method. Individual in-depth interviews with 20 married women were continued until data saturation. Sampling was performed using purposive sampling in the environment of two public clinics in Tehran. Data were analyzed using conventional content analysis method. Trustworthiness of data was achieved through Lincoln and Guba criteria. Results: The results of data analysis were categorized into 3 categories, 8 subcategories, and 46 codes. The main categories include feeling of success to achieve orgasm, feeling of failure to achieve orgasm, and husband companionship. Successful orgasm in Iranian women led to the feeling of successfulness with pleasant emotions such as relief, excitement, or love and positive outcomes such as relaxation, intimacy, freshness, and vitality. Women's descriptions of orgasm were mainly psychological and emotional. Failure to achieve orgasm led to the feeling of failure with physical and psychological symptoms such as pain, nervousness, aggressiveness, and negative consequences such as being jealous of husband’s orgasm and regret for getting married. Conclusion: To prevent and treat orgasm disorders in women, it should be noted that successful female orgasm can mainly be accompanied with pleasant emotional states and physical changes may beunclear or intangible, while failure to achieve orgasm in women can lead to vague physical or psychological symptoms. Couples training for sexual talk with spouse, as well as more interaction and companionship between wife and husband have effective roles in achieving female orgasm

    Perceived organizational support and moral distress among nurses

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    Abstract Background Moral distress is prevalent in the health care environment at different levels. Nurses in all roles and positions are exposed to ethically challenging conditions. Development of supportive climates in organizations may drive nurses towards coping moral distress and other related factors. This study aimed at determining the level of perceived organizational support and moral distress among nurses and investigating the relationship between the two variables. Methods This was a correlational-descriptive study. A total of 120 nurses were selected using random quota sampling method. A demographic questionnaire, Survey of Perceived Organizational Support, and Moral Distress Scale were used to collect the data which were analyzed using descriptive and analytical tests in SPSS20. Results The mean perceived organizational support was low (2.63 ± 0.79). The mean moral distress was 2.19 ± 0.58, which shows a high level of moral distress. Moreover, Statistical analysis showed no significant relationship between perceived organizational support and moral distress (r = 0.01, p = 0.86). Conclusion Given the low level of perceived organizational support and high moral distress among nurses in this study, it is necessary to provide a supportive environment in hospitals and to consider strategies for diminishing moral distress