6,863 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Norovirus in Potable Reuse System

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    This study describes the results of a dynamic quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) for norovirus (NoV) that was used to evaluate the relative significance of foodborne, person-to-person, and person-to-sewage-to-person transmission pathways. This last pathway was incorporated into simulated potable reuse systems to evaluate the adequacy of typical treatment trains, operational conditions, and regulatory frameworks. The results confirm that secondary and foodborne transmission dominate the overall risk calculation and that waterborne NoV likely contributes no appreciable public health risk, at least in the scenarios modeled in this study. De facto reuse with an environmental buffer storage time of at least 30 days was comparable or even superior to direct potable reuse (DPR) when compound failures during advanced treatment were considered in the model. Except during these low-probability failure events, DPR generally remained below the 10−4 annual risk benchmark for drinking water. Based on system feedback and the time-dependent pathogen load to the community\u27s raw sewage, this model estimated median raw wastewater NoV concentrations of 107–108 genome copies per liter (gc/L), which is consistent with high-end estimates in recent literature

    Laser induced Zero-Group Velocity resonances in Transversely Isotropic cylinder

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    The transient response of an elastic cylinder to a laser impact is studied. When the laser source is a line perpendicular to the cylinder axis, modes guided along the cylinder are generated. For a millimetric steel cylinder up to ten narrow resonances can be locally detected by laser interferometry below 8 MHz. Most of these resonances correspond to Zero-Group Velocity guided modes while a few others can be ascribed to thickness modes. We observe that the theory describing the propagation of elastic waves in an isotropic cylinder is not sufficient to precisely predict the resonance spectrum. In fact, the texture of such elongated structure manifest as elastic anisotropy. Thus, a transverse isotropic (TI) model is used to calculate the dispersion curves and compare them with the measured one, obtained by moving the source along the cylinder. The five elastic constants of a TI cylinder are adjusted leading to a good agreement between measured and theoretical dispersion curves. Then, all the resonance frequencies are satisfactorily identified.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, submitted to the JAS

    Studi komparatif pemikiran al-Ghazali dan Ibnu Hazm tentang ‘azl

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    INDONESIA: Tujuan pernikahan tidak semata pemenuhan hasrat biologis semata, akan tetapi mempunyai tujuan penting lainnya. Di antara tujuan tersebut adalah pemeliharan keturunan. Bahkan Rasulullah SAW menganjurkan umatnya untuk menikahi wanita yang subur dan bisa memberikan banyak keturunan. Namun demikian memiliki banyak keturunan terkadang juga membawa dampak negatif bagi sebuah keluarga, seperti kurangnya asupan gizi anak, pendidikan yang tidak terpenuhi, kesehatan yang tidak memadai dan lain sebagainya. Sehingga banyak masyarakat mengambil langkah-langkah untuk meminimalisir keturunan mereka. Jika pada masa Rasulullah kita mengenal istilah ‘azl dan pada saat ini kita kenal dengan sebutan KB. Yang menjadi permasaalahan selanjutnya adalah bagaimana sebenarnya pandangan Islam terkait kedua praktek tersebut. Rumusan Masalah penelitian ini ada dua, yaitu : pertama adalah apa yang menjadi dasar hukum al-Ghazali dan Ibnu Hazm tentang hukum ‘azl dan yang kedua adalah bagaimana ‘azl dalam perkembangan modern. Metode yang digunakan penyusun adalah metode deskriptif komparatif yaitu menggambarkan pandangan kedua Imam tersebut tentang ‘azl, kemudian ditarik kesimpulan dan kaitannya dengan KB. Jenis penelitiannya adalah Tinjauan Pustaka (library research), sedangkan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Pendekatan ini digunakan apabila data-data yang dibutuhkan berupa informasi yang tidak memerlukan perhitungan, dan dalam menganalisis data penyusun menggunakan metode analisis komparatif, yaitu membandingkan kedua pendapat imam tersebut dan kemudian menarik sebuah kesimpulan. Dari analisa yang telah penulis lakukan ternyata al-Ghazali berpendapat bahwa tidak adanya nash yang jelas atas pengharaman ‘azl, ‘azl tidak bisa dikategorikan sebagai aborsi, karena aborsi adalah kejahatan yang dilakukan setelah adanya hasil (anak). Menurutnya anak tidak semata lahir karena tumpahnya mani laki-laki dalam rahim wanita. Dalil-dalil yang beliau gunakan adalah dalil yang diriwayatkan oleh Muslim dari abu Said, Nasai, saramah, Syaikhani, abu Hurairah dan Jabir. Sedangkan Ibnu Hazm mengharamkan ‘azl, karena menurutnya ‘azl sama dengan wa’dul khafi. Beliau menggunakan dalil yang diriwayatkan dari Jadamah, menurut beliau hadist tersebut menghapus dalil-dalil yang membolehkan ‘azl. Dalam perkembangannya ‘azl mengalami perkembangan, hal ini dapat kita lihat dari pengertian dan funsi KB yang memiliki kesamaan ataupun kemiripan. Untuk permasaalahan hukumnya, sebagian ulama membolehkannya, akan tetapi ada juga sebagian lainnya yang melarang, seperti Prof. Dr. M.S. Madkour dan Abu a’la al- Maududi. Namun jika merujuk kepada pendapat al-Ghazali, maka hukum KB adalah mubah dan bila merujuk pada pendapat Ibnu Hazm, maka hukum KB adalah haram. ENGLISH: The purpose of marriage is not the fulfillment of merely biological desire, but that has other important objectives. One of them is to keep descendants. Even the Prophet Muhammad advocated Muslims to marry women who are fertile and can provide many descendants. However, having many offspring is sometimes also has negative impacts on a family, such as lack of child nutrition, unsatisfied education, inadequate health and so on. So many people decide to minimize their offspring. If the time of the Prophet we know the 'azl term and this time we know it called KB. The next problem is how exactly Islamic view of the two practices. The Problem formulation of this study is two: first is what the basic law of al-Ghazali and Ibn Hazm on the law of ‘azl and the second is how is the ' azl in the modern development. The method used by the researcher is descriptive method of comparative that describes the both leaders’ views of 'azl, then take conclusion and its relation to KB. The type of this research is library research, while the approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. This approach is used when the required data that is needed in the form of information that requires no calculations and in analysing data the researcher uses the method of comparative analysis, that is comparing the two opinions of the leaders and then takes a conclusion. The analysis that has been done by the researcher is exactly al-Ghazali argues that the absence of clear texts on the prohibition 'azl,' azl can not be categorized as an abortion, because abortion is a crime committed after the result (the child). He thinks children are not simply born out of the spilling of semen of men in a woman's uterus. The arguments he used was the proposition which was narrated by Muslim from Abu Said, Nasai, saramah, Syaikhani, abu Hurayrah and Jabir. While Ibn Hazm proscribes ‘azl, because he thinks that ' azl is like wa'dul khafi. He uses the argument that was narrated from Jadamah, according Ibnu Hazm, the hadith removes the arguments that allow 'azl. In its development, 'azl is getting growth, it can be seen from the understanding and the function of KB that has a similarity or resemblance. In law cas, some Ulama allow it, but there are also some others that prohibit, as Prof. Dr. M.S. Madkour and Abu a’la al- Maududi. But if it refers to the al-Ghazali’s opinion, the KB is permissible (Mubah) and when it refers to the Ibn Hazm’s opinion, KB is forbidden (Haram)

    Third-Party Development for Multi-Contextual Services: On the Mechanisms of Control

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    The increasing adoption of nomadic devices and the associated use of information in numerous use situations pose new challenges for the ISD practice; handling the development of such multi-contextual services covering a broader vignette of users, devices and use situations than typically associated with ISD. Recently organizations have started tapping into development resources in large networks of third-party developers. Such development is enabled through the use of software platforms where developers through boundary resources, such as APIs, may access and extend functionality in new ways. Yet, studies on how organizations are able to control this type of development remains scarce. By synthesizing theory on control and boundary objects we aim at putting a new perspective and gain a greater understanding of how organizations attempt to control such development efforts. As an illustration, we draw upon a case study of a public transportation company which through deployment of a software platform is provided access to a large body of third-party developers. We use this case to study the measures taken to control development


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    This study is to analyze George Orwell’s novel 1984 that published in 1949. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. The analysis of this undergraduate thesis focuses on hermeneutical reading of the text. This study aims to find out critique of ideology concept by reading both the text and the researcher (as interpreter) horizons to get a current meaning of the text. This study applies philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Jurgen Habermas’s critical theory to analyze the novel. After interprets the horizon of the text with three stages of analysis (understanding, historical consciousness, and history of effect), then the prejudice/presupposition (Habermas’ critique of ideology) appear dialectically as interpreter horizon to read the 1984 in its current context. The result proves that, although the work of structure of power in Orwell's life and interpreter are different - Orwell who live in the tension of world ideologies (with fascism, soviet communism, and other totalitarian power) and interpreter in the late-capitalism era (with liberal consensus domination), but analysis of critique of ideology in the 1984 novel in the current context relates to several things. Among other things are, total domination of the system like distorting symbolic interactions and how power works supported - manifested in high-level technology with its propaganda and supervision of civil society. At this point, to resist against totalitarian system, both Orwell and Habermas are similar as well - a process of rationalization with a communication paradigm with emancipatory mission to give a progressive free individual formation in the society

    Spacelab system analysis: A study of the Marshall Avionics System Testbed (MAST)

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    An analysis of the Marshall Avionics Systems Testbed (MAST) communications requirements is presented. The average offered load for typical nodes is estimated. Suitable local area networks are determined

    A model for complexity assessment in manual assembly operations through predetermined motion time systems

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    Manual assembly processes are favoured for supporting low volume production systems, high product variety, assembly operations that are difficult to automate and manufacturing in low-wage countries. However, manual operations can dramatically impact assembly cycle times, quality and cost when the complexity of the manual operation increases. This paper proposes a method for assessing the process complexity of manual assembly operations, using a representation of manual operations based on predetermined motion time systems. The purpose of this framework is to provide a tool that can be used practically to assess, and therefore control, the complexity of manual operations during their design