Impact of Social Networking Sites on school-going adolescent boys in Kashmir, India


The adolescent age group is one of the most vulnerable periods of life span. It is the period that develops identity and integrity among individuals. The environmental influx to this group includes the SNS’s as one of the major components, having a direct impact on the transition of adolescents to adults. It is in this backdrop, the need is to critically study the impact of SNS’s on adolescent’s life and identifying the key consequences that are emerging out of either using or misusing of same. Ranging from initial exposure of SNS’s to disturbed social life a detailed assessment has been made to know how school-going adolescents are influenced. The mental health status and related illness due to misuse of SNS’s has due assessment. The study is also identifying the core areas of intervention like monitoring and participation for effective response to adolescent problems arising out of excessive usage of same

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