69 research outputs found

    To Evaluate The Performance Of Certification Competence Vocational Students Through Certification Institute Profesi-P1 Program Computer Engineering Expertise And Tissues At South Sumatra

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    This study attempts to evaluate the performance of certification competence described vocational students through certification institute profesi-p1 program computer engineering expertise and tissues at south sumatra .This study in a qualitative descriptive with those cases .Data collection techniques used in this research was the questionnaire , interview , and use a method of triangulation dokumentasi.teknik data analysis and collect information or data from various sources to check the truth of the data .The results of the study conclude that so it can be seen that the purpose of the vocational school vocational certification in 1 penukal with objectives set the national profession certificates show category in accordance with the percentage of 75 % Sedangkan to state 1 indralaya south objectives set the national profession certificatesshow category in accordance with the percentage of only 72 %.

    Implementasi Manajemen Kurikulum dalam Mengembangkan Kompetensi Guru Di MTs Negeri 1 Kota Prabumulih

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    This study aims to find out and describe the implementation of curriculum management in developing teacher competencies in MTs Negeri 1 Prabumulih City. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method with data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research findings are as follows; the concept of curriculum management implementation in MTs negeri 1 Prabumulih city is carried out through the stages of curriculum planning by the curriculum development team, curriculum organizing in the form of delegation of authority from the head of the madrasah to the Deputy head of the madrasah for Curriculum, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation which is carried out by examining curriculum documents, implementing class supervision and interviews, The implementation of teacher competency development is carried out through the assignment of teachers to take part in training, workshops, seminars or discussion activities through MGMP either held by the madrasah itself or through other institutions. In conclusion, implementing curriculum management in developing teacher competency at MTs Negeri 1 Prabumulih City has been carried out well, starting with the stages of planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating. Keywords : Curriculum Implementation, Teacher Competenc


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    It stands to reason that character education should be integrated into all subjects. The reasons are that improving the noble character of the students is the responsibility of all teachers, all teachers must be a commanding example. The formation of a strong human resource character is necessary to face the tougher global challenges. Human resource character is formed through the process of formal education, non formal, and informal that all three must bersinergis. Character education means making a genuine, systematic and sustained effort to awaken and strengthen the awareness and confidence of all Indonesians that there will be no better future without building and strengthening the character of the Indonesian people. In other words, there is no better future that can be realized without honesty, without improving self-discipline, without persistence, without high learning spirit, without developing a sense of responsibility, without cultivating unity in the midst of diversity, without the spirit to contribute progress together, and without confidence and optimism

    The Influence of Organizational Culture and Principal’s Academic Supervision on Teacher’s Performance at SMA Negeri 1 Gunung Megang

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    Teachers are one of the main components that determine the success of a school in achieving its goals because teachers are the transferors of knowledge in learning. Performance or work achievement can be interpreted as the achievement of a person’s work, but in reality, there are still many teachers whose performance is less than optimal. So that teachers can improve their performance, the role of the principal as supervisor is needed. This research will be carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Gunung Megang. This research uses descriptive research type. The results obtained show that there is an influence on each variable, namely, that there is a significant influence of organizational culture on teacher performance 98.6%, there is a significant influence of the principal’s academic supervision on teacher performance 83.3% and there is a significant influence of organizational culture and academic supervision of the principal together on teacher performance 99.2%. Meanwhile, the remaining 0.8% is influenced by other factors that are not included in this research

    Mutu Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Ditinjau dari Teknologi Informasi dan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah

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     The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of information technology and school-based management on the quality of education in public elementary schools in Sematang Borang sub-district, Palembang. This research is included in the type of expost facto research. The population and sample in this study amounted to 111 people. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques used normality test, linearity test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, simple correlation analysis, multiple correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, t test and F test. The results of this study are information technology and school-based management have a joint positive effect on the quality of education in public elementary schools in Sematang Borang sub-district, things that affect the quality of education of a school, namely, increasing the quality and quantity of services independently, timeliness or school discipline, responsibility, ability and reliability in utilizing information technology and being able to provide services according to community needs. In conclusion, there is a positive and significant influence between information technology variables and school-based management on the quality of education Keywords: Education quality, Information technology, School-based management

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kompetensi Guru terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada SD Negeri di Kecamatan Sematang Borang Palembang

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    This study aims to determine and describe the influence of teacher motivation and competence on student learning outcomes at public elementary schools in the District of Sematang Borang Palembang. This research was conducted at a public elementary school in the District of Sematang Borang Palembang. The type of research used in this seresearch is quantitative research. The total population in this study was 100 teachers. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out in several ways, namely questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is a multiple regression model with the help of SPSS for Windows. The results of the study concluded that partially Motivation had a positive and significant effect on Student Learning Outcomes at Public Elementary Schools in Sematang Borang District, Palembang City and Teacher Competence had a positive and significant effect on Student Learning Outcomes at Public Elementary Schools in Sematang Borang District, Palembang City. Meanwhile, simultaneously Teacher Motivation and Competence have a significant effect on Student Learning Outcomes at Public Elementary Schools in Sematang Borang District, Palembang. In conclusion, teacher motivation and competence influence elementary school student learning outcomes. Keywords: Motivation, Teacher Competence, Learning Outcome

    Upaya Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru

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    This study aims to answer problems related to the efforts of madrasah heads in improving teacher performance. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. Data collection techniques: Observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Research Results: The efforts of the head of madasah in improving teacher performance in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Al Hijriyah Prabumulih city are carried out through attendance, motivating teachers to always maintain sincerity in teaching, giving awards, restoring the spirit of teachers through madrasah family gatherings at the home of teachers / employees, holding study tours at the end of the year, holding iftar together every month romadhon, improving the knowledge of teachers by sending teachers to follow Training training, which is held in the city and in the province, sends teachers to participate in the Subject Teacher Deliberation (MGMP) throughout the city of Prabumulih or in Madrasah. The teacher's performance is already good. In conclusion, the madrasa head's efforts to improve teacher performance have been quite good Keywords: Head of Madrasah, Teacher Performance

    The Influence of Leadership and School Culture on the Performance of State SMP Teachers in Sungai Pinang Subdistrict, Ogan Ilir Regency

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    This research aims to determine the influence of leadership and school culture on teacher performance of  junior high school in Sungai Pinang Subdistrict, Ogan Ilir Regency.  The sample  was  54 teachers of State SMP. This type of research is quantitative research. While the research method used is a descriptive quantitative method. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, observations and documentation. While data analysis techniques using t test and F test. The results of this reaserch can be concluded that there is an influence of leadership and school culture on the performance of public junior high school teachers in Sungai Pinang Subdistrict Ogan Ilir both partially and simultaneousl

    Improving the Ability of Art Using 3M Activities (Drawing, Trying, Sticking) Children Group A Thia Ananda Playing Group

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    This study aims to determine the Improvement of Fine Art Skills by Using 3M Activities (Drawing, Tear, Sticking) Children in Group A Thia Ananda Play Group. The research location was carried out at the Thia Ananda Play Group, which is located at Jalan Cendana 2 Lorong Asabri 2 RT 22 RW 04 Sambirejo Village, Mariana Village, Banyuasin I District, Banyuasin Regency. The subjects in this study were the children of the Thia Ananda Play Group, namely group A, namely out of 10 children divided into 6 girls and 4 boys. The research uses quantitative and qualitative methods with an action research model according to Kemmis and Taggart which focuses on children's visual arts abilities.The results of the study were an increase in the average level of achievement in the development of children's art skills in group A from the pre-cycle to cycle I and to cycle II, namely that in the pre-cycle the score was 18.8 in the undeveloped category, then in cycle I with a score of 29, 2 with the starting to develop category experienced an increase of 10.4 while in cycle II with a score of 41.8 with the developing category according to expectations this shows that cycle II experienced an increase of 12.6, so it was concluded at the end of cycle II, the research was said to be successful because the success criteria have been achieved according to the agreement of the researcher and the collaborator
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