18 research outputs found

    Analisis Kesalahan Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia dalam Surat Resmi Kantor Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Tahun 2018/2019

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    This study aims to describe Indonesian spelling errors in official letters issued by the General Sub-Section of the East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service Office. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach by collecting, compiling and presenting data. The technique used by the writer in this research is observation, documentation, listening technique and note-taking technique. The author analyzes or finds out spelling errors by listening to the letters one by one, then notes and counts spelling errors as a whole. Based on the results of the research that the author examined on official letters, there were still spelling errors in Indonesian which focused on errors: 1) writing the use of letters, 2) writing punctuation marks and 3) writing words. From this description, the author concludes that in writing the Indonesian spelling in an official letter in the General Sub-Section of the East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service Office, there are still some errors in the writing, as evidenced by the results of research conducted by the author

    Campur Kode Bahasa Buton Terhadap Bahasa Indonesia Pada Rapat Organisasi Himpunan Mahasiswa Buton di Kota Samarinda

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the form and factors causing code mixing at the Buton Student Association Organization Meeting in the city of Samarinda. This research uses the matching and agih method. The data collection technique used the listening method and the speaking method. The results of the study show the form of code mixing between Butonese and Indonesian at the Buton Student Association Organization Meeting in the city of Samarinda and the factors that cause code mixing. The forms of Code Mixing are 1) Code Mixing in the form of words, 2) Code Mixing in the form of phrases, 3) Code Mixing in the form of clauses. There are 2 factors that cause code mixing, namely 1) the speaker factor, 2) the language factor. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the communication process that occurs at the Buton Student Association Organization Meeting in the city of Samarinda is in the form of code mixing in the form of words, phrases and clauses. Factors causing code mixing are speaker factors and language factors

    Campur Kode Bahasa Bugis Ke Dalam Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah MI DDI Al-Irsyad Long Iram Seberang Kutai Barat

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    This research is focused on mixing Bugis language codes into Indonesian at MI DDI Al-Irsyad Long Iram Seberang Kutai Barat School. The purpose of this study was to find out the forms of code mixing and to describe the factors for the formation of code mixing in Bugis and Indonesian in conversations at MI DDI Al-Irsyad Long Iram Seberang Kutai Barat. This study uses the method of observation, with techniques direct observation and notes. Then the results of the analysis are presented in the form of a description which contains code mixing, code mixing forms, and the factors that occur code mixing at MI DDI Al-Irsyad Long Iram Seberang Kutai Barat. The results of the study of mixing the Bugis language code into Indonesian at MI DDI Al-Irsyad Long Iram Seberang Kutai Barat, are as follows. First, there are 13 data found in the form of code mixing of Bugis language into Indonesian in speech events. Mix the code in the form of words as much as 6 data. There are 3 phrases. Second, the researchers found that the factors that cause code mixing are speaker factor 1, language factor 1, and familiarity factor 2. From the results of this study it can be concluded that in the conversation that took place at MI DDI Al-Irsyad Long Iram Seberang there was a form code mixing in the form of words and phrases. The cause of code mixing is the speaker factor and the language factor in the occurrence of code mixing as an interaction

    Analisis Tuturan Ritual Tawar Pengobatan di Desa Penyinggahan Kabupaten Kutai Barat Kalimantan Timur: Ditinjau Dari Bentuk Dan Fungsi Mantra

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    The problems studied in this study are (a) How the form of speech of treatment bid ritual in Penyinggahan Village, Kutai Regency West; (b) How the function of speech of treatment bid ritual in Penyinggahan Village, Kutai Regency West; (c) How the meaning of speech of treatment bid ritual in Penyinggahan Village, Kutai Regency West. The aim of the research These are (a) To describe the form of speech of treatment bid ritual in Penyinggahan Village, Kutai Regency West; (b) To describe the function the ritual of speech of treatment bid ritual in Penyinggahan Village, Kutai Regency West; (c) To describe the meaning of speech of treatment bid ritual in Penyinggahan Village, Kutai Regency West. Methods used in research This is method analsys using observation techniques, structured interviews, note, record and listen. Research results obtained from data analysis that has been done by the author, the results of the research are (i) Mantra consists of several series of rhyming words; (ii) is verbal, magic or magical; (iii) asopheric (a special language between the speaker and the interlocutor); (iv) there are words that are less commonly used in everyday life. Function the bargaining spell of the treatment of the Kutai tribe based on the results of its function analysis, namely (i) The function of the mantra as a social controller; (ii) The spell functions as tolerance; (iii) The function of the mantra as a means to pray

    Deiksis dalam Rubrik Opini Kaltim Post Agustus 2019 serta Fungsinya sebagai Bahan Ajar Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA

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    Changes in the context of speech or discourse can often result in errors in the use of deixis in a speech or discourse. This encourages to know the meaning of the speech or discourse. In newspapers, especially opinion rubrics, the proper use of deixis can make the newspaper easier to understand. Opinion is a journalistic product which is writing about the views or opinions of someone from various professions. This study aims to examine the form of deixis in the August 2019 edition of the Kaltim Post opinion rubric and its function as teaching materials for Indonesian language learning in high school. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The source of the data comes from the August 2019 edition of the Kaltim Post daily opinion rubric. The data was obtained using the listening and note-taking technique. The results of this study are 1) found 5 types of deixis namely personal deixis (me, us, you, he, him, them) social deixis (lecturers, pilgrims, Bappenas), place deixis (this and that), time deixis (last week, this year, 2045 later) and discourse deixis (anaphora and cataphora) 2) opinion rubric meets the criteria as teaching materials for editorial text learning in high school

    Penggunaan Variasi Bahasa di Media Sosial Twitter: Kajian Sosiolinguistik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk, fungsi, dan latar belakang terjadinya variasi bahasa di media sosial Twitter. data diperoleh dengan metode simak bebas libat cakap, teknik catat, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode agih dan metode padan. Hasil dari penelitian ini sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian, yaitu 1) wujud variasi bahasa terdiri dari lima bentuk: kata, frase, klausa, kalimat, dan bentuk baru; 2) fungsi variasi bahasa: a) menarik perhatian mitra tutur; b) menjalin hubungan, c) berfungsi untuk memuji dan mengejek, d) menunjukkan perasaan dari penutur, e) sebagai alat untuk meminta mitra tutur melakukan seuatu, f) menujukkan rasa akrab, g) meringkas tuturan, h) menghaluskan tuturan, i) menambah kosakata, j) menunjukkan perbedaan bahasa yang digunakan pengguna Twitter, k) sebagai referen; dan 3) latar belakang terjadinya variasi bahasa disebabkan oleh dua faktor. Pertama, faktor internal berupa proses fonologi dan morfologi. Kedua, faktor eksternal berupa situasi tutur yang informal, perbedaan usia pengguna Twitter, perbedaan tujuan dalam bertutur, dan perbedaan tingkat pendidikan dan pekerjaan

    Struktur Kalimat Bahasa Paser Dialek Telake

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    The syntax can help researchers to analyze the structure of phrases, clauses, or sentences of certain regional languages. Things that can be analyzed as sentence types, sentence functions, and categories contained in sentence functions. The purpose of this study is to describe the structure of sentence functions in the Paser language of the Telake dialect, Paser Regency, and the categories that can fill each sentence function in the Paser language of the Telake dialect. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The descriptive qualitative research method is defined as research that examines natural social action events emphasizing the way people interpret, and understand the structure of sentence functions and the categories that can fill each sentence function in the Telake dialect Paser language. To obtain the primary data, the writer uses (a) observation technique, (b) recording technique, (c) listening technique, (d), note-taking technique, and (e) introspection technique. The data is then classified according to the research indicators to achieve the research objectives that have been set. The results of the research on the functions and categories of sentences in the Paser language of the Telake dialect show that the functions and categories of sentences in the Telake Paser dialect are in the types of sentences (1) singular, (2) compound, (3) declarative, (4) imperative, (5) interrogative, (6) exclamative, (7) major, and (8) minor


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    The research that will be raised is about the development of learning media Levidio Storyboard in learning to write the text of film / drama review on the students of class XI SMK. The purpose of this research is (1) Levidio Storyboard learning media in learning to write movie/drama review text, and (2) implementation of Levidio Storyboard media development in learning to write movie/drama review text. This writing is a development writing that refers to the development model of Borg and Gall that has been modified by the author includes seven steps namely writing and gathering information, planning stage, product development stage with Levidio Storyboard, expert validation, first phase revision, field trials, and revisions Final stage improvement. The location of the research was SMKN 7 Samarinda in April s.d. May 2017. Based on data analysis, Levidio Storyboard media is feasible and appropriate for use in learning to write text of film/drama review for students of class XI SMK.Keywords: learning media, levidio storyboard, writing, review tex


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan majas, citraan, dan makna dalam lirik lagu film kartun anak era 90-an versi Indonesia. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu metode simak, dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap dan catat. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu metode agih dengan teknik bagi unsur langsung. Hasil penelitian ini pertama, lirik lagu film kartun anak era 90-an versi Indonesia memanfaatkan beragam majas, yakni majas penegasan yang berjenis aferesis, repetisi (anadiplosis, anafora, epizeuksis), majas perbandingan yang berjenis antonomasia, hiperbola, metafora, personifikasi, dan majas pertentangan berjenis oksimoron. Kedua, lirik lagu film kartun anak era 90-an versi Indonesia terdapat enam jenis citraan, yaitu citraan penglihatan, citraan pendengaran, citraan gerakan, citraan rabaan, citraan penciuman, dan citraan intelektual. Ketiga, makna yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu film kartun anak era 90-an versi Indonesia terdiri dari makna keinginan, makna berusaha, makna semangat, dan makna religius. This study aimed to describe the figure of speech, imagery, and meaning in the song lyrics cartoon children '90s version of Indonesia. The research approach used is qualitative approach with the descriptive method and included in the type of library research. The data collection method used is the referral method, using the skillful and note-free listening technique. The data analysis method used is the "agih" method with the technique for direct elements. The first results of this study, the song lyrics cartoon children '90s version of Indonesia using a variety of figure of speech, namely the affirmation of the type of apheresis, repetition (anadiplosis, anaphora, epizeuxis), comparison types that are antonomasia, hyperbole, metaphor, personification, and advanced the type of oxymoron contradiction. Secondly, the song lyrics cartoon children '90s version of Indonesia there are six types of imagery, namely visual imagery, auditory imagery, kinesthetic imagery, tactile thermal imagery, olfactory imagery, intellectual imagery. Third, the meaning contained in the song lyrics cartoon children '90s version of Indonesia consists of the meaning of desire, the meaning of effort, the meaning of spirit, and the meaning of religious