25,948 research outputs found

    Event by Event Analysis of High Multiplicity Events Produced in 158 A GeV/c 208 Pb- 208 Pb Collisions

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    An extensive analysis of individual high multiplicity events produced in 158 A GeV /c 208Pb- 208Pb collisions is carried by adopting different methods to examine the anomalous behavior of these rare events. A method of selecting the events with densely populated narrow regions or spikes out of a given sample of collision events is discussed.Employing this approach two events with large spikes in their eta- and phi- distributions are selected for further analysis. For the sake of comparison, another two events which do not exhibit such spikes are simultaneously analyzed. The findings suggest that the systematic studies of particle density fluctuations in one- and two-dimensional phase-spaces and comparison with those obtained from the studies of correlation free Monte Carlo events, would be useful for identifying the events with large dynamical fluctuations. Formation of clusters or jet like phenomena in multihadronic final states in individual events is also discussed and the experimental findings are compared with the independent particle emission hypothesis by carrying out Monte Carlo simulations

    Correlation of Atrial Fibrillation with Left Atrial Volume in Patients with Mitral Stenosis. a Single Centre Study From Pakistan

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    Background: Rheumatic heart disease has a strong association with mitral valve stenosis. Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common complications of this condition and is a poor prognostic factor. Early detection and prompt management of atrial fibrillation can help to improve the quality of life and increase the life expectancy of the patients. We carried out this study to investigate the significance of left atrial volumetric changes in mitral stenosis and its correlation with atrial fibrillation. Methodology: We audited the data of 60 patients of rheumatic heart disease who had mitral valve stenosis. The patients were randomized into atrial fibrillation (Group A) and normal sinus rhythm (Group B). We conducted this cross-sectional analytical study at Cardiology Department, Mayo Hospital, Lahore, from 1st February 2017 to 31st January 2018. We only included those patients who consented to be a part of this study and fulfilled our predefined inclusion criteria. Left atrial volume was measured by prolate ellipse method and biplane methods on echocardiography. The Data was analyzed on SPSS v20. Results: Sixty patients were included in the study. Among the subjects, thirty-six (60%) were males, and twenty-four (40%) were females. Atrial fibrillation was noted in 43.33% of the patients of mitral valve stenosis. There was a marked difference in the mean volume of the left atrium among the two groups. We observed that the mean area of the mitral valve for Group A patients was larger than that of patients in Group B. Our study showed an inverse correlation between left atrial volume and mitral valve area among Group A patients. Conclusion: Patients of mitral stenosis are at an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation if the left atrial volume is increasing. All patients with mitral stenosis should have routine echocardiography & measurement of left atrial volumes, so that proper treatment can be started if the left atrial volume is increasing, to prevent atrial fibrillation

    Prostitusi di Jember Tahun 1974-2007

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    Komersialisasi seks di Indonesia berkembang sejak masa penjajahan Belanda. Pada saat itu, pelacuran telah memasuki semua kalangan masyarakat. Pada umumnya, praktek prostitusi memiliki tempat khusus yang disebut dengan lokalisasi. Para pelacur bekerja secara terorganisir dan diawasi oleh seorang yang disebut dengan germo. Akan tetapi tidak sedikit juga para pelacur yang tidak tergabung dalam lokalisasi atau mereka yang lebih memilih untuk bertebaran di berbagai tempat secara terselubung dalam melakukan prakteknya, seperti di hotel, wisma, musik room, taksi, tempat kost, panti pijat atau tempat lainnya. Di Jember praktek prostitusi disebabkan oleh keadaan ekonomi masyarakat yang tidak memadai, gaya hidup mewah serta budaya konsumtif yang masih melekat pada warga sekitar. Prostitusi di Jember tidak lagi dilakukan oleh kalangan dewasa saja, bahkan anak yang masih di bawah umur juga ikut serta di dalamnya. Fenomena ayam kampus dan gadis putih abu-abu juga banyak terjadi di Jember. Praktek prostitusi menimbulkan pro dan kontra dari masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini menggabungkan metode sejarah dan sejarah lisan. Metode sejarah digunakan untuk mengkaji bagaimana fenomena prostitusi terjadi serta bagaimana muncul dan berkembangnya prostitusi di Jember. Metode sejarah lisan digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi dari masyarakat yang menjadi saksi atau terlibat langsung dalam peristiwa tersebut

    Pengembangan Lendabook Berbasis Jejaring Social Network Menggunakan Cakephp

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    Social network provides outstanding in effect current human life. relationship between human with other peopledo the easy. information about a person shall be easily obtained from the media is social network. this is noapart from the internet and computer technology development is rapidly increasing. reading is a need forcommunity. even reading this time as if being a new lifestyle in the community. this is visible from many visitorsbook stores and exhibition-book exhibition held in periodic. however, the amount of the enthusiastic with theability to buy book, especially for student or students. borrowing books are some of technology adoption forexisting problems. using the concept of social network using technology and internet. lendabook social networksite that is built for the purpose of sharing with facilitate the public in lend to each loan books

    Security governance: Its impact on security culture

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    While there is an overwhelming amount of literature that recognises the need for organisations to create a security culture in order to effectively manage security, little is known about how to create a good security culture or even what constitutes a good security culture. In this paper, we report on one of two case studies performed to examine how security governance influences security culture and in particular, the sense of responsibility and ownership of security. The results indicate that although the structural and functional mechanisms in security governance are influencing factors, it is the extent of social participation that may be the major contributing component in security governance that influences the levels of responsibility and sense of ownership that IT security personnel have over the management of security within an organisation

    Pengaruh Nisbah Filler Abu Sawit (Ukuran Direduksi)/Carbon Black dan Temperatur Pencampuran terhadap Morfologi dan Sifat Komposit Polipropilen/Karet Alam

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    Fly ash (reducted particle size)/carbon black (CB) have been used as the main fillers that increase the quality of rubbers. As each filler possesses its own advantages, the use of fly ash (reducted particle size)/CB blends should enhance the mechanical properties of natural rubber (NR) vulcanizates. This research investigated the effect of blend ratio filler fly ash (reducted particle size)/carbon black and mixing temperature on morphology and mechanical properties of polypropylene (PP)/NR composite. Variation of blend ratio fly ash (reducted particle size)/CB at 0/100, 30/70, 50/50, 70/30 and 100/0 were studied in order to determine the optimum fly ash (reducted particle size)/CB ratio that giving rise to the optimum properties. The rubber compound has been made by two roll mill at ambient temperature and 20 rpm rotor speed. Dynamic vulcanization was done on internal mixer at various mixing temperature 175 oC, 180 oC , and 185 oC. Rotor speed on internal mixer at 60 rpm. The mechanical properties was done by Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and the morphology was examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The optimum result was found at fly ash (reducted particle size /CB ratio filler 30/70 and the optimum temperature was 175oC. The best mechanical properties was given on tensile strength 2,4 MPa, elongation at break 14,9 % and modulus elastic 71,6 MPa

    Optimization of Neuro-Fuzzy System Using Genetic Algorithm for Chromosome Classification

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    Neuro-fuzzy system has been shown to provide a good performance on chromosome classification but does not offer a simple method to obtain the accurate parameter values required to yield the best recognition rate. This paper presents a neuro-fuzzy system where its parameters can be automatically adjusted using genetic algorithms. The approach combines the advantages of fuzzy logic theory, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. The structure consists of a four layer feed-forward neural network that uses a GBell membership function as the output function. The proposed methodology has been applied and tested on banded chromosome classification from the Copenhagen Chromosome Database. Simulation result showed that the proposed neuro-fuzzy system optimized by genetic algorithms offers advantages in setting the parameter values, improves the recognition rate significantly and decreases the training/testing time which makes genetic neuro-fuzzy system suitable for chromosome classification

    Use of evidence to support healthy public policy: a policy effectiveness-feasibility loop

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    Public policy plays a key role in improving population health and in the control of diseases, including non-communicable diseases. However, an evidence-based approach to formulating healthy public policy has been difficult to implement, partly on account of barriers that hinder integrated work between researchers and policy-makers. This paper describes a “policy effectiveness–feasibility loop” (PEFL) that brings together epidemiological modelling, local situation analysis and option appraisal to foster collaboration between researchers and policy-makers. Epidemiological modelling explores the determinants of trends in disease and the potential health benefits of modifying them. Situation analysis investigates the current conceptualization of policy, the level of policy awareness and commitment among key stakeholders, and what actually happens in practice, thereby helping to identify policy gaps. Option appraisal integrates epidemiological modelling and situation analysis to investigate the feasibility, costs and likely health benefits of various policy options. The authors illustrate how PEFL was used in a project to inform public policy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in four parts of the eastern Mediterranean. They conclude that PEFL may offer a useful framework for researchers and policy-makers to successfully work together to generate evidence-based policy, and they encourage further evaluation of this approach

    Pusat Pembinaan Bulutangkis Berstandar Internasional Di Kota Malang

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    Regenerasi atlet Indonesia di cabang olahraga bulutangkis seolah berhenti, salah satu faktor penghambat regenerasi atlet adalah sistem pelatihan nasional yang masih terpusat. PB PBSI saat ini mulai mengembangkan program pelatihan desentralisasi dengan mengoptimalkan PBSI cabang di setiap daerah salah satunya Kota Malang. Diharapkan dengan adanya pusat pembinaan di Kota Malang mampu meningkatkan prestasi atlet bulutangkis Kota Malang di tingkat nasional dan mengharumkan nama Indonesia dalam olahraga bulutangkis Internasional. Proses perancangan ini didapat dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan programatik. Dari data komparasi yang sudah ada, kemudian dikombinasikan dengan studi literatur baik pada fasilitas pembinaan, sistem struktur bentang panjang, dan data penunjang lainnya untuk kemudian dijadikan sebagai parameter desain Pusat Pembinaan Bulutangkis Berstandar Internasional di Kota Malang. Pusat pembinaan bulutangkis berstandar Internasional di Kota Malang adalah sebuah jawaban atas tingginya antusias masyarakat Kota Malang terhadap olahraga bulutangkis dan merupakan wadah pembinaan atlet bulutangkis Kota Malang dengan fasilitas standar Internasional yang juga dilengkapi fasilitas penunjang seperti asrama atlet dan lainnya sesuai acuan BWF
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