4 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebutuhan Bahan Ajar Interaktif Berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) Pada Topik Elektrolisis

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    Teaching materials are an important aspect of the implementation of the teaching and learning process. In the post-covid-19 era, students are used to learning not only during class hours but also outside class hours. Teaching materials that can be used in this case are digital-based teaching materials. This research aims to analyze students' needs for interactive teaching materials that integrate augmented reality technology. This type of teaching material is digital teaching material that can be installed on students' gadgets such as smartphones and laptops. Students can access and learn anywhere and anytime. This research belongs to the realm of mixed methods which combines quantitative and qualitative research. Based on the results of a closed questionnaire filled out by chemistry education students who carried out PLP in Langsa city and the students showed an average percentage of 76.32%. This percentage is included in the mostly needy category. These results are supported by the results of an open questionnaire distributed to chemistry education students who carry out PLP in Langsa city and students. The results of an open questionnaire filled out by chemistry education students who carry out PLP in Langsa city and students also provide information that studying the reactions that occur at the cathode and anode is one of the main problems in studying electrolysis. This is because students feel that this topic is something abstract, so teaching materials are needed that accommodate this topic to make it more real in the eyes of students. In this case, augmented reality technology is an alternative technology that can be used

    Praktikum Kimia SMA Kelas XI pada Materi Asam Basa Sesuai Model Discovery dan Project Based Learning

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengembangkan penuntun praktikum asam basa sesuai discoverylearning dan project based learning . Pengembangan penuntun praktikum berdasarkan Langkah-langkahdiscovery learning dan project based learning. Penuntun praktikum disusun oleh penulis dan divalidasioleh dosen. Penuntun praktikum kemudian diuji cobakan ke SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Kisaran sebagailokasi penelitian. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai Maret 2019. Penelitianmenggunakan sampel sebanyak dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen I yang diajar menggunakan penuntunpraktikum sesuai discovery learning dan kelas eksperimen II yang diajar menggunakan penuntunpraktikum sesuai project based learning. Angket yang diberikan kepada dosen dan guru menunjukkanhasil nilai rata-rata penuntun project based learning lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan discoverylearning. Sedangkan peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik yang diajar dengan menggunakan penuntundiscovery learning lebih tinggi dibandingkan project based learning yaitu masing-masing sebesar79,48% dan 60,33%. Hal ini terjadi disebabkan peserta didik belum terbiasa menyusun sendirirancangan praktikum sebagaimana yang harus dilakukan pada kelas yang menerapkan project basedlearnin

    Optimalisasi Kompetensi Profesional Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Melalui Kegiatan Pengembangan Asesmen Formatif Literasi Sains

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    The scientific literacy formative assessment is an instrument designed with the aim of improving students' scientific literacy skills. Based on interviews conducted with the Principal of SMP Negeri 4 Langsa, it is known that the teachers' skills in compiling scientific literacy formative assessment instruments are still low. This is because training regarding formative assessment of scientific literacy has not been evenly distributed among teachers at SMP Negeri 4 Langsa. Therefore, it is necessary to hold training in preparing formative assessments of scientific literacy for teachers at SMP Negeri 4 Langsa. Methods for implementing activities include: 1) planning, 2) implementation, 3) monitoring and evaluation. This community service activity aims to increase the knowledge, understanding and skills of junior high school teachers in Langsa City in developing learning assessments in the form of scientific literacy formative assessments. The results of the PKM activities showed that the pre-test and post-test scores for teachers' scientific literacy formative assessment knowledge increased from an average of 72 to an average of 84. The satisfaction questionnaire also showed that teachers were satisfied with the PKM activities. Apart from that, it was also concluded from the questionnaire that teachers' knowledge and skills related to formative assessment of scientific literacy increased

    Analysis of College Student Technology Literacy and Information Literacy Skills: E-Learning Activities Based on Online Platforms in Higher Education

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    Online platform-based e-learning makes use of a variety of technologies as communication and information mediums, encouraging students to engage in productive and worthwhile learning activitiesThis study intends to ascertain the abilities and impact of students' technological and informational literacy on their participation in online learning activities for e-learning. A descriptive quantitative research methodology is used here. Universitas Samudra and Universitas Islam Riau were the sites of the research, which took place from June to August of 2023. Students in the 155-student sample population of the Biology Education Study Program. Using google forms, interviews, and observations, a random sampling technique is used. Validation and reliability tests were conducted on the research instrument. The use of technological devices to obtain information falls into the very good category; locating available technological devices and using technological devices fall into the good category; while the use of technological devices for self-development falls into the moderate category, according to research on technological literacy skills. Information literacy among students in higher education is significantly influenced by technical literacy abilities, with an influence of 63.6%, according to the significance value (sig) 0.00 < (α) 0.05, which means that Ho is rejected and Ha is approved. According to the regression equation Y = 0.237 + 0.922X, the value of information literacy abilities will rise with each increase in the value of technology literacy skills. the significance of improving students' technology and information literacy skills in higher education to prepare them for the era of the digital revolutio