28 research outputs found

    Tank Model Application for Runoff and Infiltration Analysis on Sub-Watersheds in Lalindu, Southeast Sulawesi Province

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    Improper land management often cause flooding, this is due to uncontrolled runoff. The runoff is influenced by the management of land cover. This study aims to analyze the flow rate by using a tank model, which can describe the magnitude of hydrologic runoff and infiltration capacity on some land use and evaluated in the study area, which is located in the watershed Lalindu, Southeast Sulawesi. The results showed that the runoff in the forest at 2,639.21 mm/yr, reeds at 2,517.05 mm/yr, palm with slopes of more than 45% at 2,715.36 mm/yr and oil with slopes of less than 45% at 2,709.59 mm/yr. Infiltration in the forest value of 30.70 mm/yr, reeds at 7:51 mm/yr, palm with slopes of more than 45% of 24.13 mm / yr and oil with slopes of less than 45% of 29.67 mm/yr. Contribute to streamflow runoff for water availability. Keywords: runoff, infilrasi, land management, models of tanks, DAS Lalind


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    ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to know the number of the family and the density of Collembolan found in the cocoa plantations in the village of Poleonro, Districts Poleang, Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi. This studied was of research exploration. The sampling done with the quadrant method is to install a number of quadrants in the specified path along 100 meters. Sampling was carried out above ground level and sampling under the ground level. The extration of Collembola was done used by Tullgreen Tunnel. The results showed that the cocoa in the village in cocoa plantations in the village poleonro namely Entomobrydae, Aronelidae, Tomoceridae, Willowsinae, Paronelidae, Oncopoduridae, Isotomidae, Cyphoderidae dan Arropalitidae, the density Collembola found as mus as 2 of the order that are divided into 9 families. Higest density on the family of Paronellidae (15,06%) and followed by family of Willowsinae and Arropalitidae (8,15%). Keywords: Density, Collembola, Cacao plantations, Village of Poleonr


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    ABSTRACTThis research aims to know the diversity and apportionment’s of bird on oils palm plantation acreage at Besulutu area Konawe Regency South-east Sulawesi. This research was done at oils palm plantation area PT. Mega Utama Tani on September until October 2015. This research constitutes explorative research. In this research the researcher made three stations with the reason that each station has distinctive. The data of Bird was taking by use IPA (Indices Punctual Abundance method). IPA (Indices Punctual Abundance) method is bird watch method to be accounted deep given time range that at compounds by transect's method of lines Transect's line. Base on observational result, it was found as much 17 bird geneses with totaled bird individual 722 one most deep groups 7 ordo and 14 families. Shannon Wiener's diversity index I-III alternately each of 1,99, 1,96, 2,30. Bird diversity on station I and II Includes in low category, meanwhile III. Station comprises category be, apportionment Pielou's index I-III alternately each of 0,72, 0,79, 0,83. Base acquired apportionment point on three stations, the apportionment of these three stations is categorize as high.Keyword : Bird, Oil Palm Plantation, Diversity, Apportionmen


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi dan keanekaragaman fitoplankton di perairan laut sekitar PLTU Nii Tanasa, Kabupaten Konawe, Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama tiga minggu (3-24 September 2015). Pengambilan sampel fitoplankton dilakukan pukul 07.00-08.00 pada pagi hari dan pukul 16.00-17.00 pada sore hari.  Pengambilan sampel dilakukan  dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Stasiun I terletak di titik pembuangan limbah air  panas PLTU, stasiun II terletak ± 50 m sebelah timur dari titik pembuangan limbah air panas PLTU, stasiun III terletak di sebelah barat ± 50 m dari titik pembuangan limbah air panas PLTU dan stasiun terletak di sebelah utara ± 200 m dari titik pembuangan limbah air panas PLTU. Terdapat empat kelas fitoplankton yang menempati perairan laut sekitar PLTU Nii Tanasa kelas Cyanophyceae yang terdiri atas 3 spesies, Bacillariophyceae 26 spesies, Euglenophyceae 1 spesies dan Dinophyceae 3 spesies. Kelas Bacillariophyceae  merupakan kelas yang paling dominan di perairan laut sekitar PLTU Nii Tanasa. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman fitoplankton berkisar 0,1732 - 1,9404. keanekaragaman fitoplankton yang terdapat di perairan laut sekitar PLTU Nii Tanasa termasuk dalam kategori keanekaragaman yang rendah dan stabil. Kata kunci : Fitoplankton, Komposisi, Keanekaragaman, PLTU Nii Tanasa. AbstractResearch aims to know the composition and diversity of marine phytoplankton in around PLTU Nii Tanasa, Regency Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi. This study was conducted for three weeks (September 3rd-24th, 2015). The sample collection of phytoplankton was done in the morning (07.00-09.00 AM) and in the afternoon (16.00-17.00 PM). The sample collection is done by using the purposive sampling method in the 4 sites. The site I located in the waste disposal of PLTU, site II located in east (50 m) from the waste disposal PLTU, site III located in western (50 m) from the waste disposal PLTU and site IV to the north of ± 200 m from the waste disposal PLTU Nii Tanasa. There is four class phytoplankton who occupies the sea about coal-fired power Nii Tanasa class cyanophyceae consisting of 3 species, bacillariophyceae 26 species, euglenophyceae 1 species, and dinophyceae 3 species. Class bacillariophyceae constituting a class of the most dominant in the sea about coal-fired power Nii Tanasa. Index value diversity phytoplankton range 0,1732-1,9404. Diversity of phytoplankton in the sea around Coal-Fired Power Nii Tanasa included in the category of low and stable. Keywords: Phytoplankton, Composition, Diversity, PLTU Nii Tanas


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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the effect of MSG to the microscopic structure of the ovaries of mice. This study was a experimental study using a completely randomized design (CRD). A total of 16 female mice aged 3 month were devided into 4 groups namely P0 (Control), P1 (0,012 mg/gr BB), P2 (0,015 mg/gr BB) and P3 (0,018 mg/gr BB), MSG administration carried out of 14 days. On day 15 the animals were sacrificed and performed organ harvesting ovaries to make histological preparations. Observation were made by observing the histological structure of the ovaries , and count the number of primary follicles, secondary, tertiary, the korpus luteum and follicular atretic. Data were tested with ANOVA, and LSD (α=0,05%). The result showed the existence of structural damage in the form of a gap between the ovarian follicular granulosa cells and ovarium follicle diameter reduced with increasing doses of MSG given. MSG administration also decreases the average number of follicles in all treatment doses, but the mean of the highest drop in the number of follicles present in treatmen P3 that is, the number of primary follicles (2,50), secondary follicles (2,25), tertiary follicles (1,25) and follicular atretic (4,25), while the corpus luteum is not found.Keywords : Monosodium glutamate, Damaged Structure of The Ovaries, Mice (Mus musculus,L

    Biodiversitas Burung Air di Kawasan Mangrove di Sekitar Muara Sungai Lakawali dan Sungai Ussu Kecamatan Malili, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan: Biodiversity of Water Birds in the Mangrove Area Around the Estuaries of the Lakawali River and Ussu River, Malili District, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi

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    Water bird diversity in mangrove ecosystem of the Malili District, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, is rarely studied. This reseacrh aims to examine the diversity of bird species in the mangrove ecosystem, Malili District, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. The study was conducted at two stations, namely mangrove forests at the Lakawali River estuary and at the Ussu River estuary. Data collection was carried out using field by field methods, observations were made with binoculars and a Nikon D5200 DSLR camera. Data analysis was performed using the Diversity Index (H’) formula according to Shannon-Winner and evenness index (E) according to Magurren. Species conservation status is determined based on Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/ KUM.1/12/2018 and IUCN redlist. The results showed that 417 individual birds were found consisting of 5 orders, 7 families and 17 species, there was one protected species, namely great knot (Calidris tenuirostris). The diversity index (H’) in the estuary of Lakawali river is 2.48, and in the estuary of Ussu river is 2.59 which indicates the medium category. The evenness index (E) in the estuary of Lakawali river was 0.92 and in the Ussu River was  0.93 which showed that the distribution of species in both habitats was quite even


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biomassa dan faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhi kandungan biomassa lamun Enhalus acorroides L. dan Halodule pinifolia berdasarkan kedalaman air laut di Pantai Desa Tanjung Tiram. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni - Agustus 2018. Penelitian ini bersifat eksploratif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada tiga titik pengamatan dengan menggunakan metode purposif sampling berdasarkan kedalaman perairan yaitu kedalaman 1 meter, 2 meter dan 3 meter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan biomassa lamu Enhalus acorroides L. yang terdapat pada kedalaman 1 m total biomassa 316,73 g/m2, kedalaman 2 m total biomassa 197,56 g/m2 dan kedalaman 3 m total biomassa 38,26 g/m2. Kandungan biomassa jenis lamun Halodule pinifolia pada kedalaman 1 m total biomassa 1,6 g/m2, kedalaman 2 m total biomassa 2,97 g/m2 dan kedalaman 3 m total biomassa 0,25 g/m2. Faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhi kandungan biomassa lamun Enhalus acorroides L. dan Halodule pinifolia pada Perairan Pantai Desa Tanjung Tiram yaitu substrat, kandungan bahan organik (KOT), intensitas cahaya, suhu, salinitas dan kekeruhan. Kata kunci : Biomassa, Enhalus acorroides L. dan Halodule pinifolia ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the biomass and environmental factors that influence the seagrass biomass content of Enhalus acorroides L. and Halodule pinifolia based on the depth of sea water in Tanjung Tiram Village Beach. This research was conducted during June-August 2018. This research was explorative. Sampling area were carried out at three points by observation using purposive sampling method depth water depth of 1 meter, 2 meter and 3 meter. The biomass was estimated in the plot, while enviromental factors that influence the seagrass biomass content of Enhalus acorroides L. and Halodule pinifolia in Tanjung Tiram Village Beach are substrate, nutrient content (KOT), light intensity, temperature, salinity and turbidity. The results showed that Enhalus acorroides L biomass contained at a depth of 1 m total biomass of 316.73 g/m2, depth of 2 m total biomass of 197.56 g/m2 and depth of 3 m total biomass of 38.26 g/m2. Biomass content of Halodule pinifolia seagrass at a depth of 1 m total biomass of 1.6 g / m2, depth of 2 m total biomass of 2.97 g/m2 and a depth of 3 m of total biomass of 0.25 g / m2. Keywords: Biomass, Enhalus acorroides L. and Halodule pinifoli

    Species Diversity and Cave-Bat Conservation Efforts in Aoma Village, Wolasi District -Southeast Sulawesi

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    Indonesia a tropical country that remains warm all year, has the largest biodiversity. This study aims to determine the diversity of bats of the order Microchiroptera in Rau Cave, Wolasi, Conservation (Protected) Forest area, around Aoma Village, South Konawe Regency. Data collection was carried out using a mist net measuring 6 x 2 meters which were stretched in front of the mouth of the cave at 16.00 before the bats came out looking for food and harvested at 06.00-0.700. The trapped bats were identified using the Sulawesi Bat and its role in the health sector, and other relevant references. The results showed that there were 26 trapped bats consisting of  5 species, namely Rhinolopus arcuatus (Prok Bruk Sulawesi), Hipposideros ater (Barong gauld), Dobsonia viridis (Kubu Hijau), Miniopterus australis (Tomosu australi) and Hipposideros dinops (Barong horsfield). The species found consisted of 2 families, namely the families Rhinolopidae and Hipposideridae, and consisted of 2 genera, namely the genera of Dobsonia and Miniopterus. The diversity index shows a value (H') = 0.986, which indicates a low category in diversity and a Margalef wealth index (R) of 0.26. It is necessary to conserve plant species both for eating insects and for food sources for Microchiroptera bats in their feeding groun


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan karbon serasah daun Kuma (Palaquium luzoniense Vid.) di kawasan Hutan Lindung Nanga-Nanga Papalia Kota Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplorasi dengan menentukan 3 stasiun pengambilan sampel berdasarkan pengamatan ketersediaan tumbuhan Kuma (Palaquium luzoniense Vid.) dengan ketinggian yang berbeda yakni Titik I (ketinggian ±223 mpdL), Titik II (ketinggian ±246 mdpL) dan Titik III (ketinggian ±276 mdpL). Pengambilan serasah daun Kuma (Palaquium luzoniense Vid.) dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Kandungan karbon diperoleh dengan cara mengalikan nilai kadar karbon dan nilai biomassa serasah daun. Hasil perhitungan kandungan karbon sebesar 5501,565 gr/m2/bulan. Kata kunci: Kuma (Palaquium luzoniense Vid.), Serasah Daun, Kandungan Karbon, Hutan Lindung Nanga-Nanga   Abstract This study aimed to determine the carbon content of Kuma leaf litter (Palaquium luzoniense Vid.) in Nanga-Nanga Papalia Protected Forest area at Kendari Southeast Sulawesi. This study was an exploration research by determined three station sampling based on observation of availability Kuma (Palaquium luzoniense Vid.) species  with differet hight s.i.e first point (altitude of ± 223 mpdL), second point (altitude of ± 246 mdpL) and third point (altitude ± 276 mdpL). Sampling of  Kuma leaf litter (Palaquium luzoniense Vid.) used purposive sampling. The carbon content is obtained by multiplying %carbon content and biomass values. The result showed that carbon content of Kuma leaf litter (Palaquium luzoniense Vid.) of 5501.565g / m2 / mont. Keywords:  Kuma (Palaquium luzoniense Vid.), Leaf Litter, Carbon Content, Nanga-Nanga Papalia Protected Fores

    Kadar Asam Urat Mencit Hiperurisemia Setelah Pemberian Perasan Daun Kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) dan Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera L.)

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    The quercetin flavonoid content in cherry leaves and Moringa serves as a competitive inhibitor of hypoxanthine and xanthine which causes uric acid not to form. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of grains of cherry leaves and Moringa leaves on the uric acid levels of mice. 25 male mice weighing 20-30 grams 2-3 months old were divided into 5 treatment groups, namely: K1 as a negative control (without treatment), K2 as the positive control (chicken liver juice 0.5 mL), K3 (cherry leaf juice and liver juice chicken), K4 (Moringa leaf juice and chicken liver juice) and K5 (a mixture of cherry leaf juice, Moringa, and chicken liver juice). Mice are first measured initial uric acid levels. The administration of chicken liver juice at a dose of 0.5 mL is done three times a day for 7 days so as to achieve a hyperuricemia condition. Furthermore, the juice was given according to the treatment group at a dose of 0.2 mL for 14 days and finally, uric acid levels were calculated. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and LSD test (α = 0.05). The results showed that the administration of cherry leaves and moringa juice significantly reduced blood uric acid levels in mice in all treatment groups. The highest mean decrease in uric acid levels was in the K5 (0.91 mg / dL) group, compared with K1 (0.93 mg / dL), K2 (2.03 mg / dL), K3 (0.994 mg / dL) and K4 (0.98 mg / dL) .Keywords:  Uric Acid Levels, Hyperuricemia, Munitingia calabura L, Moringa oleifera L. AbstrakKandungan flavonoid golongan kuercetin pada daun kersen dan kelor berfungsi sebagai inhibitor kompetitif hipoxantin dan xantin yang menyebabkan asam urat tidak terbentuk. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian perasan daun kersen dan daun kelor terhadap kadar asam urat mencit. 25 ekor mencit jantan berat 20-30 gr berumur 2-3 bulan dibagi kedalam 5 kelompok perlakuan yaitu: K1 sebagai kontrol negatif (tanpa perlakuan), K2 sebagai kontrol positif (jus hati ayam 0.5 mL), K3 (perasan daun kersen dan jus hati ayam), K4 (perasan daun kelor dan jus hati ayam) dan K5 (campuran perasan daun kersen, kelor dan jus hati ayam). Mencit terlebih dahulu diukur kadar asam urat awal. Pemberian jus hati ayam dengan dosis 0.5 mL  dilakukan tiga kali sehari selama 7 hari sehingga mencapai kondisi hiperurisemia. Selanjutnya diberi perasan sesuai kelompok perlakuan dengan dosis 0.2 mL selama 14 hari dan dihitung kadar asam urat akhir. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA dan uji BNT (α=0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian perasan daun kersen dan kelor secara signifikan menurunkan kadar asam urat darah mencit pada semua kelompok perlakuan. Rerata penurunan kadar asam urat tertinggi terdapat pada kelompok K5 (0.91 mg/dL), dibandingkan dengan K1 (0.93 mg/dL),  K2 (2.03 mg/dL), K3 (0.994 mg/dL) dan K4 (0.98 mg/dL).Kata kunci : Kadar Asam Urat, Hiperurisemia.,Munitingia calabura L, Moringa oleifera L