54 research outputs found

    The concept of non-violence and the global socio-political issues, envisioned by Gandhi and Abdul Rehman Munif. A critical study.

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    Abstract:- Literature forms the bedrock of a society and helps in the socio-cultural development of a nation. It would also help in the creation of a society with the values of love and peace, empowering the age-old traditional practices of war and deprivation. Saudi Arabia is a country that has rich cultural history and has since ages gained a prestigious place in the globe, as the birthplace of both, the Islam and the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad- peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him. Donning the pluralism in the diversity of literature, Arabian Novel holds a significant importance in raising the socio-cultural aspects of Arabian life. The peninsula would be sincerely accorded with the coining of the word ‘Peace,’ as the main source that the region has drawn its inspiration from, is ‘Al-Quran,’ the religious book of Islam, which makes it a moral obligation of a person to do justice and live in accordance with peace with all, friends as well as foes. The Gandhian notion of non-violence and the one coined by the Saudi novelists lies on the same values, and has no overall religious interference in them, in particular. Keywords: Novel, non-violence, Peninsula, casteism, war

    human being, his place and role in the universe

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    ABSTRACT:- Our universe is home to millions of galaxies, thousands of different species of flora and fauna, inhabited on different ecosystems, like under the ocean surface, in the air, on the surface of land, and inside the earth. Every single organism, whether biotic or abiotic, has a role to play in the universe. Above all these things, there is a crown of all the creation, and that we call as ‘man.’ Man has a significant place in the universe; therefore he has a significant role to play here. What distinguishes a man from all the other creations is the possession of conscious, which according to the philosophers makes him the ‘desired creation.’ Every other thing, ranging from an atom to the mighty oceans and mountains are for the use of man, but the human is created for doing justice in the world with the creations of God. Keywords:- Existence, Human, Justice, Universe, Wonder

    On Some Properties and Estimation of Size-Biased Polya-Eggenberger Distribution

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    A size-biased version of Polya-Eggenberger distribution is introduced explicitly and by a mixture model. The proposed distribution is unimodal with positive integer moments. The recurrence relation between moments (about the origin) of the proposed distribution is established and its relationship with other distributions is discussed. Different estimation techniques are proposed to estimate the parameters of the distribution

    Congenital Pouch Colon: A Preliminary Report from Pakistan

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    Background: Congenital pouch colon (CPC) is a rare entity in patients of anorectal malformations (ARM) requiring special consideration as to the management. This study is aimed at evaluating the presentation, management, and the outcome of initial surgery in patients with CPC. Materials & Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in the department of Pediatric Surgery of our institute during May 2007- May 2010. The Information about the demography, clinical features, investigations, management, and the outcome of initial surgery was retrieved and analyzed. Results: There were 21 patients of CPC managed during the study period. Sixteen (76%) were males and five (24%) females (M:F 3.2:1). Mean age of presentation was 4.8 days with a range of 12 hours to 45 days. In 18 (85.7%) patients, CPC was found with high ARMs, whereas, in 3 (14.3%) patients it was associated with low ARMs. Imperforate anus with moderate to massive abdominal distension was the presentation in 16 (76%) patients. Abdominal radiographs helped in preoperative diagnosis in 8 patients. Two patients had pneumoperitoneum on abdominal radiographs. At operation, type I CPC was found in 9 (42.8%) patients, type II in 5 (23.8%), type III in 2 (9.5%) patients, and type IV CPC in 5 (23.8%) patients. In 11 (52.4%) patients, pouch was emptied and retained with proximal enterostomy. In 7 (33.3%) patients, end enterostomy with pouch excision was done. In two patients, a window colostomy was formed. In one patient, pouch was disconnected from the normal bowel and Hartmann’s pouch with end ileostomy was formed. There were 2 (9.5%) deaths in our series.Conclusion: CPC is a rare malformation. Massive abdominal distension with imperforate anus is the common presentation. Optimum management can reduce the morbidity and mortality

    Structural Changes in Jammu and Kashmir Economy

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    The state of J&K is characterized by hilly topography and difficult terrian besides seasonal land locked ness of certain areas stretching even up to seven months a year. The geographical area of the state is about 13.90 million hectares, out of which about 17.41% that is, 2.42 million hectares have been surveyed and are under the reporting system. Ladakh division covering about 70% of the total geographical area, the state has only 0.62% of its area recorded in the revenue papers. Major part of the surface area of the state being mountainous is inhospitable for human habitation and nearly half of it is used for forestry. The state of J&K is one of the most under-developed states of the country. It has a backward agriculture and a meagre industrial base. The state is rich in natural resources and its labour force is very intelligent and hardworking. But, due to under utilization of natural resources and man power, substantial gains have not been achieved in the fields of economic development and upliftment of the people. What is more disappointing is the fact that the state is becoming more and more dependent on the imports of both agricultural and industrial commodities from other states of the country due to the absence of sound and scientific economic planning in the state. The agricultural productivity is extremely low because of inadequate supply of irrigation, high - yielding variety of seeds and fertilizers to the farmers

    Organic farming: Present status, scope and prospects in northern India

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    Organic agriculture has emerged as an important priority area globally in view of the growing consciousness for safe and healthy food, long term sustainability and environmental concerns despite being contentious in history. Green revolution although paved way for developing countries in self-sufficiency of food but sustaining production against the limited natural resource base demands has shifted steadily from “resource degrading” chemical agriculture to “resource protective” organic agriculture. The essential concept remains the same, i.e., to go back to the arms of nature and take up organic farming to restore the loss. Organic farming emphasizes on rotating crops, managing pests, diversifying crops and livestock and improving the soil. The rainfed areas particularly north-eastern regions where least or no utilization of chemical inputs due to poor resources provides considerable opportunity for promotion of organic farming thereby reflecting its vast but unexplored scope. However, significant barriers like yield reduction, soil fertility enhancement, integration of livestock, marketing and policy etc., arise at both macroscopic and microscopic levels; making practically impossible the complete adoption of ‘pure organic farming’; rather some specific area can be diverted to organic farming and thus a blend of organic and other innovative farming systems is needed. Adoption of Integrated Green Revolution Farming can be possible to a large extent, where the basic trends of green revolution are retained with greater efficiency and closer compatibility to the environment. This review paper attempts to present the recent global and regional scenario of organic farming particularly highlighting the scope, prospects and constraints in the northern areas

    Thermomechanical modeling of material flow and weld quality in the friction stir welding of high-density polyethylene

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    A thermomechanical model of the friction stir welding (FSW) of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) was developed by incorporating a Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian (CEL) approach. A Johnson Cook (JC) material model of HDPE was developed through experimentally generated strain-rate- and temperature-dependent stress strain data. Two sets of FSW process parameters with minimum and maximum weld defects were numerically modeled. The numerically calculated temperature distribution, material flow and flash and potential defects were validated and discussed with the experimental results. Tracer particles allowed to visualize the material movement during and after the tool had traversed from the specified region of the workpiece. Both numerical models presented similar maximum temperatures on the upper surface of the workpiece, while the model with high traverse speed and slow rotational speed had narrower shoulder- and heat-affected zones than the slow traverse, high rotational speed model. This contributed to the lack of material flow, hence the development of voids and worm holes in the high traverse speed model. Flash and weld defects were observed in models for both sets of process parameters. However, slow traverse, high rotational speeds exhibited smaller and lesser weld defects than high traverse, slow rotational speeds. The numerical results based on the CEL approach and JC material model were found to be in good agreement with the experimental results

    Transthoracic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology of peripheral lung lesions: an experience of a pulmonologist

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    Background: Ultrasound (USG) guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a simple and cost-effective method for the diagnosis of various peripheral lung lesions. Being radiation free and easily available in most of centres, it has become an important diagnostic modality for early diagnosis of peripheral lung lesions. Besides procedure is simple and complications if occur, can be managed by a pulmonologist effectively. This study was aimed to evaluate the role of Transthoracic ultrasound guided FNAC in diagnosis of peripheral lung lesion.Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at Government Chest Diseases Hospital Srinagar over a period of one year from January 2018-December 2018. 61 patients who fulfilled inclusion criteria were included in this study. After properly explaining the procedure and taking informed consent, USG guided FNAC was done in patients with peripheral lung lesions under local anaesthesia. Radiological and cytological data of enrolled patients was collected prospectively and analysed.Result: About 61 patients were included in this study comprising of 39 males and 22 females in age range of 17- 90 years. Malignancy was the most common cytological diagnosis (78.57%). while as benign diagnosis was reached in 21.43%. In 8.19% of patients, FNAC was inconclusive. Among the malignant group, adenocarcinoma (47.72%) was most common cytological diagnosis. The overall diagnostic yield of USG guided FNAC in this study was 91.8%.Conclusion: USG guided FNAC of peripheral lung lesions is a simple procedure with high accuracy and less complication rate which can be performed by a pulmonologist for diagnosis

    Real time endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial needle aspiration of intrathoracic lymphadenopathy: an initial experience

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    Background: Conventional TBNA has been used in the evaluation of intrathoracic lymphadenopathy with varied success rates depending upon size, site and aetiology of the node. Although mediastinoscopy has higher successes but it comes at the cost of general anaesthesia, more complications and limited access to the inferior and posterior mediastinum. Endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial needle aspiration has the advantage of real time nodal sampling with good success rates and minimal complications. The aim of our study was to assess the diagnostic yield and safety of EBUS TBNA in the evaluation of intrathoracic lymphadenopathy.Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at government chest diseases hospital Srinagar over a period of two years from January 2016-December 2018 on 100 consecutive patients who underwent EBUS TBNA procedure for evaluation mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy. The data was collected and analysed for diagnostic yield and safety profile.Results: Out of the 100 subjects included in the study 52% were males and 48% were females. Mean age of the study population was 48.5±16.65 years. Most of the nodes sampled were subcarinal in location followed by paratracheal and hilar group. Granulomatous pathology (tuberculosis and sarcoidosis) was present in 41 patients followed by malignancy in 39 patients. Anthracosis was the cause of lymphadenopathy in 4 of the patients. There were no major complications in our study.Conclusions: EBUS TBNA is an effective and safe procedure for evaluation of mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy

    Agribusiness Entrepreneurs and their Market Share

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    Agribusiness venture has huge function in the economy to foster rural development in the nation The current agribusiness venture in UT of Jammu and Kashmir is mainly in the nature of food processing units They have implications on food security and essential necessities of human beings The present study aims at recognizing qualities shortcomings opportunities and threats for agribusiness ventures with economic and financial perspectives in UT of Jammu and Kashmir to capture market shar