183 research outputs found


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    Objective: Aim of to present study was to assess drug utilization pattern of antibiotics use in Lower respiratory tract infection and their adverse drug reaction assessment.Methods: The present study was an observational and prospective study. 110 patients fulfill the inclusion criteria were included in study. Physician prescription records, patient's medication profile types of antibiotics prescribed were recorded and analyzed.Results: Out of 110 LRTI patients, 74 (67.27%) patients were male and 36(32.72%) patients were female. 72 patients were suffered from bronchitis while 38 patients were suffering from pneumonia. 30 patients were in the age range of 56-65 y, followed by 21 patients who were in the age range of 66-75 y. It has been observed that among all the prescribed antibiotic agent's frequency of β-lactam 199(45.53%), quinolones115 (26.27%), macrolides 53(12.12%) chloramphenicol44 (10.06%) sulphonamide 17 (3.89%) and aminoglycosides 9(2.05%) were prescribed to all the patients. Average 3.97 antibiotic agents were prescribed to all the patients. Majority of drugs were given by oral route (68.19%) and Prescriptions are mainly ordered in brand names. The most frequent co-morbid condition was found to be diabetes mellitus (25.45%) followed by hypertension (16.36%) and coronary artery disease (11.81%).45.45%. Only 23 ADRs were detected in 110 patients. The most common culprit was an amoxicillin with clavulanic acid.Conclusion: The present study provides an overall pattern of antibiotic usage in different patients. The area of concern in the present study is polypharmacy and use of antibiotics in LRTI without following any guideline. ADRs monitoring is also required to prevent noxious effects of drugs by the use of antibiotics


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    Objective: To evaluate the drug utilization of Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) along with their ADRs in a tertiary care hospital. And to monitor, report of adverse drug reaction and drug interactions, if any. Methods: The patients who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria were enrolled into the study. The pertinent data such as demographic details, drug name, dose, frequency, and laboratory data were gathered from medical records of the patient and results were analyzed. Results: Total of 100 patients were included in this study, the maximum utilization of antihypertensive drug (ARB) was telmisartan (90%) and widely use of ARBs in the age group of 41-50 y. Total 32 ADRs were observed and most probable ADRs included headache (42.8%), Nausea (14.28%) and dizziness (12.5%). Conclusion: Telmisartan was the most prescribed and utilized drug than the other drugs of ARBs. Maximum ADRs were noted in females, the most frequent ADRs headache, nausea and dizziness were reported. The majority of reactions were probable on causality assessment done by WHO-UMC and Naranjo’s scale having mild severity. So it can be concluded that considering risk factors, prevention and management of ADRs can drastically improve the therapeutic outcomes of the patients

    Aquatic Plants of District Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan

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    In this taxonomic account 18 aquatic plants, which are reported for the first time from Dera Ismail Khan District are presented. The species were Alternanthera sessilis (Linn.) DC., Azolla pinnata R. Br., Bacopa moneiri (Linn.) Pennell., Ceratophyllum demersum Linn., Eleocharis palustris (Linn.) R. Brown., Hydrilla verticillata Royle., Marselia quadrifolia Linn., Nelumbium nelumbo (Linn.) Druce., Nymphoide cristata Roxb.) O.Ketze., Phragmites karka (Retz.) Trin., Pistia stratiotes Linn., Polygonum barbatum Linn; Polygonum flaccidum Meissn., Potammogeton crispus Linn., Potamogeton nodosus Poiret, Spirodela polyrrhiza (Linn.) Schield, Typha domenginsis Pers., Typha elephantia Roxb


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    This study was contemplated to determine the comparative beneficial effects of hypertonic saline solution and sterile saline solution in induced endotoxic shock in dogs. For this purpose, 12 healthy Mongrel dogs were randomly divided into two equal groups (A and B). All the animals were induced endotoxaemia by slow intravenous administration of Escherichia coli endotoxins 0111:B4. Group A was treated with normal saline solution @ 90 ml/kg BW, while group B was given hypertonic saline solution @ 4 ml/kg BW, followed by normal saline solution @ 10 ml/kg BW. Different parameters were observed for evaluation of these fluids including clinical and haematological parameters, serum electrolytes, mean arterial pressure, and blood gases at different time intervals up to 24 hours post treatments. After infusion of respective fluids, all parameters returned to baseline values in both the groups but group B showed better results than group A except bicarbonates, which better recovered in group A. Thus, it was concluded that a small-volume of hypertonic saline solution could be effectively used in reversing the endotoxaemia. Moreover, it provides a rapid and inexpensive resuscitation from endotoxic shock


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    Background: Steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most commonly used to treat inflammation, and shown to have severe side effects. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the anti-inflammatory and acute toxicity effects of Baccharoides schimperi (DC.) in order to get new anti-inflammatory agents of natural origin. Materials and methods: The aerial part of the plant was dried under shade, ground and extracted with 96% alcohol (BSE). It was further fractionated in sequence to n-hexane (BSH), chloroform (BSC) and methanol (BSM) soluble fractions. Acute toxicity was evaluated by oral administration of plant and hind paw induced-edema method in rats was used for the anti-inflammatory evaluation. Results: The BSE was found safe up to the dose level of 3 g/kg b.w. and showed LD50 value 7.250 g/kg body weight (b.w.) in mice. BSE showed significant anti-inflammatory effect (62.91%) at 500 mg/kg b.w. Further the n-hexane, chloroform and methanol fractions of BSE were tested for anti-inflammatory activity. The n-hexane fraction (BSH) exhibits significant activity (64.87%) at 400 mg/kg b.w. The methanol fraction (BSM) showed dose dependent activity, highest activity (60.42%) was observed at higher dose 400 of mg/kg b.w. In chloroform fraction (BSC) no significant activity was observed. Conclusion: The results of the study revealed that the plant is safe to the experimental model and recommended as a potential source of anti-inflammatory agent

    Impact of Social Networking Sites on school-going adolescent boys in Kashmir, India

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    The adolescent age group is one of the most vulnerable periods of life span. It is the period that develops identity and integrity among individuals. The environmental influx to this group includes the SNS’s as one of the major components, having a direct impact on the transition of adolescents to adults. It is in this backdrop, the need is to critically study the impact of SNS’s on adolescent’s life and identifying the key consequences that are emerging out of either using or misusing of same. Ranging from initial exposure of SNS’s to disturbed social life a detailed assessment has been made to know how school-going adolescents are influenced. The mental health status and related illness due to misuse of SNS’s has due assessment. The study is also identifying the core areas of intervention like monitoring and participation for effective response to adolescent problems arising out of excessive usage of same


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    In the title compound, C15H14N2O2, the aromatic rings are oriented at a dihedral angle of 24.52 (5)°. The dihedral angle between the nitro group and its parent benzene ring is 9.22 (16)°. In the crystal, mol­ecules inter­act through aromatic π—π stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid separations = 3.8158 (14) and 3.9139 (14) Å]

    Mulsemedia in Special Education: A Novel Teaching Approach for the Next Generation

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    Technology-enhanced learning settings are changing quickly and complexly in the contemporary digital era, making it possible for students with disabilities to learn more effectively than before. The words "multisensory" and "media" together, however, suggest that this strategy entails incorporating several sensory modalities in educational media to improve learning experiences for children with disabilities. It can entail integrating visual, aural, tactile, and kinesthetic elements to meet various learning requirements and styles. This article examines how Mulsemedia, one of these cutting-edge technologies, enhances learning methodologies, improving the teaching and learning of unique pedagogies and emphasizing teaching and learning-related modules for students with special needs. The researchers used a qualitative research design to understand and review the ten papers with secondary data based connected to mulsemedia in special education: A novel teaching approach for the next generation. The article also describes the extremely encouraging outcomes of case studies conducted with engineering students with disabilities in several schools in India. This critical article finds that multimedia-enhanced instruction significantly improves special students' learning experiences and ability to learn new information for future development

    Alteration of metabolic biomarkers and oxidative stress indices in pashmina (Changthangi) goats under climate change

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    The main aim of this study was to evaluate climate change induced variation of metabolic biomarkers and oxidative stress indices in different age groups of pashmina goats. Adult animals in comparison to young and old animals had significantly higher levels of glucose, glycated haemoglobin (GHb), fructosamine and total protein during summer and significantly higher levels of glucose, fructosamine and haemoglobin (Hb) during winter. Significantly reduced levels of these biochemicals were noted in winter than summer in all age groups except for glucose in young and old, GHb in young and Hb in adult animals. Urea and acetoacetate levels were significantly higher in young animals than adults during winter. Higher betahydroxybutyrate and lower propionate levels were noted during winter than summer in all age groups. Significantly higher levels of insulin, T3, T4 and lower levels of TSH and cortisol in adult animals were noted in both seasons. Significant rise of insulin in adult, T3 and T4 in young and old, cortisol in young and TSH in all animals occurred during winter. Level of GSH in summer, CAT and SOD in winter were significantly higher in adult animals whereas, that of LPO were in young animals. Decrease in levels of antioxidants and increase of oxidants during winter was significant in all age groups. Hence, young and old age groups of pashmina goats are more vulnerable to metabolic alterations under climatic stress than the adult group
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