35 research outputs found


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    Artikel ini berangkat dari kampanye Jogja Asat yang digunakan oleh warga berdaya dalam melakukan penolakan hotel dan apartemen di Yogyakarta. Konsep subpolitik milik Ulrich Beck kemudian menjadi pilihan untuk menganalisis kasus tersebut. Dengan uraian di atas, penelitian ini mengajukan pertanyaan utama yaitu bagaimana proses warga berdaya sebagai fenomena subpolitik menolak atas pembangunan hotel dan apartemen di Yogyakarta melalui kampanye Jogja Asat. Proses penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi kasus dengan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini kemudian menunjukan bahwa warga berdaya merupakan bagian dari realitas subpolitik sebagaimana dijelaskan Ulrich Beck. Subpolitik di sini berangkat dari temuan bahwa warga berdaya bukan merupakan organisasi formal, melainkan sebuah koalisi warga yang juga terhubung dengan organisasi masyarakat sipil lain seperti Wahana Lingkingan Hidup (WALHI), Indonesia Visual Art Archive (IVAA), hingga Watchdoc. Melalui kampanye Jogja Asat, warga berdaya berusaha melakukan kontra narasi dari kemajuan pariwisata yang ada di Yogyakarta. Pada prosesnya, warga berdaya sebagai subpolitik aktivitasnya tidak hanya sekedar berkampanye tentang Jogja Asat saja. Warga berdaya juga turut memberdayakan masyarakat menuju kesadaran kritis terhadap lingkungan dan membangun jejaring dengan berbagai pihak yang mengalami keresahan akibat perkembangan hotel dan apartemen dalam industri pariwisata di Yogyakarta

    Pengendalian Banjir Sungai Wulan, Demak, Jawa Tengah

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    Kabupaten Demak merupakan salah satu daerah yang terletak di daerah pesisir pantai Pulau Jawa. Demak merupakan salah satu daerah yang rawan terjadi banjir yang dipengaruhi oleh sungai Wulan. Sungai Wulan merupakan percabangan dari Sungai Lusi dan Sungai Serang dimana kedua aliran sungai ini di tampung ke Bendung Klambu, Kab. Grobogan, Jawa Tengah. Setelah itu mengalir ke pintu air Wilalung, pintu ini memiliki Sembilan pintu air yang dibangun pada saat zaman kolonial Belanda yang berlokasi di Dukuh Babalan, Desa Kalirejo, Kecamatan Undaan, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah. Masalah utama yang dihadapi di Demak yaitu masalah banjir dengan genangan yang cukup lama. Perbaikan penampang pada daerah aliran sungai Wulan dapat menjadi alternatif penanganan masalah yang tepat untuk wilayah tersebut, muka air laut yang tinggi dan mengalami penurunan tanah. Perbaikan penampang aliran sungai Wulan ini meliputi perencanaan pengerukan dasar sungai dan tanggul sungai. Perhitungan debit banjir rencana 50 tahun menggunakan pemodelan HEC-HMS 4.0. Debit banjir rencana untuk perencanaan ini adalah 1754,9 m3/detik. Perencanaan perbaikan sungai menggunakan model HEC-RAS dengan debit rencana hasil dari program HEC-HMS 4.0. Penampang direncanakan berbentuk trapesium dengan lebar bawah 70 m dan kemiringan 1 : 3. Ada beberapa tanah hasil galian yang digunakan untuk penimbunan tanggul sungai agar tidak semua tanah dibuang, sehingga tidak memerlukan adanya biaya tambahan untuk membeli tanah urugan. Proyek ini menelan biaya sebesar Rp. 1.533.642.964.000,00

    Joint Medicines Regulatory Procedure in the East African Community: Registration Timelines and Way Forward

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    A review of the East African Community (EAC) joint regulatory review process was conducted, registration timelines analyzed and key milestones, challenges and opportunities documented for the period of July 2015 to January 2020. A total of 113 applications were submitted for joint scientific review. Among these, 109 applications were assessed, 57 were recommended for marketing authorisation, 52 applications had queries to applicants and four applications were under review. A total median approval time for all products ranged from 53 to 102 days. The maximum time taken by a regulator to review the dossier was 391 days and the minimum time was 44 days. For applicants, the maximum time to respond to queries was 927 days and the minimum time was nine days. The total median time for granting marketing authorisation by the National Medicines Regulatory Authorities (NMRA) decreased from 174 to 39 working days in 2015 and 2019 respectively. However, not all EAC NMRA has granted marketing authorisation to all 57 products due to non-payment of applicable fees by applicants. Long regulatory approval timelines were contributed by limited capacity for timely scientific review of dossier by some NMRA, lack of online portal to share dossiersand assessment reports, delay in responding to queries by applicants and deficiencies in dossier. The metric tool and register of medical products submitted for joint scientific review had incomplete data. Challenges were identified and actions recommended to ensure regional regulatory system optimization, efficiency, transparency, sustainability and accountability

    A physical absorption assessment of a new alternative solvent for carbon capture

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    The reliance of the world economies on the use of fossil fuels (i.e. coal, natural gas and oil) as primary source of energy, have contributes to the high emission of CO2 in atmosphere. One of the promising way to mitigate the CO2 emission is by implemented Post Combustion Carbon Capture (PCCC) through absorption process. PCCC by amines based solvent is a method to remove the carbon dioxide from the main stream of escape gases before releasing them to the atmosphere. Using this technology, it is possible to reduce CO2 emissions rate around 80 % to 95 %. Currently, the commercialise solvent used for carbon capture which is monoethanolamine, (MEA) have some drawbacks such as high energy penalty for regeneration process, solvent degradation issue and not environmental friendly. Therefore it is a need to develop new alternative solvent to improve the current carbon capture process. The objective of this study is to evaluate the absorption and desorption performance of new alternative solvent for carbon capture process. In this study, Aspen Plus software is used to simulate the absorption and desorption process, estimate and evaluate the performance of MEA and all new alternative solvent. Three absorption performance criteria that is assessed in this study are percentage of CO2 capture by each solvent, energy required for solvent regeneration and percentage of solvent loss through thermal degradation process. This performance assessment is only based on the physical absorption theory. The reaction interaction between CO2 and solvent will not be assessed in this study due to the limitation of data of new alternatives solvent. The result of this study shows that, all the new alternatives solvent is suitable for PCCC process. Besides, some of the solvent show a good performance (less energy requirement, high capture capacity and low rate of degradation) when compare with MEA

    Green BIM and CIM: Sustainable Planning Using Building Information Modelling

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    The design, construction and management of sustainable and intelligent buildings, neighbourhoods and cities require tools that can manage complexity in a completely different manner to the practices adopted to date. This chapter intro-duces the most advanced current approach, Building Information Modelling (BIM), focusing in particular on its use to support green and smart planning of buildings, neighbourhoods and cities. The initial part of the chapter introduces the general con-cepts underlying the BIM. The second part explores its application, the Green BIM, intended as the use of the tool to support the sustainable design of buildings. The chapter concludes with the introduction of a more recent concept, the City Informa-tion Modelling (CIM), intended as a common platform to design, build and manage the buildings, infrastructures and services of neighbourhoods and cities that evolve towards sustainable and smart schemes

    Tunable passively Q-switched thulium doped fluoride fibre (TDFF) laser using reduced graphene oxide-silver (rGO-Ag) as saturable absorber

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    A tunable, passively Q-switched thulium doped fluoride fibre (TDFF) laser using a reduced-graphene oxide-silver (rGO-Ag) thin film as a saturable absorber (SA) for S band operation is proposed and its efficacy demonstrated. Over a pump power range of 91.4 mW up to 158.6 mW, passively generated Q-switched pulses are observed with repetition rates from 20 to 34.5 kHz and pulse widths from 3.1 to 7.1 µs. The highest pulse energy observed is 101.2 nJ with a signal to noise ratio of ∼ 42 dB. The proposed laser has a tuning range ∼ 52 nm from 1458 to 1510 nm with a tunable bandpass filter (TBPF) introduced into the cavity