5 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk Pengembangan Ekonomi Pertanian dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan

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    This study is intended to gain a better understanding of the use of ICTs from several developing countries for the purpose of developing agricultural economics and poverty alleviation. From the lessons learned, it is expected to get opportunities and challenges that must be addressed in relation to the use of ICTs for the development of agricultural economics and poverty alleviation, especially in Indonesia. The literature study method from several developing countries shows that ICTs play a role in helping farmers in decision making, in terms of planting and harvesting time because this is important in agricultural development. In this case, ICT empowers farmers with productive assets and marketing, increasing their productive capacity so that reducing their poverty status. Affordable ICT services in rural communities have played a very strong role in improving the economic conditions of the population that contribute to the rural economy. ICTs have the potential to be effective instruments in supporting poverty alleviation. In Indonesia, ICTs have not been used properly for agricultural business development because of the low level of education in agricultural business households and access to information on internet media. To overcome the information gap for rural households/ communities is to make the extension officers more effective, accelerate the development of telecommunications infrastructure in order to strengthen telecommunications signals, and provide continuous support to rural farmers and agricultural businesses

    Politik Strategis Berbasis Internet pada Akun Facebook Komunitas Petani Indonesia

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    This research is intended to review the use of Facebook by Indonesian farmer community in the strategic political platform. This issue is important to formulate as participatory communication stresses the importance of dialogue and rejects strategic communication efforts. If the community's active involvement in normative social change is desirable and pragmatically important to produce sustainable change, it is necessary to discuss how communication, strategy, and participation are interrelated. The results of this study indicate that the use of Facebook as a social networked site by the Indonesian farmer community is still dominated by information sharing and knowledge of cultivation and trading, as well as a medium for social interaction. Strategic political discourse occasionally and weakly appears related to government policies that are considered to be inadequate to farmers, among others related to rice import policy during the harvest, and the lack of government attention when their crops are faced with price declines, while production costs are steadily increasing. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk meninjau penggunaan media sosial Facebook oleh komunitas petani Indonesia dalam platform politik strategis. Permasalahan ini penting untuk dirumuskan karena komunikasi partisipatoris menekankan pentingnya dialog dan menolak upaya-upaya komunikasi strategis. Jika keterlibatan aktif masyarakat dalam perubahan sosial secara normatif diinginkan dan secara pragmatis penting untuk menghasilkan perubahan yang berkelanjutan, perlu untuk membahas bagaimana komunikasi, strategi, dan partisipasi saling terkait. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Facebook sebagai situs sosial berjaringan oleh komunitas petani Indonesia masih didominasi oleh sharing informasi dan pengetahuan budidaya dan tata niaga, di samping sebagai media untuk interaksi sosial. Wacana politik strategis muncul sekali-sekali terkait dengan kebijakan pemerintah yang dianggap kurang berpihak kepada petani, antara lain terkait dengan kebijakan impor beras saat panen raya, dan kurangnya perhatian pemerintah manakala hasil panen mereka dihadapkan pada penurunan harga, sementara biaya produksi diwacanakan semakin mahal. This research is intended to review the use of Facebook by Indonesian farmer community in the strategic political platform. This issue is important to formulate as participatory communication stresses the importance of dialogue and rejects strategic communication efforts. If the community's active involvement in normative social change is desirable and pragmatically important to produce sustainable change, it is necessary to discuss how communication, strategy, and participation are interrelated. The results of this study indicate that the use of Facebook as a social networked site by the Indonesian farmer community is still dominated by information sharing and knowledge of cultivation and trading, as well as a medium for social interaction. Strategic political discourse occasionally and weakly appears related to government policies that are considered to be inadequate to farmers, among others related to rice import policy during the harvest, and the lack of government attention when their crops are faced with price declines, while production costs are steadily increasing

    Social Relations and Knowledge Sharing in the Virtual Community of Practice among Farmers in Brebes District, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Due to the aggregation of common interests and concerns, digital information and communication technology (ICT) applications used by farmers can build virtual communities of practice (VCoP). This study aims to identify farmers’ level of access to digital ICT applications, social capital (SC), social power relations (SPR), and knowledge sharing (KS) in the VCoP. It will also examine the causal relationship between exogenous and endogenous constructs. This study involved the participation of 221 farmers as smartphone users in Brebes District, Central Java Province, Indonesia. It used survey methods with questionnaire instruments and multistage clustered random sampling techniques. It assessed causal relationship models between constructs using SmartPLS 3 software. The study identified disparities in the level of access to digital ICT applications. The farmers who perceived SC and SPR at moderate and high levels were more than 75 per cent and 85 per cent, consecutively. Other farmers perceived KS in VCoP at low levels (average 29 percent) and moderate levels (average 48 per cent). Path analysis shows that concerning access to digital ICT applications, the effects are significant and positive on SC and SPR; SC affects KS in VCoP significantly and positively; access to digital ICT applications significantly and positively influences KS in VCoP. However, despite the direction being positive, the effects of SPR on the KS in VCoP are not significant. Variations in values in the latent variables' access to digital ICT applications, SC, and SPR can explain the variation in the latent variable knowledge sharing by 36 percent

    Inequality and Preference: Leveraging Digital ICT Applications for Knowledge-Intensive Agriculture

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    Digital ICT plays a strategic role in transforming input-intensive to knowledge-intensive agriculture. Its use has close relations to the farmers’ characteristics. This study aims to analyze the farmers’ characteristics and the intensity of utilizing various digital ICT applications/platforms. The survey was conducted on 150 smartphone-using farmers from Boyolali District, Central Java Province, Indonesia, accompanied by interviews and online observations. This research identifies digital divides and inequalities in leveraging Android farming applications, Facebook groups of farmers, WAG of farmers’ groups, Internet/Google information resources and YouTube. The correlation test indicated a significant correlation between gender, age, education, farming land area, farm income, internet quota budget, the availability of PC/Laptop (besides smartphones), and participation in farmers’ group with the intensity of leveraging some digital ICT applications. These correlations are unique and reflect farmers’ receptions and preferences for using digital ICT applications. This novelty is crucial for the development of knowledge-intensive agriculture that emphasizes the strategic role of development communication to facilitate knowledge sharing, involvement, and capacity development among farmers. Without understanding farmers’ characteristics and vulnerabilities, digital divide and inequality among farmers will continue to be reproduced

    Evaluasi Komunikasi Strategis pada Organisasi Non-Profit

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    Penggunaan KB pria kontrasepsi vasektomi tiap hari menurun dibandingkan kontrasepsi pria lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan menyebarnya mitos dan informasi yang salah. Maka dari itu, BKKBN melakukan komunikasi strategis untuk meningkatkan penggunaan kontrasepsi vasektomi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komunikasi strategis yang dilakukan oleh BKKBN dalam program KB Pria khususnya penggunaan kontrasepsi vasektomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma postpositivisme dengan pendekatan kualitatif jenis deskriptif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini merujuk pada proses komunikasi strategis di organisasi non-profit milik Patterson dan Radtke (2009). Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori Manajemen Strategis. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan verifikasi data dan pendalaman data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa BKKBN melakukan lima bentuk komunikasi, yaitu: tatap muka, cetak, audio, video dan elektronik untuk menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai kontrasepsi vasektomi sehingga dapat memotivasi khalayak ikut serta dalam program KB pria kontrasepsi vasektomi