2,095 research outputs found

    Perancangan Animasi Responsif Gender Putri Putra dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Pandangan Gender Anak

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    Pada saat dunia berlomba mencapai kesetaraan gender, indeks ketimpangan gender Indonesia justru mengalami peningkatan dan menjadi yang terburuk di ASEAN. Pendidikan responsif gender yang diupayakan sejak anak usia dini oleh pemerintah masih menemui hambatan. Animasi sebagai media favorit anak dinilai dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi agen pendukung pendidikan responsif gender untuk anak. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menguraikan perancangan animasi reponsif gender berjudul Putri Putra dan mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap pandangan gender anak usia 6-7 tahun. Metode penelitian bersifat kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data kajian pustaka, wawancara, kuesioner, dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data dianalisis dengan teknik analisis konten kualitatif. Hasil temuan penelitan menunjukkan adanya pengaruh signifikan dari animasi responsif gender Putri Putra episode ‘Yang Jago Mancing Ikan!’ terhadap pandangan gender anak dalam kegiatan memancing. Pandangan gender anak yang bersifat stereotip berubah menjadi responsif gender. anak yang tadinya meyakini bahwa memancing ikan adalah kegiatan maskulin yang hanya dapat dilakukan oleh laki-laki merubah pandangannya menjadi percaya bahwa memancing bukan hanya dapat dilakukan oleh laki-laki, melainkan juga perempuan

    Faith, Spirituality, and Character: An Overview of The Qur’ānic Principles of a Successful Life

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    From Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics to modern psychologists such as Martin Seligman (b.1942), it has been an old-age human quest to know the principles of success, happiness, and fulfillment. In the rapidly changing modern world, defining the concept of a ‘successful and happy life’ through the teachings of various philosophies has become an important and popular study. A great number of self-help books and research articles are being published to teach the principles and practices of success. Different ideologies and philosophers suggest different principles of success. Some of which may be effective while some may not be. It is important to explore the most authentic and reliable principles of success. For this article, the literature review of the Qur’ānic verses has been conducted under a governing question: What is true success, and how to attain it in the light of Qur’ān? The goal of this study is to identify the Qur’ānic view and principles of success and examine their validation for immediate socioeconomic success as well as the ultimate bliss. This article has attempted to define the concept of true success, explore the best pathway to success, and elaborate on the essential principles of fulfillment in the light of Islam. The researchers have used the qualitative method to analyze Qur’ānic verses with deductive reasoning as their research methodology

    Properties Of Lightweight Foam Concrete With The Inclusion Of Fibres

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    Konkrit ringan berbusa (LFC) adalah konkrit ringan yang terdiri daripada buburan mortar di mana gelembung udara terperangkap di dalam sturukturnya melalui penambahan ejen buih. Ketumpatan LFC yang mempunyai perbezaan besar dari 500kg/m3 hingga 1800kg/m3 menawarkan pelbagai kelebihan seperti ringan, penebat haba yang baik, penebat bunyi yang bagus dan konkrit yang berupaya mengalir bebas. Lightweight Foamed Concrete (LFC) is a concrete consists of slurry mortar in which the air-voids is entrapped in the structure by the addition of foaming agent. The wide density variation of LFC from 500kg/m3 to 1800kg/m3 offers numerous advantages such as lightweight, good thermal and sound insulation, and high flow ability concrete product

    Efficiency Dynamics and Financial Reforms: Case Study of Pakistani Banks

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    Banking sector in Pakistan were facing problems of weak health and low profitability due to various factors i.e. low productivity, high intermediation cost (high cost deposits), huge expenditures on establishment, over staffing, large number of loss making branches and mismanagement of funds etc. Owing to this, banking sector in Pakistan was under great deal of pressure to maintain their profitability. To overcome these issues, Pakistan undertook financial sector reforms in early 1990s with financial support of World Bank and Japanese government under the banking sector adjustment loan (BSAL) program. The main goal of these reforms was to improve the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of financial system through separating ownership, management and strengthening the accountability mechanism. Using the data sets of 20 domestic commercial banks of Pakistan, this study is intended to measure the banking efficiency through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Malmquist Index of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) from 1990 to 2005 to access the impact of reforms on banking sector. The analysis is useful not only for policy makers but it also assess the impact of reforms on domestic commercial banks of PakistanReforms, Banking, TFP analysis

    Silent Scenes in Manga as the Powerful and Universal Visual Languages

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    Comics as the popular medium of communication, especially medium for the children due to its capabilities in telling stories with its visual narrative has been known for quite long. Manga as the form of comic medium that came from Japan is also well known for its uniqueness. Due to the strong relation within the Japan cultural background, manga has integrated its own distinctive way in telling the stories, visually. One of the methods is known as the silent sequences. The silent sequences term is used to mention the scene in comics that told using minimal sequence and with very little -if any- text or narration. Some even used several of unconnected scenes to create a specific mood or a sense of place. Such scenes could be found in abundance in various manga works, notably in the works of Osamu Tezuka or Mitsuru Adachi. Scott McCloud "“a comic scholar- relates these sequences as the solid example of moment-to-moment and aspect-to-aspect type of panel transition. By using mostly visual images with less text and narration as the way of telling stories and creating the exact mood for the scenes, the silent sequences could serve as a good example of the universality and power of comic language. This paper is intended to take further analysis behind the context of the silent sequences and the possibilities in using it as a more universal way in visual communication as part of the power in children's literature

    Sand Control Selection for Wells in Tukau Field

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    The objective of this research was to determine the effective method of sand control for wells in Tukau field. In Tukau Field which was located offshore in Sarawak Baram Delta area, several wells were experiencing sand problem. In this research, TK-54L was selected as case study. The main problems with this well were significant reduction of gross liquid production which results in closing down the well. TK-54L well was completed using through tubing screen to prevent sand production but has shown to be ineffective. Therefore, a proper study was required to select an effective sand control method specifically for Tukau field. The scopes of study were (a) examine on the sand sample, (b) study on the liquid and reservoir properties, (c) study on the available types sand control methods and (d) selection of appropriate sand control methods. Sand sample from TK-54L was used to determine the particle size distribution using sieve analysis. This test determined the uniformity coefficient which suggested several sand control methods. Precise selection done by analysis using existing computer simulation software named WellFlo to simulate the conditions obtained from options available based on the highest production rate. The average sand uniformity coefficient obtained from particle size distribution test was 1.52. This value indicates that the distribution consist of highly uniform sand. The three available sand control methods considered from this research were metal mesh screen, wire wrap screen and gravel pack. Based on the results obtained, wire wrap screen shows the highest operating rate which is at 645.98 STB/day where it 3.5 times more than the current sand control method using through tubing screen. This concludes that the wire wrap screen was selected for well TK-54L

    Partial Stroke Testing of Emergency Shutdown Valve (Masoneilan)

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    This documentation presents the basic research on Emergency Shutdown (ESD) valves testing design requirements to conduct the valves control. The inability to conduct Full Stroke Tests (FST) during the Partial Stroke Tests (PST) has forced this research to be conducted. Basically the project is about designing and programming a controller using software for controlling the f inal element instrument device in this case the emergency shutdown valve to open and close. The significant of this project is to overcome the inability of Emergency Shutdown System valve in the plant or platform to operate sm oothly and successfully. In current situation, most of the final element valve failed to conduct the Full Stroke Tests due to ESD valves become stuck since the ranging years for the testing is about 3 to 5 years. This project will also emphasize in designing the logic controller using Ladder Logic Diagram on a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). There are two (2) methods being implemented to complete this project successfully which would involve designing and testing procedures. Both steps are implemented to get the data for analysis purpose in the final part of the project. In order to understand and perform well , some and further research have been done to understand the software and the instrument itself. Basic knowledge of Partial Stroke Testing and Full Stroke Testing has been mastered as well as the software for developing the system. From the early results and findings, the project has reached the basic objective that is to perform the Full Stroke Test during the Partial Stroke Test. For better analys is and results oriented, there should be some improvement to be done including the software configuration and parameters

    Aspek Naratif dalam Film Animasi Berbasis Format Video 360° dan Non-360° Studi Korelasi: Film Pendek Animasi Pearl (2016)

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    Film animasi berbasis format 360° menghadirkan sensasi dan pengalaman mengenai orientasi terhadap ruang yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan film dengan format biasa. Pada format video 360°, penonton dapat merasakan âjarakâ yang sangat dekat dengan film , bahkan dapat hilang sama sekali. Tetapi di sisi lain, ada aspek yang juga ikut berubah, yaitu aspek naratif/cerita. Penyampaian unsur cerita tanpa framing dari sutradara (frameless) menjadikan isi film yang diterima oleh penonton menjadi berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari keberhasilan aspek naratif tersampaikan, lewat film animasi berbasis video 360°. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan 12 orang responden. Di mana seluruh responden akan menonton film Pearl versi 360°, kemudian mengisi kuesioner yang berisi 36 pertanyaan. Data kuesioner diolah menggunakan software SPSS IBM Statistic 25. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada film animasi berbasis format video 360°, aspek naratif cenderung muncul lebih rendah dibandingkan pengalaman immersive-nya. Aspek teknis yang terdapat dalam format 360° juga sangat mempengaruhi penyampaian isi film. Sehingga, format 360° yang diterapkan pada film animasi, dirasa belum dapat menyampaikan isi cerita dengan baik apabila tidak diberi petunjuk dari sutradara. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rujukan untuk penelitian selanjutnya atau untuk sineas yang akan membuat film berbasis format 360°

    Genetic Variability and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield Related Traits in Helianthus Annus

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    The experiment was conducted in the research area of the department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. The research material were comprised of 20 genotypes of sunflower (G-16, G-30, G-32, G-36, G-44, G-45, G-61, G-64, G-66, G-68, G-86, A-2, A-14, A-23, A-56, A-60, A-61, A-79, A-133 and A-185). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the year 2013. Results revealed that the strongest correlation of seed yield was observed with 1000-grain weight at genotypic level, 1000 grain weight and oil contents were positively and significantly correlated at phenotypic and genotypic levels with total achene weight. So the 1000-seed weight and oil contents are important yield components and could be used as selection criteria to improve seed yield. In path coefficient, highest positive indirect effect of chlorophyll was through oil content. While that direct selection for oil contents, Fresh head diameter, Plant height and days to 50% flowering will give the best results for total achene weight per plant. Keywords: G-16, sunflower, 1000 grain weight, chlorophyll and oil contents