55 research outputs found

    Antioxidant Activity of Some Selected East Borneo Plants

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    The native plants of East Borneo the Costus specious (Koening) J.E. Smith stem, Lagerstroema spesiosa Pers leaf, Cerbera mangans L leaf, Vitis trifolia L fruit., Scurrula atropurpurea (Blume) Danser root, Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. leaf, Lygodium microphyllum, Bidens Chinensis Willd., Sonneratia caseolaris L. peel, Sonneratia caseolaris L. stem is almost under-explored for their potensial benefits. They were extracted by the solvents of increasing polarity (n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol) were tested for their free radical activity against DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl). The ethyl acetate extract of Costus spesiosus (Koening) J. E. Smith antioxidant were screnned concentration of 68 ppm, similarly athyl acetate extract of Vitis trivolia L., showed antioxidant activity at 64,30 ppm. As the ethyl acetate extract of Scurrulla atropurpurea (Blume), Brucea javanica (L.) Merr, Lygodium microphyllum and Sonneratia caseolaris L. stem, showed antioxidant activity at 273,52 ppm, 91,12 ppm, 17,39 ppm and 7,03 ppm. N-butanol extract of Lagerstroema spesiosa Pers, Cerbera mangans L, Bidens chinensis Willd, and Sonneratia caseolaris L. peel showed 8,37 ppm, 128,59 ppm, 18,17 ppm and 54,29 ppm antioxidant activity using DPPH model systems. Owing to the property, the studies can be further extended to exploit them for their possible application for preservation of food products as well as their use as health supplements


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    Objective: The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of extraction method modification of Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth herbs for alkaloid enrichment and thin layer chromatography (TLC) profile.Methods: The dried herbs were extracted with six different methods (including; method A, B, C, D, and E). The obtained extract solution was evaporated and was analyzed. Alkaloid content identified using Dragendorff spray reagent. The gravimetric method was used to determine of total alkaloid, and TLC profile was analyzed using a densitometer at a wavelength of 254 nm and 366 nm.Results: The results showed a difference from all modification of extraction method for alkaloid enrichment and their TLC profile. The use of eluent dichloromethane (DCM):methanol (95:5) was potential for isolation of the compound. From whole extraction methods, only one that tested positive for alkaloids was method A. Total alkaloids in DCM fraction amounted to 29.59 mg/g piperine.Conclusion: Based on the above results, method A can be applied for isolation of alkaloid compound from this herb

    Improvement of Non-invasive Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Meter with IoT Technology

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    In checking blood sugar levels, patients often feel uncomfortable because invasive blood sampling must be done and if done to patients who have a history of high glucose, it can cause wounds that are difficult to heal and can be operated on. This study aims to non-invasively monitor cholesterol levels, reducing discomfort and pain for patients by eliminating the need for invasive procedures. The method used in this research is the MAX30102 sensor will detect blood sugar through the patient's finger, the data will be processed in ESP8266 as monitoring will connect to the OLED LCD as a viewer and IoT as data storage with Wi-Fi connected. In this study, the greatest accuracy value was obtained 99.03% with the largest error value of 10.52% and the smallest accuracy value was 89.48% with the smallest error value of 0.97%. From all measurement results, the average accuracy value is 93.974% and the average error is 6.026%. It can be concluded that the development of a non-invasive method for monitoring blood sugar levels by utilizing the MAX30102 sensor with this accuracy value shows that this non-invasive method is reliable for monitoring blood sugar levels. In future studies, researchers are expected to use more accurate sensors and take more data to get a better average value


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    Kadamba (Mitragyna speciosa Korth Havil) merupakan salah satu tumbuhan endemik di Asia Tenggara, di Indonesia, tumbuhan ini banyak di jumpai di pulau Kalimantan. Tumbuhan ini dipercaya oleh masyarakat dapat mengobati berbagai macam penyakit. Namun, karena kandungan alkaloidnya, tumbuhan ini dilarang digunakan sebagai bahan baku obat herbal oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan pengembangan metode ekstraksi untuk menarik senyawa metabolit sekunder target dan meminimalkan senyawa yang tidak diinginkan yaitu dengan menggunakan metode ekstraksi berbantu mikrowave dengan pelarut hijau (Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent) yang dioptimasi menggunakan response surface methodology (RSM). Simplisia kering daun Kadamba diekstraksi menggunakan metode ekstraksi berbantu mikrowave dengan pelarut hijau (asam sitrat-glukosa) dengan berbagai kondisi ekstraksi dengan empat faktor dan tiga level (Box Behnken Design) yang dioptimasi menggunakan RSM dengan aplikasi perangkat lunak Design Expert versi 12 berlisensi. Penetapan kadar polifenol total dilakukan menggunakan reagen Folin-Ciocalteau dan diukur absorbansinya pada spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 770 nm, serta asam gallat sebagai standar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh kondisi optimum pada perbandingan rasio pelarut NADES (asam sitrat : glukosa) 5:1 g/g, rasio pelarut-sampel sebesar 1:20 g/mL, waktu ekstraksi selama 20 menit dan kekuatan gelombang mikro sebesar 30% dengan kadar polifenol total prediksi sebesar 314,924 ±35,95 mg GAE/g sampel, sedangkan dari hasil proses verifikasi (scale-up confirmation) yaitu dengan meningkatkan jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak sepuluh kali lipat dengan Kadar polifenol total diperoleh  sebesar 427,12 ±35,95 mg GAE/g. Penelitian ini merupakan langkah awal dalam pengembangan metode ekstraksi untuk memperoleh senyawa target secara cepat, mudah, efisien, dan ramah lingkungan


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    A study concerning the characteristics and Analysis of Drug Related Problems (DRPs) Patients with Tuberculosis Patients in Public Health Center (PHC) Temindung, Samarinda in East Kalimantan. The study was conducted using a prospective approach to the study of data sources in the form of primary data and secondary data. The primary data source is data from interviews with patients and through the provision of questionnaires and secondary data in this research is a Tuberculosis patient medical record data. Data collection was performed by analyzing the accuracy of the DRPs categories of accuracy of drugs, side effects and patient non-compliance. As well as the data recorded in the form of research support patient characteristics are age, sex, and education. Data were analyzed descriptively. Data obtained from patients with male gender 63.6% and women 36.4. Patient with age 50 years 27.3% . Based on the patient's level of education, no school 9.1%, graduated from elementary school22.7%, graduated from high school18.2%, graduated from high school40.1%, scholar 9.1%. Incidence of DRPs on drugs interactions 507%. Tuberculosis patient compliance rate of 81.8% in PHC Temindung adherent patients and 18.2% of patients do not comply Keywords: Tuberculosis, Drug Related Problems (DRPs) drugs interactions and patient compliance   ABSTRAK Telah  dilakukan penelitian tentang Karakteristik dan Analisis Drug Related Problems(DRPs) Pasien Penderita Tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Temindung, Samarinda Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan prospektif dengan sumber data penelitian berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Sumber data primer  adalah data hasil wawancara dengan pasien dan melalui pemberian kuisioner sedangkan data sekunder dalam penelitian ini adalah data rekam medik pasien Tuberkulosis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menganalisis DRPs kategori interaksi obat dan ketidakpatuhan pasien. Serta dicatat data pendukung penelitian berupa karakteristik pasien yaitu usia, jenis kelamin, dan tingkat pendidikan.Data dianalisis secara deskriptif.Dari data yang diperoleh pasien dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki 63,6% danperempuan 36,4%.Pasien yang berusia 50 tahun 27,3%. Berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan pasien, tidak sekolah 9,1%,lulus SD 22,7%,lulus SMP 18,2%,lulus SMA 40,1%, sarjana 9,1%. Kejadian DRPs mengenai interaksi obat 50%.Tingkat kepatuhan pasien Tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Temindung 81,8% pasien patuh dan 18,2% pasien tidak patuh. Kata kunci:    Tuberkulosis, Drug Related Problems (DRPs), Interaksi Obat, Kepatuhan pasien

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activity of polyphenolic compounds from Peperomia pellucida (L) Kunth: An in silico molecular docking study

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    This study aimed to predict the potential activity and interaction conformation of polyphenolic compounds from Peperomia pellucida (L) Kunth (nine compounds) with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) macromolecule by in silico molecular docking study. The crystal structure of ACE as a molecular target was obtained from the PDB database (PDB ID: 1UZF) with captopril as a native ligand. Molecular docking analysis was performed using AutoDockZn (100 docking runs) based on the active site of Zn2+, the central grid was placed on Zn2+ with a box size of 40Á × 40Á × 40Á and a center of 40.835Á × 34.382Á × 44.607Á for selective inhibitors (MCO702) with a spacing of 0.375Á. Based on the docking results demonstrated that the prediction of each polyphenol compounds from P. pellucida has the potential of active as ACE inhibitors, it was indicated that docking results of each compound has lower affinity compared to captopril (with binding affinity of −6.36 kcal/mol and the inhibition constant 21.81 μM), where the most moderate binding affinity (the most potential) was tetrahydrofuran lignin ((1R,2S,3S,5R)-3,5-bis(4-hydroxy- 3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)cyclopentane-1,2-diyl)bis-(methylene) diacetate) of −8.66 kcal/mol and the highest binding affinity (the less potential) was dillapiole (6-allyl-4,5-dimethoxybenzo[d][1,3]dioxole) of −4.99 kcal/mol, although with different forms of interaction, bond, and constant inhibition. Based on the interaction of ACE binding site, 5,6,7-trimethoxy-4-(2,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydronaphthalen-1(2H)-one showed the most similar interaction with the captopril ligand. These results are preliminary data for further research with predictions of target compound biological activity and interaction quickly, accurately, and inexpensively. Keywords: Angiotensin-converting enzyme, binding affinity, molecular docking, Peperomia pellucida (L) Kunth, polyphenolics

    Optimization of betaine-sorbitol natural deep eutectic solvent-based ultrasound-assisted extraction and pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of chlorogenic acid and caffeine content from robusta green coffee beans

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    Natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) is an alternative approach in natural product extraction with various advantages, including low toxicity, biodegradable, and suitable phytochemical compounds in a wide range of polarity. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) and caffeine, a well-known compound in the coffee bean, have various potential health benefits. This study aims to optimize the betaine–sorbitol NADES-based ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) method of CGA and caffeine from Robusta green coffee beans and determine the inhibitory activity of robusta green coffee beans extract of the betaine-sorbitol NADES-UAE from the optimum condition on pancreatic lipase in vitro and in silico. The betaine-sorbitol NADES-UAE factors as experimental design variable parameters include betaine-sorbitol ratio (0.5:1.2, 1.25:1.2, and 2:1.2 mol), extraction time (10, 35, and 60 min), and solid-liquid ratio (1:10, 1:20, and 1:30 g/mL). Response surface methodology and Box-Behnken Design were used to optimize the extraction process. The response surface was calculated by using CGA and caffeine content as response values. CGA and caffeine content was determined by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Whereas in vitro lipase inhibitory activity assay examined by spectrophotometric measurement and in silico molecular docking analysis on PDB ID: 1LPB. According to the results, the optimum conditions of the betaine-sorbitol NADES-UAE have obtained the betaine-sorbitol ratio of 1.25: 1.2 mol, solid-liquid ratio of 1:30 mg/mL, and 60 min extraction time. Furthermore, obtained Robusta green coffee extract from the optimum condition of the betaine-sorbitol NADES-UAE showed high potential to inhibit lipase activity with IC50 of 18.02 μg/ml, comparable with IC50 of standard CGA (11.90 μg/ml) and caffeine (15.59 μg/ml), where potential interaction of both standards was confirmed using molecular docking analysis. Our finding demonstrated the optimum condition of the betaine-sorbitol NADES-UAE method for CGA and caffeine extraction and the potential pancreatic lipase inhibition activity from the Robusta green coffee bean. Keywords CaffeineChlorogenic acidNatural deep eutectic solventPancreatic lipaseRobusta green coffee beansUltrasonic-assisted extractio


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    The Quantitatif Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) study has been established on 13 Carbazole analog compounds to their antibacterial activity using electronical descriptors. The development of computational chemistry, in particular quantum chemical calculation progression, has made the possibility of molecule modeling and pharmacochemistry exploration of molecule structures. This emerging semiempirical method can be implemented in QSAR using Hansch model. A research associated with QSAR antibacterial activity of Carbazole analog compounds which used semiempirical AM1 (Austin Model 1) method has been conducted. The geometrical optimation of 2D into 3D structures was done utilizing HyperChem program with the Polak – Ribiere algorithm. Results revealed that atom in the position C8, C9, C10 and C12 are necessary to predict biological activity of Carbazoleanalog. Keywords: QSAR, Atomic Net Charges, Cross Validation Method

    Penentuan Nilai Persentase Eritema dan Pigmentasi Ekstrak Herba Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida L.) Secara In Vitro

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    Penelitian yang berjudul Penentuan Nilai Persentase Transimisi Eritemadan Pigmentasi dari Ekstrak Herba Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida L.) secara ini vitro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai persentasetransmisi eritema dan persentase transmisi pigmentasi secara in vitrodengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri. Dilakukan ekstraksi sampel dengan menggunakan maserasi menggunakan pelarut methanol, selanjutnya ekstrak difraksinasi menggunakan pelarut dengan tingkat kepolaran yang berbeda yang berturut-turut dimulai dengan menggunakan pelarut N-heksan, etil asetat dan n-butanol, masing-masing ekstrak dan fraksi dilakukan penentuan nilai transmisi eritema dan transmisi pigmentasi menggunakan spektofotometer UV-VIS pada panjang gelombang 290-400 nm pada range setiap 5 nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rendemen ekstrak Herba Suruhan (Peperomia Pellucida L.) terhadap sampel segar yaitu ekstrak metanol sebesar 1,05%, fraksi n-heksan 0,39%, fraksi etil asetat 0,13%, dan fraksi n-butanol 0,11%. Terhadap sampel kering, rendemen yang diperoleh dari ekstrak kasar metanol yaitu 8,25%, fraksi n-heksan 3,09%, fraksi etil asetat 1,03%, dan fraksi n-butanol 0,82%. Sedangkan terhadap ekstrak kasar metanol, nilai rendemen fraksi n-heksan sebesar 37,49%, fraksi etil asetat 12,49%, dan fraksi n-butanol 10,00%, serta hasil pengujian aktivitas sebagai tabir surya dengan konsentrasi efektif adalah ekstrak metanol pada konsentrasi 10 ppm %Te 0,8878% dan %Tp 0,8778%, fraksi n-heksan pada konsentrasi 10 ppm %Te 0,8282% dan %Tp 0,8135%, fraksi etil asetat pada konsentrasi 10 ppm %Te 0,7373% dan %Tp 0,7215%, fraksi n-butanol pada konsentrasi 10 ppm %Te 0,7602% dan %Tp 0,7605%. &nbsp