2,444 research outputs found


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    Abstract: This study aimed to examine the influence of Muhammadivah organization's culture against cultural dakwah activities carried out by the teachers. Demographic aspects included to be tested to determine the difference in the variables studied. This was a population research, the subject of research were the teachers with Muballigh status at the Twigs and Branches levels of Muhammadivah Tello Baru Makassar amounted of 44 peoples. Two measuring devices used to collect information about the variables studied, the scale of the organization's culture and dakwah. Technique tised to analyze the data were simple regression and T test. The results showed that the organization's culture affected the cultural propaganda significantly (F (1,42) -39.189, p < 0.5), with 48.3 percent of variants donations. From demography aspect. based on sex, showed no differences in organization's culture and dakwah


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    Abstrak: studi ini meneliti tentang Problem Solving Berbasis konseling Al-¬Qur'an. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui l) gambaran permasalahan yang dialami subjek 2) dampak psikologi yang dirasakan permasalahan yang menimpa subjek 3) Pengaruh konseling Al¬-Qur’an terhadap pemecahan masalah subjek. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri atas 3 orang subjek masing-masing adalah ibu rumah tangga dari belakang yang berbeda. Ketiga Subjek mempunyai permasalahan bersedia mengikuti konseling Al-Quran. Pemilihan subjek menggunakan teknik aksidental sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Data kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan kaedah-kaedah penelitian kualitatif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ketiga subjek memberikan respon positif terhadap konseling Al-Quran. Ketiga subjek mengakui bahwa konseling Al-Qur’an memberikan solusi atas permasalahan yang mereka alami. menunjukkan bahwa konseling Al-Quran memberikan pengaruh terhadap pemecahan masalah

    Service Experience & Expectations of Saudi Arabia Domestic Tourists in the Lodging Sector

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    The Saudi’s 2030 vision has recognized the vital role of religious tourism in the diversification of the kingdom’s economy in addition to the reliance on gas and oil revenue. Currently, religious tourism contributes at least 3% of the Saudi’s GDP. The government plans to double the revenue from the religious tourism by doubling the accommodation capacity for both the Hajj and Umrah visitors. The increasing number of international and luxurious hotels in Makkah and other major cities reflect a rising of the hotel industry in Saudi Arabia. Research has documented the importance role of service quality in influencing organizational outcomes such as increasing sales profits, promoting customer loyalty, improving customer relations, enhancing customer satisfaction, and performance superiority. It\u27s important for hotels in Saudi Arabia to provide quality service to ensure sustainable success in the competitive global market. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the service quality of Saudian hotels from the aspects of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy to determine if there is a service quality gap between the hotels in Saudi Arabia and outside the Middle East. This study adopted a qualitative approach by conducting in-depth interviews among 24 experienced hotel guests. The findings of the study can serve as reference for hotel companies to improve their service quality and to elevate the image of hotels in Saudi Arabia

    Dynamic Analysis and Simulation of a Horizontal Slider Crank Mechanism using Spreadsheets

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    This paper proposes a spreadsheet method for modeling, simulation and analyzes a mechanism of a horizontal, single cylinder, four-stroke internal combustion engine. The method is based on the use of analytical approach because it is more accurate, moreover is less time consuming if it is programmed for the computer solution. The spreadsheet model is a parametric model and it gives a simple visual presentation of the mechanism with interactive movement and control by the user. This method can be used for kinematic and dynamic analysis with the ability to make quick and easy parametric changes to a design. Compared with professional simulating software and advanced program language, the way proposed in the paper is convenient and practical


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    Abstrack: This study examines the influence of emotional intelligence to discipline students of the Faculty of Psychology UNM. The subjects were students of the Faculty of Psychology UNM as many as 150 people by using the technique of random sampling statifaid. The details are die class of 2015 as many as 50 people, class of 2014 as many as 50 people and forces in 2013 to 50 people. Data were collected by using emotional intelligence scale and the scale of student discipline. Data were analyzed by using simple regression analysis. The analysis shows that there is influence of emotional intelligence on student discipline. The higher the emotional intelligence, the higher the student discipline

    Enhancing the E-Commerce Experience through Haptic Feedback Interaction

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    The sense of touch is important in our everyday lives and its absence makes it difficult to explore and manipulate everyday objects. Existing online shopping practice lacks the opportunity for physical evaluation, that people often use and value when making product choices. However, with recent advances in haptic research and technology, it is possible to simulate various physical properties such as heaviness, softness, deformation, and temperature. The research described here investigates the use of haptic feedback interaction to enhance e-commerce product evaluation, particularly haptic weight and texture evaluation. While other properties are equally important, besides being fundamental to the shopping experience of many online products, weight and texture can be simulated using cost-effective devices. Two initial psychophysical experiments were conducted using free motion haptic exploration in order to more closely resemble conventional shopping. One experiment was to measure weight force thresholds and another to measure texture force thresholds. The measurements can provide better understanding of haptic device limitation for online shopping in terms of the availability of different stimuli to represent physical products. The outcomes of the initial psychophysical experimental studies were then used to produce various absolute stimuli that were used in a comparative experimental study to evaluate user experience of haptic product evaluation. Although free haptic exploration was exercised on both psychophysical experiments, results were relatively consistent with previous work on haptic discrimination. The threshold for weight force discrimination represented as downward forces was 10 percent. The threshold for texture force discrimination represented as friction forces was 14.1 percent, when using dynamic coefficient of friction at any level of static coefficient of friction. On the other hand, the comparative experimental study to evaluate user experience of haptic product information indicated that haptic product evaluation does not change user performance significantly. However, although there was an increase in the time taken to complete the task, the number of button click actions tended to decrease. The results showed that haptic product evaluation could significantly increase the confidence of shopping decision. Nevertheless, the availability of haptic product evaluation does not necessarily impose different product choices but it complements other selection criteria such as price and appearance. The research findings from this work are a first step towards exploring haptic-based environments in e-commerce environments. The findings not only lay the foundation for designing online haptic shopping but also provide empirical support to research in this direction

    The Effect of Genogram Technique on Students’ Career Decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar

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    This study is aimed to (1) describe the implementation of genogram technique in students’ career decision, (2) investigate students’ career decision, and (3) investigate the effect of genogram technique on students’ career decision. This study applied quantitative approach and implemented quasi experimental design as well as Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design to 20 samples. Data collection techniques applied in this research were career decision scale, observation, and interview.  This study implemented analytical statistic descriptive non parametric wilcoxon signed ranks test as data analysis technique. This study found that (1) there were low category of genogram technique implementation to affect students’ career decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar before the treatment, while its high category found after the treatment, (2) students’ career decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar was raised after genogram technique, and (3) genogram technique can increase students’ career decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar

    Anaesthesia for Kidney Transplantation

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    The effect of cognitive restructuring counselling technique on reducing students’ social media usage intensity

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    The purpose of this research is to discover the effect of cognitive restructuring counseling technique on social media usage intensity of SMPN 1 Bantaeng students. This research uses quantitative approach with Quasi Experimental Design with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design research design. The subjects of this research were 20 students in class VIII who were identified as having high social media usage intensity. The data collection techniques used in this research are usage intensity scaling, observation, and interviews. The results of this research discovers that the implementation of cognitive restructuring technique can reduce the intensity of social media usage intensity as applied according to the procedures that have been designed through 8 meetings. The intensity of using social media before implementing cognitive restructuring technique was considered high but after implementing cognitive restructuring technique, the intensity of using social media decreased


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    Abstrak: Pcnelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh salat berjamaah terhadap penurunan post power syndrome pada pensiun. Sebanyak 78 orang pensiun yang tergabung dalam TOT Armada Safari Salat Berjamaah (TASSBEH) Kabupaten Sidrap Sulawesi Selatan dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini. Skala salat berjamaah dan skala post power syndrome digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data penelitian. Dari hasil analisis Regresi menunjukkan salat berjamaah berpengaruh sinifikan terhadap penurunan post power syndrome pada. pensiun. Didapati pula nilai koefisien korelasi yang sebesar -0.560 menunjukkan hubungan negatif. Ini berarti scmakin tinggi kualitas salat berjamaah, maka semakin rendah tingkat post power syndrome yang dimiliki oleh subvek
