10 research outputs found

    The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills

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    Language is often considered one of the most difficult aaspects of language learning. For most foreign language learners, English has become the most important language in this world a fact that cannot be denied. all the human in the world that use language. Students need to be able to compered and produce spoken and writing. And also, meaning in a key word was speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols in a variety of contexts. Role play is a method of acting out particular ways of behaving or pretending to be other people who deal with new situations.This research goal is to describe the process of how the use of role play method to improve speaking skills in the communicative class of ASYEE (as-syafi'iyyah english excellent) course Darussalam boarding school in the academic year 2021/2022. The researcher limited the scope of the research only on the student’s speaking skillss. Especially the imitative speaking. The researcher only focuses on seven students. There were those whose average scores were 60,00 less than the KKM standard determined at the institution. This research method used the classroom action method (CAR), And in this research contains one cycle which every single cycle contains two meetings. Moreover, this research carried out according to classroom action research process. Steps such as: a preliminary study, planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. This classroom action research involved 23 students. but There are seven students in the research, because of their scores less than the KKM standard that has been determined at the institution. Based on analysed data, the score in the preliminary study was 28% student’s getting a minimum score of KKM. And then, it was decreased in the cycle 1 that 8%. And in cycle 2 was 0% students minimum of KKM. Therefore, the role play technique can significantly improve students' problems in speaking skills. Speaking skill can increase when they try to focus and relax on the material that the teacher has conveyed. If students have focused on the material, then understanding the material will be easier and students are not easily bored with the teacher's explanation. Based on Student Speaking Score from teacher in cycle 1, after using Role Play Method. The students speaking score of ASYEE (Assyafiiyyah English Excellent) in academic 2021/2022 after using the role play method being increased 80%

    The Effectiveness of Using Video Clip in Teaching Writing Skill at the Survival Students

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    This research used experimental research exactly Pre-experimental. The sample of the research was Azizy Course students of Al Aziziyah Dormitory in the academic year 2019/2020. The total number of students is 15 students. To get the data, the researcher used pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given by students before treatment, and the post-test was given by students after treatment. In analyzing the data, the researcher gives tests to the students. In the second step, the researcher corrects the students' answer papers and giving the score. After getting the score, the researcher analyses them. Based on the data analysis of the research are following: (1) the students’ writing before taught by video clips as media is fair, (2) the students’ writing after taught by video clips as media is good, (3) there is significantly different of the students’ writing of Azizy Course students in Al Aziziyah Dormitory in the academic year 2019/2020 before and after being taught by using video clips as media for teaching writing skill. So the researcher concludes that teaching writing skills using video clips as media is effective in increase the writing skill, based on the result of data analysis in this study. This can be seen from the significant value (2-tailed) less than 0.05 (95% confidence interval) that is 0.00. This indicated that the results of the analysis are significant

    The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Learning Model in Teaching Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text

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    Abstract Reading is considered as an important aspect for students because of its valuable benefit in developing knowledge. There are approaches of teaching reading such as top-down, bottom up, and interactive approach. Some studies was conducted in applying interactive strategy such as Jigsaw learning method. For the purpose of teaching narrative text, the researcher try to observe and analyze the effectivenes of Jigsaw learning method by using an experimental research. The study was conducted on the tenth grade students in SMA Darussalam in the academic year 2018/2019. The writer used testing instrument, pre-test and posttest. The result of the data analysis are as follows: (1) the student’s reading comprehension before being taught by using jigsaw learning model is fair, (2) the student’s reading comprehension after being taught by using jigsaw learning model is good, (3) there is significant difference of the reading comprehension for the students before and after being taught by using jigsaw learning model. So, the writer conclude that, teaching reading comprehension using jigsaw learning model is effective in increasing students’ reading comprehension on narrative text

    A Survey on the Students’ Perceptions in Learning Speaking through Picture Media

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    The general aims in this research are to find out the students perceptions in learning speaking through picture media at the eleventh grade students of MA Roudlotul Muta’alimin in academic year 2019/2020. Furthermore, the aims can particularly be formulated to know what students perceptions in learning speaking through picture media. This research was categorized as survey research with the descriptive quantitative approach. The subject of this research is the eleventh grade students of MA Roudlotul Muta’alimin in academic year 2019/2020 as the participants totally 18 students. The questionnare was used to collected the data about students perceptions in learning speaking through picture media. And documentation was used to collected a description of the school and respondent. And the result is the eleventh graders of MA Roudlotul Muta’alimin had high integrative motivation to develop English speaking. They also had a high expectation that picture media could help them develop their English speaking skill. They also “strongly agreed” and “agreed” that English speaking mastery will help them to be more confident and courageous in speaking English, express their idea and motivate themselves even reached more than 80%. The response more than 85% of them “strongly agreed” and “agreed” that their mastery of English speaking will able to motivate themself to improve their ability to speak in English and make it easier for them to talk about anything in English by using picture media. In addition, the teacher also has an interesting method in learning English and often to use picture media in learning English

    Implementing Jigsaw To Improve The Ability Of The Eighth Grade Students Of Smp Plus Darussalam In Writing Narrative

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    Based on the finding of the preliminary study held at SMP Plus Darussalam 8 students or 26.7 % got score more than 70 in writing narrative test. The researcher proposed jigsaw to solve the problem. Jigsaw is strategy in which the learners are doing activity in home group and expert group. The objective of the study is to improve the students’ ability in writing narrative through jigsaw. This study was designed for collaborative classroom action research in which the researcher (acted as teacher) and the collaborator (acted as the observer) worked together on the procedures of the study, namely: planning, implementing the plan, observing the action, and reflecting the result of the acti on. The subjects of the study were 30 students of the eighth grade of SMP Plus Darussalam. This research was done in two cycles . Each cycles consisted of two meetings in which teaching learning using jigsaw was done. The data of this research are obtained through (1) observation checklist, to obtain information about the researcher’s and the students’ activities and performance during the implementation of jigsaw, (2) field notes, to note the data beyond the coverage of the observation checklist, and (3) test, to identify whether the students make progress in writing narrative. The research shows that the implementation of jigsaw in the teaching learning activity can improve the students’ writing narrative. It can be identified that after the implementation of the action there is an improvement on the number of the students who got score greater than 70

    Online Learning Problems; Students' English Learning Barriers

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    Policies related to online learning which were then simultaneously used as a learning system did not appear without problems. As a result, countries that are not ready with this system, of course, face many problems, especially for teaching staff and students. This study, tries to explore problems that have the potential to hinder students' understanding during online learning, which means that researchers will only focus on obstacles in the learning process, both internal to students and external from teachers and parents, not technical matters such as network constraints, no quota and other related matters. Subjects in this study were 15 junior high school students in Penan, Pejarakan, Ampenan. Qualitative research with this descriptive approach, in the process using Observation and Interview methods as the main way to obtain data where the results of this study classify the main problems that arise into 3 parts, namely; 1) There is a delay from the subject in participating in online class activities, 2) There is a tendency not to take learning activities seriously by doing other activities such as playing games, watching TV and other activities and 3) the lack of time and the ability of companions during the learning process is good because they do not have sufficient understanding of the material or other activities or work to be undertaken. &nbsp


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    English is one of the most difficult subjects in Indonesia. Almost all students in Indonesia are afraid to speak English. Therefore, speaking is one of the important competencies that must e mastered by students at school. There are various methods that can be used for teaching speaking, one of which is the oral drill method. Several previous studies stated the oral drill method was effectively used to improve speaking skills. The researcher looked at the use of the oral drill method in teaching speaking by using a qualitative descriptive research design. The researcher was conducted on eighth grade excellent class of MTs Al-Amiriyyah in the academic year 2020/2021. The researcher conducted research instruments by classroom observation, Interviews, and Documentation. The result of the analysis is as follows: 1) the students' ability in speaking English lacking before using the oral drill method 2) the students are afraid to speak English because they lack vocabulary and are unconfident speaking English. 3) There are changes in students after using the oral drill method. They are more active in participating in learning English so it can be concluded that the teaching method using the oral drill is effective in improving speaking skills


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    The reading comprehension skill of the First Semester class of  English Education Department of Islamic  Institute of Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi in Academic Year 2018/2019 was low. It could be seen based on the result of preliminary study that was conducted by the researcher. Therefore, the researcher tried to use group work strategy to solve the problems. Since the study aimed to improve the students’ reading comprehension skill, the researcher used a Classroom Action Research as a research design. This research was conducted at the First Semester class of  English Education Department of Islamic Institute of Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi that consists of 25 students.  To measure their improvement in reading comprehension, the lecturer had determined the criteria of success. It was if the students reached the score above 70. The researcher found that group work strategy could improve students’ reading skill. The students reading skill increased from 24%, 64%, to 92% (preliminary study, the first cycle and the second cycle)

    Pendampingan Kegiatan Exstrakurikuler English Public Speaking pada Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Banyuwangi: English Public Speaking

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    This activity aims to increase achievement in English public speaking which is carried out at Madrasah Ibtidayyah or elementary schools to introduce the potential of human resources possessed by students. This activity is an extra-curricular activity that is very helpful for students so that in the future they can communicate and interact with the outside world using an international language, namely English