675 research outputs found

    The Images of Syrian Refugees in the Mainstream Narrative

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    In “The Images of Syrian Refugees in the Mainstream Narrative: A Case Study of Lebanon”, Ahmad Barakat documents how mainstream media in countries hosting Syrian refugees, Lebanon in particular, is complicit in “communicating a negative image of Syrian refugees”. Through “overreaction, panic, and focus on the most controversial and sensitive problems in the host communities”, the media has communicated an image of the Syrian refugee as “ranging between being pitiful and being ISIS affiliates”. What this has sadly amounted to, in so far as the majority of Syrian refugees are concerned, is a choice “between the horrific or something worse.

    Jordanian early primary stage teachers' self-reported practices to develop their pupils reading in Arabic

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    This study examines teachers’ practices for developing early primary stage (6-9 year-old) pupils’ reading in Arabic in the northern region of Jordan using a 25-item self-assessment checklist and a semi-structured interview. The subjects reported that their practices stem more from extrinsic motivation (e.g. responding to calls for enabling children to take part in literary competitions) than from intrinsic motivation (e.g. a personal interest in reading). The findings showed that 22 items of the Checklist scored moderate to little degrees of practice, which was further confirmed by the results of the interview. Besides, although there were no statistically significant differences among the subjects’ reports of their practices which may be attributed to the effect of gender and academic qualification, statistically significant differences were found due to teaching experience, having studied literacy-related coursework in pre-service preparation, and having a personal interest in reading. The study concludes with relevant implications for reading instruction and teacher education.peer-reviewe

    The Efficiency of the PQ4R Strategy in Understanding the Mathematical Proof among the Primary School Female Students

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    The purpose of the study is to examine the efficiency of the PQ4R strategy in understanding the mathematical proof among primary school female students. To achieve the purpose of the study, the analytical approach is used. The sample of the study consists of 40 female students divided into two groups, one is experimental and the other is control, with each group consisting of (20) students. As for the validity and reliability of the study instrument, they are validated as required by a group of highly respective validators. The results of the study show that there is an efficiency of the teaching strategy using (PQ4R) in improving the understanding of mathematical proof for female primary school students. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-16-09 Publication date:June 30th 202

    The Diagnostic Role of Normalized and Mean Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Differentiation between Pancreatic Lesions

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    Background: Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) with quantification of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values is well established in the diagnosis of a variety of abdominal abnormalities. Regarding pancreatic disease, several investigators have shown that DWI with ADC measurement helps detect and characterize focal pancreatic lesions, as well as assess the severity of other pancreatic conditions.Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic role of both normalized and mean apparent diffusion coefficient in discrimination between pancreatic lesions.Patients and Methods: Thirty-one participants presented with pancreatic lesions using clinical examination and ultrasound. Dynamic contrast MRI abdomen with diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) on a 1.5-Tesla MRI machine was done. Mean ADC and normalized ADC (as the ratio of ADC of the lesion to the adjacent normal pancreas) were measured and compared. Results: Our study reported a mean ADC cut value of ≤1.47 while the cut-off value for normalized ADC was ≤ 0.96. Normalized ADC revealed a higher sensitivity 92.31%, specificity 88.89%, PPV 85.71, NPV 94.12%, accuracy 90.32%, positive likelihood ratio 8.31 and negative likelihood ratio 0.09 as compared to mean ADC, which revealed sensitivity 84.62%, specificity 77.78%, PPV 73.33%, NPV 87.5%, accuracy 80.65%, positive likelihood ratio 3.81 and negative likelihood ratio 0.2 respectively. Conclusion: Measuring the mean and normalized ADC value in pancreatic focal lesions can significantly differentiate between benign and malignant pancreatic lesions. However, normalized ADC has a higher sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV than mean ADC value and could be used to differentiate between pancreatic lesions with higher accuracy than mean ADC

    The Effect of Disclosing the Social, Environmental and Economic Dimensions on the Profitability of the Services Sector Companies Listed on the Amman Stock Exchange

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    Purpose: Examine the influence of disclosing social, environmental, and economic activities on profitability in the services sector on the Amman Stock Exchange.   Theoretical Framework: Explore theoretical underpinnings connecting disclosure of social, environmental, and economic activities to business profitability, drawing from corporate responsibility, sustainability, and financial theories.   Methodology: Utilized a questionnaire distributed to Jordanian service sector firms' auditors and financial managers, employing simple random sampling. Focused on variables related to social, environmental, and economic disclosure.   Findings: Positive link between social disclosure and profitability, attributed to fair service distribution and indirect employee support. Environmental disclosure positively affects profits through resource optimization and reduced pollution. Economic disclosure correlates positively with profitability by influencing pricing and product design.   Conclusion: Disclosing social, environmental, and economic activities significantly impacts profitability in Amman Stock Exchange-listed service sector firms, emphasizing equitable services, resource efficiency, and strategic economic disclosure

    Role of School Principals in Raising Political Awareness of Social Science Teachers in Arab High Schools within the Green Line and its Relationship with Organizational Citizenship Behavior دور مديري المدارس الثانوية في رفع الوعي السياسي لدى معلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية في المدارس العربية داخل الخط الأخضر وعلاقته بسلوك المواطنة التنظيمية لديهم

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    Abstract: The study aimed to identify the role of school principals in raising political awareness among teachers of social sciences in Arab secondary schools and its relationship to organizational citizenship behavior in order to achieve the objectives of the study and to answer its questions. The correlational descriptive survey methodology was used. The study sample consisted of (351) teachers. The results showed that the role of school principals in raising political awareness from the viewpoint of social sciences teachers in Arab schools within the Green Line was moderate. The results also showed that the level of organizational citizenship behavior among social sciences teachers in Arab secondary schools within the green line were high, and the results showed that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between the role of school principals and the citizenship behavior of social sciences teachers in Arab secondary schools within the green line. ملخص: هدفت الدراسة الكشف عن دور مديري المدارس في رفع الوعي السياسيّ لدى معلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية في المدارس الثانويّة العربيّة وعلاقته بسلوك المواطنة التنظيميّة لتحقيق أهداف الدراسة وللإجابة عن أسئلتها تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي المسحي الارتباطي، اشتملت العينة على (351) معلماً ومعلمة، أظهرت النتائج أن دور مديري المدارس في رفع الوعي السياسيّ من وجهة نظر معلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية في المدارس العربيّة داخل الخط الأخضر كان متوسطا، كما أظهرت النتائج ان مستوى سلوك المواطنة التنظيميّة لدى معلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية في المدارس الثانويّة العربيّة داخل الخط الأخضر كان كبيراً، كما تبين من النتائج وجود علاقة ارتباطية موجبة دالة إحصائياً بين دور مديري المدارس وسلوك المواطنة لدى معلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية في المدارس الثانويّة العربيّة داخل الخط الأخضر

    Habits and Patterns Of Watching Arabic Satellite Dedicated Children's Channels Afield Study On A Sample Of Basic Education Students In Lattakia City

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    This research aimed at identification habits and patterns of watching Arabic satellite dedicated children's channels, and it also aimed at studying differences to (age, gender). This research was applied to a sample of (648) students at basic education schools in Lattakia city for the year (2015-2016). This research used descriptive analytical methodology,it depended on questionnaire to collect data. To be sure of questionnaire validity it presented to (7) arbitrators of Tishreen university staff, and to be sure of reliability it was applied to survey of (50) students by test-retest reliability, it reached (0,80). Results showed that basic education students of research sample watching stellate dedicated children' channels in high percentage, and children preferred watching (Spacetoon Arabic) channel. They preferred watching Cartoon. The most significant reasons of watching were having fun and entertain. Most of children watch these programs with their brothers. They watch these channels all the week for one to two hours daily. There were no statistically differences in order to gender and there were no statistically differences in order to age. The research offered many suggestions, most important were: taking care of children programs content in dedicated children's channels

    The Extent of Employment of Teachers of The Basic Education Stage (Second Cycle) for Networks Social Communication In The Educational Process Field Study In Lattakia

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    The aim of the research is to identify the extent to which the teachers of the basic education stage (H2) in Lattakia for social networks in the educational process and the study of the differences between teachers in basic education (H2) in relation to the extent of employment of social networks in the educational process, Qualifications, years of teaching experience. The research was based on the descriptive approach. The research community included all the teachers and teachers in the basic education stage in Lattakia. The sample of the study is a random sample of (200) teachers and teachers. The questionnaire was distributed to them. The research found a number of results, the most important of which are: The teachers of the second cycle of basic education in Lattakia employ social networks (as a source of knowledge, teaching, promotion of education, evaluation) to a medium degree. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the average teachers of the second cycle of basic education in Lattakia in the extent of their employment of social networks in the educational process due to gender variables, scientific qualification and years of experience.

    Obstacles To the Use of E-Learning From the Point of View of Secondary School Teachers Field Study in Lattakia

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      The study aims to identify obstacles to the use of e-learning (administrative and physical obstacles, obstacles related to teacher and student, obstacles related to e-learning) from the point of view of secondary school teachers in Lattakia, and study differences between teachers regarding the obstacles of using e-learning according to variables: gender, , And years of teaching experience. The study was based on a descriptive approach. The research community included all teachers and teachers in secondary education in Lattakia. The sample of the research is a random sample of 200 teachers and a secondary school. The questionnaire was distributed to them, 185 of which were complete and valid for statistical analysis . The results showed that the use of e-learning from the point of view of secondary education teachers in Lattakia faced administrative and physical obstacles with a relative importance (75.9%). Administrative and material obstacles came first, followed by obstacles related to teacher and student with relative importance (74.58% , And the third place is the obstacles related to e-education with relative importance (72.16%). The results also showed no statistically significant differences between the average scores of secondary school teachers in relation to the obstacles of the use of e-learning according to the gender variables, the scientific qualification and the number of years of experience.